Chapter 47 : War Abomination

The next day, news all over the United States and even the whole world were reporting what happened in Harlem. All kinds of live pictures and videos were spreading all over the Internet. The audience was shocked when they saw the commercial street that was almost in ruins. What happened, a war?

In the news, there are photos of Abomination, and it is also explained in detail that Abomination was created by the military, and General Ross's words are constantly broadcasted, and the audience was angry. The military created such a terrifying monster behind everyone's back. It also ruined a street, can this be endured?

There is no doubt that a large-scale protest is about to break out, and General Ross and the military will become the target of public criticism!

In addition to monsters and the military, there is one thing that attracts everyone's attention this time, and that is the new Battle Armor with Oscorp's dragon logo. Countless people are discussing whether Oscorp has created a 'war' for this!

This incident was confirmed in 'Trish Talk', where Trish explained the ins and outs of the hateful incident in detail, which shocked the audience and at the same time became angrier and angrier with General Ross!

The whole thing was done by General Ross. What's more, when he was chasing Hulk at Culver University, he didn't clear the scene in advance!

This made more people decide to go to the White House to protest, including Culver University teachers and students!

Then, Oscorp held a press conference to officially release the 'Heroes' series of Armors, and also released some photos of the heroes in armors defeating the Abomination - I don't know if it was an operation error, these photos were mixed with some photos were Iron Man being punched by Abomination!

These photos made the Internet boil, and countless people were arguing about whether the Heroes Armor was stronger or Mark's Armor was stronger. Although there were many Iron Man fans, they couldn't stand someone with advanced experience!

Cough, let's not talk about these, for the time being, the release of the Heroes Armor has made the stock price of Oscorp skyrocket, and countless people have come to inquire about the Armor!

Bert's net worth has skyrocketed by tens of billions in an instant, and this is just the beginning!


Oscorp, Bert personally took Senator Stern and General Slocombe, and others to visit the Battle Armor manufacturing base, and also let Frank put on the Battle Armor to demonstrate the various functions for them.

"Senator, General Slocombe, I don't deny that my Heroes Armor is slightly worse than Iron Man's Armor!"

Bert smiled and said, "But it will be improved in the future. More importantly, my armors are available for sale, but his will never!"

"The question is, isn't the price you want too expensive?"

General Slocombe frowned and asked: "500 million dollars, how many people can this be equipped with?"

"A Battle Armor can fight against a battalion, and $500 million is definitely worth the money!"

Bert said: "We must return enough funds so that we can continue to develop the Armor and make it stronger. The current Heroes Armor is far from perfect."

Both General Slocombe and Senator Stern were very interested in this. Stern thought of one thing and asked: "Bert, you are also using the Ark reactor, there is no problem with the Stark Industries, right?"

"No problem, I have reached a preliminary agreement with Tony. The reason why Ivan Vanko, the designer of the Armor, is not here today is that he is having a meeting with Tony!"

Bert smiled and said, "The Armors are legal. You place an order now, and you can pick up the goods in three months!"

After a pause, Bert added: "The NYPD and S.H.I.E.L.D. are also very interested in the Armors. If they place an order first, you will have to wait."


General Slocombe frowned, don't need to care about the NYPD, they can't get 500 million, but S.H.I.E.L.D. is a formidable opponent, he said solemnly: "Mr. Wang, about other countries!"

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. was born in the United States, it is now a worldwide organization. Bert said with a smile: "Don't worry, Oscorp will never sell the Armors to S.H.I.E.L.D. unless it is approved by Congress!"

"That's good!"

General Slocombe nodded with satisfaction,

Then, he asked, "Mr. Wang, can we customize special Battle Armor?"

"Of course, melee, long-range, whatever function you want, we can provide it!" Bert smiled and said, "Oscorp will do its best to serve the military!"

"The military is very pleased to have a patriotic enterprise like you!"

General Slocombe said solemnly, and Frank next to him rolled his eyes secretly. Some time ago, who said that he would never do business with vampires?

"These guys don't want any face!" Frank secretly sighed that he couldn't get promoted back then because he wasn't as thick-skinned as these guys!

