Chapter 36

Soon, Ulysses and Bert came in front of a large container. Ulysses motioned for his men to open the container, but it was empty.


Facing Bert's dissatisfied gaze, Ulysses clapped his hands, and the two men walked into the container and pulled down the steel cabinet wall inside. Behind it was a row of neatly stacked transparent jars, and inside the jars, purplish-blue Vibranium!

Ulysses picked up a jar and threw it to Bert, and said, "Ten kilograms, you can check it!"

"Very good!"

Bert took the jar and glanced at it, nodding in satisfaction, then he turned around and threw the jar to Frank, saying, "This is Vibranium worth 10,000 dollars per gram, the hardest metal in the world, the one on Captain America's hand. The iconic Shield was made of this!"

Frank caught the jar and asked curiously, "The hardest metal? Bert, what are you buying this for?"

"To build a weapon that suits me. Now there are steel armors flying everywhere in the sky. It's a loss without a weapon!" Bert replied.

He originally planned to build a dragon tooth sword (Using the dragon skeleton underground), he has the dragon tooth, but not the technology to make it a weapon, so he can only use Vibranium!

Frank looked at the Vibranium in the jar and sighed: "Hundreds of millions of dollars for a weapon, you rich people know how to play!"

Bert smiled and said, "What's so strange about this? The captain's shield is worth at least 50 million. Doesn't he still play with it?"

"So the shield in the hands of Captain America is so valuable?"

Frank was stunned, more than fifty million? It turned out that the enemies of the Captain were killed by money!

Bert said: "It's so valuable. I've always wondered why no one picked up Captain America's shield and ran away?"

"Probably because it can't be sold!"

Ulysses smiled and said, "Blood God, the thing is here, you should pay the bill, $100 million!"


Bert snapped his fingers, Natalie came up with the laptop, and Bert said, "I thought you would let me use cash!"

"We also keep pace with the times! And the money in the bank is much easier to launder than cash." Ulysses smiled and said.

Soon, his cell phone rang, and the $100 million arrived, Ulysses was overjoyed, and he shook hands with Bert: "Blood God, it's a pleasure to work with you, next time you need it, you can continue to contact me!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely contact you!"

Bert smiled and motioned to Frank to take someone to move the Vibranium, next time. Sorry, no next time!

The business went well, and Ulysses was very happy. He said, "Unfortunately, I'm used to leaving immediately after finishing my business, otherwise I'd like to have a drink with you and make a big gamble!"

Ulysses sold Vibranium for more than ten years, why is he still so poor? It's very simple, he likes to gamble, this is a common problem of many people who are swindlers, the money comes too fast, and it is used quickly!

Bert said casually: "You can drink, but you don't have to gamble. Tony Stark can't beat me even if he cheats!"

"If you say that, I want to bet with you even more. Do you think it's strange?"

When Ulysses heard this, he immediately became interested. He said, "Next time I'll bring gambling equipment, let's take a good gamble."

"I guess I can save a lot of money next time. Well, Mr. Klaue, see you next time."

Bert smiled, and when Frank and the others finished moving the Vibranium, he waved his hand and drove away with everyone.

"Come on, let's go back."

When Bert and the others left completely, Ulysses immediately led people to retreat. He was very careful in doing business, otherwise, he would not be alive now.

Vibranium, who doesn't get jealous?

By car, by plane, by boat, Ulysses spent most of the day returning to his home, the Churchill, where most of his Vibranium was hidden!

"It's finally time to relax! Celebrate tonight!"

Ulysses breathed a sigh of relief.

He was so happy that he didn't know that a super small thief was brought here by him!

In the dead of night, the thief woke up and flew out of Ulysses' body - he was the drop of blood that Bert had put into Ulysses' body before!

Immediately afterward, this drop of blood changed, and turned into Bert in an Ant-Man suit!

Bert nodded with satisfaction. Compared to before, his sensing ability is much stronger. After all, he has been absorbing blood and Elixir for the past few months!

Also, don't underestimate this drop of blood, it's actually one-third of Bert's blood, so even if it's so far away, Bert can still vaguely sense it, and then follow this sense to transfer his consciousness, to come over!

