Chapter 48 : Dragon Fire

"Sorcerer Supreme, Ancient One?"

Director Fury asked as if he knew a lot, but in fact, he found nothing!

It's not that no one knows about Ancient One, but that people who do know are unwilling to tell S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"Yes, the Sorcerer Supreme, Ancient One!"

Bert said: "Master Ancient One and God King Odin protect the earth like two mountains. This is the reason why we have been able to survive in peace. The problem is that they are all old. Once they fall, we have to face each other. Not only aliens but also extraterrestrial demons!"

Director Fury frowned, and he asked, "Even if what you said is true, they will have an heir, right?"

"There is no news of the next generation of Sorcerer Supreme!"

Bert said: "As for the heir of the God King Odin if you see him, there will be a sentence in your mind!"


"Asgard will die!"

Director Fury was speechless. He asked, "Have you seen Odin's heir?"

"I haven't seen him, but I have heard of his reputation!"

Bert said: "Director Fury, maybe you won't believe it, but the reason why I do so much is to prevent human beings from being destroyed. I can tell you that in a few years, aliens will invade!"

Director Fury was stunned. He hurriedly asked, "Alien invasion? Where's the evidence?"

"I said it, I won't explain."

Bert said: "Director Fury, you and I both know that aliens invaded the earth long ago!"

Director Fury's pupils shrank slightly, and he said: "Your Vampire clan, you know a lot!"

Bert said lightly: "The longer you live, the more you know naturally!"

Director Fury glanced at Bert, this young man, he had never seen through, he thought about it, and said, "I want two battle suits, but one of them, you can't tell others, and, Give me a discount!"

Bert asked, "What can I get?"

"The identities of Anton Vanko and Ivan Vanko will be completely legal. In addition, I will try my best to help you suppress the hostility of the top humans!"

Director Fury said: "But only for two years, within two years, if there is no alien invasion, I will come to you for an explanation!"

"I don't need you to help me suppress hostility, the Vampire race is not afraid of anyone!"

Bert didn't believe Director Fury's guarantee at all. This guy has a black heart. He said, "10% off, but with the permission of Congress, you need to do it yourself!"


Director Fury didn't bargain, a 10% discount on a billion-dollar business would mean savings of 100 million dollars. In this way, he could build a lot of bases and safe houses!

This world is too dangerous, even the God King Odin can die, how can he rest assured if he doesn't build a base?

S.H.I.E.L.D. is the real protection of human beings!

After talking about the matter, Director Fury got up and left. Bert watched him walk into the elevator and sneered: "I thought you would disappear silently?"

"It's an alien after all!"

Bert muttered to himself. At this moment, the dragon soul in his body suddenly became restless. He abruptly got up and looked at the southern pier. There, there was another dragon soul!

"Danny Rand is back!"

Bert narrowed his eyes, and the power of the dragon's soul poured out from his entire body, forming a fiery red dragon behind him. Then, the dragon resonated with the power of the earth in Manhattan, and the ground in the southern dock area of ​​Manhattan gradually began to faint.

"New York, I'm back!"

On the pier, Danny Rand, dressed in tatters and carrying a bag, looked at the city in front of him that he had been away from for fifteen years. Although he was happy, he was more at a loss!

Danny Rand is the son of a billionaire whose private jet crashed in the Himalayas fifteen years ago.

His parents died on the spot, and he was taken in by the Kun-Lun people and became a Kun-Lun disciple! For the next fifteen years, Danny Rand stayed in Kun-Lun to practice painstakingly. A few months ago, he participated in the Iron Fist trial, defeated his opponent, and obtained the qualification to become the Iron Fist!

Danny got the inheritance of the dragon soul of Shou-Lao and became Iron Fist!

It stands to reason that after Danny became Iron Fist, he wanted to stay on the mountain to protect Kun-Lun, but because of the emptiness and confusion in his heart, he chose to escape Kun-Lun and return to New York!

That's right, Danny took the most important thing from Kun-Lun and ran away. I wonder if those who chose him as Iron Fist would be pissed off?

"What's next? Does the RAND Corporation still exist?"

Danny Rand was thinking, and the dragon soul in his body suddenly became restless. Then, his Chi and the power of the dragon's soul all converged on his right hand, causing the right hand to light up with a faint golden light. Fortunately, he was in a remote place and no one was there to see this.

