Chapter 30

In the villa, Bert said to Ivan: "Iron Man is officially born, where is your Ark Reactor?"

"Give me another month and I'll rub his face into the ground."

Ivan scolded angrily, thought of something, and asked: "Manufacturing armor requires the top weapons company, do you have one?"

Bert smiled and said, "Not yet, but there will be one soon. You will be the company's weapons manufacturing director and shareholder."

"Then I'm waiting!"

Ivan got up and couldn't wait to study the Ark Reactor. He didn't want to be beaten by Tony Stark.

"Ivan, make me a miniature camera that couldn't be found so easily, I want to take some people's criminal evidence!"

Bert thought of something and shouted to Ivan: "It's better if it's a remote control. If you can't, it doesn't matter. It's not a big deal!"

Ivan said casually: "It's not difficult, I'll get it to you in a while, I don't have the time recently, otherwise I'll get you a virus to control the other party's cameras, which is more convenient."

"It's enough to have a camera, and not being detected is the first consideration."

Bert smiled and said, these geniuses are indeed not comparable to ordinary people, but even geniuses have to work for this local tyrant!

Ivan waved his hand and strode away. He could design such gadgets easily.

"The story of Iron Man is over, and next, it's time to acquire the Osborn Group!"

Bert thought for a while, called Mercury, then handed her a red potion, and said, "Give this to the blood department and let them study it carefully. I want a detailed report!"

"Yes, blood god."

Mercury nodded. After hollowing out the RAND Group, the blood department of the Blood God Group has been officially established. They will completely study artificial blood. Once successful, it will have great significance for both vampires and humans!

Bert added: "In addition, notify James and let him infiltrate the Osborn Group with all his strength, whether it is to send spies or buy it. In short, I want detailed information on the Osborn Group, including shareholder information, department structure, Research projects, etc., the more detailed the better!"

Mercury said: "He has been doing this since he came back, and I will let him speed up the progress."

"Good." Bert nodded in satisfaction. At this moment, his phone rang, and it was Pepper!

"You are coming to my manor the day after tomorrow right? uh, Tony is coming too, can I refuse? Just kidding, you are both welcome!"

Tony and Pepper coming here not only to visit Bert but also for the shares of Stark Industries.

"I talked with Obadiah's sons, and they told me they had promised to sell you the Stark Industries shares."

Tony put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth, and asked, "Bert, you knew that Obadiah would die?"

"Yes, I knew he was going to die."

Bert glanced at Tony and said, "As long as you win, he will surely die, either at your hands or at the hands of those behind-the-scenes bigwigs, and he will be silenced!"

Tony was a little surprised by this answer. He thought that Bert would say something about his appearance. He sighed and said, "Yes, as long as I win, he will die. To be honest, I really can't understand him. Why is he doing this, is he still short of money?"

"Who would say no to, too much money?"

Bert shrugged, and Pepper asked with a smile: "Bert, Obadiah has quite a few shares. After buying it, you will become the major shareholder of our Stark Industries!"

Bert knew that Pepper was testing, and he said: "Don't worry, I have no interest in Stark Industries. My target is Osborn Group. When I am ready, I will exchange Stark Industries' shares for Osborn's.!"

As he heard Bert say he was not interested, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, this guy is too rich, and it is not at all difficult to replace me after winning the shares of Obadiah. He said arrogantly, "The Osborn Group? The Osborn Group whose stock price plummeted because of me?"

"That's right, the Osborn Group whose stock price plummeted because you announced that you were going all-in in the energy industry!"

Bert smiled: "In fact, not only the Osborn Group, but all energy-related companies' stock prices are falling. The Osborn Group is just particularly serious. They rose too fast some time ago."

"Investors know who is king."

Tony said proudly: "The investors who bought the Stark Industries some time ago have made a profit now! The Stark family will never disappoint."

"Of course not, it's just a matter of who last long!"

Bert laughed, Tony was angry, if it wasn't for Pepper's dissuasion, he would have a good dialectical with Bert to see who could not last.

"I'm buying the Osborn Group, so I can't short it, if you're interested, you can make a fortune on it!"

Bert thought of something and said, "The stock price of Osborn Group will drop quite a lot recently!"

Pepper said: "Isn't that true? With the size of Osborn Company, it is not difficult to pull back the stock price!"

Bert smiled and said, "General Larry, who was in charge of procurement by the Ministry of Defense, has just retired, and the relationship between his successor and the Osborn Group is not very good!"

"I see!"

Tony and Pepper suddenly realized that the weapons of the Osborn Group are cutting-edge, and they are very dependent on the funds of the Ministry of Defense. If there is a problem with the Ministry of Defense, its stock price will fall sharply!

"I'll think about it, if I make money, I will give you 20% of the profit."

