Chapter 53 : Blood God vs. Ghost Rider

At the pier, Hell's Kitchen, a flaming Harley-Davidson came coolly, wearing a Batman suit (Copycat version of Big Daddy) and holding a black spear, Bert was waiting for him quietly.

When the Ghost Rider was approaching, Bert asked in a very low voice: "Tell me, Do you bleed?"

"Isn't that my uniform?"

Ghost Rider was full of question marks, and he stopped In front of him, he looked at Bert with his burning eyes, and said in a deep voice, "You are not human! You have a very evil aura on you!"

Bert couldn't help but laugh: "You should say this, Bold monster, I can see at a glance that you are not human!"

Ghost Rider was not interested in joking, he roared angrily: "You want to hurt my daughter?"

"No, I saved her. To find her irresponsible father, she took me as a teacher!"

Bert shook his head: "What kind of father would be willing to abandon such a lovely daughter? He also put her in danger and was almost killed?"

"I'm here to protect her, you are sinful, go to hell!"

Ghost Rider roared and smashed Bert with a chain. This Ghost Rider, like the Hulk, had a great temper and couldn't control himself!

"I just happened to replace my apprentice and teach you a lesson about being a responsible father!"

Bert snorted coldly, his whole body lit up with a dazzling red light, and then he stomped his right foot hard, turning it into afterimages. Ten figures, holding spears stabbed at the Ghost Rider from different directions!

"Mr. Wang is getting stronger and stronger!"

Electro who followed him was amazed. He knew that this was not some kind of magic, but an afterimage formed by Bert's super-speed!

Ghost Rider roared, the chain spun quickly, and swept toward the afterimage in the sky. At this moment, a red figure appeared behind him, and a spear slashed toward his cervical vertebrae like a pistol!

The next moment, with the flash of red light, the Ghost Rider's cervical vertebra was directly cut off by the indestructible Vibranium spear, and the flame skull flew to the side in response.

"He won?"

Electro man was stunned. At this moment, the Ghost Rider's Harley launched itself and knocked Bert away. Then, the flame skull spun in the air and flew back to the cervical vertebra!

This is not over yet, with the flash of fire, the fractured cervical vertebra instantly recovered as before!

Ghost Rider is immortal, even if you blow him to ashes, he can be resurrected!

"Damn you!"

Ghost Rider was enraged and turned around to deal with Bert, but Bert disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already behind the Ghost Rider and kicked him off the Harley.

Ghost Rider fell to the ground in a daze, waving the chains on the ground to hit Bert, Bert leaped into the sky, and once again made dozens of figures to stab the Ghost Rider!

Ghost Rider roared, and the fire of hell broke out all over his body, burning wildly around in a semi-circle, the ground was directly melted, and the surrounding ropes and wooden boxes were ignited!

Bert had to show his body and resist the burning fire with the power of the dragon's soul.

Ghost Rider took the opportunity to get up, waving the flame chain and attacking Bert, Bert smiled disdainfully, and roamed around like red lightning quickly, Ghost Rider could not hit him at all!

This made the Ghost Rider even angrier, and the fire broke out again. At the same time, the body quickly rotated, and the chains swept around!

The Ghost Rider's idea is very simple, use the fire to stop Bert, and then entangle him with chains so that you don't have to worry about his speed anymore!

"Do you think you are the only one with fire?" Bert sneered, the red light on his body turned into a fiery red fire, and quickly spread to the Vibranium spear, as if a fire dragon was roaring!

Then, Bert swung the Vibranium spear vigorously, the flames on the spear flew out of the air, and the flames slammed on the Ghost Rider, and the Ghost Rider was blasted out on the spot!

Before the Ghost Rider could get up, Bert rushed to his side and threw him into the sky.

Then, Bert's fiery figure kept flickering around the Ghost Rider. The Ghost Rider seemed to be beaten by dozens of people, and his bones would be broken!

Ghost Rider roared but was completely unable to resist, not only because of Bert's fast speed, but also because his hellfire was suppressed by Bert's dragon fire, and his body gradually became unresponsive.

Ghost Rider can move because of Hellfire!

At this time, the Harley-Davidson on the ground suddenly flew into the air and wanted to rescue its owner. Bert waved his hand and threw out a cloud of blood, which turned into two fists in the air and quickly bombarded. A crackling fall from the sky.

