Chapter 63 : Sin Buster

In an abandoned park, Banner in shorts warned Betty worriedly: "Betty, be careful!"

Betty, who was standing beside the tower, comforted: "Don't worry, Hulk won't hurt me, and Max will protect me."

Max, who was more than ten meters away, said confidently: "Dr. Banner, don't worry, with me, Dr. Ross will not be in danger!"

Banner nodded and said, "Okay, let's get started."


Betty took out the controller to release the control, Banner's heart rate suddenly increased, he took a deep breath, his body began to turn green, and after a few seconds, Hulk appeared, roaring to the sky!

After roaring, Hulk gave Betty a dissatisfied look, turned and rushed in front of a big rock, smashed the rock with one punch, and then blew up everything around like a husky demolishing a home, and the experimental base shook a few times!

The experts in the stands couldn't help but exclaim, that although they had seen the video, the real Hulk was much more terrifying than the one in the video!

"How can such a monster be enlightened?" President Casey and many experts shook their heads!

Max said: "Looks like the big man is very angry!"

"He's venting his dissatisfaction with the control!"Betty shook her head and shouted to Hulk: "Hulk, come here!"

Hulk turned his head and glanced at Betty, ignored her, and continued to destroy, like a child with anger!

Betty thought it was a little funny, she shouted to the side: "Let's start the next step!"

Ivan, who had been staying behind the big signboard, nodded, controlled 'Hero IV' to come out, then picked up a stone and smashed it at Betty!


Betty pretended to be in a panic and shouted, Hulk turned his head and saw that she was in danger, and immediately rushed over, smashed the stone with a punch, and then roared at Hero IV!

Hero IV made a provocative move, Hulk was furious, jumped in front of Hero IV with force, and his fists slammed down like a Warhammer!

Hero IV raised his large shield to resist, and with a bang, Hero IV took three steps back, and three deep footprints appeared on the ground!

"This guy's strength is stronger than Abomination's at the beginning!"

Ivan was a little shocked. In that battle, Hulk was in a weak state, but now, he has returned to his peak!

"Hulk, smash!"

Seeing that he failed to smash the shield, Hulk became angrier, and rushed over to attack like a fierce beast. Ivan held a large shield, resisted calmly, and tried his best to collect Hulk's data.

Boom boom boom, explosion-like pounding sounds kept ringing in the park, and a large number of flowers, plants, and trees were destroyed by the aftermath of the battle. In just a few minutes, this abandoned park was turned into ruins!

"That monster is getting more and more excited, he is enjoying the battle, he can't be enlightened at all!"

An expert wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, many experts nodded, and even some experts were taking medicine, they were frightened by the Hulk!

Bert watched all this quietly and did not persuade these experts that it is normal for Hulk to be brutal and violent. If he is not brutal and violent, what do you want him to do?

Bert didn't want Banner and the Hulk to merge, such a Hulk had no fighting power at all. What he needed was the incarnation of anger, Hulk!

"Dr. Ross, the data collection is almost done, let's start the next step!"

Ivan said to Betty with the communicator, Betty nodded and said, "Let's start! I'm ready."

"Okay! Be careful!"

Ivan pressed the button, the bottom of the iron tower behind Betty collapsed with a bang, and the iron tower pressed towards Betty, Betty seemed to be frightened and did not move!

When Hulk looked back at this scene, he was shocked. He ignored Ivan and rushed to Betty at the fastest speed. He raised his hands to catch the falling iron tower!

The tower was so heavy that Hulk's feet sank into the ground, and he shouted to Betty with difficulty: "Run!"

Betty wanted to escape, but "accidentally" fell to the ground, and Max, who was beside him, couldn't help but want to laugh. This is so similar to the plot in the movies!

Seeing Betty falling, Hulk was a little anxious. At this moment, with the sound of heavy footsteps, Ivan rushed over with a Vibranium axe, and then he slashed at the back of Hulk's neck!

Seeing the axe, Hulk's eyes flashed a trace of fear. He remembered the axe, and Abomination's hand was almost cut off by it!

Hulk wanted to hide, but as soon as he hides, Betty will be crushed to death by the tower. He can't even let go of one hand, because one hand is not enough to hold the tower!


Hulk yelled, but he didn't mean to let go. His eyes were full of determination, even if he died, he had to keep Betty!

