Chapter 29

"It's not in vain, these potato chips taste good."

Ivan grabbed a handful of potato chips like a Bearman and threw them into his mouth, then threw a camera to Bert and said, "Hang it on your body so we can see it more clearly!"

Bert was angry: "Are you the boss or am I the boss?"

"The more I know, the stronger the armor I can create, the stronger my armor, the more money you can make!"

Ivan leaned on the sofa and said arrogantly, Bert was speechless, 'is this the legendary master of technology, and even the boss has to give him some face!'

Unfortunately, Bert is not an ordinary boss. He showed his middle finger, turned off the TV and the drone with the remote control, and said, "I will record it first, and you will watch it when I come back."


Ivan and Anton shouted at the same time, Bert smiled proudly, and strode out of the villa, 'what a joke, I don't lack money, why should I please you?'

When Bert left, Ivan and Anton, who were still very angry just now, smiled at the same time. Ivan took out his mobile phone and pressed the TV, and the screen reappeared on the TV.

Ivan pressed it again, and the picture changed from the drone's perspective to Bert's perspective - the camera that was held by Bert.

For a genius like Ivan, controlling surveillance couldn't be easier. He stuffed a potato chip into his mouth and said, "Wow, such a big temper!"

"I heard that he is only 21 years old, and he has so much money at this age. It's normal for him to have a big temper!"

Ivan said: "Dad, I will surpass Tony Stark and let everyone know that the people of the Stark family are just thieves, liars, and butchers!"

Anton said loudly: "I will help you, our Vanko family, we will not lose to the Stark family! Ivan, I will compensate you for what I owe you!"

"Dad, you know I don't care!"

"But I care. When you have a child, you will understand this feeling of guilt. Any father wants his child to have the best life!"


Stark Industries, in the research room, where the large Ark Reactor is located, Pepper, Coulson, and the others were tied up and sitting on the ground. There were also a group of terrorists around with guns aimed at them!

Raza with an impatient look asked Coulson, "Did you lie to me? Will Iron Fist come?"

Coulson glanced at Raza, and the two weirdos beside him, one strong and one thin, and smiled gracefully: "He will come!"

"When he comes here, he's dead!" Raza sneered, he didn't think Iron Fist was much stronger than him, with the help of two brothers, even if Iron Fist dared to come today, he would surely die!

Pepper looked at Obadiah who was standing in front of Iron Monger and shouted, "Tony won't let you go!"

"There will be no more Tony, Pepper, you're on the wrong side!"

Obadiah sneered, he was about to urge Raza to do something, just at this moment, there was a clatter, the glass ceiling shattered, and then, a golden-red figure fell from the sky, fell to the ground on one knee, and made a loud bang.

Pepper shouted excitedly: "Tony!"

Raza looked at the falling Iron Man and asked suspiciously, "Where have I seen this landing posture?"

Tony's face was a little dark. He felt that something was stolen from him. He stood up, pointed his glowing Repulsors at Raza and Obadiah, and said, "Surrender, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Shoot and kill him!"

Raza shouted, the terrorists shot at Tony, and Tony sent a Repulsors cannon to send several terrorists flying, Then rush to save Pepper from the bullets.

At this moment, a huge figure rushed over, the steel arm slammed hard, and with a bang, Tony broke through the wall and fell outside, rolling on the ground several times before stopping!

Obadiah with the Iron Monger. He rumbled through the wall and chased out, shouting, "Tony, I also built a battle armor, let's see, which is more powerful?"

"This is the armor that a man should have!" In the villa, Ivan saw Iron Monger through the drone, and shouted excitedly: "Come on, kill that sissy!"

Iron Monger naturally didn't know that Ivan was cheering for him, and he wasn't interested in knowing either, he just wanted to kill Tony now!

Tony got up to fight the Iron Monger, but no matter his size, strength, or the weapons he had, couldn't be compared to the Iron Monger.

Soon, they hit the street. Even though it was night, there were still cars coming and going on the street. Iron Monger didn't care about it at all. It tumbled and hit another car, and then the two cars spun wildly on the street!

The cars behind had no time to evade, and they slammed into it. Before the people in the car could escape, the two cars in front exploded, and the flames spread rapidly, shrouding the surrounding cars!

