Chapter 45 : End of Abomination

"You came up with a Battle Armor?"

Natasha looked incredulous, and Trish and Jessica also looked at Bert in shock. Although they all knew that Master was very capable, they didn't expect this!

Everyone who saw this scene at this moment was shocked. No one could have imagined that the half-crippled Oscorp actually made Battle Armor. !

Bert laughed and said, "That's right, the Oscorp successfully developed the steel Battle Armor. It only took three months, not ten years as someone said!"

When he said this, Bert kept looking at Tony with ridicule in his eyes!

Tony shouted: "This is impossible, the Ark reactor on their chest must be fake, Bert, are you fooling people with LED lights? I see you want to use this method to drive up the stock price!"

Bert looked contemptuous: "Do you think I'm just like you, a fake?"

Tony's face flushed with anger!

Seeing the three people approaching, Abomination immediately rushed towards the three of them, leaving a deep footprint on the ground with every step!

"I like your character!"

Ivan laughed loudly, activated the pusher behind the armor, and collided with the Abomination fiercely. With a bang, the ground where the two of them were directly dented, and a powerful shock wave roared out. The house collapsed on the spot!

This time, it was Ivan who lost. His armor was not as powerful as Abomination. The hit slipped back and plowed out two deep long trenches!

Abomination laughed and was about to attack again. Frank set up a large sniper rifle in the distance and fired. Abomination sensed danger and raised his hand to resist. Who knew that his arm was pierced, and the bullet shot into his chest? , got blocked by the ribs!

This is the worst injury that Abomination has ever suffered. He roared and rushed towards Frank. Ivan rushed up and slashed him with a big axe.

Abomination slammed the air out with a punch but was slashed into the fist by the axe. If he hadn't found out that something was wrong and kicked Ivan's chest, his fist would have been lost!

Before Abomination could figure out what was going on, there was severe pain from behind, but it was Mercury who slipped behind him at some point and stabbed two daggers into his back!

Roaring in disgust, he grabbed Mercury with his backhand, but he did not expect that Mercury would retreat immediately after she successfully stabbed him, which perfectly explained what an assassin is!

The three of them joined forces, and in just one round, the Abomination was severely injured. Although he can heal himself, it takes time to heal. Before he can heal himself, the three of them attacked again!

The abomination that was majestic before suddenly became embarrassed. When the Hulk and the Electro also joined the battle, the failure of the Abomination was a matter of time!

One-on-one, Abomination is not afraid of anyone, the question is, now it is one-on-five, how can Abomination not kneel?

"Vibranium bullet, Vibranium axe, Vibranium dagger, how much Vibranium do you have?"

Tony said sourly, if he also had a Vibranium weapon, he would never have been so embarrassed before!

"If you're not happy, buy it yourself!"

Bert snorted and said, "Abomination's defense is still too strong, otherwise the bullet should have shot through his body, and the axe should have chopped off his fist!"

"It's very good, your missiles didn't hurt him much!"

Tony shouted: "Wait, Bert, I own the Ark Reactor, and I can sue you for imitating it like this!"

Bert glanced at Tony and said, "The Ark Reactor was created by your father Howard Stark, and Anton Vanko. Their signatures are on the design drawings. If you are not satisfied, I can file a lawsuit with you."

Tony shook his head: "Anton Vanko? Never heard of him!"

Bert took out his cell phone, sent a photo to Tony's cell phone, and said, "I'll tell you the details later, the one with the axe is Ivan Vanko if your father didn't kick Anton out back then, When you leave the United States, he will be another you!"

"Impossible, there is only one Tony Stark in this world!"

Tony was disdainful. He looked at the picture projected by Jarvis, and frowned: "Even if this Anton Vanko is also the designer of the Ark reactor, the ownership of the Ark still belongs to Stark Industries!"

Bert sighed and said, "Tony, do you think you can beat me and the entire military?"

Tony was stunned: "Military? Are you going to sell the suit to the military?"