"Everything is for the country!"

Bert smiled, and the two sides talked for a while. General Slocombe left excitedly with a stack of documents!

Senator Stern did not leave. In the office, he asked Bert, "Bert, the Hulk, and the monster called Abomination by the media, are they all in your hands?"


Bert poured a glass of red wine for Senator Stern and said with a smile, "General Ross said a lot of bad things about me behind my back?"

Senator Stern took a sip of red wine and said: "It's more than a bad word. He instigated the top military officials to eliminate vampires and snatch the Battle Armors. Of course, not many people pay attention to him. Whether it is the government or the military, they are willing to buy from the vampires. Very satisfied with the Armor.

Bert, you are much better than the guy who doesn't care about national security and only cares about himself. If it wasn't for you, I will make that guy hand over the Battle Armor. "

"Haha, that guy won't compromise easily!"

Bert smiled and said, "Senator, the Vampire clan will continue to contribute to the country as always. As for that General Ross, he should think about how to protect himself first. Today, the gate of the White House is quite lively!"

"It's quite lively. The one in the White House is quite a headache. If such a big thing happens, the military will give an explanation to the people and the families of the soldiers. General Ross, won't be able to trouble you for a few days."

Senator Stern said: "However, Bert, I suggest that you still hand over the Hulk and the Abomination to the military. After all, it was researched by the military. Although the military is asking you now, it will not Force it, but it's not good to make too much noise."

"About that, Senator, come with me, I'll show you something good!"

Bert took Senator Stern to the underground factory of the Oscorp, where the Abomination was being held in the middle by many brackets, and his head was opened, and the brain inside disappeared.

"This is him? It's much more fierce than the video, but fortunately, he's dead."

Senator Stern was amazed and asked, "What are you doing with its head open?"

"He's not dead!"

Bert said: "Before he died, I turned him into a Vampire!"

"You turned it into a vampire?"

Senator Stern was stunned. He asked, "Bert, what do you want to do?"

"I want to make a super war machine!"

Bert motioned Lilith to hand over a tablet to Senator Stern, and said, "We in Oscorp have a project called a bioelectronic brain, and I want to install one on the Abomination, and then we can control the Abomination to fight for us!"

Senator Stern looked at the information on the tablet and asked in surprise: "Bioelectronic brain? Has the technology of your Oscorp reached this stage?"

"I haven't done it yet, so I'm going to turn Abomination into a vampire!"

Bert said: "The ability of the Vampire can help the biological electronic brain control abomination!"

It is not the ability of the Vampire, but the ability of the Blood God, the biological electronic brain plus the power of the Blood God, the Abomination will become a war machine that completely obeys Bert's orders!

Senator Stern asked: "When Abomination becomes a vampire, won't it be weakened? Vampires have many weaknesses!"

"There is already a solution for this. We are going to give him Battle Armor, which will not only protect his weakness but will also greatly increase his strength!"

Bert said: "In addition, it is good to have weaknesses. The military can install an ultraviolet bomb in his heart. If he loses control, the military can just press the button and let him die without leaving any scum!"

"That's a really good idea!"

Senator Stern's eyes lit up, and he smiled: "Bert, your Vampire clan surprised us, I think it's time to give you an award this year!"

Bert smiled and said, "Then I can wait. The Vampire will not disappoint the government and military!"

"The country is very grateful for your support. By the way, how much is this war machine?"

Senator Stern raised his head and looked at Abomination, his eyes were full of fire, for Hydra, such a war machine that completely obeys orders is very much needed!

Bert said: "Just Abomination, $500 million if with a Battle Armor, then it will cost over billion dollars. I'm not joking. The battle armor used by Abomination will be more powerful than ordinary battle armor!"

Senator Stern was taken aback and said, "Over a billion, Bert, your stuff is really expensive!"

"Good things are naturally not cheap!"

Bert smiled and said: "Besides, it's not expensive. An aircraft carrier costs at least tens of billions of dollars, but do you think it's easier to use an aircraft carrier, or is it easier to use War Abomination?"

