Chapter 23 : Teahouse

Madame Gao was very puzzled by Bert's words: "You can't forgive me, but you can take me back to Kun-Lun? Blood God, what do you mean?"

"You've committed too many crimes, I can't forgive it!"

Bert said: "But I can make a deal with you, you will be the head of the vampire clan, and you will be responsible for teaching the elite vampires how to practice Chi, and I promise to take you back to Kun-Lun in the future, but in the process, I will not relieve you of your control, and you can only stay in a limited place, like a jail."

"I am willing to accept such punishment, thank you Blood God!"

Madame Gao fell to the ground, expressing her gratitude, as long as she can return to Kun-Lun, she can accept everything!

"What age is this, you don't need to do this, and I just made a deal with you!"

Bert waved his hand. He thought of something and asked, "Has your soul been taken away by the Beast?"

Madam Gao straightened up, picked up her crutches, and stood up, shaking her head, said, "No, I'm careful, I've never been resurrected, and I don't believe in the Beast!"


Bert nodded and said, "Madame Gao, I will trouble you in the future. I want to make Chi, a regular force for the elites of the vampires!"

Madame Gao said: "Teaching is not a problem, but it requires a lot of Elixir!"

"That, I have more!"

Bert put his hand into his chest and pulled out a rib that was taller than a human being!

"Complete ribs? How many Elixirs are down there?"

Madam Gao with her eyes wide open. They didn't steal so many Elixirs from Kun-Lun back then!

This Elixir is very durable, such one is enough for the vampires to use for decades!

"More than you can imagine!"

Bert put the dragon rib on the ground, thought for a while, took out his phone, and called Mercury: "Change the cafe into a teahouse, drink tea on the first floor, and practice martial arts on the second! Make a new sign and call it "Dragon Subduing Teahouse!"

Putting down the phone, Bert said to Madam Gao: "From now on, you will stay in the Teahouse, and you are not allowed to leave without my order!"

Madam Gao said respectfully, "Yes, Blood God!"


"Seismologists said that this earthquake in Manhattan is not a precursor to a major earthquake, please citizens don't worry..."

Listening to the news on the TV, Natasha secretly complained, she was not worried at first, but after hearing this, she started to worry.

At this moment, seven or eight hours have passed since the earthquake, and the chaos caused by the earthquake has subsided. After all, this is Manhattan and there are lots of police forces.

At this time, a secret phone in Natasha's arms suddenly vibrated. She looked around vigilantly and confirmed that there was no problem, and then took out the phone to answer.

"Natasha, we have found the source of the earthquake, it's in Hell's Kitchen!"

Nick Fury's voice came out: "The long-term rental apartment that Bert bought is the area of ​​the epicenter!"

"Do you suspect that the earthquake was caused by the Blood God?"

Natasha said in amazement: "Director, as far as I know, he has no such ability and will not do such a thing!"

"There's something wrong with that apartment, otherwise the vampires and the Hand will never fight for it!"

Director Fury said: "Natasha, I am now officially changing your mission from the original short-term observation mission to a long-term latent mission!"

"Long-term lurking? Director, isn't this a waste of time?"

Natasha asked, she is a top agent, the first of the female field agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"Not a waste, in addition to finding out whether the earthquake is related to the Blood God, you have to find out another thing!"

Chief Fury said: "Find out everything about the Ancient One!"

"I see."

Natasha understood, and she smiled: "Director Fury, use the honorific title, that is the guardian of the earth!"

Director Fury said coldly: "We S.H.I.E.L.D. are the guardians of the earth, Anyone with a potential threat to the planet must be monitored."

To be honest, the existence of 'Ancient One' made Director Fury quite restless, because Ancient One was too strong, and more importantly, he had no understanding of Ancient One at all!

What if one-day Ancient One can't think about it and suddenly wants to destroy the world?

S.H.I.E.L.D. is such an organization with persecutory paranoia!

Natasha naturally knew the character of Director Fury. She said: "It is not so easy to get the information of Master Ancient One. The Blood God respects her very much, and respects her sincerely, although he is a vampire."

"I don't care how you complete the task, I just need you to complete the task!"

Director Fury left a sentence and hung up the phone directly. Natasha rolled her eyes, believe it or not, this lady can change jobs on the spot. The salary here is three times higher than S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Natasha put down the phone, stood in front of the mirror, and looked at herself obsessively. Is there any woman more beautiful than herself?

