Chapter 52 : Ghost Rider

Although Danny Rand owns 51% of the shares of the Rand Group, he has been missing for more than ten years, and these shares have already been occupied by others, and he cannot prove his identity at all, so he can only be a tramp now!

The current situation of the RAND Group is different from the one in the TV series!

"You're talking about those crazy things again!"

Daredevil sighed helplessly. He said, "Recently, the Electro and the others have been investigating Kingpin's pharmacy factory. I suspect it is here. Let's find a way to go in and investigate!"

Danny asked, "Wouldn't it be better to just go in there?"

Daredevil gave Danny a silent 'look'. This guy's strength is not bad, but his IQ is low.

"It's not that simple. If it's a pharmacy factory, there must be a lot of reinforcements in it."

Daredevil said, "We're here to investigate today. If this is a production base, we'll inform the Electro man to solve it.

"Power-generating superhero? He's really good!"

Danny asked, "Daredevil, why don't you join that Watchmen company?"

"Because I'm only a part-timer, and no one buys my peripherals, they all say too many things."

Daredevil shrugged and said, "Go make some noise, I'll sneak in, my hearing is very strong, as long as I get close, I can hear them!"


Danny was about to agree, when he suddenly sensed something, turned his head sharply, and saw a fire in the distance approaching at an extreme speed!

The speed of this fire was very fast, and in just a short period, it was close to the distance and Danny could see it. Danny took a closer look, and the whole person was stunned. What the hell is this?

That group of fire was a Harley bike burning with fire, and there was also a skeleton man in a leather jacket.

The temperature of the flame on the skeleton man was extremely high. Wherever he passed, the surrounding trees were burning. Daredevil sensed the change in the surrounding temperature and hurriedly asked, "Danny, what happened, why is the temperature getting higher?"

Danny swallowed and said, "You sure won't believe me, there is a skull driving a burning bike!"


Daredevil looked like Danny was joking. At this moment, The guards of the factory also found the fire and hurriedly sounded the alarm, but before they could do anything, the skeleton man drove the Harley through the gate and rushed into the factory!

Then, the fire in the factory skyrocketed, screams, gunshots, and screams sounded one after another, and Danny and Daredevil were horrified!

Danny said, "I think we should find those professionals!"

Daredevil hesitated, then said, "Wait, and then listen!"

It didn't take long for the battle in the factory to come to an end, and the skeleton man grabbed Bullseye's neck, lifted him, and roared angrily: "You dare hurt my daughter?"

Bullseye shouted in horror: "I don't know your daughter, you are wrong!"

"You are guilty! "The skeleton man pulled Bullseye in front of him, his burning eyes staring at him, Bullseye couldn't help but recall the sins he had committed in his life. With so many sins, Bullseye's soul immediately burned, and in just a moment, it turned to ashes!

The skeleton man threw the bullseye to the ground, turned around and rode the Harley, rushed out of the factory full of fire, and drove towards the Fisker Building in Hell's Kitchen. He just saw that the culprit was Kingpin!

Waiting for the skeleton man to leave, Daredevil and Danny carefully came to the factory gate, only to 'see' the charred corpses on the ground.

"Daredevil, what should we do?"

Danny asked in horror, New York is so dangerous, I want to go back to Kun-Lun!

"Call Superheroes! That monster seems to have a target."

Daredevil took out a specially-made phone and called Electro Man. After Electro received it, he immediately notified Chief George!

"What, it's a Class B incident again? There's still no end to this, and it's only been a few days since that hateful thing happened?"

Chief George hurriedly started putting on his pants, these bastards, it's fine to do things every day, and every time they choose to be in the middle of the night, They won't let other people sleep?

Chief George returned to the police station as soon as possible, and at this time, someone had already discovered the skeleton man. The reason was very simple. He was too windy. Wherever he passed, not only would a burning flame be left behind, but the surrounding trees would also be ignited.

It's hard not to see such a cool guy!

"Where did this monster come from? Could it be made by the military again?"

Chief George was a little crazy when he saw the skeleton man and the bike on fire. Can you bring some normal criminals?

After thinking about it, Chief George mobilized a large number of police cars to contain the skeleton man and called two helicopters to help.

The police were very conscientious, driving the police car to chase the Skeleton Man, but the Skeleton Man completely ignored them and drove to the Fisker Building!

