Chapter 82 : War is Coming

Looking at the departing Quinjet, Hulk roared angrily, but to no avail, he could only turn his head to Coulson, this is an enemy and can be killed!

Coulson shot Hulk with a gun without saying a word, but the small pistol was useless against Hulk. Hulk stepped forward and prepared to smash Coulson to death!

Coulson was desperate, and at this moment, Betty's voice sounded from the speaker on the side: "Hulk, don't kill him, just knock him out."


Hulk was very upset, but he didn't go against Betty's orders and grabbed Coulson with his big hand!

"I'll do it myself, lest you accidentally kill me!"

Coulson smiled slightly, hitting his head on the deck and knocking himself unconscious!

"Hulk hates you!"

Hulk was almost mad, how could there be such a person who would rather knock himself unconscious than let him do it?

Betty was also speechless, this Coulson, what a ruthless man!

At the same time, Tony and Rumlow escorted Quinjet to leave, Natasha and Steve did not pursue it, after all, the situation of the Helicarrier is very bad now!

"It's done!"

Ivan typed the last line of code, and the system of the Helicarrier began to return to normal. Hill was overjoyed and immediately started the No. 1 engine. Unfortunately, it was still too late. Now it is only a few hundred meters from the sea, and it is too late to fly again!

Of course, the behavior just now is not completely useless, it can greatly reduce the impact of falling, and if you are lucky, maybe you can still float up!

"In a minute, the Helicarrier will fall into the water, fifty-nine, fifty-eight..."

The computer began to prompt, and everyone hurriedly prepared to fall into the water. Ivan put on his battle armor and flew away from the command room. He was not interested in becoming a jerk!

Hulk, Betty, and others were already in the air, and Betty said, "It's gone!"

Ivan shrugged: "Bert's words are very accurate, especially when he says bad things!"

"Is it okay for you to tease the boss like this?"

Betty was speechless, and she asked, "Is Bert back? Now this situation can't be solved without him!"

"I'll ask him!"

Ivan contacted Bert, briefly explained what happened on the Helicarrier just now, and then asked, "When are you coming back?"

"That guy Tony was controlled?"

Bert was a little speechless, but the plot changed a lot. He said: "After the Helicarrier falls into the water, you will go back to New York immediately. Loki should be preparing to open the portal in New York. Don't worry, I have prepared everything!"

"With your words, I feel at ease!"

Ivan smiled, and then asked: "However, why wait for the Helicarrier to fall into the water?"

Bert smiled and said, "Because I want to watch the Helicarrier fall into the water, hurry up and live stream it!"

"It is your character, in fact, I want to see it too!"

Ivan laughed and turned on the camera to broadcast live. It didn't take long for the huge Helicarrier to crash into the water, and the waves rose to a height of 100 meters, which was quite spectacular!


Let's go back in time. After receiving the order of Coulson, a group of mercenaries immediately rushed to a small villa in Manhattan, where their target lived!

It's summer vacation time, and Mindy has been staying at home for the past few days. At this time, she is entertaining her classmate and only friend of the same age!

Mindy said speechlessly, "Little fat girl, how many family buckets have you eaten?"

A little girl with black hair and purple clothes stuffed the drumstick in her mouth and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm not fat, I'm not as heavy as you!"

"This is what makes me uncomfortable. You eat several times more than me every day, why are you still lighter than me?" Mindy said dissatisfiedly: "What kind of monster are you?"

"My digestive ability is good! Mindy, do you still have more chicken drumsticks? The welfare center only has chicken drumsticks for a few days. it's better for your family, you can eat it as you like!"

The little girl ate all the meat on the chicken thigh in a few bites and then asked while biting the bone.

This little girl is named Lina, an orphan of unknown birth, and Damon is planning to adopt her!

It's not easy for Mindy to make a friend of the same age!

"Can you still eat? Are you human?"

Mindy complained, and at this moment, there was a sudden scream from outside. Mindy's eyes lit up, and she immediately turned on the monitor. She saw a man in a suit stepping on a trap clip and screaming!

At the same time, next to the man in the suit, there are three guys. Anyone can see that it is not a good thing!

"Someone is looking for trouble, that's great, the Hit-Girl is coming back!"

Mindy said excitedly, but before she could change her clothes, a group of people rushed out of the villa next to them and took the men in suits away, and there was none left!

Mindy said a little frantically: "Ah, Master is so hateful, he arranged a large group of bodyguards to live next to me."

Lina blinked her big eyes and asked inexplicably, "What happened?"

"Nothing happened." Mindy said dejectedly: "Do you still want to eat chicken legs? We will order takeout!"