"It looks like I'm going to give Bert a little sweetness. There is no man I can't handle in the world because I am so beautiful!"


More than half a month has passed in the blink of an eye. The previous earthquake in Manhattan was quickly replaced by the disappearance of Tony Stark. Now everyone cares about whether Tony Stark is dead and who inherits his legacy. No one talks about that little earthquake again!

Bert, who had been shorting Stark Industries early in the morning, made a lot of money. In addition to the legacy of the Hand, his assets were more than when he first took over the vampire clan. He couldn't help but sigh, what? When will the money run out?

Everyone who heard this sentence wanted to give Bert a middle finger, uh, Blade really did, and then asked Bert to give all the vampire police an extra month's salary. During this time, the vampire police station was too busy.

Bert waved his hand and directly approved the two-month bonus. Anyway, it was not bad, and he even gave out the high-tech mask developed by Tony Stark as a benefit!

The vampire police station cheered, and worked harder to eliminate the traitors, everything is developing in a good direction!

In the backyard of the Teahouse transformed from the original coffee shop, Bert, who was wearing a training suit, exhaled and slammed his red fist on a large stone ten inches thick. With a bang, the stone shattered. It turned into several pieces and smashed to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

In this punch, Bert only used 20% of the power of the iron fist, not the power of the Blood God himself!

"Blood God, you are cultivating very quickly, and the Chi you have now is comparable to that of a third-time fuser!"

Madame Gao sighed next to her, the speed of the Blood God fusing the Elixir was too fast, not only because he had a dragon soul, but also because of the Blood God's ability!

Bone and blood are a part of the body! The Elixir that takes others years to completely fuse, Blood God can fuse within a month!

Bert himself was not very satisfied. He said, "There is still a problem with the control. The force I just exerted is too great. I just want to break the stone, and I don't want it to fly around!"

"Your thinking is right. The West pursues - the greater the power, the better. In the East, we pay attention to control. A little controllable power is more important than a very uncontrollable power!"

Madame Gao smiled and said: "But it's not urgent. You can study every day slowly. No matter how talented you are, Blood God, you still have to slowly grind this kung fu. Further polish your control."

Bert said: "Then grind it slowly. When I hit the egg with an iron fist and the egg doesn't break, then it's done!"

"Which martial arts novel is this from?"

Madame Gao was speechless, she said: "Blood God, in addition to control, you must continue to hone your 'Chi', and strive to reach the realm of 'reading Chi', this is the basic skill!"

Bert nodded and said, "Basic skills must be practiced naturally, and only with a solid foundation can I reach a higher realm!"

Madame Gao nodded in approval. At this moment, Bert thought of one thing and asked, "By the way, can Mercury cultivate Chi?"

"No, her physical fitness is enough, but her spirit is still a lot worse!"

Madame Gao said: "I have taught her to meditate, and I have taught her how to use the spirit to sense the energy (Chi). As long as she calms down and cultivates for a month, she can initially meet the requirements."

"The key is meditation, it's hard for Westerners to understand our visualization and meditation!"

Bert shook his head, and Madame Gao smiled: "Mercury and Snowman are fine, they can more or less understand the thoughts of the East, but Frank can't do it, let alone meditate, he can't sit still quietly for five minutes. "

"With Frank's temper, it's no wonder he can't sit down."

Bert laughed. He said, "Madame Gao, thank you for your hard work. After we teach Mercury and Snowman, we will spread the Elixir to the elites of the vampire clan. At that time, the elites of the vampire clan can improve their strength without sucking the blood of living people!"

Madame Gao said humbly, "This is my duty!"

At this time, the intercom on the side rang: "Blood God, Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming!"

"Nick Fury came over in person? It seems that there is a big event, let him wait for me in the living room!"

Bert said, and then he cleaned himself and went to the meeting room to see Director Fury!

Bert and Director Fury shook hands and said, "Director Fury, a rare visitor!"

"It's really rare. I've seen many clubs that ask for membership cards, but this is the first time I've seen a teahouse that asks for membership cards!"

Director Fury said, "Aren't you afraid of the closure of the teahouse?"

"It can't go out of business, I have already bought the place, so no need for rent."