"Help! Someone helps us?" The people in the car couldn't escape, and could only scream and cry for help amid the fire.

Just so casually, several people died. This is the real Marvel world. The kind of fairy tale in the movie where aliens invaded and only a few people died, is impossible in reality!

Tony wanted to go to save people but was kicked by Iron Monger. Iron Monger was not satisfied, so he activated the Gatling machine gun on the armor to shoot at Tony frantically. As for whether it would affect other people, He didn't care about it.

Not to mention the Iron Monger and Iron Man outside, a terrorist was monitoring the front entrance of the research room, and suddenly, a silver-white sports car drove towards this place!

"Someone is coming!"

The terrorist shouted, and then, he was horrified to find that the sports car had no intention of slowing down at all, and hit the door!

The terrorists were frightened and ran away. The next moment, there was a slamming sound, and the glass door was directly smashed by the sports car. The door frame, glass, and handles splashed everywhere. Then, the sports car turned a corner in the hall and stopped with an unpleasant friction sound!

Bert walked out from the sports car with a displeased face, and said to Raza, who was furious and frightened: "Heard that you asked for me, have you figured out what price you will pay?"

Raza stopped the terrorists from shooting. He brought his two brothers forward and said bitterly: "The price is that Kun-Lun will no longer have an Iron Fist!"

"Just you?" Bert smiled disdainfully, the strong and thin men beside Raza were indeed a bit strange, but to him, what was it?

Hearing Bert's words, the muscular man as strong as a stone clenched his fists and made a crackling sound, and provocatively said in broken English: "I heard that your fists are very hard, I want to compare it to mine?"

Raza hurriedly shouted in Middle Eastern: "Aku, this kid is very powerful, but his skills are not good. We don't need to fight him head-on."

"No head-to-head? The body that the Lord Mandarin gave me can't even be penetrated by a bullet!"

Aku was full of confidence in himself, he slammed his fist hard, and rushed towards Bert like a ferocious monster, even the ground shook.

"Well, come on!"

Bert shouted, and his right arm lit up with a dazzling red light as if a fire dragon was hovering in there. Then, he punched out like a thunderbolt, and the sound of a dragon roared in the air!

Seeing something was wrong, Aku hurriedly crossed his arms to protect him. The next moment, an unparalleled force slammed into his arms. His proud arms broke on the spot and were caved in by Bert's fists. They smashed into his chest together, sending him flying backward like a cannonball!


Aku smashed through the wall and fell outside. Raza hurriedly rushed to the hole to check and found that Aku was lying in a pool of blood like a leaking broken doll.

"How is this possible? How can you be so strong?"

Raza turned around and shouted in disbelief, last time, the other party was not this strong!

"Last time, I only used about 20% of my strength, now, it's 50%!"

Bert said lightly, the last time it was for fun, just do whatever you want, but this time someone took the initiative to come to the door, he naturally has to be more serious and kill the other party properly!

"What you said was actually true?"

Raza felt a chill all over his body, and Bert said, "Of course it's true. Speaking of which, it's not good to have too much strength. I'm afraid of killing people, so I always have to suppress my strength!"

Pepper and Coulson were speechless when they heard the words.

Raza, who was still thinking about the situation, immediately chose to follow his heart, turned his head, and shouted at the terrorists: "Shoot him, shoot him!"

The terrorists immediately raised their AK and shot at Bert. Bert didn't dodge.

Immediately, Bert pushed his hand forward, and the bullets got hit by the red light and flew back at a faster speed than before. The terrorists screamed and fell one after another with blood holes all over their bodies!

Whether it was Raza, the others, or the captives, they were all stunned, and Pepper opened her mouth in disbelief. Is this some action movie? Too exaggerated, right?

Bert put his hands behind his back.

Iron Fist is no joke, not to mention that Bert is an Iron Fist that absorbs Elixir super fast!

Looking at the powerful Bert, a deep fear surged in Raza's heart, which then turned into thick anger, and he shouted to the thin man, "Tangle him."

The thin man gritted his teeth, pulled out the two scimitars from his lower waist, and rushed in front of Bert, but he did not attack but moved quickly around Bert. His speed was extremely fast.

If other people encountered such a situation, they would be shocked, but Bert just wanted to laugh.