"Nonsense, what should I do without selling it? Treat it as a personal toy like you?" Bert sneered "That is, I set my business phone to airplane mode, otherwise my phone must have been blown up!"

Tony was extremely dissatisfied and felt betrayed. He shouted: "Bert, are you trying to rob me with the military?"

"I said, it was created by the two of them together!"

Bert said angrily: "Forget it, you scrupulous fellow, I will give you some compensation!"

"You think I'm short of money?"

Bert said: "The elements on the earth cannot replace palladium at all. However, Ivan has already thought of a way to isolate the toxins, and I will ask him to give you that method afterward!"

"My situation is different! Also, I don't need anyone's help!"

Tony said Bert was too lazy to talk nonsense, he reached out and made a move towards Tony, and the wound on Tony's forehead suddenly burst open, and then blood spurted out!

Tony shouted in shock and anger: "Bert, what are you doing?"

Bert said, "Look at the ground yourself!"

Tony was stunned for a moment. He put down his helmet and scanned the ground. He was stunned. There were a lot of iron fragments in that blood!

"You took all the iron fragments out of my body? That's too easy, isn't it?"

Tony is stupid. If he knew it was so easy, why would he have to live and die? Why don't you ask this guy for a favor?

You know, a few days ago, after knowing that no element could replace palladium, he even prepared for death. It turned out that the solution was so simple, what kind of trouble is this?

Tony was a little broken and a little frustrated. He found that he didn't seem to be as good as others!

Bert said, "It's that simple. I wanted to help you take it out when I went to your house last time, but you were floating like that. I thought it was better to let you learn a lesson!"

"Then do I still want to thank you?"

Tony said angrily, Bert shrugged, picked up the phone, and typed, and a line of words appeared on the screen on Tony's side!

"Your father Howard has some relics left in S.H.I.E.L.D., and there are clues of new elements in it, don't ask me why I know, I won't admit it!"

Tony glanced at Bert in amazement, he thought for a while, and said, "Bring Vanko to Stark Industries tomorrow, let's discuss the ownership of the Ark Reactor!"

"it is good!"

Bert nodded. Whether Tony bowed his head or not, Bert could use the Ark Reactor, because the military and Washington would be on his side. The difference was that Bert had to pay more, That's all!

While Bert and Tony were talking, the battle below had already been decided!

In the rubble, One was kneeling on the ground covered in blood with hatred. In addition to various wounds, there were two holes punched by Vibranium bullets on his body, and none of these had healed, which meant that his physical strength was reaching its limit!

Abomination has super stamina, but self-healing requires a lot of physical strength!

"You are the strongest enemy I have ever encountered! You are admirable!"

Ivan gasped and said that the battle had just now severely damaged his armor. I have to say that the Abomination is really strong.

Compared with Ivan, Frank and Mercury are in much better condition. Electro man is not injured at all. His speed is too fast. As for Hulk, although he has suffered a lot of injuries, he has now recovered.

"I will not die here, I will continue to fight, I will become the strongest."

Abomination gritted his teeth and stood up, turned and staggered, and fled into the distance. Hulk wanted to chase, but the four of Ivan surrounded him. Hulk was full of question marks and shouted to express his anger and confusion! Wasn't it a comrade before?

At the same time, a bloody light suddenly descended from the sky and landed in front of the fleeing Abomination, but it was Bert who was holding a Vibranium spear!

Bert pointed the Vibranium spear at the hatred, and shouted: "Two choices, one is to surrender, the other is to die!"

"Vampire, he is the property of the military, you are not allowed to touch him!"

General Ross shouted from the helicopter. He didn't know that this scene was recorded by Trish with a mobile phone. She sneered secretly: "As expected by Master, this time, it's really big news!"

"I will never surrender!"

Abomination did not hesitate and continued to charge at Bert, Bert snorted coldly, and a dazzling red light lit up his whole body, like red lightning flashing forward!

Immediately afterward, a flash of red light appeared in the air, on the ground, on the left, and on the right, at the same time, the figure of Bert disappeared. He was stunned. Isn't this too fast?

