Chapter 37

Max's behavior of absorbing current not only attracted the attention of the surrounding citizens as they started taking pictures but also attracted the attention of the police. Max panicked and damaged a car with lightning. The police were frightened and pointed guns at Max!

Max became more and more panicked and raised his hand to explain. At this moment, he found that all the screens around him had his face, and he couldn't help but laugh, he always liked to be noticed.

Max's smile is quite hideous in the eyes of the police, and the police should shoot to subdue this monster!

If the police fired, everything would be irreversible. At this critical moment, the walkie-talkie on Sheriff Macy suddenly rang.

The old voice of the precinct chief came from the walkie-talkie: "Everyone, don't be impulsive, put down your guns, Sheriff Macy, turn on the amplifier, someone wants to talk to that, uh, that person!"

The police looked at each other, and Sheriff Macy hesitated, raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, then turned on the amplifier, and a voice sounded from the loudspeaker: "Max, is that you?"

"It's me, Mr. Wang, it's me!"

When Max heard Bert's voice, he shouted excitedly. When he was excited, the electric current flashed on his body, which scared a policeman, who almost raised his gun to shoot!

Bert asked, "Max, what's the matter with you now? I heard that you were dead, and rushed back from the casino, but I saw you online and turned into a, oh, electric man?"

"I don't know what happened. I fell into the electric eel pond and I became like this. Mr. Wang, help me!"

Max shouted, and he was full of gratitude at the same time, it was too rare for such a big man to come back specifically for him.

Bert thought for a while and said, "Max, it's not suitable for you to stay in a crowded place right now. You come to meet me at the Hell's Kitchen Pier and we'll talk in detail!"

"Meet you?"

Max asked worriedly: "Mr. Wang if I am like this now, will it be dangerous to you?"

"Don't worry, I know you won't hurt me!"

Bert laughed, Max was greatly moved, how could Mr. Wang trust him so much?

After Bert finished the call, the bureau chief ordered, "Find a truck and take this gentleman there."

Sheriff Macy lowered his head and said dissatisfiedly on the walkie-talkie: "Chief, he destroyed a car, and it is very dangerous! We should lock him up!"

"Are you sure you can catch him?"

The head of the branch said: "I don't want to collect the corpses for you. As for the damaged things, someone will compensate you. You don't have to worry about it. Now bring people over there. Also, be polite!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Sheriff Macy was helpless and could only agree, scolding secretly in his heart: "Damn rich man."

Then, the police began to disperse the surrounding citizens and found a van to send Max away.

The reason it's a van and not a police car is that Max was charged, and it's too dangerous to ride in a police car — insulated chairs and cushions can be added to the van.

Max didn't resist, after all, Mr. Wang was helping him, and although he was a little withdrawn, he wasn't a bad person!

In the movie, the reason why Max became the villain is mainly that there are too many negative emotions, and there are no friends who care about him.

Now that someone is concerned about him, and with the scenery of life some time ago, Max will naturally not break out easily.

It is worth mentioning that during the whole process, Spider-Man did not appear at all. The reason is very simple. He was working as a sparring partner in the Teahouse, and was chased by Jessica and Trish, running around dodging!

Because many people posted what happened just now on the Internet, what happened in the square quickly spread,

In the bedroom, Norman Osborn squeezed his fist excitedly: "Dock in Hell's Kitchen! Bert, I'll send you to hell!"


There is a pier in Hell's Kitchen that originally belonged to the Rand Group, and Bert swallowed it when he emptied the Group, so this pier now belongs to Bert!

Under the bright light, Bert sat on a chair by the sea, quietly waiting for the Electro Man to arrive. Beside him stood Natasha and Mercury, there were ten well-armed guards around him.

After an unknown amount of time, a truck drove up, and Max the Electro man jumped out of the carriage. He was very excited to see Bert, and as a result, the electric current almost ran wild!

"Don't worry!"

Bert smiled, motioned Natasha to deal with the police who were coming, then pointed to the seat next to him, and said to Max, "Max, come here, let's have a chat!"

"Yes, Mr. Wang!"

Max came over, carefully sat next to Bert, and asked hopefully, "Mr. Wang, can you help me change back?"