Seeing that the bike was destroyed, Ghost Rider was even more furious, trying his best to lock the figure of Bert, and wanted to launch The Penance Stare!

But soon, Ghost Rider was desperate because he couldn't activate The Penance Stare!

Although The Penance Stare does not need to meet the eyes of the opponent, at the current level of the Ghost Rider, at least he must see the eyes of the opponent. The problem is that, let alone the eyes, the Ghost Rider can't even see Bert's real body.!

In the world of martial arts, nothing is invincible, only speed is invincible!

"Break for me!"

Bert shouted, and the Vibranium spear slammed into the spine of the Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider who had been attacked countless times, burst opened, and countless bones flew in the air and then fell with a crackle on the ground!

Normally, the bones would come together quickly, but this time, they didn't, because the dragon fire was suppressing them, immobilizing them.

Bert fell from the air, pierced the skull of the Ghost Rider with the spear, and pressed it into the ground backward so that he no longer had to worry about The Penance Stare!

Ghost Rider was extremely angry, and the fire of hell on the skull was burning. Seeing this, Bert increased the output of the dragon fire. The fire of hell was directly suppressed, and the skull could only continue to be buried in the ground!

Seeing the end of the battle, Electro Man flew over and said with a look of admiration: "Mr. Wang, you are so powerful, you can deal with such monsters!"

The power and strangeness of this Ghost Rider were completely beyond Electro's imagination. , Fortunately, there is Mr. Wang, otherwise, New York would've suffered!

"How can it be that easy? When my flames are used up, he will come back to life!"

Bert said angrily. He didn't know whether the fire of hell was infinite, but his dragon fire was not. His dragon fire can only last another hour or so!

The problem is, it's still about three hours before dawn - Ghost Rider can't transform in the sun!

Electro man was stunned: "Can it be resurrected? Mr. Wang, can't this monster be killed?"

"Almost immortal!"

Bert shook his head, he thought about it, took off his helmet, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Lilith: "Lilith, bring Dr. Banner to the dock!"

Electro man was stunned: "Mr. Wang, do you want Dr. Banner to come over?"

"Let Hulk vent, it's just about delaying time anyway."

Bert said: "Max, you go to work on other things first, it's done here!"

"Okay, I'll go help Chief George first, and come back to watch the battle later!"

Electro man nodded, Hulk vs. Skeleton Man, this must be very exciting.

After the Electro left, Bert said to the Ghost Rider, "I've found a good opponent for you. Don't use the Stare for a while, and don't run away!"

Ghost Rider burned the dirt beside his mouth with flames, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you know about The Penance Stare?"

Bert said, "The longer you live, the more you know!"

"You aren't human." Ghost Rider snorted coldly, "Why should I listen to you?"

Bert said, "If you don't listen to me, I'll call Mindy and show her how you look. Anyway, I promised to help her find her father."

Ghost Rider was in a hurry and shouted: "No, I can't see Mindy."

Bert asked: "Why? To be honest, I have never understood why you are willing to leave such a lovely daughter?"

"She also has sinned, I will kill her!"

Ghost Rider said in pain, his name is Damon Macready, originally a policeman, he was framed and imprisoned for offending people. After he was released from prison, for revenge, he trained Mindy to be a killer and took her to kill a lot of bad guys!

For Ghost Rider, Mindy is also a sinner. To avoid hurting his daughter, Damon can only leave!

"With me here, you can't hurt her!"

Bert said, "Actually, I think you should make it clear to her, lest she risk her life again to find you.!"

Ghost Rider shouted: "How will I tell her? That every time her father sees her, he wants to burn her to death?"

"It's not her father who wants to burn her to death, It's the devil inside her father!"

Bert said, "Mindy will understand!"

"She's just a child, how could she accept such a thing?"

"Since you know she's just a child, you still bring her to kill people? What kind of father are you?"

"I needed help, and the best way to protect someone is to teach her how to protect herself!"

"It turns out that you are such a great father, should I give you an award?"

Bert mocked, the Ghost rider was so angry that he was quickly suppressed by the dragon fire. Bert was too lazy to care about it. He took out his phone and swiped through Twitter while waiting for Banner to come over!

At the same time, the battle between Tony and Ivan came to an end, and both lost.