"What happened?"

Danny was taken aback and wanted to stop the power of the dragon's soul, but found that the power of the dragon's soul did not attack him at all, and was still gathering towards his right hand!

At this moment, Danny suddenly sensed a huge Chi rising from the ground in front of him. He raised his head sharply and saw a gust of Chi gushing out from the shaking earth, condensing into a majestic and domineering line in front of him. It is full of a fiery red dragon more than ten meters high!

This dragon, with Chi as its body and dragon soul as its soul, can only be seen by those who have cultivated and vented its Chi. If you cannot see it, it does not mean that you cannot sense it. Everyone in the dock area feels that the surrounding air has become dignified!

"Dragon Soul? New York has a dragon, and it's so powerful?"

Danny was stunned, if his Chi is a pond, then the other party's Chi is a small lake, there is absolutely no comparison!

At this time, the fiery red dragon uttered a provocative dragon roar at Danny. The dragon soul in Danny was provoked and rushed towards Danny's right arm frantically, making Danny's right fist brighter and brighter!

Some people may be wondering why the power of the dragon soul only condenses on Danny's right arm. The reason is very simple, Danny can only use the power of the dragon soul on his right arm, and in other places, the level has not been cleared!

The massive amount of dragon soul power overwhelmed Danny. He kneeled on the ground clutching his right arm in pain, feeling that his right arm was about to burst!

"Don't kneel, stand up and fight it!"

The dragon's soul roared, but Danny didn't have the will to fight. The reason was very simple. He didn't know why he wanted to fight, and the opponent was so powerful, how could he be the opponent?

Also, if there is more dragon soul power, his right hand will explode!

The dragon soul roared unwillingly, but Danny not only did not obey but tried his best to control his Chi. He couldn't control the power of the dragon's soul, but the Chi was fine!

The fiery red dragon laughed disdainfully, that's all?

The Dragon Soul chose to admit defeat, not because he couldn't compare to the dragon on the opposite side, but because his host was ten streets worse than the other's host!

The dragon's soul died down, and Danny was finally able to control the power of the dragon's soul. He hurriedly dissipated the golden light of his right fist and gasped on the ground!

The fiery red dragon gave Danny a contemptuous look, and gradually dispersed, and the ground in the dock area quickly returned to normal!

Danny Rand raised his head and stared blankly ahead. He felt that New York did not seem to welcome him that much!

"As same as the TV show, Weak!"

In the office, Bert smiled disdainfully, and the real dragon phantom behind him turned into red light and flew back to his body!


Bert sensed that the power of the dragon soul had become a little different, and when his mind moved, a red light lit up on his hand. Then, the red light swelled and turned into a flaming crimson flame!

Dragon fire!

Bert laughed. He didn't expect the appearance of Danny Rand to awaken the dragon fire. Now, his strength has increased again!

The dragon on Bert's body was originally a fire dragon!

At this time, Carter brought Vanko and his son in from outside. She seemed very happy to see Bert, and asked in surprise, "Blood God, what's the matter?"

"It's really fun!"

Bert put away the dragon fire. He turned around and found that Vanko and his son were angry, and asked with a smile, "Don't say, you must have been pissed off by Tony, did you beat him?"

"Blood God!"

Carter was speechless, she sighed: "If I wasn't there, the three of them would have fought!"

"That guy doesn't look like Howard at all, rude, vicious, doesn't know how to respect elders..."

Anton Vanko scolded repeatedly, Ivan echoed by the side, Bert laughed dumbly, and he asked Carter, "Did they suffer?"

Carter said: "Knowledge, he competed with Tony."

The Vanko father and son did not argue, because they lost. One of them drank heavily for decades and the other was imprisoned for more than ten years. In terms of accumulating new knowledge, they couldn't compare to Tony at all!

Ivan gritted his teeth and said to Bert: "Bert, I want to go to university to study cutting-edge science!"

"No problem, you spend two days a week going to MIT for further education! You can also use your computer to communicate with them!"

Bert smiled and said: "I will help you arrange everything. Several school directors at MIT are ours. By the way, should I get a diploma? I always feel that someone is studying for a degree. Despise me!"

"Then trouble you, I'll go back to do research!"

