Chapter 28

Seeing that Bert was leaving, Pepper hurriedly stood up and said, "Mr. Wang, why don't you stay and visit the workshop underground? Tony has lots of good techs"

Tony was a little nervous. He didn't want Bert to see Mark-II, which was about to be completed, because he wanted to shock him once with Mark-II.

'How dare you say that my battle uniform is ugly and useless? If I don't prove him wrong, Am I still Tony Stark?'

Bert glanced at Tony and said with a smile, "I don't need to, for the time being, maybe in the future."

"Tony, thank you for the Wellington steak."

Carter also stood up, Tony got up hastily and hugged Carter, She whispered in his ear: "Be careful of Obadiah!"


Tony was shocked. Aunt Carter told him to be careful of Obadiah. Did Obadiah want to kill him?

That is impossible, Obadiah is very good to him and has been helping him since his father died, and Tony also regards the other party as his half-father - indeed, Tony often asks Obadiah to help him clean up the mess, like a father helping his son.

Carter didn't say much, nodded at Pepper, turned around, and left with Bert.

In the car, Carter asked Bert, "Blood God, do you know how to read the future or are you faking it?"

"You mean to ask about Captain America?"

Bert smiled and said, "Well, Ms. Carter, let's talk about science!"

Carter was speechless. He acted like a magician just before, but now he wants to talk about science.

Bert said: "Some time ago, I bought five sets of devices on the black market. If I guessed correctly, this should be the freezing device of the former Soviet Union's Winter Soldier program!"

Carter was stunned: "The Winter Soldier plan? Didn't that plan fail?"

"Half failure and half success!"

Bert said: "The enhancers they created are not very stable, so they used special devices to wash away the memories of the Winter Soldiers, then put them into the freezer, and release them for missions. when they are needed!"

"This is using them as tools!"

Carter snorted coldly, and Bert smiled: "Let's not talk about that, I bought the freezing device in the Winter Soldier program. I have experimented with it after freezing a rabbit and bringing it back, it's still alive!"

"You mean, Steve fell into the sea of ​​ice and could be frozen, like the Winter Soldier?" Carter asked.

"Isn't it possible, the temperature of the natural environment is not the same as the temperature of the artificial machines? You didn't find Captain back then, which means that he is deep in the Arctic Circle, where the temperature is much lower than in other places!"

Bert said: "In addition, you have forgotten about the physique of the Captain. He is different from ordinary people."

"That is to say, Steve might not be dead?" Carter was excited, she could not believe it!

Bert smiled and said, "Scientifically speaking, there is a high probability, and theoretically speaking, he might not be dead!"


Carter was so happy that she lost her temper, but she quickly calmed down and said, "Blood God, I want to send someone to the Arctic Circle to find Steve!"

"Okay, I will grant you some money in the name of the scientific examination!"

Bert said: "However, don't be impatient, the Captain may not appear before that time comes."

Carter puzzled: "That time?"

Bert said, "God's righteous people will never appear for no reason!"


Tony was disturbed by what Peggy Carter said at the party, plus he had not been out for many days, he decided to go out to relax, so he got in his sports car and headed to Manhattan for a charity dinner!

At the banquet, Tony learned from a female reporter who had an affair with him before. That the terrorists have the Stark Industries weapons again, and they also harmed Yinsen's hometown of Gulmira!

Tony was furious and went to Obadiah to enquire about this situation, but learned from him that the board of directors had kicked him out, and Obadiah proposed this!

Tony never thought that Obadiah, whom he regarded as a half-father, would treat him like this. He returned home in a daze and searched for news from the Middle East. The bloody situation in Gulmira made him make a decision!

He is going to destroy the Stark Industries' weapons, and he will never allow his Stark Industries to commit sins again! Yinsen fully supports it, after all, it is his hometown that has been harmed!

