Chapter 62 : Rewards

Carter Slade was not dead, he was tied to a cross with a broken angel figure at his feet.

Seeing Bert and others coming in, Slade said happily, "It looks like you guys have won, that's great."

Bert smiled and said, "You old cowboy is also afraid of death?"

"Don't be afraid when you don't have money. Now that I have money, I'm afraid. I am afraid that the money will not be spent before I die!"

Slade laughed, Damon stepped forward to help him untie, and said, "It's really good that Mephisto didn't kill you!"

"He wants me to give up my faith, but if I refuse, he tortures me!" Slade leaned on Damon weakly and said, "For him, killing me means nothing."

"These gods and demons play very high-end games.!" Bert glanced at Slade and asked, "Old cowboy, why are you so weak and don't have any wounds on your body?"

"Mephisto has taken my spirit of vengeance!" Slade looked at Bert and said, "I can sense that it is on you!"

"It turns out that the spirit of vengeance is yours, and it almost killed me!" Bert said angrily: "Old cowboy, I swallowed that thing, and I can't pay you."

'Swallow? Good appetite!' Slade gave a thumbs up, and laughed loudly: "Don't give it back to me, I've wanted to get rid of it for hundreds of years! By the way, remember to kick it for me. !"

Damon asked eagerly, "Bert, can you swallow the one in my body too?"

Bert shrugged: "Okay, but you have to find Mephisto to get it out first!"

"Forget it, that old guy is too cunning, I don't want to deal with him at all!" Damon shook his head repeatedly, this time thanks to Bert, otherwise, he would die tragically at the hands of Mephisto.

Coulson came up and asked, "Mr. Wang, the battle is over, what are you going to do with that contract and Blackheart?"

"You don't want to play with them."

Bert waved his hand and said to Damon: "Damon, you should still use the old method that I said. You bring Blackheart and the contract together, and let Master Ancient One handle it!"

"As of now, this is the only way to go!"

Damon hesitated and nodded, the Kamar-Taj, led by Sorcerer Supreme, Ancient One, must have the ability to make the devil so fearful.

"No, I don't want to see Sorcerer Supreme.!"

Blackheart shouted in panic, but unfortunately, no one paid him any attention, only Earth Demon looked at him with pity. Next, Blackheart has only two fates - death or life, that's no better than death!

Coulson asked with bright eyes: "Mr. Wang, do you know where Ancient One lives?"

Bert patted Coulson on the shoulder and said, "I know, but don't worry, I will never tell you!"

Coulson secretly complained: 'Is this something to be assured?'

Bert said: "Okay, the matter is settled, it's time to celebrate, I want to see the demeanor of the Texas girl!"

"Texas girls will never let you down, They are the most enthusiastic girl in America!!"

Slade said excitedly, Bert glanced at him and sighed a little, this old cowboy is free and easy - without the spirit of revenge, he can't live for long.

Slade, who has lived for more than 100 years, doesn't care about death at all. He only worries about one thing now: "It's a bit difficult to spend 10 million in a few months!"


In a mansion in Houston, Bert handed over the Vibranium Blood Ball and the contract of San Venganza to Damon, and said, "You take my private plane back to New York. Ancient One is great, you must maintain respect!"

Damon took the blood ball and the contract and said, "Mindy will ask you about this, if she really doesn't want to go to school, don't force her, she's not an ordinary girl!"

"I know, let her try it for a year first!!" Bert nodded and watched Damon leave. Then, he called the three demons in!

Bert took out the black feather of Blackheart and asked, "What is this feather, do you know?"

The three demons were hesitant, and Earth Demon said, "That should be the feather of a fallen angel!"

"A fallen angel? It seems that this time, there is another chess player!"

Bert shook his head and said to the three demons: "In the future, the three of you will be my subordinates! I will help you get your identities!"

The three demons were overjoyed and said respectfully, "Yes Boss!"

Bert asked: "What do you want to do? I will arrange you according to your wishes!"

The three demons looked at each other, and the water demon said first: "I want to find a fixed place to stay, of course, there must be water!"

Bert said: "How about you help Oscorp guard the experimental base and pay you $50,000 as salary every month?"

"Great, thank you, Boss!"

The Water Demon was so happy that he almost knelt, you know, he was just a garbage picker in the past!

Bert waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, how about you?"