Betty trembled when she saw Hulk's firm gaze. At this moment, she finally knew that Hulk was Banner. Because in this world, only Banner would love her so much!

Vibranium axe was under control of Ivan, and it stopped at the back of Hulk's neck, almost touching his skin. Ivan laughed: "This is a man, if there is a chance, I will invite you to drink, only a man can drink vodka!"

After finishing speaking, Ivan put away the Vibranium axe and came over to help Hulk carry the iron tower together. Hulk was confused and couldn't understand what was going on!

clap clap clap...

There was a round of applause, including Bert and Max. President Casey smiled and said, "I thought it was for an evaluation, but it turned out to be a drama!"

A slightly rough expert smiled and said, "Beauty and the Beast, I like this drama!"

After the applause ended, Bert asked, "Experts, do you think Hulk can be educated?"

The experts looked at each other, and President Casey said, "Without Betty, I suggest you destroy this monster humanely, but with Betty, this monster can be enlightened!"

"Yes, he loves Betty more than himself, and he can be taught!"

"As long as you know love, let alone Hulk, even a King Kong can be taught!"

"Those who have love, are not monsters!"


The experts nodded one after another, and Bert was very satisfied. He said, "Everyone, can I ask you to help educate the Hulk together? You don't have to worry about the remuneration, it will definitely satisfy you."

Many experts are very tempted, but there are also some experts shaking their heads, they have other jobs!

Bert said to his assistant, "Lilith, talk to the experts!"

"I know what to do!" Lilith nodded, with the help of these experts, plus Betty, Hulk can be educated!

Boom, Ivan, and Hulk lifted the tower aside together, Hulk bared his teeth at Ivan and seemed to want to fight. At this time, Betty got up and motioned Hulk to lower his head!

Hulk was puzzled, but he bowed his head obediently. Betty kissed him on the cheek and said, "Thank you, Hulk!"

Hulk opened his eyes wide, and seemed a little unbelievable, then danced happily, and accidentally fell, and he was dumbfounded on the ground!

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, the current Hulk is just a child!

"A complete success!"

Bert nodded with satisfaction, and he shouted to Hulk: "Hulk, I have a word for you, whether be a human or a monster, you have the final say!"

Hulk raised his head with a blank look on his face, completely ignorant of what this sentence meant!

Bert smiled and didn't say much. He pointed his finger, turned off the holographic projection, and left the experimental base.

On a farm in Texas, Bert raised his hand, and the fire on it gradually disappeared. His transformation was finally complete!

The reason why Bert didn't go back to New York was that it was not suitable to go to a crowded place when he was at the end stage to devour the spirit of vengeance!

Bert laughed, and Frank outside the door heard the laughter and opened the door and walked in, asking, "Success?"

Bert said excitedly: "Yes!"

Frank asked with great interest: "What exactly is it?"


Bert took out his mobile phone, and the palm of his hand burst into flames. The phone deforms slightly in the flames, making it even cooler!

Frank walked over and glanced at the phone, and asked in confusion, "What do you mean, the phone was burnt and deformed?"

"Didn't you see? The phone's battery is 100 percent!"

Bert laughed excitedly and said, "Haha, I won't need to bring a charger in the future!"

"You've been working on it for a few months, and then you make a charger out of it?"

Frank was speechless. If he weren't his boss, he would point his middle finger at him!

"How can you, a guy who can't even tweet, understand the resentment of those of us who are serious about the charge in our mobile phone?"

Bert said with contempt, then put away the phone, and said, "Stop joking with me, go and lead out the thoroughbred horse I bought, I'll change into a cowboy outfit and go down."

"Let's see, what do you want to play?"

Frank nodded, turned around, and went down to lead the horse. Bert quickly changed his clothes and came to the side of the fiery red, mighty, and majestic Thoroughbred horse!

No nonsense, Bert got on his horse directly, put on his hat, and shouted to Frank, "Watch this!"

Before he finished speaking, Bert's whole body burst into dazzling dragon fires, and then these dragon fires quickly spread to the thoroughbred horses!

Seeing this, Frank hurriedly shouted: "Hey, Bert, be careful, it was bought for tens of millions of dollars!"

"Don't worry, it will be fine!"