Bert smiled. He asked Director Fury to sit down and asked, "Director Fury, you are here, what do you want?"

Director Fury went straight to the point: "I want you to save Tony Stark, he is very important to the safety of the world!"

Bert said: "I can save him, but I don't want to go. I'm a vampire and can't face the sun."

Director Fury has a look of contempt, how dare you say that you can't face the sun, a guy who plays with beautiful women on the beach every day?

Director Fury threw his chips: "I heard that you are buying the RAND Group's medical department, I can make it smoother for you!"

"You mean, if I don't promise you to save Tony, we can't buy the RAND Group?"

Bert asked with a cold face, Director Fury instantly felt that he was being targeted by a giant beast and could die at any time!

Director Fury said very calmly: "I'm talking about smoother, your bid is very low, and you are buying the most important medical department of the RAND Group. There are many speculations from the outside world. I can make you completely immune to outside influence. "

"Is that so?"

Bert took back his momentum. He took a sip of the tea he had just brewed and said, "I can help you in saving Tony, but I hope to reach a consensus with you!"

Director Fury asked, "What consensus?"

Bert said: "In the next few months, I will operate the stocks of the Stark Group, and even buy a large amount of the stocks of the Stark Group!"

"You want to buy Stark Group?"

Director Fury squinted and said loudly: "Bert Wang, this is impossible. If you do this, there will only be one result, the kind of war that will never end!"

No matter how confusing human beings are, vampires can't control their strongest military-industrial group.!

"I know, I didn't intend to do this, I just wanted to take the opportunity to make a lot of money!"

Bert said: "After my plan is successful, I will sell all the stocks in my hands, and I will not keep a single share!"

Director Fury asked, "What's your plan?"

"Acquisition of another big company with a market value of more than 100 billion."

Bert didn't hide it, he said: "If I want to control this big company, I must prepare at least 50 billion dollars of funds. Although I can get it now, it will affect the operation of the Blood God Group. Therefore, I plan to start to take money from the stock market!"

Director Fury frowned: "A large group worth more than 100 billion? Blood God, this is a bit too much!"

Bert smiled and said, "It's just a bit too much. If we give enough benefits, you will still agree, right?"

Director Fury said: "Blood God if you do this, it will increase our vigilance!"

Bert said: "I will make up for it afterward! My vampires will never be the enemies of humans!"

Director Fury looked at Bert expressionlessly, and Bert drank tea leisurely, which let Nick Fury know that whether he agreed or not, the other party would complete his plan!

I'm just letting you know, not asking for your consent!

After a while, Director Fury said: "Acquisition is possible, but it must abide by the law, and cannot use excessive means, such as assassinating the other party's chairman or turning the other party's executives into vampires."

"Don't worry, I know the rules of the game."

Bert smiled, said: "Speaking of which, Director Fury, do you want to invest? I can promise you twice the return!"

Director Fury shook his head directly: "I will not use the funds of S.H.I.E.L.D. to gamble."

Bert looked at Director Fury with a bit of surprise. How could this old corrupt guy be so righteous and awe-inspiring?

Director Fury did not explain, nor did he try to explain that his corruption was not for himself, but to build a base to protect the world, which is different from misappropriating S.H.I.E.L.D. funds to gamble.

For an old-school guy like Director Fury, the stock market is a gamble!

Director Fury said: "This consensus S.H.I.E.L.D. can agree, but I want 10% of your profits!"

"Dream on! One percent is the most, don't forget, you want me to help to save Tony!"

Bert categorically refused, this kind of Nick Fury is normal, the previous one was like being taken away!

"One percent is too little, at least nine percent!"

"Nope, one percent!"

"Did you suggest the counteroffer like this?"

"Do you want to get 5%? keep dreaming, do you know that each percentage point is calculated in billions? If you want to have it, just 1%! Don't think I don't know, you will take this money into your private fund."

"You are slandering!"

Chief Fury snorted and said, "One percent is enough, but you must save Tony immediately!"

"Okay, you ask the U.S. military to prepare for my arrival at the Middle East base, and I'll take a private jet over there!"

Bert said: "By the way, help me apply for the next flight, it's very troublesome!"


Chief Fury got up and said, "Be sure to save Tony safely!"

Bert said insincerely: "I'll Try!"