So, Tony wearing Mark-III (No. 2 was eliminated because of the high-altitude icing problem) officially appeared. He not only destroyed the terrorists' weapons but also made them cry. The F-22 Fighter jets came to end and the military lost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Excited Tony didn't know that the scenes of his battle were secretly recorded by Bert and showed them to Vanko and his son.

Bert pointed to the golden-red Iron Man and said, "This is Tony Stark's latest invention, Mark-III!"

Although Ivan was shocked, he still scolded: "This kind of armor is only used by sissies, it's as thin as paper!"

Anton nodded, and he shouted: "That's right, only sissies like the Stark family can use such armor!"

Bert was speechless, this father and son are a virtue!

Mark III made the Vanko father and son completely determined, Anton Vanko said: "Blood God, I want to become a vampire, I hope you will keep your promise, and us father and son will keep our promise and help you design all kinds of things. !"

"Don't worry, my reputation has never been a problem!"

Bert said with a smile, he did not mean to deceive the two, but he was a little worried that Ivan would cheat him, but with Anton there, it shouldn't be a problem.

Besides, isn't there still blood to hide this trick?


The appearance of Iron Man shocked Obadiah, and he personally went to the Middle East to meet Raza, the leader of the terrorist group who kidnapped Tony!

Obadiah did not have any good intentions during this trip, but once he arrived at Raza's station, he wisely gave up those bad ideas, because the other party had far more people than him.

"Didn't they say that his strength is greatly damaged, why are there so many people?"

Obadiah was very puzzled. He left the mercenaries outside and went to the tent to see Raza. To his surprise, besides Raza, there were two strange people inside!

One of them was very strong, with a body as strong as a rock, and the other is thin as if only bones are left, and the eyes of both are particularly cold!

Raza, whose face was burned by the flames, hugged Obadiah warmly, and then introduced: "My friend, they were sent by the Mandarin to avenge me."

"Master Mandarin?"

Obadiah was quite surprised. Although he did a lot of business with the Ten Rings, he always thought Mandarin was just a fictional character. After all, according to legend, he has lived for hundreds of years!

No nonsense, Raza took Obadiah to visit the wrecked Mark-I and the full set of drawings he recovered. He said, "My friend, as long as you promise me two things, these are all yours!"

Obadiah was very interested in Mark-I and asked, "What's the matter?"

Raza said frantically: "The first one, when you copy this, sell some to me, I will use it to conquer the world for the Mandarin!"

"Of course, there is no problem, I am an arms dealer!"

"Second, my brothers and I are going to your city to get revenge on Tony Stark and Iron Fist!"

Raza said bitterly, "They will be buried with our dead brothers!"


The two weirdos shouted and looked at Obadiah with fierce eyes. Obadiah frowned, but after thinking about it carefully, he chose to agree, because he didn't want to see Tony Stark again.

As for that Iron Fist, he doesn't know about him, it's Tony's friend anyway, so let's handle it!

"Iron Fist, you are dead!"

Raza touched the new ring with a lightning symbol on his hand and said with a grim expression.


Once Tony got up, he couldn't stop. He went to the Middle East several times in a row, and the news was all about Iron Man, which made him very proud. He, Tony Stark, should have been the focus of the world!

Tony didn't forget about Obadiah. He asked Pepper to bring a special USB flash drive to the chairman's office to hack the company's mainframe so that he could find out who was selling arms to terrorists!

Pepper is willing to take risks for Tony. After hacking into the company's mainframe, she found out that Obadiah is secretly creating a large robot named Iron Monger!

Pepper frowned and continued to search!

Finds evidence of Stane supplying weapons to the terrorists, but also discovers that Stane had initially hired the Ten Rings to kill Stark in Afghanistan.

"Obadiah not only sold weapons to terrorists but also wants to kill Tony?"

Pepper was stunned and hurriedly copied all these files into the USB flash drive. At this moment, Obadiah suddenly arrived, and his greeting almost frightened Pepper to death!

After all, Pepper is the future female president of Stark Industries. She is very calm at critical times. While chatting with Obadiah, she covers the USB drive with a newspaper and sets the screen to screen-saver mode!

