Chapter 25

It was naturally Bert who landed. He stood up and sneered, looking at the embarrassed Tony, "Tony, is this your way of saving yourself?"

Tony was depressed and angry: "Why didn't you come earlier?"

"Because someone won't let me come! Why did you do something wrong, and you want to blame others?"

Bert sneered, Tony was speechless, at this time, Raza looked at him vigilantly and shouted, "Who are you?"

Bert said: "The person who came to rescue Tony Stark!"

"Want to save him, dream on, kill him for me!"

Raza gave the order directly. The terrorists were about to shoot. Inside the gunship, Frank pulled the machine gun's trigger and shot down excitedly—because he knew there was going to be a battle!

Several terrorists were shot dead on the spot, and other terrorists were startled and shot upward while looking for a place to hide.

At this time, two more armed helicopters flew over to join the battle in the sky, and the US military launched an attack under the mountain. The base was suddenly chaotic, and there were gunshots and explosions!

Raza was frightened and angry, and he ignored Tony and stepped forward, and the machete slashed at Bert with a violent smashing sound.

"What exactly was the potion he drank before? His physical fitness is at least two or three times stronger!"

Bert turned sideways to avoid Raza's machete, and punched Raza's elbow, Raza raised his arm to parry, and the two of you went back and forth, fighting.

"Why did it suddenly change from a sci-fi movie to a kung fu movie?"

Tony complained, he tried to get up, but because the armor was too heavy and one of his legs was abolished, he just got up and fell to the ground, making a fool of himself!

Tony went mad: "I must destroy this incomplete product afterward, it's too embarrassing!"

"You are just a novice, not my opponent at all!"

After a few seconds, Raza immediately understood his situation, sneered, and the scimitars attacked Bert one after another as fast as lightning!

Bert blocked a few times and fell back. Raza seized the opportunity and slashed his chest with the sword!

At this moment, Bert's right fist lit up with a dazzling red light, and then, he punched out, like a thunderbolt, and directly hit Raza's machete breaking it and pressing it against his chest, Raza screamed in agony. With a bang, he vomited blood and flew out and slammed into the mountain wall!

"I still can't control it, otherwise I should be able to hit the sword into his body!"

Bert shook his head, Raza fell to the ground, pulled out the machete from his chest, ignoring the bleeding wound, and angrily shouted at Bert, "Who are you?"

"Iron Fist! By the way, I just used 20% of my Iron Fist!"

Bert put his hands behind his back, and said like a master - he didn't lie, he was really the Iron Fist, as for whether the other party would think of the Kun-Lun Iron Fist, that's not his problem!

"Iron Fist? Kun-Lun Iron Fist?"

Raza thought of it, and he shouted angrily: "You from Kun-Lun, do you want to go against our Ten Rings Gang?"

"Is Kun-Lun afraid of the Ten Rings Gang!"

Bert sneered, he still didn't lie, Kun-Lun was indeed not afraid of Mandarin.

Raza gritted his teeth. He turned his head and saw that the terrorists were retreating under the siege of helicopters and the US military. After thinking about it, he shouted in the local language: "Detonate the gunpowder depot, and we escape through the secret passage."

When the terrorists heard the words, they retreated to the cave and threw the torches at the Stark arsenal!

"Oops, Bert, hurry up and get on my back, everyone else, retreat too!"

Tony knew the power of his weapons very well. He got up and shouted. Bert glanced at Mark I and said with disgust, "Too ugly, I refuse!"

Tony was angry, although the Mark One was indeed ugly,

But at this time, do you care about these?

"Put down the rope ladder and meet me at the entrance of the cave!"

Bert ignored Tony, turned, and rushed into the cave to carry Yinsen's 'corpse'. Then, he returned to the outside of the cave and used his feet to leave two deep footprints on the ground. He rushed up, grabbed a rope ladder that had been lowered from the helicopter, and hung in the air.

Seeing Bert coming up, the helicopter immediately fled to the distance at a high speed. At the same time, the US military also quickly retreated under the command of Colonel Rhodes!

"I hate this guy!"

Tony scolded, activating the flight system, a lot of flames and thick smoke emerged from the foot of Mark I, and slowly rose into the sky!

As soon as the Mark I took off, the Stark arsenal exploded. In the explosion, several large clouds formed by flames rose, and there were many air columns around them. Bert looked back, Admiring, much more brilliant than in the movie!

Compared with Bert, who was still in the mood to enjoy the blockbuster, Tony was much more miserable - his Mark I was lifted by the airwaves, and then smashed into the sand like a meteorite, causing a lot of dust and sand to fly away!

