Chapter 44 : Abomination (II)

"No, I've invited the strongest superhero in New York to help!"

Speaking of the Thunder Squad composed of reinforcements, Director George couldn't help but sigh. They were indeed very strong, but their will was too weak. The typical mud could not support the wall. No wonder the Blood God gave these people away so easily.

At this time, a heavily armed convoy arrived here, but it was the soldiers who rushed over after receiving the call for help. They were shocked when they saw the Abomination, and while reporting to the top, they fired at the Abomination with a vehicle-mounted machine gun!

Although the onboard machine gun was powerful, it could not break the defense of Abomination. He was very angry when he was attacked. He grabbed a car with one hand and threw it hard. The car slammed into the armed car with a bang. The soldiers turned directly into bolognese!

"Use an RPG!"

The officer in the other car roared, and soon, two rockets with long tails shot at Abomination, Abomination dodged one rocket, then reached out to grab the other one, but it slammed into his chest!


The fire wrapped the Abomination, and when the fire disappeared, the soldiers were horrified to find that the Abomination had almost no damage!

"Retreat, all soldiers retreat!"

General Ross, who came back by helicopter, yelled, and Banner and Betty couldn't help but yell at him: "This is the monster you want!"

The soldiers received the order and hurriedly retreated, but Abomination remained behind. In just a short time, two more tanks were overturned by him. Seeing that the remaining soldiers were also doomed, thick electricity suddenly moved towards Abomination. Shoot!

Abomination roared, and the place where it was shot was charred black, but that was all, and what was even more terrifying was that in less than two seconds, the charred skin was restored!

"How do you fight this?"

Electro man was stunned. At this time, the Abomination raised the car next to him and smashed it toward Electro man in the sky. Electro hurriedly avoided, and at the same time shouted to the flying sisters: "You can't deal with this monster, go and save others. The wounded and those who were not moved!"

With that said, Electro again blasted the electricity at Abomination, Abomination blocked it with the door and then kicked the car in front of him toward Electro.

Electro Man is extremely fast, easily dodging the car, and then, while moving as fast as electricity, he used the electric current to attack the Abomination, the Abomination was furious and keeps smashing things up, but he can't hit the Electro Man at all!

Trish and Jessica saw the power of Abomination and did not dare to approach, and turned to save the soldiers who were not dead!

At this moment, accompanied by a burst of rock BGM, a golden-red figure descended from the sky and shouted, "Superboy of Bert's family, let me deal with this monster!"

Iron Man, is officially here - Director George invited him!

Electro man shouted to Iron Man: "Be careful, this monster is not only powerful but also heals itself!"

"Boy, he's strong for you, but not for me!"

Tony said arrogantly, the miniature missile on his shoulder was launched, and it banged on the hatred body, and the firelight instantly covered the Abomination.

Tony was about to show off how powerful his missile was when he saw Abomination jumping toward him with almost no damage. A height of tens of meters was nothing to Abomination!

Tony was startled, his feet sprayed flames to avoid Abomination's pounce, then raised his hands, two repulsors blasted at Abomination, and Abomination slammed into the street, smashing a deep pit into the ground.

Tony raised his right hand, and a missile bounced, shooting at Abomination.

Abomination picked up a piece of broken cement on the ground and smashed it at the missile. With a bang, the missile exploded, the shock wave swept the surrounding area, and even Iron Man was pushed back several meters!

Before Iron Man could attack again, Abomination got up and threw the things around him into the sky one after another.

Everything is like a cannonball, even Iron Man, in the face of such an offensive, has become a little embarrassed!

Seeing this, Electro man hurriedly attacked the Abomination with the electricity, and let the Abomination turn the target to him.

"It seems difficult to deal with, Jarvis, concentrate all the energy in my chest!"

Tony gave the order, the chest of the steel battle suit shone brightly, and then, a beam of light with a thick bowl blasted toward the Abomination below!

There is another difference between Abomination and Hulk, that is, Abomination has wisdom. Although he was restrained by the Electro man, he did not relax his vigilance against Tony. When he saw Tony's chest shining brightly, he immediately raised the car next to him to resist!

Bang, the car was shot through a big hole on the spot, and the beam of light slammed into the Abomination with all its strength.