Hearing that there was something to eat, Lina immediately forgot about the outside world, drooling, and nodded again and again: "Okay, another family bucket!"

'Eat to death!' Mindy glared at Lina angrily and started calling!

Mindy knew that Lina was a little unusual, but so what? Master is still a vampire!

Ordinary people can't be Mindy's friend!

In a small alley outside the villa, a mercenary in a red masked uniform hurried over, covering his bleeding stomach, which was pierced by a short knife. When he saw that all the mercenaries had been dealt with, he immediately knelt in despair on the ground!

"If I had known, I wouldn't have taught that driver how to kill a rival in love. I didn't even receive any money!"

The mercenary sighed, he specially came to inform Mindy that someone wanted to kidnap her. So that Mindy would forgive him (he had cheated Mindy of money before), and if he was lucky, he might be able to hold the golden thigh, so he won't have to worry about eating and drinking!

To impress Mindy, the mercenary stabbed himself, um, yes, the knife on his stomach was stabbed by himself!

As a result, because of being late, everything was in vain, and this knife was stabbed in vain!

"It can't be stabbed in vain, hurry up and collect the blood and sell it to those wanted vampires who are hungry for food!"

The mercenary thought of something and quickly took out a bottle from behind to pick up the blood dripping from him. As for why he carried the bottle with him, you had to ask yourself!

Then, the mercenary got up, and while leaving there, he muttered to himself a little nervously: "I always feel that I shouldn't be in this world, by the way, what's my name, why do I keep forgetting?"


Hearing the report of the bodyguards, Bert, who was still in California, called Mindy and said, "Mindy, go to my manor and stay there! I will send a helicopter to pick you up!"

"I'm not afraid!" Mindy said dissatisfiedly: "A few thieves, They can't deal with Hit-Girl."

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid you will kill all those thieves!" Bert said angrily: "Be good and go, when this matter is over, I will let Ivan get you a small battle suit to play with!"


Mindy was overjoyed, she thought about it, and said, "I want to take Lina with me, she is not safe alone!"


Bert nodded, he put down the phone, frowned, and said, "Which guy is so filthy, he wants to kidnap Mindy and threaten Damon?"

Lilith said: "It must be someone from S.H.I.E.L.D., Loki doesn't know that much!"


Bert snorted. At this time, the phone rang, but it was Mage Wong who called. He smiled bitterly: "Blood God, your efficiency is too high, It was delivered so quickly!"

"I go up and down tens of billions in one minute, of course, the efficiency is high!"

Bert smiled and said, "Wong, do you need my staff to help you move it?"

"No, there are other people in the temple."

Wong frowned and said: "However, Blood God, I didn't seem to agree to receive these things!"

Bert smiled and said, "Is there anything else to say, now that everything has been delivered, do you plan to let my people move it back?"

"It definitely won't work!", Bert said.

Wong smiled bitterly: "This time I'm going to be scolded by Kaecilius!"

'Is Kaecilius?' Bert's eyes flashed and he said, "It's just a small gift, don't worry about it too much!"

"A gift of hundreds of millions of dollars is not a small thing!"

Wong hesitated for a while and said, "Blood God, if you have time, you are welcome to come to Kamar-Taj as a guest!"

"In the future, I will go! By the way, say hello to Ancient One for me!"

Bert laughed and said, after spending so much money, he finally made this statement!

Kamar-Taj, Bert must go, but not now, but in the future!

"When the time comes, I will personally receive you."

Wong nodded, hung up the phone, and Bert said, "It's time to go back to New York, but unfortunately I don't know the space door, otherwise it would be convenient!"

Lilith poured cold water on Bert and said, "Kamar-Taj will not accept vampires as disciples!"

"Not necessarily!"

Bert shrugged and said, "I'm going back now. You contact Trish and ask her to disclose the current situation. Loki and the others will soon be in New York."


Lilith nodded, even though she couldn't help but sigh, the feng shui in New York is really bad!

Bert stopped talking nonsense, walked into the silver sports car next to him, and used dragon fire to slightly transform the sports car - his talent is to strengthen life, and he can only modify a small amount of machinery!

Then, Bert poured out a lot of blood from his hands and covered the sports car.

After the preparations were completed, the sports car slowly flew up in flames, Bert nodded to Lilith, and disappeared into the sky in a bloody light!

The straight-line distance from Los Angeles to New York is only more than 3,000 kilometers. At Bert's speed, it doesn't take much time at all!


At noon, the TV station suddenly showed a preview and temporarily broadcasted "Trish Talk", and the audience suddenly had a bad premonition. Every time Trish exploded, it was a big surprise!

Facts have proved that the audience's hunch is still very accurate, or it is too accurate. At the beginning of the "Trish Talk", the sign of the "S-Class Incident" appeared!

