Chapter 83 : Disclaimer

Boom boom boom!

The three fighter jets that intercepted Loki were destroyed by Iron Man one after another. Iron Man said arrogantly: "You fighter jets are all garbage, my battle armor is the future, hahaha!"

The military generals gritted their teeth angrily. After Iron Man was controlled, he was even more hateful than before!

"Vulnerable humans!"

Loki smiled disdainfully and ordered: "Go to Stark Building with all your strength, Dr. Selvig should have the portal ready soon!"

"Jarvis will fully cooperate with Dr. Selvig!"

Iron Man flew in and said, "Loki, the Oscorp has a battle armor manufacturing base outside the city, and the War lizards are inside. I suggest destroying it in advance!"

"You go with the Carl (Absorbing Man)."

Loki knew that Absorbing Man was thrown into the sea by Hulk before, and he didn't die. Loki coveted his strength and asked Iron Man to fish him up.


Iron Man didn't talk nonsense, he took the Absorbing Man and set off immediately, while Loki continued to the Stark Building. He was full of ambition, and soon, he would become the king of the earth!

He Loki, born to be king, born to be bald, uh, wait, is there something weird mixed in?

"Coulson!" Loki roared, all affected by that bastard!


On the deck of the Helicarrier that just floated up, Coulson touched his nose and said apologetically to Nick Fury: "Director, I'm sorry. It's because of me, the Helicarrier fell!"

"Stop thinking about the past! It's not your fault!"

Fury glanced at Coulson, 'this guy has a much better future as a villain than an agent!'

Coulson smiled wryly. He felt that he enjoyed being the villain.

Chief Fury asked, "Loki is planning to open a giant portal in Manhattan?"

"Yes, in Stark Building."

Coulson said: "Only the Ark Reactor can activate the giant portal! At the speed of Dr. Selvig, it is estimated that it is almost completed."

Fury frowned and said to Steve: "Captain, you lead the team first, and I will try to organize some reinforcements to reinforce you!"

"Okay, I'll lead the team right away, Can the Quinjet be used?"

Steve asked, knowing that the previous fall caused heavy losses to the Helicarrier. Not only were the staff killed and injured, but most of the weapons were also damaged.

Now, the Helicarrier can barely float at sea, unable to take off again!

"There are still some that can be used."

Natasha came over and said, "Barton is ready, he is sober."

"Let's go then."

Steve nodded, and he said loudly: "We must not give up until the last minute, no matter what, we must stop Loki!"

Everyone shouted in unison, "Yes, Captain!"

"Captain, I'm going too, I want to atone for myself!"

Coulson said with a look of admiration, he has admired Captain America since he was a child, and after meeting the real person, he admired him even more.

Seeing that Coulson didn't feel sorry for himself, but actively fought, Steve nodded with satisfaction and said, "Soldier, you are fine!"

Being praised by Captain America, Coulson's face suddenly blossomed with joy, and Natasha touched her nose. No wonder Coulson never looked at herself directly. It turned out that his hobbies were different!

After Captain America and the others left, Director Fury picked up his mobile phone and called Bert, wanting to ask him for help. Who knows, the other party's phone was always on the call!

"At this time, there must be a lot of people calling him back to save New York."

Fury sighed that his Avengers team had failed. To save the earth, he still had to rely on Bert!

Thinking of something, Fury took out an old-fashioned pager from his arms, but after hesitating, he put the pager away.

Bert can't be trusted, and neither can that woman. How many years has she not been back to Earth?


"Senator, I will save New York, needless to say!"

Bert parked the car in the air and said with his mobile phone, "However, I have one condition!"

Senator Stern asked, "What conditions?"

"I want a Disclaimer. During the rescue process, I am not responsible for accidentally hurting people, and I am not responsible for destroying buildings!" Bert said: "I still need a certain number of deaths."

Senator Stern hesitated: "This..."

"Senator, I'm not taking advantage of the fire, I just don't want the trouble afterward!"

Bert said: "Last time, our Oscorp worked hard to deal with the lizard people. As a result, hundreds of people sued Oscorp and demanded compensation, and members of Congress stood on their side. This kind of thing, I don't want it to happen again!