At this moment, Bert's real body appeared behind Abomination, and the spear full of red light threw hard, with the sound of a roaring through Abomination's heart, and pinned him to the street!

Abomination roared in pain, struggled hard, and wanted to regain his freedom. His heart was full of unwillingness. If it weren't for serious injuries, he would never have been defeated so easily.

Abomination's will is quite admirable, but his actions are destined to be futile. A lot of blood poured out of the wound, frantically destroying the heart of the abomination like an awl, the Abomination opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and the huge body knelt weakly on the ground!

The indomitable Emil Blonsky is officially dead!

However, Abomination is not dead, a drop of Bert's blood melted into hatred's body and turned him into a vampire!

If the abomination is intact, a drop of blood will never turn it into a vampire, but now that it is dying, the body will instinctively seize this last chance to survive, so one drop of blood is enough!

As for the specific use of vampire Abomination, I will think about it in detail later!

Seeing Bert killing the hatred in seconds, everyone present was stunned. After all, everyone knew how strong Abomination was!

"Master is indeed the strongest!"

Trish cheered, even Jessica had to admit that this bastard master is not ordinary, of course, still a black-hearted bastard!

The Electro and the others were also surprised. Although they knew that Bert was strong before, they didn't expect him to be so strong!

As for Director George, General Ross, and others, they are all dumbfounded. Is there any reason for this? Even if the guy has money, he is still so strong.

"Don't you have a good weapon? I'll buy Vibranium too!"

Tony muttered sourly, he didn't know, the black market can't buy Vibranium anymore!

"Emil Blonsky, I will build a tomb for you, you are a true warrior!"

Bert pulled the Vibranium spear out of the Abomination from behind, and then, carrying the green blood-stained spear, he turned and walked towards Hulk!

Bert shouted: "Hulk, Abomination is dead, you should rest."

Seeing Bert coming, Hulk was a little afraid, not only because Bert killed the Abomination, but also because he instinctively sensed that the other party could kill him - his heart was manipulated by Bert.

Hulk wanted to escape, but Ivan and others surrounded him tightly, and he roared in fright, like a frightened cub!

"Hulk, don't think about running away. Once you run away, you'll never see Betty again. Go and rest!"

Bert clenched the Vibranium spear and said again, Hulk hesitated for a few moments, then roared at Bert, the huge body quickly became smaller, and soon Hulk disappeared, replaced by a man in big pants. Thin and gentle man!

Because of the excessive consumption before, Banner fell into a coma immediately after recovery. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would believe that this man was the big monster from before!

Bert shook his head, and smiled at Ivan, who kept looking at Tony: "Go, but put the axe away first!"

"It is good!"

Ivan put the axe behind his back, and couldn't wait to start the battle armor and fly up to the roof.

Then, Ivan opened the mask and sneered at Tony: "The liar of the Stark family, is it surprising that someone can make a Battle Armor?"

Tony looked surprised: "Who are you, do I know you?"

Ivan was furious, and Bert shook his head speechlessly. Tony's mouth can piss people off!

Bert shouted: "Ivan, remember that you promised me!"

"Don't worry, I won't beat him!"

Ivan snorted and said, "He's a fragile bitch. I'm afraid that if I beat him, he will die!"

As soon as these words came out, it not only angered Tony but also angered the four women on the roof, yes, the four women, Lilith, Natasha, Tracy, and Jessica!

"You want to beat me up with just your broken machine?"

Tony said with a look of disdain: "Your Ark is as slow as a turtle, and your armor is too cumbersome, your steering is very inflexible, and your intelligent system is also faulty..."

Hearing that Tony demoted his armor to nothing, Ivan's blue veins appeared, and he said: "You are so powerful, why can't you even solve the palladium poisoning? Also, I can easily hack you to death. You sissy!"

"When I repair the armor, let's try who hacks who!"

Tony yelled, "Also, I doubt you've solved the palladium poisoning problem, I think you're bragging along with your boss!"

'I can't solve the problem, can you solve it?' Tony expressed complete disbelief!