When the dust settles down, Mark has shattered, leaving only Tony buried in the sand!

The helicopter flew straight above Tony, Bert let go of his hand, jumped down with Yinsen, and sneered: "This is the quality of your Stark Industries, isn't it great?"

"This is a temporary made by me, it doesn't count!"

Tony got up from the sand. He wanted to say a few words to Bert, but when he saw Yinsen's 'corpse', he was completely depressed!

Bert sneered: "Why do you pretend like this, wasn't he killed by your own hands?"

Tony defended: "I didn't kill him if he would follow the plan..."

"Until now, you still refuse to admit your mistakes? Tony, he was killed by you. If you are not so self-willed, and your love for saving face, he would've never died!"

Bert rebuked loudly, Tony wanted to defend himself, but looking at Yinsen's body, he covered his head decadently, and said in pain: "Yes, I killed him, I should have accepted your help early in the morning! "

Bert patted Tony on the shoulder and said, "Tony, cherish your life, and he sacrificed himself for your life!"

Tony solemnly promised: "I will cherish life, and I will never let Yinsen die in vain!"

"In this way, Yinsen can rest his eyes in the spirit of heaven!"

Bert said with relief, Tony was just about to say something, but he was horrified to see the 'dead' Yinsen turning his head to look at him, and he was shocked. Is this corpse fraud?

Yinsen looked at Tony and said weakly, "That, Tony, I'm touched by what you said, but I'm not dead!"

Bert put Yinsen down carefully, and laughed loudly: "Awake? I thought you were going to be in a coma for a while!"

Tony shouted incredulously: "Didn't die? It's impossible, you've been shot so many times!"

Yinsen said: "It should be your friend who saved me! Although I don't know how he saved me!"

Bert laughed: "A not-so-scientific method!"

Tony finally reacted, pointing at Bert and saying angrily, "You played me?"

Bert sneered!

Tony gritted his teeth angrily. He wanted to thank him for saving Yinsen, but now, don't think about it!

Of course, don't thank him, Tony remembers this favor and will pay it back in the future, but this kid is so rich, this favor is not easy to pay back!

In the past, Tony was throwing money directly, but now it doesn't work.

At this time, the U.S. military helicopter came over, and Colonel Rhodes was the first to jump out of the plane. He looked at the embarrassed Tony and said angrily, "Will you take my jeep next time?

Tony lay on the sand and said, "Can you buy me a cheeseburger? I'm exhausted!"

Rhodes was speechless, this place was too close to the terrorists' nest, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and after sending Tony and Yinsen to the helicopter, he immediately retreated with everyone!

Bert didn't remind Rhodes to bring back the parts of Mark No. 1, because he wanted Iron Overlord to appear, which is why he didn't kill Raza and the others!

If Bert did his best to kill all the terrorists, he could finish within a minute, but this time, from start to finish, he was just having fun!

One-day tour of the filming site of "Iron Man"!

Bert sneered: "If Obadiah didn't become the Iron Monger, how can I swallow his shares?"

On the plane, Tony asked Bert a question: "Bert, who asked you to save me?"

"Peggy Carter and S.H.I.E.L.D.," said Bert.

"Aunt Carter? S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Tony was startled for a while, this kid is related to Aunt Carter? Isn't S.H.I.E.L.D. a spy agency, why would they find someone to rescue him?

Peggy Carter is a good friend of Tony's father Howard, so Tony and Carter have a very close relationship.!

Bert said with a smile: "Your connection with S.H.I.E.L.D. is far beyond your imagination!"

Tony said unhappily: "Do I have anything to do with S.H.I.E.L.D., that I don't know myself?"

Bert looked at Tony with pity, Tony was very annoyed, he wanted to ask but couldn't, so he could only get angry!

Bert laughed dumbly: "What a little kid!"


On the third day, everyone took the military plane back to New York. Pepper and Tony's bodyguard Happy were already waiting at the airport. Bert's assistant, Mercury, also came to pick him up at the airport with a high-tech mask.

Tony, who was wearing a bandage, suddenly changed his face when he saw Pepper, and hurriedly stopped in front of her, and at the same time shouted to Bert who came down: "Bert, don't look!"

"Tony, what are you doing?"

Pepper's face was full of question marks, and she glanced at Bert at the same time. It turned out that this was the Bert that Tony said. He is so young, but why did he come with Tony?

"Hello, Miss Potts!"