Earth Demon said: "Boss, to be honest, I don't like fighting. Didn't you say before that I was in charge of construction? I think I can do it!"

"Okay, you go to the construction site to help. The basic salary is $30,000. The more work you complete, the higher the salary."

"Thank you, Boss!"

Bert turned his head to look at the last demon and asked, "How about you, Wind Demon?"

Wind Demon hesitated and said, "Boss, I want to be a superhero!"

As soon as these words came out, both Water Demon and Earth Demon looked at Wind Demon in shock, and Earth Demon even scolded: "Wind Demon, are you crazy? We are demons, how can we be superheroes?"

Bert waved his hand and said, "Who said that the demons can't be a superhero? Wind Demon, I support you, but if you want to be a superhero, you must abide by the rules and behavior of superheroes, and you can't be a traitor or make mistakes!

If other superheroes betray, they will only be kicked out of the Watchmen company. If you betray, I will kill you with my own hands, because you are my subordinate! "

Wind Demon felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Boss! I will be a qualified superhero, and I will never be a traitor!"

"Remember what you said yourself." Bert said: "Go to Watchmen and report that New York is getting more and more chaotic now, and new superheroes are needed!"

"Yes, Boss!"

Wind Demon happily thanked him, and the water demon and the earth demon next to him looked incredible, what happened to this world, can demons be a superhero too?

To be honest, Earth Demon and Water Demon are not optimistic about wind Demon at all. I am afraid that his fate will not be very good!

After dealing with the three demons, Bert began to calculate the harvest this time. First, he successfully got back Damon's soul, and he also conquered the three demons and met Mephisto, which was a worthwhile trip.

In addition to these, there are two big gains, that is, the original blood of Blackheart and the spirit of vengeance. These two things can greatly increase his strength!

"The harvest is huge, whether it is Mephisto or Blackheart, they are all gift-giving devils."

Bert smiled with satisfaction, and closed his eyes to sense the situation inside his body!

The spirit of vengeance is still in the belly of the dragon soul, and the dragon soul is trying its best to devour its power - a large number of flames erupted from the spirit of vengeance and were swallowed by the dragon soul!

The spirit of vengeance has been struggling, but it can't fight the blood chain inspired by the blood of Blackheart, and can only be swallowed tragically!

"Except for the relatively large consumption, everything else is good, I must swallow this spirit of vengeance as soon as possible!"

Bert thought about using the real dragon skull to strengthen the power of the dragon soul, in this way, the devouring speed will be greatly accelerated!

"It will take about three months, and I will just stay in Texas for a stroll. I can't stay in New York all the time, and the beauties in other places will be lonely!"

Bert laughed. Mephisto did not disappoint him. He did have the demeanor of the Demon King of Hell. I wonder how Thor is? Is it as stupid as in the movie?


"Hope everything goes well!"

On Bleecker Street, New York, Damon took a deep breath and walked towards No. 177A with a handwritten sign. At this moment, the surrounding space suddenly changed, from the street to a quaint room. He stumbled and almost fell!

"Sit down, Ghost Rider!"

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded next to him, and Damon turned his head to see an elegant bald woman in a yellow robe pouring tea. She had bright eyes as if she could see through everything in the world!

Damon asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

The elegant woman poured Damon a cup of tea and said with a smile, "Introduce myself, I'm Ancient One!"

"You are Master Ancient One?" Damon was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said respectfully: "I greet the Sorcerer Supreme, Ancient One!"

Ancient One said with a smile: "You're welcome, sit down!"

Damon sat down a little embarrassedly, and he asked, "Master Ancient One, do you know me?"

Ancient One said, "You were so noisy in New York, how could I not know about you?"

Damon asked hesitantly, "Then why are you..."

"Why didn't I fight against you?" Ancient One took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "With such an energetic young man here, why should I take action? With that time, it's better to bask in the sun!"

Damon was stunned, at this moment, Ancient One made him feel a bit like a retired laid-back old lady!

Damon shook his head quickly, how could Ancient One be a retired old lady? He asked, "Master Ancient One, you seem very relieved, Bert. He is a vampire!"

Ancient One said: "Blood God is just his job, a job that pays hundreds of billions of dollars! His essence is not of an alien!"

"A job with a salary of hundreds of billions? It seems to be!" Damon thought about it carefully and found that what Ancient One said made sense. He felt envy in his heart. Please give me a dozen of this kind of work!

