Chapter 43 : Abomination (I)

The battle of blood is a battle of cells. Bert's blood cells want to devour the blood cells of the Hulk, but the blood cells of the Hulk are unwilling to be swallowed up, and they fight back!

The power of the Blood God is still very powerful, Bert's blood quickly swallowed the Hulk's blood, but it was also dyed green.

A wave of uncontrollable anger spread from the green blood to Bert's body. He sensed it carefully and nodded secretly. His previous speculation was correct. He could devour the blood of the Hulk, but he would become irritable. Because the source of the Hulk's power is anger!

"I don't want to go green!"

Bert stretched out his hand towards the green blood in the air. The green blood lost its spirituality and fell on his hand, turning into a hard green stone.

Bert put away the green stone, took out a test tube from his pocket, and filled it with a few drops of Hulk's blood Then, he opened his hand, and a cloud of blood flew out from his palm, lurking under the experimental table.

"Next, just wait for the Hulk to enter New York!"

Bert changed back to Ant-Man and left here silently, just like he came in!

The next plot is the same as in the movie. General Ross took someone to arrest Banner, but as a result, Banner turned into the Hulk and kicked all the soldiers, and even caused the factory to be smashed into ruins!

After this incident, Banner decided to smuggle back to New York to find Mr. Blue, because he wanted to completely solve the problem of the Hulk!

To get his mutated data, Banner sneaked into Culver University where he used to work. Here, he and Betty met again. Betty put aside her current boyfriend without any hesitation and returned to Banner's arms!

Betty's current boyfriend is a good character. He was worried that Betty would meet a bad guy, so he reported the incident to General Ross, so General Ross set a trap at Culver University and had an intimate date with the Hulk!

In Blood God Manor, Frank looked at the Hulk who overturned the off-road tanks with machine gun bullets on the holographic projection TV, and asked in shock, "Where did this monster come from, it's so terrifying?"

"It's a bit scary indeed, even tanks can't stop him!"

Ivan nodded in agreement, in addition to him and Frank, Mercury and Electro were also there, and they were all called by Bert to watch the live broadcast!

"This guy is called the Hulk!"

Bert sent a document to everyone, saying: "Banner was originally a genius doctor, but because of an experimental accident, he turned into a monster. His girlfriend once came to me and wanted him to become a superhero, but I rejected him."

"He can't be a superhero, he can't control his powers!"

Electro man shook his head, he always felt that he was miserable enough, but he didn't expect anyone to be more miserable than him!

Frank said dissatisfiedly: "General Ross is going too far. He brought ordinary soldiers to encircle and suppress such monsters. He is completely asking them to die! Hey, he didn't even evacuate the students, what is he doing?"

"How can he care about this, he only cares about whether he can catch Banner and make himself rich! By the way, he will also say that all this is for national security!"

Bert sneered. In the short time they spoke, the Hulk had overturned five off-road tanks, and one of them was smashed by him. Although the soldiers were brave, in the face of such a Monster, they can't help but feel fear!

At this moment, a man rushed out with a grenade gun and fired several shots at Hulk, and the grenade exploded on Hulk.

But what is desperate is that Hulk was not injured. He was provoked, and he picked up a piece of the car door and smashed it at the man!

The man jumped up several meters high, took out a pistol in the air, and shot at Hulk repeatedly, there is no doubt that this was completely useless, except to make Hulk even angrier!

The Electro Man asked in surprise: "This soldier is an enhanced person?"

"It should be the enhanced man developed by General Ross himself. He has been trying to copy the super soldier serum of Captain America. Now it seems that He has researched something, of course, it is not perfect, otherwise, he would have taken credit for it! "

Bert said that that person was Emil Blonsky, the future Abomination was a super fighter who still refused to leave the front line at the age of thirty-nine!

On the screen, Emil received an order to lead the Hulk, who was holding two doors in his hand, to the side, where two vehicles - mounted with sonic cannons were waiting!

As soon as the Hulk entered the attack range, the two sonic cannons immediately launched with full force, and the sound waves shrouded the Hulk in a waveform visible to the naked eye!

Even Hulk was in trouble in front of such a sound wave, and even knelt on the ground in pain!

