Chapter 49 : Malick's Invitation


Betty pulled Banner, and Banner came to his senses and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, Dr. Banner, I have to see the Senator in a while, so I'll just cut to the chase!"

Bert said: "If you are willing to stay in the Oscorp, I can protect you. If you are not willing, I will not force you. You can leave at any time, but what will happen after you leave, I believe you know it yourself. !"

"Besides being chased, what else could it be?"

Banner smiled bitterly, and he asked hesitantly, "What do I need to do to join your Oscorp?"

Bert said solemnly: "You need to be studied!"


Banner was stunned, and Bert smiled: "Just kidding, just kidding, Dr. Banner, you have seven doctoral degrees, are you afraid you can't find anything to do?

Of course, it's not wrong to say that you are researched, but you are the one who researches you. You can use the resources of the Oscorp to research the Hulk! "

"Mr. Green, I can study with you!"

Dr. Stern said: "I have promised Mr. Wang to join the Oscorp, and he will fully support my research on artificial blood and Vampire genes!"

Banner was a little moved, and he said, "I'll think about it!"

"Think slowly, don't worry! Here, I can protect your safety!"

Bert smiled and said, "In addition, I will not restrict your use of mobile phones and computers. You can do whatever you want. If you want to see someone, you can also invite them here!"

Banner said gratefully, "Thank you!"

"You are welcome!"

Bert waved his hand, he thought of something, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, Dr. Banner, you are a celebrity now, and many lawyers have expressed that they want to help you sue the military for compensation!"


Banner was stunned. Betty thought of something and asked, "Mr. Wang, did you publicize his story?"

"Yes, but I didn't reveal your name and appearance, Dr. Banner. All news is codenamed by Mr. Green and Hulk."

Bert said: "Dr. Banner, this is good for your current situation. At least the military does not dare to arrest you arbitrarily. As for whether to stand up or not, it is up to you."

"No, I have to stay away from the crowd as much as possible, otherwise there will be a disaster at any time."

Banner shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I won't appear in public until the Hulk is eliminated!"

Bert said: "Dr. Banner you don't need to eliminate the Hulk, the Hulk is yourself, he shares the emotional area with you, otherwise he will not try his best to protect Betty!"

Banner frowned: "But he is uncontrollable. You also saw his destructive power!"

"That's just because you didn't control him!"

Bert said to Banner: "He is like a newborn child. You keep him locked up, and he will naturally be angry when he comes out. If you let him out every once in a while, let Betty teach him by the side... …"

"This won't work, this will not work, Hulk will hurt Betty!"

Before Bert finished speaking, Banner interrupted him, he said loudly: "Hulk must be eliminated, he should not be born!"

"If he is not born, you will die!"

"I'd rather die!"

Banner roared, his eyes turned a little green, Betty's complexion changed, and she hurriedly comforted Banner: "Bruce, breathe, breathe..."

Banner also reacted incorrectly and hurriedly used the breathing method he had learned to lower his heartbeat. After a while, he let out a breath and said apologetically to Bert: "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, but the Hulk shouldn't exist!"

"If you are like this, Hulk will be even angrier, and sooner or later, he will replace you!"

Bert sighed and said, "You have a good rest, Dr. Stern, talk to Dr. Banner more, and see if there is anything you can do to help him!"

Stern said, "Okay, I was just about to chat more with Mr. Green! "

"If you need anything, open the list and give it to the staff!"

Bert nodded to Betty and turned to leave!

"Banner's attitude is a bit troublesome!" After walking out of the room, Bert frowned slightly. At this moment, Lilith called and Senator Stern was here!

In the Oscorp office, Bert and Senator Stern shook hands and said with a smile, "Senator, we meet again."

"No way, the military, and Council are in a hurry."

Senator Stern laughed: "The military has tentatively agreed to buy War Abomination, but they're asking for a few aides to join your team!"

Bert said: "This is no problem, but the core secrets of War Abomination will not be opened to them!"

"It's natural!"

Senator Stern nodded in satisfaction. He said, "Bert, General Ross has been dismissed and handed over to a military court."

Bert knew that this was the military's sincerity, and he smiled: "Deserved it!"

Of course, sincerity belongs to sincerity, Bert would not be so stupid to think that the military just let go of its vigilance against the Vampire clan, but this is not a big problem, because, in a few months, the aliens will come!

"He deserves it, people are protesting against him everywhere outside the White House!"

Senator Stern said with a smile: "Bert, the military asked me to ask you, what do you need to pay to get Dr. Banner? His blood is very important!"

"Dr. Banner is not a trade item. If the military wants it, it can send someone to persuade him. If he wants, he can leave at any time!"

Bert said: "However, he has a bad temper. Don't provoke him. I don't want to rebuild the Oscorp Building!"

"Rest assured, we know how terrifying he is!"

Senator Stern laughed: "By the way, Bert, Councilman Malick has a banquet this weekend. Are you interested in attending?"

"Malick of the World Security Council? I'll be there on time!"

Bert was a little surprised, if he remembered correctly, this Gideon Malick was a giant of Hydra, that is to say, Hydra wanted to win him over.

"See you then!"

Senator Stern shook hands with Bert and turned to leave. He was going to try a new car, a very low-key antique car!


Bert stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his eyes narrowed. There are many factions of Hydra, and the one from S.H.I.E.L.D. must not be touched, but Gideon Malick's faction is different, I may be able to take advantage of this, after all, they suffered very late!

Moreover, the god they believe in is a bit interesting.


The Malick family is a very large political family in the United States. They have existed since the founding of the United States and have a pivotal power in the country!

Therefore, the banquet of the Malick family has always been a place where the upper-class flocks and everyone is honored to receive an invitation - except Bert!

"It's so boring, I shouldn't have come!"