Although there were many police cars, the Harley-Davidson motorcycle was too flexible to stop him. At this moment, the Electro man rushed over. He looked at the cool Harley-Davidson bike and said to Chief George with his earphones: "It's a skeleton, Chief, where is he going?"

Chief George shouted: "I don't care where he's going, stop him!"

"I'll try!"

Electro man asked: "Are there any other superheroes coming? "

Chief George said: "Yes, the second strongest superhero in New York, I called him."

"Wrong, it is the strongest superhero in New York!"

A voice suddenly sounded on the police-dedicated channel, and Chief George's face turned black: "Tony Stark, it is illegal to hack into the police channel without permission!"

"What's the matter, doesn't Spider-Man monitor your communications every day?"

Iron Man said indifferently, At this time, he also saw the Harley bike, first shouted cool, and then said: "This is unscientific, the temperature is so high, why is the motorcycle not burned? What's more outrageous is that even the leather jacket is intact. And, why does the skeleton move?"

Chief George shouted: "Is that the point? Iron Man, stop him."

"Okay!" "Calm down, otherwise don't blame me for using force!"

The skeleton man scolded unhappily: "Go away!"

Iron Man was very surprised: "You can speak? This is unscientific, and you have no vocal cords?"

The skeleton man was too lazy to pay attention to Iron Man, Driving forward at full speed, Iron Man saw this, shook his head, and said, "You forced me!"

With that, Iron Man raised his right hand and blasted a repulsor cannon at the Skeleton Man, but the Skeleton Man just turned a corner. Dodged Cannons with ease!

"Looking for death!"

The skeleton man got angry, took off the chain wrapped around him, and threw it at Iron Man, Iron Man easily avoided it, he was about to say something witty, but the chain turned around and wrapped around his calf.!

"Go away!"

The skeleton man threw it hard, and Iron Man was directly smashed into the building next to him, causing the people in the building to scream!

The reporter who came by helicopter happened to see this scene. She took the microphone and shouted excitedly: "Iron Man has been beaten again, yes, he was beaten again. Hey, why am I so excited?

"Ignore Iron Man, and continue to fly forward, Fisker Building, it's coming soon!

"Iron Man, you're weak!"

The Electro Man said while attacking the Skeleton Man with electricity. The Skeleton Man controlled the bike to dodge left and right, easily dodging all attacks!

At this time, Iron Man chased after him from behind. He was a little provoked, and activated the miniature missile on his shoulder to shoot at the skeleton man!

Sensing the threat, the skeleton man turned around and threw the chain, blasting all the miniature missiles. Then, under the incredible gaze of everyone, he pulled the front of the bike up and drove the Harley straight up the Fisker Building in complete violation of gravity. !

That's right, the Harley drove straight up the building, and wherever it passed, the glass shattered and it looked extraordinarily spectacular.

Whether it is the police or the reporters, they are all stunned, what is happening?

"This is unscientific! Jarvis, hurry up and send someone to change Newton's coffin board, Newton is going to cry!"

Looking at the line of fire rising 90 degrees vertically into the sky, Iron Man couldn't help but complain, Jarvis, Said: "Sir, Newton can't cheat corpses!"

"Of course I know, I'm not that high school student!"

Iron Man chased after him angrily, and ElectroMan was no exception. At the same time, he hurriedly called Bert, he felt that he could not bear this matter!

Bert looked at the skeleton man who was so cool, and had a headache: "The Ghost Rider came out?"

Bert thought for a while, and said to Electro: "Max, don't attack him yet, If I'm not mistaken, he should be looking for Kingpin!"

"For Kingpin? Daredevil said he attacked Kingpin's factory!"

Electro Man suddenly realized, "Mr. Wang, I'll watch him first and wait for your instructions!"


Bert nodded and passed the photo of the skeleton man to the technical department of the Oscorp so that they could restore the skeleton's 'before' appearance.

This kind of technology is commonly used by the police. Of course, the police's technology is not as good as Oscorp's. It didn't take long for the technology department to send the restored pictures!

Looking at the familiar melancholy face, Bert was a little speechless, it was him!

Madame Gao also asked in surprise: "Isn't this Mindy's father, Damon Macready?"


