Chapter 57 : Demon of Earth

"You want battle armor, it must be to pick up girls, I think a sports car is more suitable for you!"

Ivan said again: "This car can let you soak in more than 70% of the beauties in this world!"

"I think it's ninety percent!" Bert laughed, and he said, "Ivan, well done, by the way, can you design it again so that the car can be transformed into a battle armor, just like the Autobots?"

"Autobot? You have a big brain,"

Although there are no Transformers comics in this world, Ivan thought about it for a while and knew what Bert wanted. He shook his head and said, "It's too complicated, I don't have time to do this, I have to design a new suit!"

"Forget about it!" Bert didn't care, he warned: "Ivan, you have to work harder on the Abomination armor, it will be our ultimate weapon."

"I understand, I will design a large armor that can destroy aircraft carriers!" Ivan said excitedly, as a Russian, he was quite interested in destroying the aircraft carrier.

Bert said: "Then I'll trouble you, I'll be out for a few months, you can do it yourself, call me if you want anything!"

Ivan glanced at Bert and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will consume too much money?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I can't spend too much money, and your speed of burning money shouldn't be as fast as I can make money!" Bert laughed. With his current capital and the memories of his previous life, it was too easy to make money.

That is to say, there is a BUG called Black Panther in the Marvel world, otherwise, Bert will be the richest man in the world!

"Sooner or later, the Vibranium Mountain of Wakanda will be taken away. It's too unpleasant!" Bert thought to himself!

"You rock!" Ivan laughed and was very satisfied with Bert's delegating power. It was worth his time to make this flying sports car!

"Of course?" Bert smiled and said to Frank: "Frank, prepare yourself, I will go to Texas to kill the devil in a few days!"

"Devil? After the ninja, the monster, is it the devil's turn now?" Frank was speechless. This million-dollar annual salary is not easy to earn. It seems that the salary has to be increased!

"Next, there are gods and aliens!" Bert said: "The future is very difficult, but also very exciting!"

"Then we are waiting!" Both Ivan and Frank laughed excitedly. People like them yearned for battle in their bones!


In a second-floor cabin in Houston, Texas, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson was using a telescope to monitor Damon, who was sitting in an outdoor cafe and playing with his cell phone!

With the strength of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is not difficult to find Damon!

"The target goes to various cities every morning to inquire about the news of the Phantom Rider. At noon, he will leave the crowded places and go to the mountains or deserts to hide. He should be afraid of becoming a Ghost Rider!"

Coulson put down the binoculars and muttered to himself with a voice recorder: "In addition, the goal is to gain control of the mobile phone, and the mobile phone has not left his body. According to the page, he should be tweeting!"

Speaking of which, Coulson was a little speechless. Does such a cool Ghost Rider tweet every day? This style doesn't fit at all, does it?

A freshman agent suggested to Coulson, "Hey, we can get Twitter to give us the data so we can understand the target better!"

Coulson said: "The boss of Twitter will not give us the data!"

The agent was puzzled: "Does he dare not to give it?"

Coulson shook his head. The new agents always thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. was the biggest, but they didn't know that S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't as powerful as they thought. For example, the boss of Twitter wouldn't care about S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson waved his hand and said, "Needless to say, how's the news about the Evil Spirit Police?"

//** A/N: The old Ghost Rider will be mentioned as Phantom Rider to make it easy.

Phantom Rider is the name of several Old West heroic gunfighter characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was originally called Ghost Rider and was renamed following the introduction of Marvel's motorcycle-riding character of the same name.


Another agent said: "There are many legends about the Phantom Rider, but most of them are false. We need a little time to analyze and verify."

Coulson said: "Do it as soon as possible, the news of the Phantom can help us gain the goodwill of the target."

The former agent asked: "Hey, the target can't transform during the day, right? Why don't we take him back and lock him up during the day?"

"No hurry, just observe first."

Coulson said with a smile, but he gave the new agent a failing grade in his heart. He was too impatient, too self-righteous, and more importantly, questioned his boss one after another, and was completely unsuitable to be a field agent!

In the outdoor cafe, Damon kept checking his phone while waiting for someone to see if Mindy had posted a new tweet. If so, he would like the post, as soon as possible to let his daughter know that his father had been following her. !

Speaking of which, during this time, Mindy's tweets were all about the same thing - school is so boring, her classmates are so stupid, etc. She doesn't want to go to school at all, and she even wants to play truant.