Tony lay on the ground and roared at Ivan, who couldn't get up just like him: "Are you dying? You increased the power so much, are you not afraid that all your internal organs will be squeezed out?"

"Do you think I'm a weak chicken like you?"

Ivan looked disdainful.

Tony yelled: "Mad, you are a lunatic."

Ivan sneered: "Don't make excuses for yourself, sissy, this time a tie, next time, you will lose!"

"Tie?" Tony snorted: "Your battle suit is a level lower than mine in terms of technology, if you didn't die, you would lose miserably today!"

Ivan said: "The technical gap can be made up, but a sissy will never become a man, and, I didn't use the Vibranium axe just now!"

"Make up the gap? Keep dreaming, my new element will be successfully researched soon, and then the performance of the Iron Man suit will be much better. You won't be able to catch up with me!" Tony said: "By the way, Don't give me the method of isolating palladium, I won't use it!"

"New element?" Ivan was stunned, and then said indifferently: "You weak chicken can't do research, I will do it!"

Tony said with disdain: "Next time, I will let you know that the Stark family is the strongest!"

Ivan mocked: "You Stark family, the technology of deception and the technology of admitting defeat It is indeed the strongest!"

"The most powerful thing in the Stark family is the ability to beat you, barbarian." Tony roared.

When the two were bickering, the support came one after another.

"Not only do I have to research new elements, but I also have to come up with an anti-Ivan armor, and even an anti-Blood God armor. Well, the latter one is not easy, so I'd better get the first one!" Tony gritted his teeth and thought.

With Ivan, a powerful competitor, his technology will be developed faster than in the movie!

At the dock, Banner and Betty got out of the car. Banner looked at the burning bones and asked, "Mr. Wang, why did you bring me here at midnight?"

Bert pointed at the skull. Said: "This guy can't be killed, I want to ask Hulk to come out and deal with him!"

Banner waved his hands: "This can't be done, Hulk will cause a lot of damage!"

"It doesn't matter, this is my site, just fight, I don't care!"

Bert said, seeing that Dr. Banner still wanted to refuse, he took out his mobile phone to play the video of Ghost Rider, and said, "If we don't solve him, New York will lose a lot."

Banner was stunned: "This is Unscientific, how can skeletons move? Isn't this a picture from a movie?"

"You'll know in a while, Dr. Banner, it's good for you, if you let the Hulk come out and do more activities!"

Bert said, "I can assure you that the Hulk will not cause any trouble!"

What else Banner can say, Bert deliberately released the suppression of the dragon fire, and all the bones vibrated violently!

Both Banner and Betty were startled, Bert said: "Banner, you bring out Hulk. Hulk you have time until dawn to fight, do you hear me? If you don't obey, I won't let you out next time. !"

"Hulk is not so obedient!" Banner smiled bitterly. He said, "Mr. Wang, I think you should change your mind. Hulk is not suitable for coming out!"

"Dr. Banner, The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, this matter, only you can do! Hulk, fight hard, I am optimistic about you!"

Bert didn't say much, took off the uniform belonging to Big Daddy, then took back the dragon fire, pulled out the Vibranium spear, took Betty, and flew into the distance.

//** A/N: The suit worn by Big daddy is similar to the Bat suit **//

Lilith, who brought Banner and Betty by car, saw this and retreated silently, and went outside to direct the police and guards to guard against others.

As soon as Bert's dragon fire was gone, all the bones immediately burst into flames of hell, and the Ghost Rider's head flew out of the ground.

Immediately afterward, these bones came together, the flames joined together, and the Ghost Rider shouted into the sky, officially resurrected!

This is not over yet. Ghost Rider raised his hand and smashed a ball of hellfire on the damaged front of the Harley motorcycle. The front of the motorcycle immediately floated up and turned into a ball of fire, the other parts came flying to the fire!

After the fire devoured all the parts, a cool Harley motorcycle rushed out of the fire and parked beside the Ghost Rider obediently!



A very dangerous side effect of using the "Penance Stare or Damnation Stare" on demonic entities is that their moral bankruptcy contaminates the rider bit by bit. Making Blaze susceptible to Mephisto's direct control the more he uses it on the escaped condemned. Though killing with Heavenly weapons is one way, another way to defeat the Ghost Rider is to separate the Spirit away from the host. This makes the host return to be mortal but the Spirit will remain in its current state until it finds a new body to inhabit.