"I'm not a scientist, I can't give you a guarantee, I can only give you the best hospital and the best doctor!"

Bert said: "However, in my opinion, you should not be able to change back. Your life nature has changed!"

"What! I can't change back?"

Max was very excited, and a ray of lightning on his body shot uncontrollably at Bert. Max was shocked and he could not stop in time, but what shocked him more was that with a random wave of Bert's hand, the lightning exploded in mid-air.

Max asked incredulously, "Mr. Wang, you?"

Bert said frankly: "I am a vampire and have some special abilities!"


Max's surprised eyes lit up, and he asked, "Do vampires exist?"

"Of course there is. Except for Natalie, everyone else here is a vampire!"

Bert smiled and said, "Why, do you want to stay away from this monster?"

"Of course not, Mr. Wang, you are my friend, I will not leave you!"

Max waved his hands, what did he think of, and said with a wry smile: "I'm a monster now too!"

Bert said: "You don't have to be so desperate. Even if you can't cure it, you still have three paths to choose from!"

"There are three paths to choose. Which three paths?"

Max asked in surprise, and Natasha, who had sent the police away, also listened attentively!

"The first, the supervillain's way!"

Bert said: "Just like the Green Goblin, you have the ability now. At that time, you will become a big bad guy who everyone shouts and beats, but your name will also become known in the streets."

"Villain? No, I'm not a bad guy!"

Max shook his head. Although he was very moved by being famous, he didn't want to be a bad guy!

"The second way, join S.H.I.E.L.D. as an agent!"

Bert continued, and briefly introduced S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha couldn't help but glance at him, how could this guy be so kind?

Max was a little moved, and he asked, "Is it an agent like 007?"

"Of course not! S.H.I.E.L.D. is a spy agency that likes to hide everything. If you become their agent, no one will know you, and even your existence will be erased!"

Bert said: "In addition, people in S.H.I.E.L.D. are paranoid victims, so you will definitely be monitored and vigilant by them! There is a one-eyed guy who will keep staring at you, even when you go to the toilet.!

Of course, it is not without benefits, you will make a lot of contributions to the world, and you will become a noble person. "

"But no one knows that I've contributed, I'm not interested in that!"

Max shook his head, he didn't want to be a bad guy, but he also didn't want to be a good guy who was unknown!

"In this case, you only have a third way left!"

Bert patted Max on the shoulder and said, "Make your debut as a superhero!"

Max was stunned. He asked, "Superheroes? Like my good friend Spider-Man?"

"Yes, a superhero like Spider-Man, who fights evil, saves the weak, and is worshipped by the citizens!"

Bert stood up and said, "Actually, I have always had an idea to cultivate a superhero star. I think you may be suitable."

Max became more and more astonished: "Superhero star?"

"Yes, manage superheroes in the way of stars, and then make money by operating peripherals!"

Bert said: "If you are famous enough, you may be able to sell the copyright to make movies in the future. However, this is just an idea of ​​mine, and it has not been implemented yet!"

"Mr. Wang, I think this path is better."

Max stood up excitedly, superhero, star, this is his dream, then everyone's eyes will be focused on him, like Spider-Man, Iron Man.

"Don't worry, I'll check it out for you first! You also think about which way to go next, except for the supervillain, I will support you in the other two paths!"Bert patted Max on the shoulder and said.

Max was very grateful, Mr. Wang is kind to him, and he must repay him well in the future!

Natasha looked at Max speechlessly, this is too good to buy, right? It's almost gutted! It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. can't dig him away from Bert.

Bert said: "Okay, let's talk about the rest later, I'll come to help you get revenge first!"

Max was puzzled: "Revenge, for what?"

"You almost died, it's not an accident, someone did this!"

Bert said: "That person is the Green Goblin who killed you and McCann. He should be coming soon!"

"Green Goblin? Did he make me like this?"

Max was furious, and crackling arcs appeared on his body. Bert suppressed these arcs back with his Qi and said, "Don't get excited, I will help you get revenge, just watch from the side!"

Max said, "Mr. Wang, I can help!"

"You can't control yourself, let's talk about it later!"

