Chapter 60 : Mephisto


Gressil (Demon of Earth), Abigor (Demon of Wind), and Wallow (Demon of Water).



The sudden sound made everyone turn their heads one after another, and saw a well-dressed, gentleman-like old man standing next to the stone pile and looking at them with a smile!

Damon exclaimed: "Mephisto!"


Bert shouted, the Abigor and the Wallow were stunned for a moment, and then they activated their abilities together, the strong wind and flowing water trapped Blackheart!

Bert rushed in front of Blackheart at the fastest speed and stabbed his head with a spear.

Blackheart was furious, and a powerful black shock wave erupted from him, not only breaking the shackles of the wind and water in an instant but also sending Bert and the wind and Wallows flying out at the same time.


Bert rolled in the air and fell to the ground, and his face was quite ugly, if it wasn't for Mephisto to spoil the situation, plus the slow movements of the Abigor and the Wallow, this plan would have succeeded!

Although he successfully escaped the trap, Blackheart was not happy at all, but was very angry, because he made a fool of himself in front of Mephisto.!

"I want you all to die!"

Blackheart roared angrily and raised his hand to send a shock wave to Bert. At this moment, his head burst open, and blood and black gas splattered everywhere, but it was Frank who shot in the distance. Sniper rifle!

Blackheart has an immortal body, and a headshot is not enough to kill him, but before he can recover, Frank activated the Gatling machine gun to shoot frantically,

Da Da Da...

Blackheart's body was riddled with holes, blood was gushing out, and black energy was floating around.

Frank's firepower is not ordinary terror!

Bert shouted: "Abigor, Wallow, long-range attack, I want to smash him to pieces."

"Yes, Boss!"

Hearing the order of the new boss, the Abigor and the Wallow immediately controlled the wind and water to form a wind blade and water cone to attack Blackheart.

This time, Blackheart's situation is even worse. He was so angry that he almost exploded, but he couldn't resist unless he unlocked the seal!

The problem is that it takes time to unlock the seal. If that seal can hide you from Kamar-Taj, you can't easily unlock it with a loud cry.!

Bert will not be like the villain, talking nonsense to give Blackheart time!

"Vampire, you are so cruel!" Mephisto snorted, raised his cane, and pointed at Frank's position, and a black light shot out!

At this moment, the fire flashed, and a burning armor stood in front of the black light and burned the black light with fire, but it was Ghost Rider wearing armor!

As for how the battle armor came about, it's very simple. The battle armor has always been underground and is controlled by the Gressil. This is the reason why the Gressil has not launched an attack!

Bert held the Vibranium spear and shouted: "Mephisto, your opponent is me! Let me see, how much power do you have in the world?"

Mephisto put down his cane and said, "You do have some skills, but do you think you can beat me?"

"Of course, I can!" Bert said confidently: "Mephisto, your appearance really surprised me, but the winner today is only me!"

"Young Vampire, I will let you know that this world is not as simple as you think!"

Mephisto snorted coldly and shouted to Damon: "Your soul belongs to me, I want you to sleep!"

With Mephisto's order, Damon's soul immediately fell into drowsiness, and the spirit of vengeance controlled the body, and it roared. Set its sights on the evil-filled Bert!

Mephisto is also very evil, but he has a way to cover it up, so Bert became the first target of the spirit of vengeance!

Bert silently took out the remote control and pressed it, the armor disintegrated, the flames on Damon's body quickly dissipated, and he fell asleep on the ground back to his original state!

"You think I don't know Ghost Rider is unstable?"

Bert sneered, appeared quickly in front of Mephisto, and stabbed him in the chest with a spear!

Mephisto didn't fight Bert, and his body turned into black energy and rushed into Blackheart's remnant body. Blackheart's aura suddenly soared, and the black energy on his body swelled wildly, whether it was Frank's bullet, or the wind and Wallows. The attack was all smashed by the black gas!

Immediately afterward, Blackheart returned to human form at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, he shouted, and his body quickly turned blue and enlarged. What was even more terrifying was that his breath was still improving, as if the great devil had come into the world!

