Chapter 85 : Trap

Stark Building, with the continuous addition of the Chitauri, Ivan, and the others gradually fell into a disadvantage. Steve and others came at the right time!

Steve smashed a Chitauri with his shield and asked loudly, "Ivan, how do I close that thing above?"

"No way, pure energy cover, can't be broken!"

Ivan said: "Bert said something about how when the sky is falling, there was a tall person in it. I'll leave this matter to him. Come and help me, let's wake up this bitch Tony first! Natasha, Hawkeye, you guys help deal with the Chitauri!"


Natasha and Hawkeye nodded immediately, and Steve asked, "Are you sure you just woke up? I thought you wanted to kill him!"

"I did want to kill him, but I promised Pepper that I would keep him alive!"

Ivan said: "Thinking about it carefully, being his savior, and letting him owe me a lifetime of kindness is quite cool!"

"Your relationship is a bit messy!"

Steve shook his head and went to help Ivan deal with Tony together. Tony shouted: "An old antique, and a lunatic, you want to beat me just with these? Keep dreaming, I, Tony Stark, am invincible!"

Steve sighed: "You are not like Howard at all!"

At the same time, Bert drove back to Manhattan in his sports car. Seeing that the portal had just opened, he couldn't help but nod!

"The time is just right."

Bert was about to make his move. At this moment, accompanied by a burst of laughter that could be heard all over the city, the Tesseract shot a red beam of light downward. Then, the red energy swelled wildly on the ground and turned into a blood-red Gate!

This gate is composed of endless blood and skeletons. When it appeared, everyone in Manhattan shuddered. What was even more amazing was that the entire sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. Except for the Wormhole, all other places were shrouded in dark clouds, as if the end of the world had come!

"This is... the breath of hell?"

Bert was shocked. The laughter just now was Mephisto's laughter!

At this time, Loki's Scepter suddenly flew out of his control, and then a black gas flew out of the Scepter and turned into an old gentleman Mephisto!

"Who are you?"

Loki asked angrily, no wonder the Wormhole is so small, it turned out that the energy was stolen!

"Little boy, you don't deserve to know my name. If you want to deal with me, let Odin come!"

Mephisto smiled contemptuously and flew to the gate of Hell with the Scepter. Then, he moved towards the gate, the gate slammed open, the endless breath of Hell gushed out, and Mephisto's breath skyrocketed!

Mephisto laughed, and at the same time, a large number of monsters rushed out of the gates of Hell and roared excitedly in the land of Manhattan!

After hundreds of years, they finally set foot on the earth again!

"This is... a monster from Hell?"

The high-level human beings who are watching this were dumbfounded. The aliens have not been solved yet, and the monster from hell has run out again. What kind of trouble is this?

Nick Fury's mobile phone was about to explode: "Didn't we give you funds to defend against extraterritorial demons? Why did the monsters appear, and you S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't know anything about it in advance?"

Fury closed the phone silently. There is no explanation for this matter. He can't tell the council that he has transferred one-third of the money, right?

Fury sighed and said to Hill, who came over: "As far as possible, dispatch people to help."

"Manhattan Island is completely blocked, only the Air Force can enter!"

Hill said: "Also, the council wants you to attend the meeting!"

"A meeting at this time?"

Fury was a little dissatisfied, but he could only go in for the meeting obediently. He thought that the directors wanted to ask what was happening with these monsters of hell. Who knows, they wanted to launch a nuclear bomb!


At the same time, in a mysterious place, a woman with dark circles and ragged clothes suddenly got up and looked at the void in disbelief!

"The seal is shaking, what's going on?"

The woman sensed carefully and quickly guessed the truth: "It's the Space Stone, the Space Stone left by the old guy was activated, and a Space channel appeared between the earth and hell, so the seal would vibrate, haha, here's my chance to get out!"

This woman is the queen of Asgard and the Goddess of Death, Hela. Odin used his power to seal her in the satellite Space on earth, and left the Space Stone to strengthen the seal!

For thousands of years, this seal has been reinforced to the extreme by the Space Stone, This time, because of the Space Stone, there was a problem with the seal.

The Space Stone creates a Space passage connecting the World and Hell. The two powers of the same source, because they are too close, they resonate with each other, causing the seal to vibrate!

As long as the resonance continues, the seal will be broken, and Hela will have a chance to escape!

"I can't escape by myself, but it shouldn't be difficult to send a clone out!"

Hela immediately dug out her heart, turned it into a villain with a secret method, and anxiously waited for the flaw to appear!

Hela thought to herself: "No matter who is inspiring the Space Stone, you must persevere, Odin, I will pay back thousands of times for everything you have done to me!"

Next to the gate of hell, Mephisto laughed, and the monsters started to rush out


Bert's figure appeared next to a building with an extremely ugly expression. He had counted Loki's actions, but he had no idea that Mephisto would also intervene!

Movies are movies, the reality is reality, and Bosses, in reality, will not stay there and wait for the plot to happen, they are alive, and they will take action whenever they have the chance!

Bert gritted his teeth and thought: "In the future, I can't follow the plot anymore!"

Breathing out a breath, Bert instantly appeared behind the arrogant Tony Stark, then grabbed his head and activated his secret technique: Shake left and right!

In less than a second, Tony has shaken hundreds of times. When Bert let him go, he directly opened his visor and vomited without morality!

Steve stepped back in a hurry, and he looked at Bert in surprise. This Blood God is as powerful as the legend!

