Chapter 58 : Carter Slade



Gressil - Earth Demon

Abigor - Wind Demon

Wallow - Water Demon

P.S. These names are canon


"Work for me?"

Bert thought for a while and asked Gressil, "I seem to have heard a saying somewhere that you elemental demons are Fallen Angels."


Everyone was shocked, this guy was an Angel before?

Gressil nodded bitterly and said, "I used to be an Angel, I followed the Archangel Michael. Later, I rebelled and was driven out of heaven by Michael to become an exiled demon."

Coulson asked excitedly: "In other words, does heaven exist?"

Gressil glanced at Coulson and said, "Of course, it exists, but it's completely different from what you think."

"Let's talk later, let's get out of here first, so as not to be entangled by the media and the police, Coulson, call and find someone to deal with the matter here!" Bert said: "The bill is sent to the Watchmen Company!"

Coulson is speechless, you are a Vampire, is it correct to command S.H.I.E.L.D? People who don't know will think you are the top of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

However, Coulson did not refuse. He walked to the side to make a phone call, and Bert turned to Frank and shouted, "Frank, put Hero One back in the trunk."


Frank nodded and started to work. Damon looked at Hero One with bright eyes, but he didn't ask Bert for it, because he knew he couldn't afford it. 'For $500 million, how many rascals does he have to rob?'

Bert said: "Leave first, I have found the Phantom Rider."

"Really?" Damon was overjoyed. Soon, everyone packed up and drove away from there. Among them, Frank drove the big truck, while the others, including Gressil, got into Bert's silver-white sports car!

It is worth mentioning that Frank's Hero II has been modified so that it can be opened directly from the middle and no longer needs special machine assistance!

Coulson sat in the back seat and asked in surprise: "Mr. Wang, your sports car is not ordinary, there is no vibration at all!"

Bert laughed: "Of course, it's not ordinary, this car is worth 500 million US dollars!"

"Five Hundred million dollars?"

Both Coulson and Damon were taken aback, and even Gressil was no exception. The value of this car was comparable to battle armor.

Seeing Gressil's expression in the rearview mirror, Bert asked inexplicably, "It's okay if other people are surprised, Gressil, what are you surprised about? Demons don't need money, right?"

"How can I live without money? Although I don't need to buy food, I have to pay water bills, electricity bills, internet bills, and that damn rent every month!"

Gressil complained: "You humans are too dark. You exploit me when you know I have no identity. You don't even pay me the minimum wage. Compared to me, you are the real demons."


Bert and the others were full of question marks, aren't you a demon, how did you become an illegal worker?

Damon couldn't help but ask: "Isn't it right, you are so strong, how could you be exploited by humans?"

"My ability is very strong, but do I dare to use it? When I first came to the world, I was arrogant for a while, but Kamar-Taj's mage chased me down half the earth with two space knives!"

Gressil sighed and said, "After that, I didn't dare to use my abilities anymore, and I honestly acted like an ordinary person, lest I be found by Kamar-Taj again."

"Is Kamar-Taj's mage so cruel?"

Coulson clicked his tongue, they turned a demon into an illegal laborer?

While this is reassuring from a human perspective, it's not good news from a S.H.I.E.L.D. perspective, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D. likes to be in control!

Bert smiled and said, "If Kamar-Taj wasn't cruel, how could the earth be so peaceful?"

Damon thought of something and asked, "Wait, that's not right, you used your ability to hunt me down before, didn't you use it quite happily?"

"That's because I found a backer, and his power can prevent me from being discovered by Kamar-Taj!" Gressil said: "However, I don't dare to be too arrogant, otherwise the former agents wouldn't have been just injured."

Only then did Coulson understand why Gressil was merciful before, and he was more and more amazed at the deterrent power of Kamar-Taj!

Bert asked, "Who is your backer? He asked you to kill Damon?"

Gressil answered honestly: "My backer is Blackheart, the son of Mephisto."

Damon was confused: "I'm a knight of Mephisto, why Blackheart wants to kill me?"

"Because the Blackheart wants to snatch the contract and build a new Hell on Earth, I saw him destroy Mephisto's projection with my own eyes."

Gressil replied: "Demons don't talk about family affection. What the Blackheart wants to kill most is Mephisto, otherwise, he can only be a prince for a lifetime!"

Bert asked, "How many people does Blackheart have?"

"Besides me, there are also Demon of Water - Wallow, and Demon of Wind - Abigor !"