Gressil shouted in horror: "Boss, Blackheart is going to regain its true strength!"

"Withdraw!" Bert shouted, at this moment, a black light flew out of Blackheart, which turned into a black light curtain in the air, trapping everyone inside!

Bert immediately used the Vibranium spear to pierce the light curtain, but it couldn't pierce it at all. Frank also shot, but to no avail!

At this moment, Mephisto's voice sounded: "My good son, this layer of light curtain can isolate your breath for three minutes, you can take the opportunity to kill them to take revenge, is it good enough for you? "

"What a fart!" Bert scolded: "As soon as three minutes arrive, Kamar-Taj's people will come to teach your son to be a man, no, be a devil!"

"Isn't that right? I can take the opportunity to take the contract to San Venganza Village to recover the corrupted souls"

Mephisto smiled and said, "Isn't it just right for my son to help Dad?"

Bert thought of something, and asked in shock: "Blackheart's seal was released on purpose by you? You gave him the things that can hide his breath?"

"That's not true, he found that thing himself, I just helped him make it a little bit!"

Mephisto said: "To be honest, this son disappoints me a bit. Fortunately, Ghost Rider is still very good. He helped me find the traitor. After more than a hundred years, I can finally wash away this shame!"

Bert understood, and he asked, "Have you played tricks on the ghost rider's soul?"

"Of course I did tricks, how could I make a second mistake?"

Mephisto laughed: "Vampire, enjoy the surprise I gave you, I'm going to get the contract!"

"As expected of the most cunning Hell Lord! I underestimated him! However, he also underestimated me!"

Bert sighed secretly, at this time, Blackheart has recovered its true body - a blue demon with a height of more than three meters, long hair, and a long tail!

The Gressil, the Wallow, and the Abigor were trembling with fear, and the current breath of the Blackheart is too terrifying!

"You are all going to die!"

Blackheart roared, the void almost solidified, and he was fooled one after another, and he was already mad!

Bert shouted: "Blackheart, if we fight, only Mephisto end up happy, we should cooperate!"

"It's useless!"

Blackheart didn't mean nonsense at all, he raised his hand and released a black energy shock wave toward Bert!

This shock wave was at least ten times stronger than before, and even Bert couldn't dodge it.

"Bert!" Frank was furious. Even when he shot at Blackheart, all the bullets shattered as soon as they approached Blackheart. Blackheart laughed horribly and was about to continue shooting when Bert got up from the ground and shouted: "The contract is here. I have it!"


Blackheart was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Bert, and said, "Is the contract of San Venganza in your hands?"

"Yes, so Mephisto is destined to be disappointed!"

Bert said: "Blackheart, let's talk about it, we can be allies!"

"You want to delay time?"

Blackheart sneered: "Whether you have a contract or not, you will die, and so will I!"

"That's not necessary!"

Bert said very quickly: "As long as I suck most of your blood and make you extremely weak, I can hide you with the breath of the Vampire so that Kamar-Taj will not you!"

Blackheart said disdainfully: "Drain most of my blood? Then I'm going to be slaughtered by you?"

"Listen to me, time is running out!"

Bert said impatiently: "After that, I will take you to the village of San Venganza, and let you open up a new hell, so that you can regain your strength, and I can live, the best of both worlds! What's more, Mephisto will be very angry, if you do this! "

Frank frowned a little when he heard the words, but out of trust in Bert, he didn't say much.

As for Damon, he's still in a blissful coma.

Blackheart was a little moved, he thought about it, and asked, "You can't bear my blood, and how can I trust you?"

"It doesn't mean that I want to absorb it, why don't I store it in my body? "

Bert said speechlessly: "How do you believe me? Brother, you are a devil, and of course, you use a contract to ensure fairness. Don't tell me you won't sign a contract. Then we'll just die together!"

"Of course, I will sign the contract!"

Blackheart snorted unhappily and said, "Are there specific terms?"

"It's very simple, I will help you build a new hell, if you can't do it, you will take my life!"

Bert said: "In the middle, add some clauses such as not to hurt me! By the way, you must also promise that you will not shoot me after the event is completed, and let me leave safely!"