Ancient One said: "Tell me how you defeated Mephisto, I know you won, but I don't know how you won!"


Damon briefly explained the events, then put the Vibranium blood sphere and the contract on the table, and say, "Master Ancient One, I wonder if you can help me deal with these two things?"

The arrogant Blackheart in front of Bert and others did not dare to make a sound after coming here. Damon even vaguely noticed that he was trembling!

"Of course, it's my job. This time, it's hard for you."

Ancient One didn't refuse, she swiped lightly on the Vibranium blood cell and the contract with her hand, and the two things disappeared at the same time.

Then, Ancient One raised her head and asked Damon, "You should have other things, right?"

Damon said respectfully: "Master, I want you to take away the spirit of vengeance from me, I just want to be a mortal!"

"This can't happen because this is the mission of your family!" Ancient One said, "Let me tell you a story! The origin story of the Spirits of Vengeance!"

"The Origin Story of Vengeance?"

Damon was taken aback for a moment, picked up the tea, and said, "Master, please speak!"

"About twenty thousand years ago..."

Ancient One's words almost didn't make Damon squirt out the tea. This is too long ago, more than 20,000 years ago? Did humans have civilization at that time?

"More than 20,000 years ago, God sent an angel of judgment to come to earth to prevent a demon named Zarathos from destroying the world..."

Ancient One didn't care about Damon's gaffe, and said slowly, the more Damon listened, the more surprised he became. His family can be traced back more than 20,000 years ago.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, 2008 has passed, and the time has come to 2009!

On this day, at an experimental base outside New York City, Banner and Betty were entertaining experts from afar.

These experts are not simple, each of them are top psychologists and educators, and most people can't hire them at all, and their purpose is to evaluate whether the Hulk can be educated!

"President Casey, you are here too!"

Banner saw a silver-haired old man and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him. This President Casey is the President of Stanford University, a well-known and highly respected figure in the scholar's world!

President Casey held Banner's hand and said, "I'm not here for Hulk, but for you, Banner, you should get rid of that monster as soon as possible and focus on your academics and research again!"

Banner said gratefully: "I think so too, that's why this assessment is made. If it is determined that Hulk cannot be taught, then I can concentrate on research in the future!"

"Monsters, of course, they can't be taught!"

President Casey nodded. He looked around and said, "Banner, the sponsor behind you is not simple. You have found so many top experts here!"

"It's not easy. He often said that all he has left is money!"

Banner smiled wryly and respectfully sent President Casey to the table. At this time, Ivan walked in with a tablet. Banner had a good time working with him during this time. He smiled and said, "You don't have to work so hard, right? If Bert doesn't. I'll give you a raise!"

"It's not working, that bastard Tony has been invading here, obviously wanting to watch the live broadcast, I'm stopping him!"

Ivan said without looking up: "Banner, I'll go down and prepare!"

After speaking, Ivan turned around and walked towards the workshop. Banner laughed dumbly. As long as he encounters Tony, Ivan will lose his mind. These two guys are complete enemies!

"Dr. Banner!"

A greeting sounded, Banner turned his head and saw the Electro man walking towards him, he asked, "Max, why do you feel tired?"

"No way, there are too many criminals, I didn't sleep at all last night!"

Electro said bitterly: "Mr. Wang is right. After Kingpin disappeared, New York has not only not become calm, but has become more chaotic, you know? New York now has bank robberies every day!"

"Every day?" Banner smacked his tongue: "This is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

"No way. Those gangs need money to buy human enhancement potions. Whoever has more reinforced humans will have the last laugh, so they are desperately committing crimes and desperately robbing banks! Damn Kingpin, they are all wanted, still making waves there!"

Electro shook his head and said, "Don't talk about it, I'll take a rest first, and I'll protect Dr. Ross if anything happens.!"

"Sorry to bother you!"

Banner watched Electro man leave, but his expression was a little dazed. What happened to this world, it has become so unfamiliar in just one year.

At this moment, a holographic projection lighted up ahead, and many people stood up and shouted respectfully, "Mr. Wang!"

It was Bert who came here to watch the experiment through projection. He said to Banner, "Banner, there is something wrong with me, and I can't go back to New York in person, but I will watch your experiment like this!"

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Banner took a deep breath and said, "Now, let's see if Hulk can be enlightened!"