Bert stood in the corner, thinking unhappily, he is too young, and he has not disclosed his identity, so no one will come to him!

There are a few noble ladies who are interested in Bert's wicked temperament. The problem is that Bert is not interested in them!

"Hello, Mr. Wang, I'm Stephanie Malick!"

At this time, a beautiful woman in white came over and stretched out her hand to Bert. The people next to her were very surprised when they saw this. Gideon Malick's daughter took the initiative to talk to that young man.

People with less than a certain identity are not qualified to know who Bert is!

Bert and Stephanie shook hands and said with a smile, "Miss Malick, hello!"

Stephanie smiled and said, "Mr. Wang, are you satisfied with the banquet?"

"I wasn't satisfied at first, but when you came, I was satisfied!"

Bert laughed, and Stephanie covered her mouth and chuckled. She chatted with Bert for a while, and suddenly asked, "Mr. Wang, what do you think of God?"


Bert glanced at Stephanie and said, "The reason why people worship God is because of what they want. From this aspect, I am also a God."

Stephanie was surprised, she asked, "How?"

Bert said proudly: "I can give power, money, immortality, and even superpowers to others. Tell me, am I a God?"

"It seems to be true, no wonder you are called the Blood God!"

Stephanie was amazed, and she asked again: "Then do you believe that there is a real God in this world?"

Bert shook his head: "God is just a stronger person. If I go back to ancient times, I will become the God that countless people worship!"

Stephanie frowned, not because Bert was too arrogant, but because what he said made sense!

Of course, this was not enough to shake Stephanie's faith. She said, "Mr. Wang, you are so confident. My father wants to see you. I wonder if you are free?"

Bert smiled and said: "Mr. Malick wants to see me, and he has to be free, just like Miss Stephanie, you want to ask me out!"

"Mr. Wang is joking, but if you have time, we can go out together!"

Stephanie smiled and led Bert to the study, where Gideon Malick with white hair was waiting for him.

After a brief chat, Councilman Malick spoke to the topic: "Mr. Wang, does Oscorp plan to develop aerospace technology?"

Bert said with certainty: "Yes, the Oscorp intends to complete the first spacecraft within twenty years."

Councilman Malick did not expect that Bert had a plan in this regard. He asked in surprise, "Can it be completed within 20 years?"

"Yes, Mr. Vanko of the Oscorp is a real genius. In twenty years, he will be able to create a spaceship."

Bert said: "Humans should not only focus on the earth. The universe is very big. The stars and the beyond are always waiting for us to conquer."

"I agree."

Councilman Malick nodded, and he said, "Mr. Wang, the Malick family is looking forward to the spaceship of the Oscorp!"

"If you don't see a spaceship in 20 years, I will give you the Oscorp!"

Bert laughed, and Councilman Malick laughed too. His meaning was very clear. As long as the Oscorp made every effort to develop space technology, the Malick family would speak for the Oscorp and even provide some help!

With the status of the Malick family, this commitment is quite heavy!

And the reason why he made such a promise was not that he wanted to recruit Bert as his son-in-law, but because the god 'Hive' they believed in was on another planet, and they needed a spaceship to bring the god back!

Gideon Malick's Hydra, the biggest dream is to welcome back their god!

Bert shook hands with Councilman Malick, but he sneered inwardly: "God? When I crush your god in front of your face, you will know that God is nothing!"


In a blink of an eye, several days passed. Although General Ross was sent to the military court, the protests continued, because everyone wanted the military to promise not to do this kind of thing in the future, and the military had not promised to compensate for that Street loss!

The military didn't want compensation at all, had been wrangling with the merchants, and wanted to pull the Watchmen Company and the city government into the water, but Bert and the city government had no interest in paying attention to them.

Bert is rich, but that doesn't mean he will waste money. As for the city government, they are raising 500 million US dollars, and they are not interested in helping the military fill the hole!

"Mr. Wang is amazing. He has brought the Oscorp back to life in just a few months. If Mr. Osborn is alive, he will be very pleased!"

At night, Spider-Man hung upside down under the sign reading the newspaper. At this time, he turned to the "Daily Bugle", and there was no accident, and they still scolded him!

Spider-Man turned to the next paper in dismay, and it was Electro and the others. The Daily Bugle did not dare to scold them at will, because that would make them receive a warning letter from the Watchmen Company.

"Why don't I join the Watchmen Company too? Mr. Wang is a very nice person. He not only invited me to be a sparring coach but also invited me to join the Oscorp. It is because of this job that I can afford the tuition fee, and I also met cute Miss Gwen and the charming Miss Hardy, oh, they're all good!"

Just when the scumbag Spider-Man was hesitating whether to choose Gwen or Felicia, wretched laughter suddenly came from a distance: "Little girl, do you want uncle to play with you?"

"There is a situation!"

Spider-Man immediately glued the newspaper to the sign, and then quickly swung toward the place where the sound came from. After a while, he saw a little girl in purple clothes being led into an alley by a few gangsters!

Spider-Man immediately swung over to save people, but to his surprise, the screams of men came out one after another in the alley. When he arrived at the alley, he found that all the gangsters fell to the ground. The little girl was rummaging through them with a short stick to pick up a purse!

"What's the situation?"

Spider-Man said that he had been a hero for so long, and he had never seen such a situation. Such a beautiful little girl solved all the gangsters?

The little girl in purple was startled when she heard the movement. Seeing it was Spider-Man, she breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, "Spider-Man, this is my spoils, you can't rob it!"

Spider-Man asked in amazement: "The spoils? Spider-Man doesn't take spoils from children, you fought all these people?"

"Of course, they are so weak that they can be bullied by a child!"

The little girl in purple said as a matter of course: "Also, they are so poor, they have no money on them, and even their watches are fakes. As expected, it would be better to rob those gangs."