Chapter 24 : Mark I

After sending off Nick Fury, Bert called Frank: "Can you fly a helicopter? Yes, then it's easy to handle. I'm going to the Middle East, you pack up and come with me!"

After hanging up the phone, Bert called Mercury in and instructed, "Take all our remaining funds to short the Stark Group!"

Mercury was puzzled: "Blood God, aren't you going to save Tony Stark?"

"Just do it!"

Bert said: "By the way, have you checked the things I asked you about?"

"Check it out!"

Mercury nodded: "Obadiah Stane has two sons, if he dies unexpectedly, the shares of Stark Group will be jointly inherited by these two sons!

Obadiah Stane's two sons are trash, they can only eat, drink, and have fun. Obadiah looks down on them very much, and their father-son relationship is quite bad! "

"Set up the bureau to catch them, and let them owe a lot of debt!"

Bert said: "Make sure that after Obadiah Stane dies, they will transfer Stane's shares to us!"

Mercury was stunned: "This is a small matter, but Blood God, Obadiah Stane will die? Isn't Tony Stark in danger?"

"I'm going, how can he be in danger?"

Bert smiled, got up, and prepared to rush to the Middle East. Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the embarrassment of his vampire status, he would have been able to buy the Stark Group shares himself. Of course, it would be impossible to make Tony work for me!

How can Tony Stark work for others? It's impossible!


In a dark cave in the Middle East, Tony Stark, with a scruffy beard and tattered clothes, looked at the Ark Reactor on his chest and looked a little dazed. He, the dream lover of all the beauties in America, would have such a devastating day?

About a month ago, after Tony and the military reached an agreement worth one billion dollars for the Jericho missile, he returned to the base in a jeep. On the way, he and several soldiers happily joked and enjoyed their chats.

Suddenly, a missile came down and blew the jeep, and what made him even more depressed was that the missile was produced by the Stark Group!

When Tony woke up, he found that he had been kidnapped by a group of terrorists. There was a big hole in his chest, and there was an electromagnet powered by the car battery.!

Even though he doesn't like this, without this electromagnet, which kept the missile shrapnel from reaching his heart and taking his life away!

After that, the group of terrorists asked Tony to make Jericho missiles, but Tony was naturally unwilling. As a result, his head was stuffed into the pool of water. Tony, who had never been so miserable before, could only compromise!

It's just a temporary compromise, Tony Stark is not a person who will admit defeat!

With the help of Dr. Ho Yinsen, who is also a prisoner, Tony used the materials sent by the terrorists to make a small Ark Reactor and then used it to replace the electromagnet and battery, now it's much better than before.

This Ark Reactor is not an ordinary thing. It is a cold nuclear reactor, which was created by Tony's father Howard Stark, and Anton Vanke. However, their finished product is an oversized reactor, which is of little significance.

Stark Industries has spent decades trying to make the Ark Reactor smaller, but it never worked, and Tony Stark, in a cave like this, did it with a pile of scraps, that's genius, a peerless genius that is enough to influence the whole world!

The Ark Reactor can release three billion joules of energy in one second. Tony made it not just to replace the electromagnet, he has another big plan!

"It will be completed in two days. At that time, you will know that a genius cannot be underestimated!"

At this time, he saw the pool beside him vibrating from the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but turn his head to take a look, and then he was stunned, what the hell is this?

He saw that the water in the pool formed a line of English words: "Tony, I am Bert Wang who is more attractive and richer than you!"

Tony couldn't help but rub his eyes, and when he found that the line was still there, he was immediately amazed. What the hell, how did the water suddenly turn into words, and what does it mean to be more attractive and richer than me? Is there such a person in this world?

"Bert Wang, that nasty, see-through kid?"

Tony took a peek at the camera and found that he was blocking it. He breathed a sigh of relief. He thought for a while and asked in a very low voice, "Cheating kid?"

The water surface shook, and a line of words re-formed: "It's you who cheated! You buried a hole in the mask for me, selling the silicone and batteries for an unreasonable price?"

"I only said, I'll give you the patent for the mask!"