"Twitter's owner is your master. You posted on it that you wanted to play truant, didn't you cast yourself in the net?"

Damon secretly complained. At this moment, he sensed the danger and ran away from the chair as fast as he could. The next moment, the chair was pierced by a sharp earth cone that came out of the ground, and then it was torn apart!

Seeing that he missed the target, the black hand behind the scenes directly controlled the ground to vibrate. The square umbrella, tables, and chairs in the cafe collapsed with the vibration. Damon was just pressed down by a square umbrella!

"Ah, there's an earthquake!"

The people around were frightened and fled everywhere. When Coulson saw something was wrong, he immediately took a few agents downstairs and rushed towards the cafe!

After the behind-the-scenes black hand used the square umbrella to overwhelm Damon, he immediately controlled the mud under Damon to turn into a long spear and stab upwards. Damon shouted, and a raging fire erupted from his body. Whether it was the square umbrella or the mud spear, all turned to ashes!

As soon as the Umbrella was burned, the sun shone on Damon again, he screamed, the fire of hell disappeared, and his body quickly returned to its original shape!

Under the sun, Ghost Rider cannot transform!

The concrete ground in front of Damon suddenly cracked, and then, a large amount of dirt flew out, forming an ugly native. He laughed and said: "Mephisto's knights are nothing more than that!"

"Who are you?" Damon asked angrily, and at the same time quietly sent a distress signal on his mobile phone, to the guy he made an appointment to meet here before.

"I am the Earth Demon, and I was ordered to kill you!"

Earth Demon pushed forward, and more than a dozen spears sprang from the ground to stab Damon. Damon backed away, then turned and fled towards the dark alley next to him.

Earth Demon immediately chased after him, and he grabbed two mud spears and threw them at Damon.

Seeing that Damon was about to reach the dark place, Earth Demon stomped the ground with his right foot, the ground shook, the wall in front of the left exploded with a bang, and a large amount of earth and rocks flew towards Damon. It hit him, making him fall to the ground.

Earth demon raised his mud spear and planned to kill Damon. At this moment, several people next to him shot him at the same time, and the bullets punched his mud body one after another!

Earth demon turned his head and saw several men in suits attacking him. He smiled disdainfully, raised his left hand, and several spears shot out from the soil. Except for Coulson, who escaped in time, the other three agents were all penetrated by it!

However, none of them died, and the Earth demon seemed to have avoided the key point on purpose.

"Fuck!" Coulson was furious, this is not an opponent they can deal with at all.

After the three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were severely injured, the Earth demon ignored them and turned his attention back to Damon. Damon had already climbed up at this time, clutching his chest and fleeing outside!

"It's useless, you're dead!"

Earth demon gave a grim smile, he was about to attack again, a sniper bullet fell from the sky, smashing his clay body to pieces!

Immediately afterward, a camouflage armor slowly fell from the sky and said to Damon, "Mr. Macready, are you alright?"

"Bert sent you here?"

Damon breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he sensed something and hurriedly shouted: "Be careful, he's not dead yet, and don't step on the ground!"

Before Damon could speak, more than a dozen dirt spears flew out of the ground and shot at Hero II (Armor name). Frank smiled disdainfully and activated the Gatling machine gun on his arm to shoot, and all the dirt spears were smashed to pieces!

Not only that, the Earth demon who had just gathered was shattered again, and he was so angry that he cursed in his heart.

Frank stopped the machine gun and asked, "Is he dead now?"

Answering Frank was the reincarnated Earth demon, who shouted, "I am a Demon, and you humans will pay for what you have done!"

Frank shattered him again with one shot, then asked Damon, "Is this a demon? How to kill it?"

Damon said helplessly: "I don't know, it's the first time, no, the second time I see the devil or demon!"

The Earth Demon who had been smashed several times in a row angrily controlled the earth and turned it into a huge palm and swept toward Hero II. Frank snorted coldly, his Gatling machine guns were fired at the same time, and two missile launchers were erected on his shoulders, whistling. slammed into the mud giant palm!

Boom, the entire palm of the earth was smashed, and the earth crashed down, Damon and Coulson hurriedly avoided it, Frank's firepower was fierce.

Earth demon became angrier, and he forgot about Damon's existence. He kept controlling the soil to form a spear and shot at Frank. Frank's whole armor was full of weapons. If he was shooting frantically, the surrounding area would almost be smashed into ruins!