Bert laughed, the thoroughbred horse wrapped in dragon fire not only didn't mourn but was very excited, Spewing fire out of his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, so cool!

"Let's Go!"

Bert shouted, and the thoroughbred horse roared out like a raging fire, and ran hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a row of blazing horseshoe prints!

Even Frank couldn't help shouting "Cool", no wonder Bert was willing to spend several months devouring the spirit of revenge!

"Too handsome!"

The fast-moving Bert couldn't help laughing. At this moment, a Harley-Davidson came over, but it was Damon who had been separated for several months. He looked at Bert and the flaming horse in amazement, and shouted: "Bert, let's compete!"

"I'll give you two laps!"

Bert laughed, the thoroughbred horse neighed, and its speed suddenly accelerated, leaving the Harley-Davidson far behind!

Damon chased for a while but stopped helplessly. He patted the motorcycle and said, "Old man, I didn't expect that we would be beaten by a horse."

After a while, Bert chased after him, and he smiled and said, "Don't wanna compete?"

Damon asked, "We'll compete with you at night, Bert, why are you able to transform during the day?"

"I haven't transformed, I'm still me, I just have the ability of the spirit of vengeance!"

Bert jumped off the horse, took back the dragon fire, and asked, "How is it, is the trip to the New York Temple going well?"

"Very well, I can control the spirit of vengeance!" Damon exclaimed: "I can finally go back to Mindy!"

Bert asked: "Mindy has been asking me where you have been for months, why don't you even reply to Twitter? Is there no signal from the New York Temple?"

"It has nothing to do with the signal, I was practicing!"

Damon shook his head. He took out an ancient book from his arms and said, "This is the secret method of cultivating the soul. Would you like to learn it too?"

"You stole a book from Kama Taj?"

Bert was very surprised, and immediately said with contempt, "I didn't expect you, a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes, would do such a thing!"

"Given to me by Ancient One, she said, the knowledge of Kamar-Taj can be shared!"

Damon said angrily: "You can learn this yourself, don't pass it on to others, we can't go too far!"

"Thanks!" Bert took over the ancient book with great joy. His biggest flaw now is his soul. If his soul is strong enough, he can even make a clone!

Bert thought of something and asked, "Has Ancient One mentioned me?"

"No!" Damon shook his head, this is Ancient One's order, 'Don't let someone be too arrogant!'

That ancient book was a gift from Ancient One to Bert, thanking him for stopping Mephisto's conspiracy!

"It's a good thing not to mention it!" Bert shrugged and asked, "Damon, what's your plan next?"

"Go back to New York, see Mindy!"

"And then? Continue to be a big dad?"

"Uh...I didn't think that far!"

Damon hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

Bert said: "In recent months, New York has been in chaos because of the disappearance of Kingpin, and Chief George has been anxious to hang himself. To get the battle armor as soon as possible, he even asked his daughter to come to ask me for a discount!

It's a pity that the city government is so poor that even if I give a discount, they can't afford it! "

Damon is puzzled: "Bert, what do you mean by saying this to me?"

Bert asked, "Have you ever thought about becoming a policeman again?"

"Being a policeman again?"

"Yes, become a policeman again and put on battle armor to protect New York!"

Bert nodded: "If you want, I can sell that armor to the New York City government at the cost price. Of course, the copyright of your superhero belongs to me!"


Damon was hesitant, and Bert smiled: "Consider slowly, by the way, the battle armor provided to the police station is called Sin Buster! Haha, you are a Sin Buster during the day and a Ghost Rider at night. It's a perfect match!"

Damon complained: "Sin Buster? even if I wanted to wear the armor, I am unwilling to use that name."

Bert laughed: "This is what your old boss, Chief George, came up with, If you have an opinion, tell him yourself!"

"Forget it, that old guy's temper is not so good." Damon said: "I'll think about it, by the way, does Chief George agree with me to be a police superhero?"

Bert said: "He will agree because he has no money! If he wants to have a Sin Buster, he can only listen to my arrangements!"

'Damn capitalists! You even run the New York Police Department!' Damon sighed, what will he do, and asked, "Where's Slade? Has he already..."

"A month ago, he took a group of beautiful women to tour the world." Bert said, "That cowboy is more free and easy than us!"

Damon exclaimed, "Yeah, he's a real cowboy! Good luck to him!"