Gressil said: "Because of the existence of the three major temples, Blackheart cannot enter the earth easily, so Blackheart came to us and gave us a lot of benefits. We lived too hard, so we decided to make a deal with him!"

Gressil remembered the current situation and said dejectedly: "As a result, I fell into your hands as soon as I made a move. If I knew earlier, I might as well continue to be an illegal worker. Hey, my rent for this month has not been paid yet, the damn landlord will increase it again!"

Everyone was speechless, feeling that the three views were about to be shattered! This is a Demon, can you believe it?

Coulson couldn't help but ask: "The demons can't come in, how can you and Blackheart, come? You are also a demon!"

"The protection net formed by the three temples will not intercept weak lives."

Gressil explained: "When we were expelled from heaven, we were only weak souls, so the protection net did not stop us. Later, we merged with the elements on the earth and became elemental demons, which is what we have now.

As for the Blackheart, I don't know how he did it. Not only could he come in by himself, but he can also prevent us from being discovered when we do it! "

"Like this time?" Coulson's face was a little ugly: "Doesn't that mean that the Blackheart can summon a large number of demons to the earth at any time?"

Gressil shook his head: "No, if he has this ability, why would he need to ask us three demons for help?"

Bert asked: "Wallow and Abigor are also illegal workers like you?"

"Abigor is similar to me. I work at the construction site. He is in charge of delivering the courier. He often complains that those people don't give tips."

Gressil said: "As for the Wallow, he has been hiding in a swamp as an otaku, and he usually picks up things that humans don't want to use!

To be honest, human things are really interesting, such as comics, novels, etc. I can't help but buy them every time. Abigor likes to watch movies, and spends all night watching cinemas. "

'You are not three demons, you are three poor demons!' Damon couldn't help but complain, these three guys are the shame of the demon!

"What can I do? If I don't keep a low profile, my only end is to be hacked to death by Kamar-Taj!"

Gressil said helplessly: "You don't know how cruel Kamar-Taj is, especially the Sorcerer Supreme. Back then, even the Lord of Hell and the Archangel chose to back down in front of her and no longer continue to use Earth as a battlefield!"

Coulson was stunned: "The Sorcerer Supreme is so powerful? What is it like?"

Gressil said: "What is it like, how can I, a soldier, know?"

"Is that so?" Bert thought for a while, and said to Gressil: "Officially introduce, I'm Bert, the chairman of the Blood God Group and the Oscorp, one of the richest men in the world!"

"The Oscorp that makes the suits? No wonder you can dispatch so many suits!"

Gressil was stunned for a moment, then said excitedly: "Mr. Wang, I want to work for you, no, please give me this chance!"

Damon couldn't help but turn his head, this is too embarrassing, isn't it?

Bert said, "Sincereness is commendable, okay, just follow me in the future!"

"Mr. Wang!" Coulson hurriedly said, "This is not safe!"

Bert said: "If he makes any accident, I'm responsible."

"Thank you, Boss!" Gressil was overjoyed. At this moment, he thought of something and asked hesitantly, "Boss, can you help me hide from Kamar-Taj? The power that Blackheart gave me can only last for a while!"

Bert said: "Small problem, I will give you a temporary government or S.H.I.E.L.D. status. Kamar-Taj has never interfered in worldly affairs. Seeing that you have been incorporated by humans, They will not hunt you down! "

Coulson glanced at Bert helplessly, 'S.H.I.E.L.D. really doesn't run by your family!'

"This is fine!" Gressil was overjoyed, he said, "Boss, if you have something to do in the future, just give me the minimum wage!"

Everyone was speechless, the requirements are really low.

Bert said: "Don't worry, I can't lose you, you can control the soil, this ability will come in handy in the future!"

In the not-too-distant future, Manhattan will be ravaged by aliens.

'This Demon can be engaged in construction, It is a huge profit!'

"That's great, Boss, I can help you persuade the Wallow and the Abigor. We had no way to disobey the Blackheart before. Now that you are the big boss, we have nothing to do with him!"

Gressil said excitedly: "Blackheart has no future at first sight. His father has been in the business for so many years and can't fight the Supreme Mage, let alone him!"

Coulson looked at Gressil speechlessly, didn't you say that the Blackheart is your backer?

Damon couldn't help but shake his head: "This Blackheart is pitiful, He finally found three subordinates, but all three turned out to be rebels!"

Bert said: "Then you can persuade them to surrender. If you can successfully persuade them, I will reward you with a new mobile phone from Oscorp, that hasn't been launched yet!"