Tony was amplifying his move, and before he had time to dodge, he was smashed by the car with a bang, and then spun heavily and fell to the ground, smashing the concrete floor into a deep pit!

Before Tony could recover, the light on his chest was blurred, and the Abomination jumped up and smashed Tony with his feet.

Tony hurriedly activated the jets on his feet to avoid the Abomination's stampede. With a bang, the ground was smashed into a big hole by the Abomination, and even the building next to it shook!

Tony wanted to escape, but Abomination stepped forward and grabbed his leg, and slammed it towards the wall next to him. Boom, the wall was smashed, Tony was getting dizzy and quickly released the induction bomb to attack Abomination's face. Although Abomination was hit, his eyes and nose were extremely uncomfortable, he didn't let go of Iron Man's leg!

With a roar of hatred, he threw Iron Man into the sky, and then smashed heavily, Iron Man flew in response, not only knocking over three cars, but also collapsing a nearby shop, and fell into the ruins without knowing his life or death!

"Iron Man!"

The onlookers watched like they were falling into an ice cellar. Even Iron Man is not the opponent of this monster?

Defeating a strong enemy, Abomination clenched his fists and roared up to the sky: "I am the strongest!"

Banner in the helicopter made up his mind: "I have to go down and stop him."

Betty hurriedly stopped: "No, you can't go down, now no one knows if you can transform!"

"I have to go down, it's my responsibility!"

Banner glanced at Betty and fell, and then, with a bang, he smashed a deep hole into the ground!


Abomination is a bit unresponsive, is this someone committing suicide? Immediately, Abomination shook his head, intending to solve Iron Man completely. At this moment, a big green hand came out of the pit, and then Hulk jumped out of the pit and roared at Abomination!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Abomination was not surprised but happy and rushed towards Hulk. In the firelight, the two behemoths collided fiercely, and the shock wave gushed out like a wave, and all the surrounding glass shattered!

"Go and save Iron Man, I'll see what I can do!"

Electro shouted to Trish and Jessica, the two women nodded and jumped into the glider to rescue Tony from the ruins!

After removing the bricks, Trish and Jessica quickly found Iron Man, his suit was deformed, but he seemed to be fine, and there was still time to joke with the two women: "Are you here to ask me for an autograph? I'm sorry, it's not very convenient now!"

Jessica pulled Iron Man out of the ruins with brute force, and said with contempt, "Who would ask for your weak chicken's autograph?"

Tony said dissatisfiedly: "Weak chicken? Little girl, do you know who you are talking to?"

"What do you say?"

Jessica was about to taunt, when Trish said, "Treasure girl, Master wants to see him, let's take him up!"

"Don't call using that shitty name!"

Jessica scolded angrily and jumped on the glider with Iron Man on her back. Then, she and Trish took Iron Man to see Bert!

While debugging the suit system, Tony asked, "Who is your master? If he wants to see me, make an appointment first!"

The two women ignored Tony, and soon, they flew to the roof of a building, where two people were quietly watching the battle below!

One of them is naturally Bert, and the other is Bert's new assistant Lilith - she is a big beauty with a hot body and a good appearance, but she is cold as ice!

It is worth mentioning that Lilith was holding a pitch-black spear in her hand.

The two women put Iron Man in front of Bert. Bert turned around and asked with a smile, "Tony, are you ashamed to see me?"

Tony opened the mask, and with blood on his forehead, he snorted coldly: "Who has no face to see you? Hmph, didn't you say that you are very powerful? Why don't you stay here and deal with that monster?"

"That monster, I can solve it in a second!"

Bert smiled and said: "Narcissistic girl, don't hide, come out and check the injury for our Iron Man, lest he dies."

"It seems that you remember my smell very well, scumbag!"

Natasha's figure slowly walked out of the darkness. With such a big thing happening here, Nick Fury would send someone to check it out. After Natasha came, she found Bert on the roof and ran to monitor him.!

"Scumbag, narcissistic girl, you seem to have a lot of stories?"

Tony said: "Also, I'm not injured, I'm fine now, alive and well, cough, cough!"

Just halfway through, Tony coughed violently. He was injured!

