Chapter 61 : Against the Lord of Hell

Bert's words made Blackheart's devilish black smoke break out, and he shouted again: "You violated the contract, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"I'm so afraid, don't start the contract, don't." While making a pretentious plea, Bert increased his strength, and the blood madly compressed Blackheart!

"Go to hell!" Blackheart was furious and directly activated the contract. Bert's body suddenly became blurred, but quickly after that, his body solidified again.

Blackheart shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible, why didn't you die?"

"Sorry, this Blood God is immortal!"

Bert smiled disdainfully and used blood to forcibly crush Blackheart into a ball of blood, the size of a basketball. Blackheart struggled hard inside, but to no avail, he could only curse: "Vampire, you will die!"

Blackheart uses mental power, so even if he is sealed in blood, Bert can still hear it. He snorted coldly, turned his head, and shouted to Frank: "Frank, let Coulson drive over, you get ready to start work!"


Frank contacted Coulson first, then opened the suit and walked out. He asked Bert worriedly: "Bert, are you okay? The devil's contract should not be violated, right?"

The three demons also looked at Bert in amazement. How could he ignore Blackheart's contract?

"Don't worry, nothing is wrong with me!"

Bert smiled slightly, is there really nothing? Of course not, just now, he has already died once - the contract is not invalid, but has already taken effect!

Bert sighed inwardly. A precious life was lost like this. You must know that he only had a few thousand lives in total, and the loss was huge!

'It's all caused by Mephisto! This old guy is hard to deal with. If I hadn't fetched the contract ahead of time, this time, he would have gotten his wish!' Bert thought to himself, soon, Coulson drove the truck over, and Frank opened the back door and said, "Let's start, fortunately, Ivan's machine is big enough, otherwise the ball really won't fit in!!"

"It's not like you don't know the character of the Russians, how rough they are!"

Bert and Frank climbed into the container, Frank started the machine, put the rough Vibranium stone in, and then nodded to Bert!

"Blackheart, I will give you a house, the kind that will be exempted from maintenance for life!"

Bert put the blood ball into the machine, and after a while, there was a solid layer of Vibranium on the outside of the blood ball!

Blackheart found that the cage became stronger, he kept scolding: "Vampire, I will never let you go!"

Frank was a little puzzled: "Why does his voice still come out? The Vibranium ball is airtight!"

"Because he uses mental power!" Bert said: "This method consumes a lot of mental energy, and he can't curse for long!"

Frank asked again, "Can Vibranium be able to seal him?"

"It should be sealed for a while, enough for us!" Bert turned his head and said to the Wallow, "Wallow, wake up Damon, we have to rush back to the cemetery!"

Coulson came over and asked, "Mr. Wang, what happened before?"

Bert said: "I'll tell you again on the way, I was almost killed by Mephisto just now!"

'Mephisto appeared?' Coulson exclaimed that he was far away before and didn't know what happened.


Bert didn't say much. At this time, Damon was woken up by the Wallow. He remembered what happened before, covered his head, and said in pain: "The feeling of being controlled by someone is really bad!"

"Blackheart has been caught by us, we'll go get your soul back right away!"

Bert said: "It's not too late, Frank, you return to the battle armor, Coulson, Gressil, Damon, you get into my car, Abigor, Wallow, you stay here, wait for us to come back!"


Abigor and Wallow nodded, they didn't want to face Mephisto at all.

Damon hesitated: "Bert if I go, it will only hurt you?"

Bert said: "If you don't go, I won't be at ease. If Mephisto comes back to find you, it will be troublesome!"

"That's true!" Damon sighed, got up, and left with Bert!

To hurry up, after everyone got into the car, Bert directly activated the flight mode of the sports car. The sports car was like a silver light, flying at extreme speed in the air!

Coulson's eyes brightened: "Mr. Wang, can your car fly?"

Bert said: "How about it, does it worth 500 million now?"

' I'm going to change my Lola (car name) to this too! ' Coulson thought to himself, at this time, Gressil briefly said what happened before, Coulson took a deep breath, Mephisto actually appeared, and he was so cunning?

Damon said with a look of self-reproach: "I'm the one who implicated Slade!"