Tony nodded, then gestured to Pepper, who took out two documents from his briefcase and handed them to Bert.

Bert took the document and flipped through it, then smiled and said, "Technology and patents for special silicone and micro batteries? Tony, are you finally going to give me back what you owe me?"

"I don't owe you anything!"

Tony said, "Thank you for saving Pepper last time. I'm selling these two technologies to you at a cost, otherwise, I wouldn't sell!"

"Okay, I need this, so I'll take it!"

Bert nodded, and he said, "When the stock in my hand is exchanged if there is any left, it will be sold to you at the market price!"

"It is good!"

Tony nodded, hesitated, and asked, "Bert, what is my relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.?!"

Bert smiled and said, "Your father used to work in the Strategic Science Corps, you know?"

"Of course I know, that is the experience he is most proud of. He also likes to use the captain to educate me. Not much, but he has taught me more than a thousand times!"

Tony said resentfully, the captain is like an 'other child' to him!

Bert said: "S.H.I.E.L.D. developed from the Strategic Science Corps. Your father Howard and Ms. Carter are the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ms. Carter was even the former director!"

Tony was stunned: "My dad is the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Why didn't I know?"

"There are more things you don't know!"

Bert smiled and said, "Your father still has a lot of relics in S.H.I.E.L.D., but they didn't give them back to you. Speaking of which, things in the world are amazing. A strictly trained spy chief died in a car accident. Just kidding!"

The speaker was intentional, and the listener is more intentional. Tony frowned directly. If his father was an ordinary person, it would be normal to die in a car accident, but now he knows that his father is a spy chief and a genius inventor. How could he die in a car accident?

A spy chief, will not modify his car? Even if there is a car accident, it should be injured, not killed with his wife!

There is something wrong!

When Bert stopped, he raised his cup and said, "Here is to Iron Man!"

Tony absently touched the cup with Bert, then got up and said goodbye. He was going to go back to investigate the details of his parents' accident, as well as S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bert sent Tony and Pepper away. He looked at the passing sports car and squinted slightly. The era of superheroes has officially begun!

And with the emergence of superheroes, supervillains, and world-annihilation-level crises will follow!

Marvel world, hero's paradise, commoner's hell!

Of course, where the rich are, it is heaven!


The headquarters of the Osborn Group is also located on Manhattan Island. In the chairman's office, Norman Osborn with a sullen face looked at the group's stocks that had been falling for the past few days, and couldn't help but get angry.

"Damn Tony, damn Iron Man!"

Tony Stark is a recognized super genius, and now he has become Iron Man. When he said that Stark Industries would fully develop its energy business, the stock prices of all energy companies fell, only Stark Industries soared!

It is not only this matter that bothers Norman, but also the newly appointed General Slocombe of the Ministry of Defense. He has a bad relationship with his predecessor, so he has been suppressing the projects led by his predecessor!

Unfortunately, the Osborn Group's body strengthening program is one of them.

General Slocombe has issued an ultimatum to see the finished product of the human enhancement medicine in a short time, otherwise, he will allocate funds to support the humanoid armor project of Hammer Industries. Since the appearance of Iron Man, the armor has been very popular.

Norman let out a breath and called in Dr. Stromm, who was in charge of the human enhancement program, and asked, "When can we start human experiments?"

"Norman, no, in the last guinea pig experiment, a guinea pig showed a serious tendency to violence, and it was very aggressive!"

Dr. Stromm shook his head again and again: "I think we should study the equation again."

"Only one is like that, the others are fine, don't worry too much." Norman said: "Dr. Stromm, start the human experiment immediately. I will use this project to stabilize the stock price, otherwise, the board of directors will have other opinions!"

Although the Osborn Group was founded by Norman, he did not have many shares. This is a common problem for many large companies. If you want to develop rapidly, you must keep financing, so the shares will naturally be diluted.

The chairman of the big Internet companies in Bert's previous life still did not have many shares.

Dr. Stromm continued to shake his head: "Norman, the procedures for the human experiment have not been completed, it will take a while! Also, we haven't started recruiting experimenters!"

"Time is running out!" Norman took a few steps back and forth and said, "Go out first and complete the formalities as quickly as possible!"

Dr. Stromm breathed a sigh of relief and left. Norman looked at the closed door, snorted, and called his confidant, Nels van!

Norman instructed: "Find an empty shell pharmaceutical factory where we can conduct experiments in private. As for the experimenters, go to the streets and catch some homeless people. Anyway, no one cares about them. They are alive and have no value!"

Nels nodded without any doubts and said, "I know what to do!"

Norman thought of something, and asked again: "By the way, how is Dr. Connors' research on lizard serum?"

"He said he is close to a breakthrough," Nels said.

"It's still close! It's been more than ten years, and he has been close! How much money has he used from me in the past ten years?"