Bert ignored the anxious Tony, he walked to Pepper, stretched out his hand, and said, "I'm Bert Wang from the Blood God Group, nice to meet you!"

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

Pepper wanted to shake hands with Bert but was stopped by Tony. He glared at Bert and shouted to Happy, "Happy, hurry up and stop Pepper!"

"Tony, that's rude!"

Pepper was very dissatisfied, and Tony explained: "I'm protecting you, that kid can see through!"

"See through? Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Pepper looked suspicious, Bert withdrew his hand and smiled: "Miss Potts, I want to ask you to be the vice president of the Blood God Group. Mr. Stark knew about this, and he was afraid that I would take you away, so he made this up. A lie that even a three-year-old wouldn't believe!"

"Vice President?"

Pepper was stunned, and then said to Tony dissatisfied: "Tony, it's too much, it's up to me to decide whether to agree or not!"

Tony hurriedly explained: "That kid said it himself, he can see through!"

"I didn't, it wasn't me, don't talk nonsense!"

Bert categorically denied it, and he said to Pepper: "Miss Potts if you are interested, we can make an appointment and have a cup of tea and chat!"

"Thank you Mr. Wang for your kindness, but I don't plan to change jobs for the time being!"

Pepper pushed Tony away, took the initiative to shake hands with Bert, and said, "Also, please forgive Tony, he likes to be petty sometimes!"

Tony was furious. Pepper completely believed in the kid but didn't believe in himself. He turned his head to see Mercury, his heart moved, and he stepped forward and asked, "Are you an employee of the Blood God Group?"

Mercury glanced at Tony and replied blankly, "I'm Mr. Wang's assistant!"

"Come and help me, the salary is negotiable!"

Tony said, Mercury gave him a contemptuous look, didn't bother to answer, and strode towards Bert.

Tony blinked, was she looking at a bug just now? He Tony Stark, the dream lover of thousands of beautiful women, actually regarded by her as a disgusting bug?

Tony is going crazy!


.Pepper shouted in dissatisfaction, and then said apologetically to Bert: "Mr. Wang, Sorry for this, Tony has encountered something, and his mind is a little unstable."

"You're welcome, I know him well! Miss Potts, take your leave!"

Bert smiled and left there with Mercury and Frank. Before leaving, he gave Tony a provocative look,!

This kid is annoying!

Mercury asked: "Blood God, Tony Stark is back, do you want to stop shorting?"

"No, in fact, it's time to make big money next!"

Bert smiled and said, "Our Mr. Stark will announce something that will shock the whole world at the press conference!"

Frank smiled and said, "So exaggerated, could it be that he wants to shut down the Stark Industries?"

Bert turned his head in surprise: "How do you know?"

"Your expression is so accurate, I almost believed it!"

Frank sneered: "Tony Stark can't shut down the Stark Industries even if his brain is kicked by a donkey!"

Bert shook his head and said, "What he wants to close is not the Stark Industries, but the weapons manufacturing department!"

"What's the difference between that and shutting down the Stark Industries?"

Frank didn't believe it, and Mercury didn't believe it either, but it didn't take long before they saw Tony Stark announce on TV in front of the world: "From today on, the official closure of Stark Industries Weapons Department!"

Frank was speechless. He said, "I suspect now that Tony Stark hit his head when he was running away!"

Mercury said excitedly: "Blood God, we made it!"

Bert said it. In just one day, Stark Industries' stock price fell by 40 points, and the market value evaporated by hundreds of billions!

Bert, who was shot in advance, made a lot of money, and his net worth skyrocketed!

Bert instructed: "When the stock of Stark Industries drops by another ten points, buy the stock and return it to the broker to end the short sale, and then use the name of the Blood God Group to buy the stock of Stark Industries, not too much, 4% will be enough. Any higher, there is a possibility of being investigated, it is too troublesome!"

"Blood God, you won't buy the Stark Industries, will you? The human government won't allow it!"

Mercury was startled and hurriedly shouted, even she knew what the Stark Industries stood for!

Bert smiled and said, "Don't worry, I just want to make money. The Stark Industries is of no value to me!"

Mercury breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and went out to instruct the financial company to do the same!

At this time, Bert's phone rang, and James said excitedly: "Blood God, I have found Anton Vanke and Ivan Vanke, and they agreed to come to New York to see you, but their identities have bit of a problem, I can't get them into America!"

"James, well done, I will let someone bring you the temporary pass, and you will bring them back as quickly as possible!"

Bert said excitedly!