"This is the cause and effect, of him and Mephisto, no one is implicated!"

Bert shook his head: "I just hope that Mephisto will leave him to torture him for the rest of his life if he can't find the contract!"

Bert's thought was very good, but unfortunately, Mephisto didn't do it. When they arrived at the cemetery, the first thing they saw was Carter Slade's body - he was hung on his shovel!

"Slade!" Damon roared, if it wasn't for the day, he would have been transformed!

Mephisto leaned on a cane and said to Bert who got out of the car: "Vampire, I underestimated you. You not only took the contract in advance but also survived my trap!"

"No, I don't dare to fight against you, the devil of hell!"

Bert took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Mephisto, and then said: "Mephisto, don't mind me taking a picture? I want to tweet to increase my popularity, you are the most despicable and filthy, most shameless Demon king of Hell!"

Mephisto said lightly: "Vampire, scolding people won't change anything, it will only make people feel that you are rude!"

Bert asked in a puzzled way: "Cursing people? How can I scold people, aren't those words a compliment to the devil? I want to say that you are the kindest and the holiest, that's the right way to scold you?"

Mephisto was speechless, he said: "Stop talking nonsense, give me the contract, otherwise, I will take Damon's soul immediately!"

Bert put away his mobile phone, and with a gesture of his hand, the Vibranium blood sphere flew from the car to his hand, and then he raised the Vibranium blood sphere and said to Mephisto: "Mephisto, this is your son, Blackheart, I will exchange it for the souls of Damon and Slade!"

Mephisto glanced at the Vibranium blood sphere and said disdainfully, "Do you think I would care about the life and death of this waste?"

The Blackheart shouted in the blood cell: "Mephisto!"

"Of course, you care about his life and death. The devil will not create a descendant for no reason. He will definitely be useful to you."

Bert said: "If you don't agree to my conditions, I will tour him around the world and let everyone know how stupid Mephisto's son is. By the way, I can also let him write a book, Its name will be "My Demon Father Mephisto", what do you think?"

Mephisto's complexion became ugly, Blackheart was completely angry, and roared: "Vampire!"

"When the adults speak, the children shouldn't interrupt!"

Bert shouted, Blackheart almost fainted in anger, he swore that if there is a chance in the future, he must smash this damn vampire into ten thousand pieces!

"Vampire, you are so embarrassed to say that I am despicable and shameless? Isn't it the same for you?"

Mephisto snorted and said, "I can return Damon's soul contract to you, but Slade can't unless you take out the San Venganza contract!"

"Impossible, that contract, you'll never get it!" Bert categorically refused, he said: "One for one, the Blackheart for Damon's soul contract!"

"Bert!" Damon was a little unwilling, Bert shook his head and motioned him not to say more.

"It is a cold-blooded and ruthless vampire." Mephisto took out a scroll from his arms and said, "This is the soul contract signed by Damon."

Bert looked at Damon, Damon sensed it, nodded, and said, "This is it, I can sense my soul in it!"

"Very good, let's start the exchange!"

Bert carried the Vibranium spear and strode towards Mephisto. Mephisto was waiting for him quietly, and everyone else made preparations. Everyone knew that the transaction would never go smoothly!

That's Mephisto, he didn't ask to sign a contract, it's clear that there is a problem!

Soon, Bert walked in front of Mephisto, and the two raised their hands at the same time to show the Vibranium blood sphere and soul contract to each other!

"let's start!"

Mephisto said, Bert nodded, and his right hand grabbed the soul contract with lightning speed. He was about to grab it when a flaming angel suddenly appeared on the soul contract and rushed into his body through his arms!

"Sinner, I will judge you!"

The flame angel shouted in Bert's body, and the fire of hell burned wildly, trying to burn Bert's blood and soul to ashes!

"Spirit of Vengeance!"

Bert's eyes narrowed, and the chain around his waist disappeared instantly. When it reappeared, the spirit of revenge was already tightly bound!

This chain is the treasure of the Vampires in North America, Vlad's blood chain - Bert got it a long time ago, but because of his strength, he never had the chance to use it!

The spirit of vengeance was furious, and the flames of hell wrapped around the blood chain to burn it.