Bert smiled and stepped on the ground with his right foot, which was shining red. The force exploded, and the ground shook like a wave.

Before the thin man could stabilize his body, a fist that seemed to be burning with flames became bigger and bigger in his eyes, and he was suddenly desperate because he knew that he was doomed!

The thin man was right, the next moment, his head shattered like a watermelon, and the headless corpse fell to the ground!

"It's a little disgusting, I'll try not to hit the head in the future!" Bert looked disgusted. At this moment, a dazzling electric light suddenly lit up on Raza's side. When he turned his head, he saw a large green lightning flash toward him.

"Die, Iron Fist!"

Raza's face was hideous, the thin man's sacrifice was not in vain, and he finally used the ring bestowed by the Mandarin!

"Young people today, aren't we talking about martial arts? You've agreed to compete, but now you are using lightning?"

Bert scolded angrily, his body suddenly turned into blood, and the two sides were separated. Lightning passed through the middle and hit the wall behind, creating a big hole!

Bert's blood was re-integrated, whether it was Raza or the prisoners, they were all dumbfounded. What was this?

"No matter what monster you are, I'm going to kill you!"

Raza pointed the ring at Bert, and was about to attack again, Bert appeared in front of him like teleportation, cutting his arm directly with a flash of blood.

When his arm fell, Raza reacted and let out a shrill scream. Bert grabbed his neck, and with a force, Click, Raza's head leaned to one side weakly, declaring his death!

Bert threw Raza's body aside, But no one noticed that he quietly took a bottle of red medicine from Raza's body. This thing is worth studying!

Then, Bert bent down and picked up Raza's hand. There were two rings on the hand, one was the identity ring of the Ten Rings, and the other was the green lightning ring. The lightning before was sent out by this!

Bert was about to take down the lightning ring, but the lightning ring suddenly turned into a spot of light and ceased to exist!

"It seems that Mandarin is more powerful than expected!" Bert snorted coldly: "So what? Am I not good? I'm super strong, okay?"

Throwing Raza's hand away, Bert walked over to Pepper to help her untie her hands and feet. Pepper hurriedly said, "Mr. Wang, go save Tony, he is in danger!"

Bert was about to speak when a golden-red figure fell from the ceiling where the glass had been shattered. It was Tony who was bruised. He opened his mask and said in a dignified manner, "Who is in danger? I can do this myself!"

Tony is indeed not the opponent of Iron Monger. However, Iron Monger has not been tested and has many defects. For example, at a high altitude, it will freeze. Tony used this trick to let him fly up to a high altitude, causing his body to malfunction and fall.


Seeing that Tony was safe and sound, Pepper was about to closer to him, but Bert grabbed her and said, "Don't go over there, bragging people generally don't have a good ending!"

"Who are you talking about..."

Tony was about to refute, a huge figure fell from the sky, Tony put down his armor and turned around, but was hit by the other side's arm and fell into the wall, the cement block around him fell!

Bert smiled and said, "I'm not wrong, you gotta be honest!"

Pepper hurriedly said, "Mr. Wang, don't be a schadenfreude, hurry up and save Tony!"

"Small thing! You go and untie the others."

Bert smiled and strode towards Iron Monger. Iron Monger wanted to continue to fight Tony. Seeing Bert approaching, he pointed Gatling directly at him. If there were ants who wanted to die, of course, he had to do it!

Just when Gatling was about to shoot, Bert's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Iron Monger.

"Where is he?"

Obadiah's Iron Monger was only half-finished and not perfect, so he didn't find Bert behind him and turned around to look for him.

Bert took a deep breath, and his whole body lit up with dazzling red light as if a fire dragon was dancing. Then, all the red light converged on his two fists. Punched hard on the back of the Iron Monger!


Iron Monger flew out in response to the sound, the huge force even made two deep fist marks appear on the steel on his back, Obadiah screamed inside the armor, opened his mouth, and vomited blood on the visor!

The shock absorption function of the steel armor also has an upper limit!

"Jarvis, focus all your energy on the chest."

When Tony saw the opportunity, his chest immediately lit up with a dazzling light. Then, a large repulsor cannon shot out from his chest, hitting the Iron Monger in the air. The Iron Monger flew backward, smashed the glass, and fell into the large Ark Reactor.