"S-level incident? Last time the lizards were A-level, right?"

"A-level is to destroy the city, S-level is to destroy the country, is this a joke?"

The audience was in an uproar, and Trish said with a serious face: "I know there must be a lot of people saying I'm joking, but unfortunately, I'm not, Thor's brother Loki, is about to lead an alien army to attack New York!"

"Loki? Alien Army?"

"Sure enough, it's New York again!"

New Yorkers are desperate, is there any end to it? The Lizardman matter has not been completely resolved, now the aliens are here again, can we change the place? I heard that the feng shui in Washington is good!

Then, Trish began to introduce the whole thing!

S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to use the Tesseract (Red Skull and Hydra relics) to create weapons of mass destruction. As a result, it attracted the Evil God Loki, who controlled the S.H.I.E.L.D. with a Scepter and snatched the Tesseract!

Afterward, Loki designed the army to attack Wakanda, mobilized the War Abomination, then pretended to surrender, destroyed the S.H.I.E.L.D. carrier, and took control of Iron Man and the Peacemaker!

Now, Loki is preparing to build a giant portal in New York to attract alien troops.

"According to the information we have obtained, Loki and Iron Man are about to arrive in New York, and the location of the giant portal is most likely Manhattan. Citizens, please leave as soon as possible!"

Trish said seriously: "This is not a joke, New York is about to be invaded by Aliens."

After listening to Trish's introduction, the audience was stunned at first, and then yelled, not only scolding Loki, but also S.H.I.E.L.D., and even Iron Man was greeted, don't know how many times.

"Even Iron Man is under control, New York is over, Run away!"

The whole of New York is panicking, and countless people are preparing to flee New York. At this time, the City Hall is most needed to organize, otherwise, it will cause chaos, blockage, and even disaster!

The problem is, the mayor of New York, after watching 'Trish talk', fled New York on a private jet without saying a word!

What a joke, it was an alien invasion, and I don't plan to run again for the mayor position, why should I try so hard to protect the group of unscrupulous people who protest every day?

The Mayor of New York is only responsible for the votes!

The Chief of the NYPD, who had just taken office a few months ago, saw that the mayor had escaped, and immediately dispatched a helicopter to flee with him. Tens of thousands of New York police officers suddenly fell into an embarrassing situation of no leader!

Just as the police were about to flee, a familiar and resolute voice sounded on the police communication channel: "I'm George Stacy, I want to save New York, I want to protect the people of New York, is anyone willing to support me?"

There was dead silence in the communication channel, and after a while, a voice shouted: "Sin Buster, willing!"

"Electro Man, willing!"

"Spider-Man, yes! Well, I didn't eavesdrop on the police channel, I'm qualified now..."

"The Director of the 11th Division is willing!"

"The director of the 22nd Division is willing!"


"Chief George!"

There was cheering in the communication channel, and Chief George nodded with satisfaction and said, "Now, follow my orders, go to the streets to maintain order, divert traffic, and allow citizens to escape New York safely. Manhattan is the most dangerous place, and all the superheroes go there..."

Although the police are working hard, the situation in New York is still getting more and more chaotic, and the White House is still confirming the authenticity of the intelligence!

President Ellis roared in the White House: "Why is the alien invasion such a big thing, I am the president of the United States, and I have to watch Trish talk to know? The FBI, CIA, and the military's intelligence system are all in the air. Right?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has withheld the news, and we don't even know it!"

The military immediately dumped the blame: "Sir, unfortunately, what Trish said is most likely true."

"Damn S.H.I.E.L.D., Fuck Nick Fury, and Fuck aliens..."

President Ellis scolded a lot of foul languages and shouted: "Move the troops to intercept Loki and Iron Man, and never let the giant portal appear! Also, transfer the National Guard into New York. Say, what the fuck happened to New York, so many disasters? First lizardmen, now aliens!"

A general saluted and turned to leave: "I'll do it right away!"

President Ellis thought for a while and said to Senator Stern, "Is that one in Manhattan now?"

Senator Stern knew who President Ellis was asking, and smiled wryly: "He's in California."

"West Coast? Let him come back quickly. Without him, the military probably won't be able to handle it."

President Ellis said: "Also, let War Machine and War Abomination return to America as soon as possible, and as for Wakanda, wait until the aliens are solved!"

"I'll go right away!"

Senator Stern nodded and turned to leave. President Ellis leaned back on his chair and scolded, "What kind of bullshit S.H.I.E.L.D., it's unreliable. When this is over, I want Nick Fury to step down. !"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded in unison: "Nick Fury should be responsible for this time!"