Natasha came over and said, "Hey, get out of the battle suit quickly, can your battle suit be detached automatically?"

Tony said, "It takes a machine to help me take it off. Oh, wait, there seems to be a man here who claims to be able to take off my suit in three seconds. I don't know if he is bragging?"

Bert smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to ask Lilith for a spear, and then said, "This spear is two meters long and weighs about ninety-eight pounds. Surely, with my strength, it can be called invincible!"

While speaking, Bert waved his spear lightly, and the spear cut through the cement wall as easily as cutting tofu!


Tony was startled and hurriedly said: "My battle suit can monitor my situation, my injury is not serious, there is no major problem! Also, I asked Yinsen to come to pick me up, he will be here soon."

Natasha walked up to Tony and put her hand on his neck to check his pulse. Tony glanced at her and didn't refuse. The reason was very simple. She was a beautiful woman. If it was a rough man, he would have pushed her away!

Natasha put down her hand and said, "He shouldn't die."

Tony giggled: "I think we can do a detailed inspection!"

Natasha said with a smile: "Okay, go to your house!"

"Okay, uh, talk about it later, talk about it later."

Tony was just about to agree, but he remembered the Pepper at home, and he hesitated. He turned to Bert and asked, "Where did you get so much Vibranium?"

"I found someone to buy it, 10,000 dollars a gram!"

Bert said, "This spear cost me fifty million dollars alone!"

Tony snorted coldly: "What's the matter, the material cost of my battle uniform is hundreds of millions of dollars!"

"It's just a weapon, and I just calculated the price of Vibranium!"

Bert said lightly, in fact, the vibrating gold contained in this spear is as high as 20 kilograms, but he kept a low profile and did not say it.

"Two dead tyrants!"

Looking at the two guys who were showing off their wealth, Natasha, Trish, and Jessica rolled their eyes at the same time, Natasha pointed down and asked: "That big guy who just came out doesn't seem to be the opponent of the big monster, you don't plan to do something?"

Bert and Tony looked down and found that the Hulk was being beaten by Abomination. If it hadn't been for the Electro man to help all the time, the Hulk might have been defeated!

This situation is normal, Hulk has not recovered his full strength, the antidote still works in his body, and his combat skills are far less than the Abomination of being a special forces soldier!

"I'd love to help, but I'm incompetent right now!"

Tony smiled wryly, and secretly made up his mind: "In the future, I must get a few more sets of battle suits for backup, and the battle suit must have an automatic detachment function."

Bert smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've already prepared, you guys just wait and watch the show!"

Natasha narrowed her eyes and asked, "Have you been prepared? Did you know this would happen?"

"My original target is not that monster!"

Bert didn't say much, he didn't need to explain anything to anyone!

The Hulk's defeat made many people feel hopeless, such as General Ross, who frowned, even the Hulk couldn't do it, should he send missiles to wash the ground?

The problem is, this is Manhattan!

"I am invincible!"

Pressing Hulk's body, Abomination yelled excitedly, this is what he wants, to become an invincible person!

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the sky: "Invincible, just you? The frog at the bottom of the well!"

Turning his head in disgust and anger, he saw three steel figures descending from the sky with long white smoke, looking at him menacingly!

Seeing these three figures, everyone was stunned. Among them, Tony was the one who responded the most, and he shouted: "This is impossible!"

Tony reacted so much because it was three sets of steel armor, which should have been the only steel armor he mastered!

The set in the middle, silver and black, is as huge as a steel bully, very heavy, and holds a big axe in his hand, which is daunting. His driver is a crazy Russian, Ivan Vanko!

The one on the left standing behind, a camouflage color, slightly larger than the steel suit, full of firearms, including a Gatling, a large sniper rifle, a howitzer, etc. Its driver is the Punisher, Frank · Castle!

The set on the right is aqua blue, with a body shape similar to Iron Man. It has a peculiar streamlined beauty, which makes people know at a glance that the driver is a woman. It does not have those complicated weapons, only two daggers, and the driver is a vampire, Mercury!

On the chests of the three sets of steel armors, there is a pattern of a flying fire dragon, which is the group logo designed by Bert after he joined the Oscorp!