When the loading was almost finished, Pepper took the USB drive between the newspapers and left, and the moment she closed the door, she breathed a sigh of relief, it made her nervous!

Before Pepper left the company, Obadiah found something wrong and hurriedly chased after her. Fortunately, Pepper met Phil Coulson, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Obadiah didn't dare to do anything in front of the agents, so he could only let them go!

"As of now, I can only fight to the death!"

Obadiah immediately drove to Tony's villa, and at the same time called Raza's group who had entered the border, and asked them to go to the Stark Building to deal with the upcoming S.H.I.E.L.D. agents!

It didn't take long for Obadiah to arrive at Tony's house. The unsuspecting Tony was paralyzed by a Sonic Taser and could not move.

Then, under Tony's furious eyes, Obadiah used an instrument to take out the Ark Reactor from his chest!

Looking at this beautiful Ark Reactor, Obadiah's eyes are full of fascination, such a small thing is enough to make the whole world crazy, and even let the military protect him with all its strength!

The military is not ignorant about Obadiah selling weapons to terrorists, they are not so incompetent, everything is just profit!

"Tony, thank you for laying the last golden egg for me, you can just wait here to die slowly, unfortunately, you brought Pepper into this!"

Obadiah said in Tony's ear: "Tony Stark, I'm not your Butler, never have been!"

Tony couldn't speak, couldn't move, he could only watch Obadiah leave, his heart was full of bitterness, I didn't take you as a housekeeper, I took you as half a father!

There is missile shrapnel in Tony's blood, and there is no electromagnet to hold them. Those shrapnels will soon enter his heart and kill him. Fortunately, there is another person in the villa that Obadiah does not know, and that is Yinsen!


When Yinsen saw Tony's situation, he quickly took out the Ark Reactor of the previous generation and put it in his chest - it was the shoddy product Tony made in the cave. But Pepper kept it as a souvenir!

After Tony recovered, he called Pepper, but no one answered. He almost fell in a hurry. He didn't care what to say to Yinsen, he quickly equipped Mark-III, and flew towards Stark Building at full speed.

At the same time, in Bert Wang's villa, Ivan looked at the beer, peanuts, and potato chips on the table, and asked in a puzzled way, "Are you looking for our father and son to watch the game together?"

"It's much better than any game, Iron Man vs. Iron Monger! I've been waiting for this scene for a long time!"

Bert smiled and turned on the TV. The front door of Stark Industries appeared on it. He said to Ivan who was teasing the parrot: "This is live, taken by a drone. You should be able to watch the whole scene!"

"I know Iron Man is that sissy, who is Iron Monger?"

Hearing about Tony, Ivan and Anton suddenly became interested. It is worth mentioning that Anton has become a vampire and is no longer as sick as before, but it will take some time to fully recover!

"You'll find out soon enough!"

Bert laughed. At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly, he answered it, and Nick Fury's voice came from the receiver: "My people were arrested by the terrorists in the Middle East, and they asked for the Iron Fist!"

"Ah? What's that to do with me?"

Bert was stunned. He said, "This is the territory of the United States. Don't tell me that you can't even deal with a group of terrorists.!"

"The commandos of our New York branch have been wiped out, Bert. During this time, our S.H.I.E.L.D. has been under a lot of pressure because of you. I hope you can help those agents and Tony!"

Director Fury said: "Just treat it as an after-sales service!"

Bert understood that the real purpose of Director Fury looking for him was not for those agents, but Tony - he wanted Bert to help Tony deal with Obadiah!

"Is that so?"

Bert thought about it and said, "How about a favor?"

Director Fury was silent and said, "Yes, but you know my bottom line."

"I'm a law-abiding citizen, what are you worried about?"

Bert sneered, he hung up the phone, stood up, and scolded unhappily, "I wanted to watch a play, but I ended up participating in it, so I prepared a bunch of peanuts and potato chips for nothing."