"This..., it seems that War Abomination is more useful."

Senator Stern was taken aback for a moment and then nodded in agreement. If you say this, Billion is indeed not high!

What's more, it was American money that was spent, but they were the Hydras who received the goods!

"I'll go back and discuss with Congress!"

Senator Stern said: "I will bring back Abomination's information. As for the Hulk, let him stay with you first, and I will see what the military thinks."

Bert smiled and said, "Okay, I'll trouble you, Senator."

Senator Stern said with a smile: "No trouble, everything is for the country!"

"This old guy is greedy."

Bert and Senator Stern shook hands, expressed their understanding, and then sent the Senator away in person. This business was negotiated!

"You never imagined that the control of Abomination will always be in my hands. As for the ultraviolet bomb, there are many ways to solve it!"

Bert narrowed his eyes slightly: "One Abomination is not enough, the military will definitely find a way to create more Abomination, and then I can easily get an army of Abomination!"

Using other people's money to cultivate an army for yourself, is the common idea of ​​Bert and Hydra!

Shaking his head, Bert returned to the office. He poured two glasses of wine and said, "You know what? If you sneak into my office like this, I have the right to shoot you!"

On the sofa, the one-eyed Nick Fury wearing a trench coat as always, snorted coldly, he is a dignified spy chief, does he still have to knock on the door to come in? It's a pity it's daytime, otherwise, the effect will be better, after all, he comes with a dark stealth effect!

The last time I went to Tony's house, it scared him a lot!

Bert turned around, put a wine glass in front of Director Fury, and said, "Then what do you want from me? Give you a discount?"

Director Fury said immediately: "Okay, as you said, 50% off!"

Bert sneered: "You think so beautifully! Come on, what's the matter with you? You don't need to come here if you just want to buy the Battle Armor!"

Director Fury picked up the cup and said, "I'm here for you, Bert Wang, what exactly do you want to do? Do you know that the Vampire is only one step away from war?"

Bert sat down and asked in a relaxed manner, "That's how you asked for money from above?"

"The acquisition of the Oscorp by the Vampire clan has already made some high-level humans dissatisfied, thinking that your Vampire clan's hands are too long, but at that time the Oscorp was half-crippled, and you were actively reforming, they reluctantly accepted it!"

Director Fury said to himself: "But now, you have created a Battle Armor! This is the most high-tech individual weapon at present! Do you know what Washington, the military, and S.H.I.E.L.D. are all proposing? Destroy the Vampire clan and snatch the battle armor?"

Bert sneered: "Director Fury, you are really alarmist!"

Director Fury sneered: "You think I'm lying? Do you want to put my proposals in front of you?"

"What I said was that you exaggerated this to intimidate!"

Bert said: "There are indeed people who propose to eliminate the Vampire clan, such as General Ross, but they are only a few of the few, and they are all ignored. Most of the high-level executives are very willing to cooperate with the Vampire clan."

Director Fury looked disdainful: "You only see this?"

"This incident will indeed make the senior management more vigilant, but it is only vigilance. There are still 108,000 miles away from the war."

Bert said: "Don't say that there is no dissatisfaction at the top this time, even if there is, they will only warn me first, or force me to hand over my Battle Armor technology, instead of rashly going to war. The Vampire clan has survived until now, and it has never depended on human beings' mercy!"

Director Fury looked at Bert with one eye and asked, "Bert, since you know that it will raise the vigilance of the top management, why do you still do such an outrageous thing?"

Bert was silent for a while and said, "Director Fury, I will not explain what I want, but I'll tell you something, whether you believe it or not. It's your choice"

Director Fury said, "I'm listening!"

Bert said: "There are many aliens in this universe. The reason why they have not invaded the earth is not that the earth is remote, but because the God-King Odin is protecting us!"

Director Fury was stunned: "God King Odin? Isn't that from Norse mythology?"

"Isn't vampire also a myth?"

Bert said: "The reason why Odin protects us is that our earth is a vassal of Asgard. I know what you want to ask. God's Domain has not come to manage us because the Ancient Master took it from Odin.!"