After Ivan thanked him, he turned around and left immediately. After being provoked by Tony he couldn't stay still, and Anton also left with him. He didn't believe that the two of them, together, would not be able to fight a damn Tony Stark!

"Russians, temper is irritable!"

Bert smiled and asked Carter, "How is the discussion with Tony?"

"Pepper allows us to use the Ark Reactor on the suit, but not energy."

Carter said: "The main business of Stark Industries is energy now, and they can't let it go!"

"Is that so?"

Bert thought for a while and said, "I will find a time to talk to Pepper. Except for the United States, I can give her the market in other places, but in the United States, the competition should be fair."

"You want more chips? I think Pepper will give in."

Carter nodded, and then said, "When I'm done with what I'm doing, I'll take a leave of absence to go to the North Pole, and come back when I find Steve!"

"Ok. However, you must first arrange the affairs of the Blood God Group."

Bert nodded and said, "This big ship can't be separated from your helm now!"

"Now that technology is so advanced, I can also handle the group's affairs in the Arctic."

Carter smiled and said: "Speaking of which, the situation of the Vampire clan is good now, all aspects are developing very well, and the order is gradually stabilizing."

"Well, the Vampire clan has returned to stability now, and those who are unwilling to abide by the new order are either dead or left."

Bert smiled and said, "However, the population registration is still far from satisfactory. Those who are willing to register now are basically due to subsidies."

"There's no way, if it sounds good, it is advocating freedom, and if it sounds bad, it's sloppy!"

Carter said: "If you want them to register, in addition to the tens of billions of subsidies, you have to think of other ways. Take your time, you can't get fat in one bite."

"Maybe you can try to pull the head, that is, pull a Vampire clan to register, how much is the reward, in any case, the registration must be completed, and only comprehensive registration can protect the common interests of humans and Vampires."

"In addition, the registration information is fully encrypted, and only you, me, Mercury, and Blade are eligible to view it. Also, the subsidy is issued by our bank."

Bert and Carter talked for a while, Carter got up and said goodbye, this is the Oscorp, that woman (Mercury) will not welcome her to stay for too long!

If it weren't for the special relationship between Carter and Anton and Tony, this time, she should not have come forward!

"The future of the Vampire clan still depends on technological progress!"

Bert sighed secretly. At the same time, in Stark Industries, Tony officially handed over the position of president to Pepper!

Pepper said at a loss: "You're serious, just hand over the position of the president to me like this? When the news spreads, Stark Industries' stock price will drop tomorrow!"

"With your ability, this is just a small problem!"

Tony said: "Pepper, I'm running out of time, Vanko and his son are aggressive, I must focus all my energy on scientific research, otherwise, I will be defeated by them sooner or later!"

Pepper is puzzled: "Are the two fathers and sons that strong? Didn't you win before?"

"I won because they have shortcomings, but they can make up for this shortcoming!"

Tony said: "Their wisdom is not much worse than mine. Besides, there is a bastard behind them. I don't want to be pressed by him for the rest of my life!"

Pepper sighed, she knew that Tony, who was arrogant, could not tolerate someone riding him all the time, even if that person had a lot of kindness towards him!

Because he's Tony Stark!

"I will help you manage the Stark Industries!"

Little Pepper said domineeringly: "You go to research, in the future, I will make money for you to spend!"

Tony blinked, always feeling that something was wrong.


Oscorp, in a room, Betty was taking care of the awakened Banner. Banner asked, "Betty, who is the man who killed the Abomination? So powerful, I feel that the Hulk is a little afraid of him!"

Betty said: "He's super rich, richer than Iron Man, but some people say he's a vampire!"

Banner was stunned: "Vampires? This is unscientific!"

"Your Hulk is also unscientific!"

A voice came from outside, and then, Bert walked in with Dr. Stern, Betty and Banner hurriedly stood up to say hello.

Bert said with a smile, "You're welcome, Miss Betty, Dr. Banner, introduce myself, I'm Wang Bert, the patriarch of the Vampire clan!"

"Are there vampires?"

Banner couldn't help but ask: "Why do vampires have to drink blood, do you spread it by viruses? And..."

"Why does this scene feel familiar?"

Bert blinked. Compared to Gwen, Banner is the real scholar. He has seven doctorates!

It's a pity that fate makes people, such a scholar became a monster who only knows how to use brute force!