As for the other two-thirds of Bert's body, it has fallen into a deep sleep, and only some instincts are left. In this regard, Bert has not made a breakthrough yet!

Without wasting time, Bert flew up and searched for Vibranium on the boat — flying was not the ability of the Ant-Man suit, but his ability!

After a while, Bert found the Vibranium hidden in the mezzanine of the cargo compartment. He first destroyed the surveillance, and then used Pym particles to shrink hundreds of kilograms of Vibranium into his pocket!

After doing this, Bert did not leave immediately, because it was too easy to arouse suspicion. He used the Purple Man virus to quietly control Ulysses' men, and then let them launch a rebellion!

Ulysses was caught off guard. In the end, after Bert's release, he took a few cronies and fled Churchill in a speedboat. He swore that he would kill all of these rebels!

Ulysses didn't know that not long after he left, all the rebels committed suicide, and even the big ship was sunk to the bottom by Bert!

The plan is not perfect, but how can crime be perfect? As long as people don't know about Pym particles, what does it matter if they suspect vampires?

After doing this, Bert returned to the casino. His flying speed was extremely fast, and before dawn, he merged with the rest of his body!

"It's done, I accidentally made another billion!"

Bert sat up from the bed and nodded with satisfaction. At this moment, he smiled and said, "S.H.I.E.L.D. is about to start looking for trouble with Ulysses? After all, I put such a big deal on it. !"

This is also the reason why Bert didn't kill Ulysses. It's not that he couldn't, but it was useful to keep him!

S.H.I.E.L.D. did start looking for Ulysses. After Natasha passed the news back, Director Fury knew after a little thought that they were talking about Wakanda. Because of Vibranium, only Wakanda produced it!

To be honest, Director Fury doesn't believe that Wakanda is that strong. After all, why should a country so powerful be hidden? It is also hidden as a super-poor country that wants relief from the Council. Have they been kicked in the head by a donkey?

However, as a senior victim of paranoia, since he has obtained the information, he must check it out!

While Director Fury sent someone to investigate Wakanda secretly, he asked Hawkeye to lead someone to arrest Ulysses and bring some Vibranium back to supplement the base. Recently, the cost of materials has increased, and the construction cost of the base has increased a lot. !

There is no doubt that Hawkeye is the top agent. The problem is that after Ulysses was 'betrayed' by his subordinates, he found a place to hide for fear of being hunted down.

In this case. A hiding mouse is not so easy to find, even if he has eagle eyes!


When Bert was happy in the casino, Norman Osborn was not doing well at all, because Spider-Man had been pestering him, preventing him from killing those shareholders. The two sides fought several times, and neither could win the other.

To make matters worse, the loss caused by the Green Goblin made the city government unbearable. They asked Iron Man to take action. The Green Goblin was very afraid of Iron Man, and dared not move out easily!

Norman, who was pretending to be a patient in his bedroom, thought about it, called Nels, and asked, "How is the team training?"

"It can come in handy. However, they were only homeless people at first. Even if they were strengthened, their combat effectiveness would not be much higher!"

Nels replied, "And we don't have any more gliders and Goblin suits."

"It doesn't matter, use the gun if you don't have a glider, you make them ready, we'll do it as soon as Bert comes back!"

Norman put down the phone. At this time, the TV started to broadcast the press conference of the Oscorp. Vice President McCann happily announced to the reporter: "Mr. Max has agreed to rejoin the Oscorp, and he will be the power department's new Supervisor..."

"McCann, Max!"

Norman's face instantly turned hideous, he decided, he was going to kill these two guys!


In the Oscorp, McCann sat in the vice president's office with a smug look on his face. The Blood God trusted him very much and let him be in charge of the Oscorp. With his efforts, the stock price of Oscorp gradually returned to stability!

"It won't be long before I move into the president's office! Norman, you can go in peace, I will carry forward the Oscorp!"

McCann thought proudly, at this moment, the glass wall behind him suddenly shattered, and he fell off the chair in fright and fell into the glass slag all over the floor!

Immediately afterward, a green figure flew in from outside and shouted at McCann, "McCann, you traitor!"

When McCann heard this voice, he shouted in shock: "Norman!"

"Yes, it's me!"