Norman is very angry. The reason why he is so eager to study human-enhancement serum and lizard serum is not only because of the impact of stock prices but also because Osborn suffered all his life due to a degenerative disease that eventually kills him. He needs genetic medicine to cure himself!

Norman shouted: "Tell him, I don't have that much time. Within three months, if I can't see the lizard serum, he will get out of Osborn with his research!"

"Yes, Mr. Osborn!"

Nels nodded and turned to leave. Norman slammed the table angrily but suddenly felt a little breathless. He hurriedly took out the medicine bottle from his pocket, then unscrewed the cap, poured out the tablet, and swallowed it!

Norman slowed down. He knew that he didn't have much time, and he had to research a suitable serum as quickly as possible at all costs.

Norman clenched his fists and thought firmly: "It doesn't matter if I die, but I can't let Harry follow in my footsteps, I must develop the perfect serum and give Harry a complete life!"

Norman did not know that everything that happened in his office was quietly recorded by a camera, and after three days, the camera was taken away and replaced with a new one!

Although the Osborn Building was heavily guarded, no one found out about it, because it was only a drop of blood that did it!

"Although Ivan has made a remote control camera, for the sake of safety, I'll change it myself!"

Bert put the camera's memory card into the computer, and the picture quickly appeared in it. After reading it, he smiled slightly: "The old green devil didn't use himself to do human experiments, and yes, he is a billionaire, how can he do something so unreasonable? In the movie, it was just for the sake of the plot!"

"Old Green Devil, your chairman position will be replaced soon!"


As time turns, June comes. At this time, the streets are full of cool beauties wearing short sleeves and skirts, which are quite eye-catching!

And this month, the hottest thing is still superheroes, but it's not Tony Stark, it's Spider-Man flying between high-rise buildings, and countless newspapers and TV shows are talking about him.

"Daily Bugle is annoying. It's scolding Spider-Man again, and said that the bad people he caught were all hired by him at his own expense!"

In an outdoor cafe in Hell's Kitchen, Trish Walker, the host of the radio show 'Trish Talk', looked at the report in the newspaper and cursed.

"It's not the first day that the Daily Bugle scolds Spider-Man. If you buy it every day to read it, you're actually funding it to continue to scold Spider-Man!"

Jessica Jones leaned back in her seat weakly, she hated going out during the day, and even more hated sitting outside drinking coffee, she wanted to go to a bar for a drink!

"This newspaper is fake, I won't spend money on the Daily Bugle, it's better to go out of business!"

Trish snorted. She looked at Jessica and said excitedly, "Jessica, do you want to be a superhero too? You have the ability!"

"No, absolutely not!"

Jessica shook her head like a rattle, what a joke. The last time she helped someone, she turned her head and met the purple man and yellow people. If it wasn't for her escaping fast, she wouldn't know what it would be like now!

Trish is very disappointed, she is full of unwillingness, if she has Jessica's ability, she will become a superhero and be worshipped by the whole city, just like Tony Stark and Spiderman!

"Trish, being a superhero isn't as good as you think!"

Jessica said: "You should give up this idea as soon as possible, and also, don't bring me here for coffee again, no matter how long you stare at the teahouse, they will not let you in, they have a membership system, only Members are allowed inside."

After hearing this, Trish couldn't help but look at the 'Dragon Subduing Teahouse' opposite, she said a little frantically: "Why does a teahouse have a membership system? Aren't they afraid of closing?"

Jessica said, "You ask me who am I going to ask? Trish, kung fu, and everything are fake, and that old lady that day may not be related to this teahouse, maybe she was just passing by!"

Just as Jessica was halfway through speaking, Trish stood up abruptly and said excitedly: "The old lady appeared, I knew she was from the teahouse, and I want to go to learn kung fu from the teacher!"

After speaking, Trish grabbed the bag, trotted to the door of the teahouse, and shouted to the old lady inside through the door in broken Chinese, "Master, Master!"


Madame Gao was a little surprised. She walked over tremblingly, opened the door, and asked, "Who are you, and why are you calling me Master?"

Trish said excitedly: "My name is Trish, I want to take you as my teacher and learn Kung Fu!"

"I see, I'm sorry, I don't accept apprentices!"

Madame Gao understood, she waved her hand, turned, and walked in. Trish was in a hurry and wanted to enter, but was stopped by the security guard in the suit at the door. This woman is a habitual offender and tried to sneak in several times!

Trish couldn't get in, so she could only shout at the door: "Master, I want to learn kung fu, and I'm willing to pay a high price!"

Madame Gao shook her head, how can kung fu be learned with money? Besides, will Madam Gao be short of money? Back then, all her money was packed in sacks!

Seeing Madame Gao ignoring Trish, Jessica who came over said dissatisfiedly, "Trish, she's a liar, you don't need to beg her."