Money, I don't care, I have more anyway, but I don't want to bleed and cry! "

"I can understand!"

Senator Stern thought for a moment and said: "I'm talking to the president, he should be willing to sign, but only on major matters, and, Bert, you must block the aliens, it's not only about us humans, it is also related to your Vampires!"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Bert hung up the phone with a smile. Then, he called Lilith and instructed: "Fax the terms to the White House. Now, Hulk can mess around as he likes."

Lilith nodded: "Okay!"

Just as Bert interrupted the call with Lilith, the phone rang immediately. After he connected, he received bad news!

Bert said angrily: "Tony Stark blew up my battle armor manufacturing base?"

James apologized: "I'm sorry, Blood God, Tony, and that invulnerable guy are too powerful, the Water demon couldn't stop them!"

Bert asked, "How about the loss?"

"The electronic biological brain of the War lizards are destroyed, and the unmanned battle armors are buried in the ground. It will take a little time to rescue."

James replied: "Fortunately, no staff died!"

"Tony Stark, I will settle this account with you!"

Bert ordered: "Count the losses as soon as possible, and then send the bill to Stark Industries!"

Seeing that the Blood God didn't pursue his intentions, James breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, Blood God!"

Bert thought for a while, called Trish, and said, "Connect with Ivan and let him talk about Iron Man's mutiny. Tell them how ugly it is."

After that, Bert flew to New York again!


"Tony Stark is not controlled, he is a real mutiny!"

Ivan looked at the camera and said righteously: "He covets Loki's beauty and is willing to act as a rapist. When everyone sees him, don't keep your hands, because he won't hold back!"

"Ivan Vanko!"

In Malibu Villa, Pepper scolded swear words for three minutes. Happy, the security director of Stark Industries, was horrified. He doubted whether he would be silenced!

After scolding, Pepper picked up the phone and dialed Ivan, scolding: "Mad Russian, if Tony has an accident, I will let you two, father and son be buried together... Don't tell me that, if he has an accident, I will kill you myself. Raze Manhattan with Nukes and kill you and those damn aliens at the same time!

Don't say it's impossible, don't forget, who invented the nuclear bomb? Shut up and get on TV right now to clarify! "

Even a fierce man like Ivan was stunned by the scolding of the Pepper. After a while, he said; "I can clarify on TV, but I have a condition!"

Pepper asked, "What conditions?"

Ivan said: "Have a meal with me, a sissy like Tony is not worthy of you!"

"Wait until I have time!"

Pepper hung up the phone, and then called the military bosses one by one: "Nothing can happen to Tony, otherwise the Stark Industries and I, will never let it go!"

After the call, Pepper smashed the phone on the sofa, what the hell, Tony was controlled?

Pepper turned to Happy and asked, "Happy, how's the Stark Building?"

"The Stark Building has been fully taken over by Jarvis, and I can't investigate!"

Happy said: "Fortunately, Jarvis didn't harm the employees inside. It's an empty building now. However, Tony has a production line for battle armor in the building, and it seems to have been working recently!"


Pepper thought for a while, then picked up the phone again and dialed Bert, and said, "Bert, you have to be responsible for me!"


Bert was so frightened that he almost threw his phone away. Not only he, but Happy was also dumbfounded. Does Pepper have an affair with Bert? God, am I going to be silenced?

Pepper said loudly, "You said that Tony and I will have a daughter, and you must be responsible!"

'Can't you speak clearly' Bert said angrily, "Don't worry, Tony won't die!"

"I will remember what you said!" Pepper hurriedly said, she is not afraid that Ivan might kill Tony, but she is very afraid that Bert will kill Tony, because then, Tony will die!

"The big play has just begun, how can the hero die?" Bert smiled and said, "If he wants to die, he has to wait until the curtain is about to end!"

"When it's about to end?" Pepper was stunned for a moment. What else did she want to ask?

Bert hung up the phone!


Pepper frowned, and for the first time in her heart, the idea of ​​letting Tony give up being a superhero was born. This profession is indeed great, but it is too dangerous!

Shaking her head, Pepper went to the basement, "Dr. Yinsen, are you ready?"