Bert waved his hand. At this moment, there was a green object in the sky with billowing black smoke rapidly flying towards this side. Bert motioned Natasha to take Max to the back to watch the play, while he was with Mercury and Ten guards stood there waiting!

It was the Green Goblin in the glider who came, and he shouted resentfully from the sky: "Blood God, your time of death is here!"

"Green Goblin, it's you who's going to die."

Bert sneered: "By the way, your glider is really not environmental-friendly, you should learn from Iron Man!"

The Green Goblin was furious, and a miniature missile emerged from under the glider and shot at Bert at a high speed!

At the same time, eight figures suddenly appeared behind the container at the dock, and they all threw a grenade into the sky. generally!

Ultraviolet grenade, something that Bert did not study successfully at the beginning, but the Green Goblin researched it. It was especially used to deal with vampires, and it also interfered with Bert and could not avoid missiles!

"It's a bit creative!"

Bert closed his eyes for the first time, then waved his hands, a faint red light enveloped the missile, and the missile made a half-circle in the air, shooting towards the Green Goblin!

The Green Goblin's expression changed, and he hurriedly activated the machine gun to blast the missile in the air, and the flames bloomed like fireworks!

At this time, the ultraviolet rays disappeared, and the Green Goblin was surprised to find that none of Mercury and the others died, but their eyes were red and swollen, which was very uncomfortable!

Produced by Tony Stark, it must be a masterpiece!

"What's the matter, aren't vampires afraid of ultraviolet rays?"

The Green Goblin was very puzzled. With a wave of his hand, the previous eight figures all picked up their assault rifles and fired at the crowd. He also aimed the machine gun at Bert!

"For the blood god, kill them."

Mercury pulled out her samurai sword and charged toward the eight figures in a flickering shape like a ghost. The bullet could not hit her at all. If she wanted to, she could even split the bullet with a sword!

Five of the ten guards charged with Mercury, and the other five picked up the micro-charge on their waists and shot at the opposite figure, forcing them to dodge!

The guards are quite excited, and they can finally come in handy!

The guards dealt with the reinforcements, and Bert naturally dealt with the Green Goblin. He used the power of the Iron Fist to form a red light shield to block in front of him, and then quickly approached the Green Goblin!

As the Green Goblin stepped back, he threw three pumpkin bombs at Bert. Bert waved his hand in the air, and the faint red light hit the pumpkin bombs back to the Green Goblin, and the Green Goblin had to detonate them in advance.

Bang bang bang,

The air wave formed by the explosion of the pumpkin bomb made the Green Goblin a little unstable in the air, quickly stabilized his figure, but found that he had lost the trace of Bert!

Just when the Green Goblin was looking for Bert, there was a sudden loud cracking sound from behind him. Before he could dodge, he was hit in the back by Bert's gleaming Iron Fist, screaming and falling from the glider down.

Before the Green Goblin landed, Bert appeared beside him again, kicked out, and the Green Goblin flew straight out like a kite with a broken string, smashed the container, and fell inside with a bang!

Bert's figure disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already inside the container, where he was greeted by three high-speed rotating flying knives.

Bert smiled disdainfully. One finger turned into three bloody arrows, which instantly pierced through the three throwing knives. The Green Goblin took the opportunity to get up from the ground and punched Bert while enduring the pain!

Bert grabbed Green Goblin's wrist and threw him over his shoulder, smashing him to the ground.

Green Goblin was dizzy. Before he could recover, Bert stomped on his chest with a flashing red foot. Even with the protection of the armor, even if he had been strengthened, the ribs on his chest were still trampled on the spot. Broken, and even pierced into the internal organs!

Green Goblin screamed, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Bert raised his hand, lifted Green Goblin from the ground, then pinched him by the neck and pressed him against the iron wall of the container, sneering: "Norman, you are so weak! I didn't even use 10% of my strength. !"

The Green Goblin turned out to be looking at Bert bitterly, but when he heard the other party calling out his name, he was shocked and shouted, "Do you know who I am?"

"Everyone can see it, can't they?"

Bert took off the Green Goblin's helmet and said, "Only ordinary people would think that the Green Goblin is Dr. Stromm!"