Bert squeezed his eyebrows, Hit-Girl's father, Big Daddy, and Ghost Rider. Johnny Blaze is played by Nicolas Cage, from the perspective of Ghost Rider looking for Kingpin, these two people may have been merged!

"Can't they be twins? The designers of this world are too lazy!" Bert complained.

At this time, Ivan called and asked, "Do you want me to do it? Tony's sissy can't seem to handle it!"

Bert said: "You really can't deal with this Ghost Rider, so let's go, Ivan, you go to Tony for a one-on-one fight, I don't want him to get involved in this matter!"

Ivan was still a little dissatisfied, but he heard that he could fight with Tony. Picking it up, he immediately said, "Okay!"

"The Ghost Rider who has an immortal body and The Penance Stare, it would be a waste not to see it."

Bert thought excitedly, The Penance Stare belonged to the Ghost Rider. The signature ability can directly attack the soul. As long as you have guilt and remorse for what you have done, you will be punished, also known as Damnation Stare!

In the comics, Punisher was immune to The Penance Stare because he didn't think he was at fault at all!

"Colleen, bring my 81-pound spear!"

Bert stood up and shouted to Colleen, who was dressed as a maid, Madame Gao secretly complained, why did he emphasize the weight of 81 pounds?

Leaving aside Bert's actions for a while, the Ghost Rider galloped to the top of the building, just when he saw a helicopter about to leave, he roared, wrapped the helicopter with chains, and then pulled hard, pulling the helicopter down!

Boom, the helicopter slammed into the roof and exploded violently, and flames shot everywhere, the Ghost Rider got off the Harley and strode into the flames, only to find that there was only one corpse inside!

"Kingpin is not here!"

Ghost Rider was very annoyed, he was about to look for him again, the Electro man flew up and said helplessly: "I checked, Kingpin is not in this building, he escaped, and the helicopter is just a cover "

"Not here?" Ghost Rider was furious. At this time, Iron Man also flew up and asked, "You seem to know something that I don't know, do you mind telling me?"

Electro Man said: "You can't handle this one, You should leave now!"

"Superboy, do you know who you're talking to?"

Tony laughed angrily, but Chief George who invited him said, "Tony, Mr. Wang plans to take over this matter, don't act rashly, so as not to increase casualties!"

"Chief George, you changed your face so fast."

Tony was very upset, at this time, a disgusting voice sounded in his communicator: "Tony, You sissy, come to the factory in the east, let's play!"

"I wanted to teach you a lesson for a long time, and I will let you understand that what you designed is nothing!" Tony was furious, and immediately activated the repulsor, to fly toward the east!

When the Ghost Rider saw Iron Man suddenly leaving, he was a little puzzled, then shook his head and returned to the bike to leave!

At this moment, Electro man suddenly said: "Mr. Wang wants to talk to you about your daughter."

"My daughter?"

Ghost Rider glared at Electro, and the flames on his head skyrocketed: "You dare to threaten me with my daughter?"

Electro took a step back and said, "No, your daughter has already taken Mr. Wang as her teacher, he told - 'Let me talk to you about the crime of abandoning children!' "

"Teacher! The crime of abandoning children?"

Ghost Rider was taken aback for a moment, then he mounted his bike and asked in a deep voice, "Where is he?"

"At the pier, south of Hell's Kitchen!"

Ghost Rider didn't answer, and drove down the building directly. Electro Man couldn't help but shake his head, This seems unscientific how many times I watch.

The police below were notified and stopped chasing the Ghost Rider, Chief George asked the Electro through his mobile phone: "Can Mr. Wang solve this monster?"

Electro said: "Of course, there is nothing that Mr. Wang can't do!"

"That's good, give me a detailed report later. I have to tell the public and the media!"

Chief George said: "In addition, who is responsible for the loss this time?"

"The Watchmen Company will be responsible, but not for Kingpin's factory!"

Electro thought of something and said "Speaking of which, Chief, don't you think this is a good opportunity to search Kingpin's nest? There are excuses and enough police around!"

"You don't say I haven't thought of this!"

Chief George's eyes brightened: " We immediately started the search, and we can't let Kingpin continue to be arrogant!"

"I'll leave it to you!"

Electro man smiled slightly, turned into electricity, and chased after the Ghost Rider.