Norman laughed horribly. He jumped out of the glider, lifted McCann from the ground, grabbed him, and walked to the window where the wind was howling, shouting, "The Oscorp is mine, always mine!"

"Norman, no, Norman... ah!"

McCann hurriedly begged for mercy, but Norman showed no mercy and threw him from the fortieth floor!

"What a wonderful sound!"

Hearing McCann's screams, Norman laughed. Then, he walked back and turned on McCann's computer. He quickly tapped the keyboard. The monitoring of the power department soon appeared on the computer. He saw that Max was bringing People to patrol the grid in genetic labs.

Max, who was sloppy and wretched before, now looks well-dressed and looks like a successful person.

"You are also a traitor!"

Norman started typing on the keyboard again. Max was touching the instrument with his hand, and the instrument suddenly leaked electricity. He was twitched by the electricity, and then accidentally fell from the railing and fell into the pond where the genetic eel was raised!

The pool was fully charged, and Max was screaming in agony. What's worse, the genetic eels swam over to bite Max when they saw that someone had violated their territory!

In this way, Max died tragically!

"Die, Traitor!"

Norman laughed, jumped on the glider, and quickly got out of there.

Because of the successive deaths of McCann and Max, the Oscorp building was in chaos. A female assistant sneaked into the chairman's office while the security guards left, and then took out a special USB flash drive, intending to steal company information!

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded at the door: "Who are you, and why are you here?"

The female assistant was startled and hurriedly raised her head to find that it was the future chairman's assistant, Mercury. She put away the USB flash drive and said, "Hello, I'm here to clean up!"

Mercury asked suspiciously, "Why don't I see any tools for cleaning?"

The female assistant walked towards Mercury and said nervously, "The tools are outside, I'll wipe the table and computer with a tissue first."

When the female assistant walked in front of Mercury, she suddenly raised her left hand with force, and the bracelet on it came out and smashed toward Mercury. At the same time, her right hand turned into a knife and slashed toward Mercury's neck!

The female assistant didn't intend to kill Mercury, she just wanted to stun her, but to her surprise, her wrist was grabbed by the other party. Before she could understand why the other party was so quick, there was severe pain in her abdomen. The whole person flew out and hit the wall and fell!

The female assistant curled up like a shrimp in pain, and she was full of shock, how could the other party be so strong?

"It turned out to be a little thief cat!"

Mercury stepped on high heels and walked to the female assistant. The female assistant, who was still in pain, suddenly put her hands on the ground and swept her legs towards Mercury's calf!

Mercury snorted coldly, jumped high, and then kicked the female assistant's chin with a volley, and the female assistant flew up and fell unconscious on the spot.

"Qi is really easy to use, and even the sense of power has been enhanced!"

Mercury fell to the ground, looking at the female assistant who was also on the ground, and smiled coldly. Then, she took out the phone and called Bert to tell him what had just happened, including the deaths of McCann and Max.

"You take charge of the overall situation first, and I will come back immediately."

Bert said, however, not for the Green Goblin, but for Max!

To be honest, Bert was very speechless, Max still became the Electro, this fate is too amazing, right?


At night, in a morgue in New York, the electric lights suddenly started to turn on and off, which was very scary. What was even more horrifying was that the 'corpse' in the morgue suddenly moved and fell to the ground by accident. The lights are all bursting with sparks!

The charred 'corpse' on the ground looked very flustered and kept moving. At this time, he saw his palm and became even more panicked, because his palm was transparent, and he could see the blood vessels, bones, and electric currents inside. !

That's right, the current, this 'corpse' has electricity, and as he moves, the surrounding electrical appliances are directly activated, and an electric cutter even spins violently and falls from the cabinet, almost hitting the 'corpse'!

"What's wrong with me?"

The 'corpse' was extremely panicked, he stood up, and the scorched 'shell' on his body gradually shattered and fell, revealing his true appearance.

Max grabbed a cloak and fled the morgue in a panic. On the street, he felt very hungry and couldn't help but absorb the current from the car next to him!

Max didn't feel enough, he followed the direction of the wires on the ground, all the way to the place where the current was most concentrated - he could see the current!

The place where the current is most concentrated is Duffy Square. Max found a node, dug up the cover, grabbed the wire with both hands, and absorbed the current like crazy!