Ivan praised: "This thing is pretty good!"

Bert glanced at Ivan and smiled: "Look at the mark, it should be produced by Stark Industries!"

"What that sissy produces is useless!"

Ivan immediately changed his tongue, and everyone laughed. At this time, Hulk used the door to block the sound wave and then threw it hard. The door on the other hand bisected the sound wave cannon like a sharp blade and exploded!

Then, Hulk roared, jumped on top of another sonic cannon, and stomped it directly!

"I just said, it's useless!"

Ivan laughed, and everyone was speechless. At the same time, on the screen, the angry Hulk kicked the provocative Emil, Emil hit the tree, and the whole person was deformed!

Frank shook his head and said, "It seems that General Ross is going to fail this time!"

General Ross was reluctant to admit defeat, and sent a gunship to attack, which almost killed his daughter, but it was Hulk who protected her with his own body!

In the end, Hulk exploded the gunship and fled the university with Betty.

"Okay, it's over!"

Bert said, "Ivan, can your battlesuit deal with that monster?"

Hearing the battle armor, everyone present was not surprised, including the Electro, because Bert told him about it before.

"You said before that there will be a battle in a few months, referring to this monster?"

Ivan asked, "How did you know he would show up?"

"I don't know if it's him, but I know that there will be a disaster in New York. Judging from the current situation, he is very likely!"

Bert said: "He can't control himself. Once he goes crazy in the downtown area, a lot of people will die!"

"Never let this happen!"

Electro Man hurriedly said: "We must catch him before he goes mad, or drive him out of New York!"

Bert said: "It depends on Ivan's battle armor!"

Everyone looked at Ivan, and Ivan said confidently: "This monster is very strong! But if the four of us join forces, we can deal with him!"


Electro was overjoyed, Frank thought for a while, and said, "We can't fight him in the downtown area, it will be a disaster!"

Bert said: "Let's prepare first, and when we find him, we will formulate detailed tactics!"

"Okay, I'm going to adjust the battle armors, Frank, Mercury, you guys too, to deal with that big monster, we need a bit of a trump card!"

Ivan said excitedly, it's finally time for him to appear!

A few days later, Banner and Betty came to Greyburn College, where they met Mr. Blue, Samuel Sterns!

At the same time as the two sides met, the surrounding police stations were alerted that someone found a bomb in a trash can on the street, and there was a letter on it, saying that there were nine bombs around!

Alarmed, the police immediately called for support and evacuated residents near the academy.

Banner and Sterns don't know what's going on outside because they've locked the doors and windows, and no one knows they're in the lab - it's a secret meeting!

"I decided, I want to inject the antidote!"

After listening to Dr. Sterns' introduction, Banner disregarded the danger of the experiment and decided to forcibly inject the antidote. He was fed up with the Hulk, he didn't want to become such a monster again, he wanted to be a normal person!

Betty couldn't make Banner give up, so she could only pray for him. I have to say that Dr. Sterns is still a bit capable. Although something went wrong in the middle, the antidote he made was still successful - under the control of the drug, the almost transformed Banner, had to abruptly change back to a normal person!

The Hulk was temporarily restrained - just restrained, not cured!

When everyone was happy, a part of the blood hidden under the experimental bench climbed up to the experimental bench silently, and then quietly infiltrated Banner's body from his back!

Then, this blood all gathered in Banner's heart and merged with the heart.

If Banner is still in a normal state, this kind of thing will never happen - as soon as the blood invades Banner's body, Banner's blood will turn green to fight back, but now, because of the influence of the antidote, Banner is suppressed, so the blood Invaded smoothly!

Even if Banner recovers in the future, this blood will not be driven out, because they have been fused with the heart, there is only one way to expel it, and that is to dig out the heart!

Putting aside these for a while, Banner, who felt that he was getting better, was not happy for a long time before he was caught by Emil. Emil injected a second booster and returned to normal.

Then, Emil kept beating Banner, trying to make Hulk appear again.

It is a pity that Hulk did not appear, and it was still the thin scholar Banner. Emil was very unwilling, but because of General Ross's order, the soldiers could only take Banner away!