Bert snorted coldly, and the blood of the source that controlled Blackheart flew into the chain, and the chain was full of blood, forcibly pressing the hellfire of the spirit of vengeance back into its body!


The Spirit of Vengeance shouted, struggling and resisting, and the blood of the source was quickly consumed, Bert thought about it and released the dragon's soul to attack the Spirit of Vengeance, the dragon's soul opened its mouth and swallowed the Spirit of Vengeance directly!

While Bert was fighting against the Spirit of Vengeance, Mephisto laughed and grabbed the Vibranium blood ball. At this moment, a blood-colored spear suddenly shot out from under the blood ball, piercing his body!

Bert hid a mass of blood under the blood ball early in the morning, and he also gave an order that as long as Mephisto touches the blood ball, he will be attacked immediately!

Immediately afterward, the blood spear flew into the sky with Mephisto, and Frank immediately launched a missile at him. With a bang, the flames and airwaves scattered, and Coulson and Gressil quickly retreated.

Frank quickly approached with a gun. At this moment, Slade's body suddenly turned into Mephisto, and he used the black gas to form a knife and stabbed Bert's chest fiercely!

It turned out that the previous Mephisto was just a phantom, and Slade's corpse was the real Mephisto!

Among the lords of Hell, Mephisto is not the strongest, but he is the most cunning!

"Don't even think about it!"

Frank immediately shot at Mephisto frantically, and Coulson also took out a pistol to shoot. Gressil gave Coulson a contemptuous look while throwing a soil spear. Did he use this weapon to deal with the Hell Demon?

"Get out!"

Mephisto threw out a mass of black air, blocking Frank and their attacks like a shield, and then continued to stab Bert's chest!

But what shocked Mephisto was that his hand was firmly grasped by Bert, who should have been unable to move!


Bert grinned, put the soul contract into his body, then grabbed the Vibranium spear with his backhand and swept it towards Mephisto's waist!

"That's impossible! You are free from the spirit of vengeance?"

Mephisto shouted in disbelief, and at the same time controlled the black gas into a whip to deflect Bert's Vibranium spear!

At this moment, Bert shouted, and blood arrows flew from all over his body at the same time, Mephisto turned into a hedgehog on the spot, there were holes all over his body, and black gas came out crazily!

There is only black gas, no blood, this Mephisto is just a projection!

Bert said with a smile: "Mephisto, thank you for teaching a good son, without his blood, I can't control the spirit of vengeance!"

"Original blood?"

Mephisto almost vomited blood, it's okay if you were caught, but you are so stupid to give the blood of the source to the other party? When I gave birth to you, did I forget to give you my head?

"Crap! Vampire, we're not finished!" Mephisto shouted unwillingly, and his body turned into black gas and dissipated!

In this battle, Mephisto was completely defeated!

"Hahaha, old guy, you deserve it!"

Seeing Mephisto's fiasco, Blackheart laughed and explained what a pit son is!

At the end of the battle, Bert took back his blood and breathed a sigh of relief. This old guy is hard to deal with!

The others hurried around and asked, "Bert, are you alright?"

Bert waved his hand and said, "It's nothing major, it's just that there is a spirit of vengeance in my body!"

"The spirit of vengeance?"

Damon was stunned: "You also became a Ghost Rider?"


Bert didn't say much because things were a little weird - in his body, the dragon soul that swallowed the spirit of vengeance was slowly swallowing the power of the spirit of vengeance!

That's right, swallowing, the spirit of vengeance is unable to resist this swallowing because it is locked by the blood chain!

'Is it because the dragon soul has a devouring function, or is it because of the assimilation of the blood god?'

Bert shook his head and waited for everything to be swallowed. However, it may take a lot of time. After all, that is the spirit of vengeance, the former angel of judgment!

Bert threw the contract to Damon and said, "Damon, this is your soul contract, check if it's true!"

Damon caught the contract, opened it and glanced at it, and said happily, "It's true, but how do I end this contract?"

"How do I know? You put it away first!"

Bert shrugged, turned his eyes to the dilapidated house over there, and said, "Let's go in and see, Slade may still be not dead."