"Is that so?"

Blackheart lowered his head and pondered, Bert, urged: "Hurry up, three minutes will be here soon, please let me not delay the time, and don't delay yourself!"

Blackheart looked at Bert and asked suspiciously, "Why are you so anxious?"

Bert said, "Do you think you are the only ones who don't want to meet Kamar-Taj's mages?"

"In the eyes of Kamar-Taj, you should also be damned." Blackheart said self-righteously, he thought about it for a while, and found no problem, gritting his teeth: "Okay, sign the contract!"

After speaking, Blackheart directly tore off a part of his skin and then wrote a clause on it with fresh blood. After writing, he raised his hand and threw it to Bert!

"Using your skin? It's eco-friendly!"

Bert quickly glanced at the contract, dripped blood on it, the contract flashed with blood, and it was announced!

Bert threw the contract back to Blackheart and said, "Your blood! We still have the last minute."


The Blackheart took the contract and took out his heart with one claw!

As soon as the heart is separated from the body, the aura of Blackheart immediately dropped sharply, because this is the source of its power, which is completely different from the ordinary blood that can be restored at any time!

The Blackheart threw his heart to Bert and said weakly, "This is my blood of origin, don't absorb it. When I build a new hell, give it back to me!"

"You're stingy, but I have to absorb a little bit, otherwise I won't be able to hide your breath!"

Bert took Blackheart's heart into his body with his hands, then closed his eyes, and carefully controlled the blood to start devouring it!

The power of the Blackheart is extremely strong, Bert only swallowed a little bit, and there was a feeling of puffiness. His heart was full of excitement. After swallowing all the blood of the source, his strength will increase several times!

What, give it back to Blackheart? What went into his blood god's stomach, do you still want him to return it? keep dreaming!

Thirty seconds later, Bert opened his eyes, strode to the weak Blackheart, and said, "Okay, you change back into a human form, and I will begin hiding your breath."


Blackheart didn't talk nonsense and changed back to the original state. Bert put his hand on him, and his hand turned into blood, covering Blackheart's whole body.

"That should do the trick."

Bert took back his severed hand, and while he recovered quickly, he shouted to Frank: "Frank, the light curtain will disappear after a while, and you will immediately leave with Ghost Rider and Gressil!"

The Blackheart shouted: "The Ghost Rider is staying! He is Mephisto's knight!"

Bert said, "No, he's leaving!"

Blackheart glared at Bert, Bert was not afraid, Blackheart gritted his teeth secretly, the time was too tight, and he was still exploited by this guy, fortunately, the main terms are no problem!

That's enough, the rest, we'll talk about it after the new Hell is built!

No one can disobey Blackheart!

"Bert!" Frank shouted worriedly, and Bert waved his hand and said, "No problem, there is a contract, he can't hurt me! This is the only way to survive, we have no choice!"

Frank saw Bert's gesture and knew that he had other ideas, so he didn't say more!

Soon, after three minutes, the black light curtain disappeared, and in the sky, a black feather that seemed to be broken at any time slowly floated down.

"Let's go!"

Frank immediately left with the three demons and Damon, and Bert caught the black feather and asked, "Is this the treasure you found?"

Blackheart didn't care about the black feather. He looked around nervously and said, "Yes, I found it in a space gap, it can hide the breath, but it only has an effect on weak beings, so I just claimed my strength, and Mephisto didn't take it away, probably because of this!"

After a pause, Blackheart added: "This feather has been exhausted by Mephisto, and it's useless!"

"Weak? In your eyes, am I also weak?" Bert shook his head and put the black feather in his pocket.

"Of course you are weak." Blackheart said excitedly: "Kamar-Taj's people didn't show up, our plan was successful, Vampire, hurry up and take me to San Venganza Village!"

"I'll take you there!"

Bert smiled, his right hand clenched tightly, the blood on Blackheart shrunk crazily inward, Blackheart tried his best to resist, and roared in horror: "Vampire, what are you doing?"

Bert laughed and said, "Why do you ask? Of course, I'm trying to trick you!"