Emil was not reconciled, he grabbed Dr. Sterns and asked him to put Hulk's blood into his body!

Dr. Sterns didn't want to do it, but was beaten by Emil and could only obey with tears!

Bert sensed the situation in the laboratory and thought to himself: "Super soldier serum can make good people more kind and evil people eviler. The semi-finished product injected by Emil seems to have this effect!"

When Hulk's blood was injected into Emil's body, Emil's whole body quickly swelled, and even his clothes were torn!

In a short period, Emil turned into a monster with muscles all over his body, nearly three meters tall!

Abomination, officially born, he and Hulk have some differences, for example, he has no hair, and his spine and some bones on his body are bulging, quite a monster, compared to him, Hulk is considered beautiful.

"This is power!"

Abomination clenched his fist full of strength, not only did he not feel ugly, but was ecstatic, Dr. Sterns thought he was angry, and rambled on with explanations, but he was knocked out by him!

Dr. Sterns slammed into the cabinet and fainted. There was a bottle of Hulk's blood just above the cabinet. It was shaken and dripped downward!

If nothing else, this drop of blood will drip into the wound on Dr. Sterns' forehead, and then his head will grow bigger and become a mutant!

And then, uh, then no more, because the box office of "The Incredible Hulk" smashed the streets, the big villain 'big boss' of the third film completely lost the chance to appear!

In reality, the 'big boss' also didn't have the chance to appear - seeing that blood was about to drip into Dr. Sterns' forehead, a big hand composed of blood quietly dragged him away, and the blood of the Hulk dripped with a thud on the floor!

The owner of this hand is, of course, Bert. His body is remotely controlling this hand nearby, and the reason why he pulled Dr. Sterns away is that he didn't want a villain that he didn't understand at all or a villain with a high IQ!

Abomination. who was full of strength and just wanted to vent. He roared, smashed the glass, and jumped outside. With a bang, the building shook!

Immediately afterward, there were fierce gunshots from below, but it was the soldiers who stayed behind who discovered the Abomination. Unfortunately, they were not opponents of Abomination at all, and they soon became the target of slaughter!

Bert didn't care about the following, he controlled the big hand to take all the blood from the research room away. This is precious research material, and more importantly, it cannot be left to the military and S.H.I.E.L.D.!

With Pym particles, it's not difficult to take them away.

Before Bert finished scraping, Abomination had already taken care of all the soldiers of Greyburn College. Unsatisfied, he broke through the fence and rushed out into the street.

To Abomination's astonishment, there was no one on the street. There were some police officers in the distance, but when they saw Abomination, they immediately turned around and ran away. There was no sense of police responsibility at all!

This is an order from George Stacy. At this moment, he is remotely commanding the police in this area at the police headquarters - Electro man informed him that there is a B-level incident!

A B-level event, an event that can destroy a district in New York, is the alert level set by the owner of the Watchmen Company!

Looking at the ugly and ferocious Abomination on the screen, Chief George muttered to himself, "Is this the monster that can destroy a district?"

"Director, although this monster is terrifying, the B-level incident is too exaggerated. Could it be more powerful than Iron Man?"

A policewoman couldn't help but ask, Chief George was about to answer, the Abomination on the screen suddenly roared, rumbling and chasing the fleeing policeman, and the cars along the road were blown away by him one by one,

Bang bang bang. Hitting the building next door!

This is not over yet. When the car fell, many of them rumbled and exploded, turning the surrounding into a sea of ​​fire.

Just a simple pursuit, half a street was almost destroyed!

The picture on the screen made the police officers take a deep breath at the same time, and no one doubted whether it was a B-level incident anymore. Chief George couldn't help but feel fortunate that he transferred the public away in advance, otherwise, the casualties would definitely be great, but then again, Who set the bomb?

Chief George picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered loudly: "All the police retreat immediately, Electro Man, Hell Sisters, are you there yet?"

Electro man's voice sounded: "We're almost there!"

"Get there as soon as possible, the police can't stop this monster!"

Chief George said, and the policewoman asked aside, "Chief, do you need to dispatch the Thunder Squad?"