Dr. Yinsen came out wearing the unpainted Mark II armor and said helplessly: "Pepper, I don't want to be a superhero, I just want to be an assistant behind Tony, and I don't plan to be the main force myself. I don't plan to fight with Tony!"

"There's no other way, only you can get on, others won't let Tony go!"

Pepper said: "Wait, Dr. Yinsen, there seems to be something wrong with this model. Why don't you change to a more advanced one?"

"The control of the other armors belongs to Tony!"

Dr. Yinsen said: "The only exception is this failure. If I want to deal with Tony, I can only wear it. Pepper, you don't have to worry, except for the high-altitude icing problem, the Mark 2 is fine."

Little Pepper said: "It's all up to you, Dr. Yinsen, please bring Tony back safely!"

"I'll try my best, but it's a bit far from New York, and I don't know if I can catch up!"

Dr. Yinsen smiled wryly, spraying flames from his hands and feet, and flew quickly towards New York!

Pepper shook her head: "When this matter is resolved, I must ask Tony to change authority. This guy is unreliable at all!"


In a building in Manhattan, Dr. Reed looked at Stark Industries' stock price, and fell to his knees in despair: "How is it possible, Stark Industries' stock price has plummeted?"

"With Iron Man's betrayal, stock price plunge is normal!"

Ben laughed: "Reed, could it be that you implicated Tony Stark?"

Dr. Reed glared at Ben: "Are you kidding me? I'm going bankrupt!"

"It's not the first time, I'm used to it!" Ben said, "Reed, it's time for you to accept your destiny!"

"That's not scientific!"

Dr. Reed got up and said, "Forget it, don't talk about that, the aliens are coming soon, let's get out of Manhattan, uh, Ben, you say, if the aliens take over the earth, do I still need to repay the bank loan?"

"Definitely, because the vampires in the bank will surrender to the aliens as soon as possible!"

While packing up, Ben said: "Reed, when this matter is over, let's go to the Doom Industries. I want to see Doom go bankrupt!"

Dr. Reed said angrily: "I said it all, that's not scientific!"

Ben said, "Reed, science or not, this is the only way we can go now!"

Dr. Reed was silent for a moment and said, "We'll talk about this later."


On the coast of Africa, Frank and Rhodes were rushing to New York with War Abomination, and Rhodes asked, "Are we in time?"

"Whether it's too late, we have to hurry!!" Frank said: "I didn't expect that the war would stop because of such a reason."

"I didn't expect it!" Rhodes said: "However when the New York thing is over, I am afraid that this war will continue!"

"Let's talk about it then, at least, Wakanda and America can calm down. For now!"

Frank shook his head, focusing on his way.


Stark Building, Loki stepped off the Quinjet and asked Dr. Selvig, who was fiddling with the equipment, "How is it, can you open the portal?"


Dr. Selvig was about to nod his head when his eyes were suddenly attracted by the Scepter in Loki's hand. He felt that there were a pair of eyes looking at him, a pair of eyes that could make people sink into hell!

Seeing that Dr. Selvig suddenly stopped speaking, Loki shouted dissatisfiedly, "Dr. Selvig?"


Dr. Selvig reacted and said, "I have to revise it again. I just thought of a new idea that can greatly increase the diameter of the portal!"

"As soon as possible!"

Loki frowned and let the Peacemaker stay here to protect Dr. Selvig, while he walked into Tony's bar and poured himself a drink like a master!

After a while, Tony descended from the sky with the Absorbing man. He asked the machine to help him take off his suit and shouted, "Jarvis, is Mark VII ready?"

"Sir, it's ready!"

Jarvis said, "Besides, Ms. Pepper has called you for the one hundred and thirty-seventh time. Are you not going to answer her calls?"

"Don't answer, women are the most annoying!"

Tony said impatiently, Jarvis said no more, and started to activate Mark VII!

"Loki, it won't be long before our dreams come true!"

Tony poured himself a glass of wine and shouted excitedly to Loki, who asked, "My dream is to conquer the earth, what is your dream?"

"My dream is to be the most unique, showy, and charismatic person in the world!"

Tony laughed: "I'm going to destroy all the other armor. In this way, I'm the only one left in this world with armor. Iron Man, it should be unique."