Tony was a little proud, and now it is certain that the water surface is really under the control of that kid!

In other words, that kid can both see through and control water, isn't this too unscientific?

The water surface changed again: "Don't talk nonsense, someone asked me to rescue you, I can bring the army over tomorrow!"

"Rescue me?"

Tony was stunned. If the other party said to save him a few days ago, he would be ecstatic. The problem is that now his plan is almost completed, and there is no need for others to save him!

Tony doesn't want to owe favors, and he doesn't want to be pitiful, waiting for someone to save him like a refugee!

"No need, I can escape by myself!"

Tony refused outright, he was an arrogant man - in Bert's language!

The water surface changed again: "!?"

"Just wait outside and pick me up."

After thinking about it, Tony still left some room for himself, the symbols on the water disappeared immediately, and Tony instantly understood what the other party meant: "I'm too lazy to care about you!"

"This guy is annoying!"

Tony gritted his teeth secretly, and Dr. Yinsen heard the voice and couldn't help but turn his head to ask, "Tony, what's wrong?"

Tony said excitedly: "It's nothing, Yinsen, if there is no accident, we can escape soon."

"Hope so!"

Yinsen nodded, but, an accident occurred immediately - as these parts they made were not like Jericho missiles at all. The leader of the terrorist group, Raza, saw this and brought his people in for a while to coerce them and gave them a time limit to finish the missiles by tomorrow. Give them what they want or he will send us to hell!

Tony had a hard look on his face, but he can't go begging Bert, so he could only work overtime with Yinsen to try to get his armor done by tomorrow!

That's right, the armor, that is, Iron Man's first armor, Mark 1!

On a hill near this base, Bert, who was sitting in a gunship, sneered. Is it fun now?

"That Raza wears the ring of the Ten Rings Gang on his hand, which means that the real deal is in this world?"

Bert narrowed his eyes. In the movie, Mandarin is a British actor named Trevor, who is completely oblivious to the acts the Mandarin has carried out. The Mandarin is Aldrich Killian's creation, but in the comics, Mandarin is real existence. He is also Iron Man's number one enemy. With ten powerful rings, he dominates most of the Middle East and the terrorists!

"Forget it, I probably won't meet Master Mandarin. After saving Tony, go straight back home! I'm not interested in helping Tony deal with his mortal enemy!"

Bert thought to himself, and Frank, who was driving in front of him, asked, "What's the situation? Did you find that billionaire?"

"I found him, he seems to have some plan to get out of trouble and doesn't want me to save him!"

Bert said that he is the Blood God and can control blood, and most of the components of blood are water, so he can also control a little water, but it is not powerful, at most he can make a few words like before!

And the reason why he could hear Tony speak was that Tony had his blood in his body. Once he got here, he made contact with blood. He knew everything that happened to Tony during this time!

"He's a wilful fellow, so what should we do?"

Frank asked disdainfully, he didn't like Tony Stark that much, although the Stark Group's stuff was really useful!

"Whether he wants us to save it or not, it's none of our business?"

Bert said: "Contact Colonel Rhodes and ask him to bring someone here. We will start tomorrow and try to go back as soon as possible. I hate this place, it's too hot, and there are no beautiful women."

"I've served here for ten years and I still hate it here!"

Frank laughed. Then, he picked up the phone to contact Colonel Rhodes. Rhodes was very surprised that they found him. Before, he was searching for months but still couldn't find him.

Rhode hurriedly said: "I'll bring people over immediately, don't startle the snakes!"

"When I was killing terrorists on the front line, you were still nailing in logistics!"

Frank hung up the phone with a look of disdain, Rhode was speechless, but he couldn't provoke Frank, the super soldier king, he could only put down the phone, go out and organize a rescue team, and try to get there as soon as possible!


The next day, Tony Stark, who had stayed up all night, finally finished building his battle armor. Then, he put on the leather and asked Dr. Yinsen to help install the battle armor part by part.

It went well at first, but soon the terrorists realized that the two were not visible on the monitor (they were hiding behind wooden boards) and immediately sent people to investigate.