Affected by the interference of foreign objects, the energy in the Ark's reactor fluctuated violently, and countless bolts of lightning roamed wildly around like silver snakes.

"It's going to explode, hurry up and run out!"

Bert shouted and immediately ran over to his sports car. Pepper, Coulson, and others also hurriedly fled out, but Tony didn't move. He opened his visor and shouted in horror: "Help me, I have no energy left!"

"You don't have any energy at all? You are a rechargeable doll, what a shame!"

Bert gave up driving, pulled the bumper of the sports car, and ran to Iron Man, then pulled him out of the wall and carried him on his shoulders,

Then, Bert, who was carrying Iron Man while pulling his sports car, ran out!

"What is this?"

When Pepper and the others looked back at this scene, they were speechless. It was the first time they saw someone pulling a car and running.

A few seconds after Bert left the research room with the sports car and Iron Man, the Ark reactor exploded, huge flames and airwaves roared out, and all the glass shattered. Except for Bert, everyone else was knocked down.

Bert put down Iron Man, turned to look at the research room full of flames and black smoke, and said with a smile, "I hope you have insurance!"

Tony lay on the ground and said angrily, "Don't worry, I bought it, and I'm not a charging doll."

"You are a dead charging doll!"

Bert said with a look of contempt: "Tony, you can't last long, it's seriously bad!"

Tony was angry: "What did you say, I can't last long, you go and ask my girlfriends, can I last long or not?"

Bert said, "I'm talking about your battle armor, not you. You are so sensitive, aren't you?"

Tony became more and more annoyed: "Who is sensitive?"

At this time, Pepper got up from the ground, ran to Tony nervously, and asked, "Tony, are you alright?"

Bert said casually: "He's fine, and he's going to find his ex-girlfriends to find out how long he can last long!"


Pepper was angry, 'forget it before, now that you have me, you still have to find an ex-girlfriend?'

Tony hurriedly explained: "I don't, Pepper, he's slandering me! My staying power doesn't need to be verified!"

"You don't seem to deny that you are looking for your ex-girlfriends?"

Pepper sneered, Tony froze suddenly, Bert laughed when he saw it, and Tony glared at him, isn't that something you did?

At this time, the poor Coulson with short hair came over and stretched out his hand to Bert: "Mr. Wang, thank you for saving us, I'm Phil Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Coulson looked at Bert with amazement. He now finally knew why the director attached so much importance to the other party. This blood god is really powerful, and neither the Iron Monger nor the Iron Man is his opponent.

Bert shook hands with the mayor of Marvel Novice Village and said, "Hello, by the way, Coulson, are you responsible for the settlement of my appearance fee?"


Coulson was stunned. Is there an appearance fee? Bert laughed and said, "Just kidding, okay, Tony, Pepper, the matter is settled, I'll go first!"

"Mr. Wang, thank you."

Pepper said gratefully, but Tony muttered, "I can do it without him!"


Pepper was dissatisfied, Tony turned his head and didn't speak, but sighed secretly in his heart, That bastard is not only richer than him but stronger than him!

Bert didn't care, he waved his hand and said, "Pepper, call me Bert in the future, Obadiah's era is over, and next, it's your era!"

After speaking, Bert jumped into the sports car and drove straight away. Pepper was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the fortune-telling a few days ago. She felt both anticipation and fear in her heart. Could it be that she can really become the president of Stark Industries?

After the fight is over, everything naturally come to an end. The battle between Iron Man and Iron Monger has destroyed half of the street, and dozens of people have died. They must give the public an explanation!

At the press conference the next day, S.H.I.E.L.D. carefully prepared a rhetoric speech. As a result, as soon as Tony stood on the podium, he directly announced that he was Iron Man, which caused a sensation in the audience!

"Coulson, I'm sorry!"

Pepper reluctantly apologized to Coulson, but he was not surprised because it was Tony Stark!

"It's nothing!"

Coulson waved his hand indifferently and went out to contact the director to talk about this. Yinsen, who was on the side, thought of something, and said to Pepper, "I now know what Bert said about the great career!"

"Great career? Superheroes?"

Pepper was stunned, Bert's words seemed to be true, step by step!

In other words, sooner or later, she will run away with Happy.

Pepper silently prayed for Happy in her heart. As we all know, someone is super careful!