"Boss, I will not disappoint you!"

Gressil said happily: "It's a pity that my mobile phone was destroyed before, otherwise I can persuade them to surrender now!"

Coulson looked at Gressil and wanted to tell him that if he was willing to come to S.H.I.E.L.D., let alone one mobile phone, even two, they would also be willing to give it!

Of course, Coulson didn't say anything in the end. After all, when it comes to throwing money, they can't beat the dead tyrant Bert!

Bert thought of something and asked: "By the way, what did you mean when you said that the Blackheart is looking for a contract?"

"In Texas, there was a village called San Venganza, and the whole village believed in God. Mephisto set up a trick to make them kill each other. In the end, the whole village died, and their Souls turn into corrupted souls, unable to leave the village, unable to go to heaven, and perish forever!"

Gressil introduced: "The contract of San Venganza, is the contract between Mephisto and those villagers, as long as you hold this contract, you can take away all the corrupted souls there!

More than 100 years ago, after the successful design, Mephisto sent the Ghost Rider to the village of San Venganza to collect corrupted souls. Who knew that the Ghost Rider felt that all this was too evil and ran away with the contract of San Venganza? , Mephisto's plan, and thus fall short!

What Blackheart wanted was those thousands of corrupted souls! He told us that once he got these thousands of corrupted souls, he could create a new hell in the world, and then he would be the new King of Hell. "

"Create a new Hell on earth?"

Coulson took a deep breath. Although there are still many things he can't figure out, this matter, Blackheart will not succeed!

"Do thousands of corrupted souls have such a big effect?"

Bert asked suspiciously, it was only a thousand souls, and it was not difficult to obtain.

Gressil shook his head: "I'm not too sure, Blackheart said that those corrupted souls are extraordinary."

"In short, we can't let the Blackheart succeed!" Damon said, "Bert, did you really find the Phantom Rider? I've been looking for months and haven't found it!"

Coulson also looked at Bert, Bert shrugged and said, "What's so difficult about this? Post a bounty on Twitter to collect the legend of the Phantom Rider, and then find a group of intelligence experts to analyze the reports.

Finally, after obtaining information on the Phantom Rider from more than 100 years ago in Texas, and referring to each other, we can analyze who is the Phantom Rider. "

After a pause, Bert continued: "After analyzing the identity of the Phantom Rider, I will offer a reward to find his identity, and analyze them one by one. As long as the luck is not too bad, I will find it!"

Damon and Coulson were both shocked: "Is this possible?"

"Of course! The Phantom Rider's name is Carter Slade, a mounted policeman from more than 150 years ago!"

Bert said: "In a cemetery near Houston, Carter Slade's tomb was discovered, and that tomb has been maintained, which shows that Carter Slade is hiding there!

Besides himself, who else would remember a person from more than 150 years ago? You know, he has no descendants! "

"Reasonable!" Damon sighed, if the police had such resources and manpower, would they still be afraid of not being able to solve the case?

Damon asked, "Where's that cemetery?"

Bert smiled and said, "We will be there soon!"


There was a certain cemetery outside the city, Frank was guarding outside, Bert and the others strode in, and a tomb keeper with a shovel saw Bert and Gressil and cursed loudly: "Dirty thing, get out of here!"

"It seems that this is the goal, it's really simple!"

Bert smiled and said to the tomb keeper: "I bought this piece of land a few days ago, so you are not qualified to drive me away, on the contrary, I can drive you away at any time, Carter Slade!"

The old cowboy Carter Slade's expression changed, and he shouted, "Who is Carter Slade? Also, this land belongs to no one!"

"Stop pretending, there are demons, S.H.I.E.L.D., and Ghost Rider here, you can't pretend!"

Bert took out a top Cuban cigar from his arms and threw it to the other party, saying: "Smoke a cigar, let's talk, don't worry, we are not enemies!"

Carter Slade caught the cigar and said unhappily, "How did you find me? I hid it for over a hundred years, and even Mephisto couldn't find me!"

"Mephisto doesn't know how to use a cell phone!"

Bert smiled and said, "Let's talk when you enter the room!"

"Okay, come with me!"

Slade didn't talk nonsense, he carried the shovel and led the crowd to his house.


Blackheart came to Earth to find the Contract of San Venganza so he can absorb the 1,000 lost souls within it to make him more powerful. He teams up with three other demons, named Gressil (Demon of Earth), Abigor (Demon of Wind), and Wallow (Demon of Water).