Looking at the nervous Yinsen, Tony smiled: "Don't worry, there's no problem, just start the power system now!"

Yinsen asked, "How to start?"

"Press F11 first..."

Yinsen operated the computer as Tony said, and a progress bar appeared soon. He breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to help Tony screw the screws. At this moment, the door was knocked open, and the bombs tied to it exploded. The gang was killed on the spot!

"It's too late!"

Yinsen glanced at the door, put down the wrench, and said to Tony, "Tony, I'll go out and delay them to get some time for you!"

"No need, we have time, and we will go according to plan!"

Tony hurriedly shouted, but Yinsen didn't listen. He picked up the gun dropped by the terrorists on the ground and went out. He didn't know how to shoot, so he shot randomly with the gun. Fortunately, the terrain was narrow, and the terrorists were frightened and fled back!


Tony shouted anxiously, regretting for the first time in his heart. He knew that when someone came to save him but he refused, then Yinsen died, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life!

Will Yinsen die? Under normal circumstances, of course not long after he ran out of bullets, he was shot by the terrorists!

Yinsen fell to the ground, but there was no fear, only relief because his family had been killed by the terrorists long ago.

Just as Yinsen's eyes gradually sank into darkness, a voice sounded in his mind: "Do you want to know the meaning of life? Uh, I'm sorry, I've messed up the words, A good person like you doesn't deserve to die like this!"

Yinsen fainted before he could hear it. No one knew that the bullets that shot him, were all stuck in his muscles!

Bert, who was on the helicopter, smiled slightly. He transferred some of his blood to Yinsen early in the morning. Such a good person should not be damned!

The terrorists 'killed' Yinsen and immediately rushed in to find Tony, just at this moment, the lights suddenly dimmed, as the electricity was used to start the Mark 1!

Next, it was Tony's time. He was so angry that he drove the rough and rudimentary Mark 1 and killed everyone. The terrorists couldn't stop him at all.


Tony looked at Yinsen, who was covered in blood on the ground. He was angry and guilty. He roared and rushed out of the cave. Countless bullets greeted him, and his armor clacked!

Tony was not afraid, because these bullets could not penetrate his armor at all, and all were bounced away. He raised his arms, the flamethrower was activated, and the flames were blazing from both hands!

The terrorists were burned in an instant, crying and screaming, and their leader Raza was in a hurry, It doesn't matter if the terrorists die, anyway, they can be recruited at any time, but their weapons are all piled outside.!

By the way, these arms are all produced by the Stark Group!

Seeing that the guns couldn't kill Tony, Raza gritted his teeth, took out a bottle of red potion from his pocket, and drank it with his head up!

Soon, Raza's muscles immediately swelled up a bit. Feeling full of strength, he pulled out his machete, rushed to the front of Mark 1 from the side, and cut it off with a single knife. The gas pipe on the right side of Mark 1 was directly cut off.!


Tony was a little surprised, and hurriedly aimed the flame on the left at Raza, but Raza flexibly circled from behind Tony to the left, another slash, and all of Tony's flame jets were finished!

At this time, Tony didn't have any combat training, and the silly control armor slammed into Raza, and Raza escaped easily. Then, Raza stabbed the scimitar into the gap of Tony's left leg connector and clicked. With a bang, Tony got down on one knee!

The Mark 1 is too rudimentary, and there is no armor protection at the connection position, so it is easy for Raza to succeed!

Seeing that Raza succeeded, the terrorists cheered one after another. Raza was furious. He picked up the machete on the ground and stabbed it in the gap in Tony's armor. Tony hurriedly fought back, but the cumbersome armor is not that flexible. he was cut several times in succession, but fortunately, he was protected by leather, so he didn't suffer any serious injuries!

"Damn, the material is too poor!"

Seeing that the situation is not good, Tony intends to detonate the arsenal and run away. Mark 1 can fly. At this moment, a helicopter suddenly flew out from the back of the mountain. Then, a figure jumped from the sky and knelt on one knee. It landed on the ground with a bang, kicking up a puff of dust!

The perfect superhero landing is a bit of a knee-breaker!