Madame Gao still ignored her. She is now heartbroken, and she just wants to go to jail here quietly, and then one day, go back to Kun-Lun!

Trish was unwilling to fail like this and wanted to rush in, but the security guard in the suit pushed her angrily and almost pushed her down.

Jessica was furious and pushed the security guard's shoulder hard. As if the security guard was hit by a motorcycle, he flew out and fell to the ground!

Madam Gao looked back at this scene and couldn't help but look at Jessica.

"What kind of training place does not teach? You tell my sister honestly, you are a liar!"

As Jessica walked in, she shouted, Madam Gao, shook her head, pushed Jessica out with a wave of her hand as she fell to the ground, and then said, "The owner of this teahouse doesn't like people breaking in!"

Jessica sat on the ground, a little dazed, the other party didn't touch her, how did she fall? This is so unscientific!

Trish's eyes brightened, and she shouted, "Master, I want to learn kung fu from you!"

Madame Gao didn't want to accept apprentices, and she didn't want them to bother her again, so she deliberately made a problem: "If you want to learn, you can kneel there for a day, and I will accept you as a disciple."

"Kneel here?"

Trish was stunned, she is a star, if she started to kneel here, it will be big news!

"Trish, ignore her, let's go back, I'll find someone to tear it down tomorrow!"

Jessica got up and said viciously, Bert happened to come out of the backyard and asked in amazement, "Who wants to demolish my teahouse? Huh, Jessica Jones?"

Jessica looked at the Asian opposite and asked suspiciously, "You know me?"

Bert smiled and said, "Of course, I know. I saved your life, but not only did you not repay, but you smashed the glass of my house!"

Jessica finally recognized Bert, she took a step back and shouted in horror: "You are, are you that yellow man?"

"Yellow man, what yellow man?"

Trish was confused, Jessica knew the owner of this teahouse. Why didn't she say it earlier, I didn't have to be blocked out for so many days!

"Yellow people? Yes, we did wear yellow clothes at that time!"

Bert smiled, he turned to Madam Gao and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Is such that!"

Madame Gao said the matter again, and then said: "I will drive them away immediately!"

"The blond can be driven away, and the one named Jessica should be brought in as a waiter to pay off the debt!"

Bert said, Madame Gao nodded and walked towards Jessica with a cane. Jessica was shocked and turned to run away, but Madame Gao hit her in the back with a cane!

I don't know how Madame Gao did it. After Jessica was hit, she felt numb and could not help herself. She fell to the ground softly. Madame Gao grabbed her arm and pulled her to the backyard.

Unable to resist, Jessica shouted, "Trish, save me!"


Trish was in a hurry and wanted to rush in to save people, but Bert motioned for the security to stop her, and then said, "Don't worry, I will let her go when she pays off her debts!"

Trish shouted, "I'll pay you back how much she owes!"

Bert said: "Not much, just a piece of glass, a life-saving grace. If it is just glass, it can be repaid after tens of days of work. As for the life-saving grace, she can work for a few years!"

"Then why don't you keep her for 20 more years? What's the difference between this and kidnapping?" Trish said angrily.

Bert smiled and didn't answer. In other words, this looks like kidnapping!

Trish thought of something and shouted, "I can help her pay it back. You should know me, right? If I come to your store as a part-time worker, It will attract more customers!"

Bert smiled and said, "Do you think I care about customers?"

Trish was speechless, how could a membership-only teahouse care about the number of customers?

At this time, a nervous and unconfident voice sounded next to him: "Excuse me, is this the Dragon Subduing Teahouse?"

Trish turned her head and saw an ugly, dirty-looking man standing beside her asking questions. She frowned and was about to speak when Bert came over and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Dillon, I was waiting for you!"

When was Max Dillon ever been treated so kindly, let alone a big man with a well-dressed and extraordinary bearing, he was flattered and stretched out his hand: "Hello, please call me Max"

"Let's go in and talk!"

Bert motioned Max to come in with him. Trish was annoyed when she saw that such a weirdo could go in, but he couldn't!

"It's always like this, others can easily get what I want! Hmph, isn't it just kneeling, I'll show you!"

Trish gritted her teeth and made a decision, of course, she won't kneel like she is now, she was a star, although she was a bit out of touch!

Trish went back and changed into colorful clothes, then covered her face, carried the camera and a bag of food, and returned to the entrance of the Teahouse again. Then, she set the camera and knelt at the entrance of the Teahouse swaggeringly!

Although the passers-by were a little surprised, they glanced at the camera and didn't care too much. It was either a weird show or performance art. In New York, there are many such things, so it's not surprising.

Trish thought proudly: "Hey, I just have to endure this for 24 hours? Then I will learn kung fu and become a superhero that is even hotter than Iron Man and Spider-Man!"