Fortunately, all the people on this street had fled before, otherwise, the casualties would have been heavy.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded next to Damon and Coulson: "It seems that we are going to lose money again, Coulson, can you SHIELD share a little bit?"

The two turned their heads and were overjoyed to see Bert coming at an unknown time. Coulson hurriedly said, "Mr. Wang, can you solve this demon?"

Bert said: "It's not easy to solve, let the Ghost Rider come!"

Damon smiled bitterly: "Now the sun is so fierce, I can't change my body!"

"Don't worry, I'm prepared, the car should be coming soon!"

Bert laughed. As soon as he finished speaking, a big truck drove over. Bert brought Damon and the others to the back of the truck, opened the door, and there was tattered armor, which is a Hero One.!

"Mr. Wang, can this battle armor still be used?"

Coulson was stunned, this should be put into a museum exhibition, right? If no chains are holding it together, this battle armor will fall apart directly?

"Others can't use it, Damon can."

Bert smiled and said, "Damon, go put on the battle armor and deal with that Earth demon. From the very beginning, I wanted you to demonize the battle armor!"

"Demonized battle armor? This is a good idea!"

Damon excitedly climbed into the trunk and put his flaming hand on Hero One.

As the fire spreads over the whole body of Hero One, the Armor is not only repaired quickly but also becomes more powerful and hideous in appearance!

Immediately afterward, Hero One disintegrated automatically and flew to Damon to re-equip it. Damon roared excitedly, broke through the roof with the burning Hero One, and flew toward Earth Demon!

"I can understand your excitement. Why did you break my roof? What did the roof do wrong?" Bert was speechless, and Coulson smiled: "With the battle armor, even the sun can't stop the Ghost Rider!"

"Under the sun, Ghost Rider's flames will weaken, but it should be enough to deal with Earth Demon!" Bert said.

At the same time, Ghost Rider flew over the battlefield. Without saying a word, he picked up the fire chain and slammed it down hard, and the chain directly sank into the ground and went all the way down!

Immediately afterward, Ghost Rider pulled the chain up hard, the ground shattered, and a native was pulled up by him abruptly. That was the body of the Earth demon — the previous ones were clones, so they could keep resurrecting!

Frank ceased fire unhappily, this profession is different, and it was done in one fell swoop!

Earth demon, who was burned by the fire of hell, let out a shrill scream, and his body melted at a speed visible to the naked eye. He begged: "Forgive me, please, forgive me!"

"I won't forgive you!"

Ghost Rider was about to burn Earth Demon to death, when Bert shouted, "Damon, spare his life, I will send him to the laboratory for research and see what a demon is like!"

Coulson hurriedly said: "Mr. Wang, S.H.I.E.L.D. can help to study together!"

Bert glanced at Coulson and said, "This is my trophy!"

Coulson sneered and didn't dare to say anything. Ghost Rider shouted dissatisfiedly: "Sin, all should be judged, he and you all!"

"Looks like it's on top!" Bert took out a controller and pressed it, and the battle armor on the Ghost Rider disintegrated and fell.

Ghost Rider, who was still majestic just now, was illuminated by the sun, and immediately returned to his original shape and fell down.

Earth demon was also freed because of this. Just as he was about to escape, Bert said, "If I were you, I would not escape, because my kindness is only once!"

Earth demon froze. He looked at Bert with a hesitant expression. To escape, or not to escape, this is the question!

After a while, Earth demon made a decision. He raised his hand and said, "I surrender, However, I demand prisoner treatment!"

"Do you still know the treatment of prisoners?" Bert was surprised, he raised his hand and pointed at the Earth demon, and a ray of blood flew into his chest, locking his core of strength like a chain!

"Are you a vampire?" Earth demon was taken aback, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart that fortunately, he did not escape, otherwise he would be dead.

Bert put down his hand and said, "Call me Blood God! Can you change your appearance? This appearance is so ugly!"

"Of course! I've been living among humans all the time."

Earth demon nodded, his body flashed with yellow light, and he turned into a bald man. Then, he said flatteringly: "Blood God, I'm Gressil, Demon of Earth (Earth Demon), I can work for you. !"

"Is this a demon?" Frank was greatly disappointed, as was Damon who got up. The demon they imagined was not so greedy for life and fear of death!