"Blood God is here!"

Ivan, Electro, and a large number of high-level officials watching the battle breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.!

When Tony finished vomiting, Bert asked him, "Are you awake?"

Tony swirled and said, "Can't you change the way? Besides, who will get me a bottle of water?"

"Go get it yourself!"

Bert said: "Tony, Ivan, you two find a way to solve the portal, even if you blow up the Stark Building, it doesn't matter!"

Ivan grinned and said, "I like this!"

"Hey, Bert, you're taking revenge!"

Tony said dissatisfiedly, Bert ignored him, turned into a Bloody light, and shot in the direction of the gate of hell!

"There's not much time, two great scientists, let's get started!"

Steve said, "Tony, stop your unmanned armors!"

"Stop now, Jarvis!"

Tony immediately gave the order, and then shouted to Hulk: "Big man, I have recovered, don't tear down my unmanned armor!"

Hulk blinked, and still smashed the unmanned battle armor in his hand against the wall.!

Tony gritted his teeth but didn't have time to think about it. He flew up and said, "Deal with Loki and the others first, madman, you go up with me, the others, go and help Bert deal with the monsters below!"

"Who do you think you are to give orders? Traitor!"

Ivan snorted and flew into the sky with all his might, while the others rushed to the gate of hell!

Leaving aside Tony and Ivan's actions for a while, Mephisto gave a grim smile when he saw Bert coming. He had prepared a feast for the Blood God!

At this moment, the Space in front of Mephisto suddenly shattered like glass. Mephisto snorted coldly and did not stop her. Although he was just a projection, with the Scepter of Mind Stone, he would not lose to Ancient One!

Looking at Ancient One wearing a yellow robe in front of him, Mephisto sneered: "Ancient One, we meet again!"

Ancient One shook her head: "I don't want to see you at all!"

"It's not up to you!"

Mephisto said: "Ancient One, your protection of the earth has ended. Next, the earth will become the hunting ground of Hell just like hundreds of years ago!"

"I won't allow it, the young man outside won't allow it, and the superheroes on Earth won't allow it either!"

Ancient One said: "Mephisto, you are doomed to fail because the earthlings will never yield!"

"I'll make them yield!"

Mephisto pointed to the blood light outside the Mirror Space and said, "The first one is the Blood God. I have specially prepared an opponent for him, A good opponent!"

At the gate of hell, Bert saw that Mephisto suddenly disappeared. He knew that it was Master Ancient One who took action, and he was relieved. He was just about to deal with those monsters.!

"Hello, I am the Labyrinth Demon. Lord Mephisto said he would trap you for 10,000 years until you surrender!"

A confident voice suddenly sounded: "There are not many people who can make Lord Mephisto so angry, I hope you can hold on for a little longer!"

"Labyrinth Demon?"

Bert snorted coldly and ran at full speed in the maze while making a mark, but to his surprise, the maze seemed to be endless. He ran for a full five minutes, and there were still new mazes around!

At Bert's speed, he could circle New York several times in five minutes!

"Your speed is very fast, but no matter how fast you are, it is only speed, and my ability is Space!"

The labyrinth demon said: "Space is higher than speed!"

"Then you haven't seen Real Speed before!"

Bert said disdainfully, real speed can surpass time and Space, but unfortunately, he can't reach it!

Bert thought for a while, turned the necklace into a spear, then destroyed the walls of the maze, and rushed forward!

Unfortunately, it is still useless, the maze is still endless!

The labyrinth demon sneered: "You don't understand the mystery of Space!"

Bert gritted his teeth and said, "Mephisto, you are well prepared. Since you want to play, I will play with you!"

Let's turn the time back a few minutes. Seeing Mephisto and the Blood God disappearing one after another, everyone was very surprised. However, they were very confident in Bert, so they didn't care much and concentrated on their own business!

Tony and Ivan flew to the top of the building with a group of unmanned battle armors. Here, Damon, and Wind Demon were fighting with Loki, Absorbing Man, and Peacemaker. Because of the addition of the Chitauri, Damon and the others are in a very bad situation. Completely downwind.

Upon seeing this, Tony and Ivan immediately sent unmanned armors to deal with the Chitauri, while they fell on the roof, ready to deal with Loki!

At this moment, a thunderlight flew up, but it was Thor who was long overdue. Although he was betrayed by Loki many times, he still did not change his original intention and said to Loki: "Loki, it is not too late to look back now, let's go together. Deal with the demons, and humanity will forgive you!"

Tony shouted: "No, I'm not going to forgive him, this guy, made me a big fool!"

Loki looked disdainful. If Thor didn't say those words, he might cooperate with humans, but since Thor said it, he will definitely refuse.

Anyway, whatever Thor does, he is against that, this is Loki!

"The Chitauri are not as weak as you think, everything is just the beginning!"

Loki raised his hands high, and a huge roar sounded from the Wormhole. Then, a huge Leviathan creature with a metal carapace was squeezed out of the Wormhole, like a whale swimming freely in the sky!

"Such a big monster?"

Everyone looked a little ugly, and Tony shouted: "The one who is on fire, go to the sky to contain that monster, and we will deal with Loki as soon as possible.

Thor, now is not the time for love between brothers, if this continues, the earth will be in danger! "

"I know, I'm going to contain that monster, and I'll leave Loki to you!"

Thor sighed, turned into thunder and rose into the sky, and fought against the Chitauri with the unmanned battle armor. Tony and the others did not talk nonsense, and immediately attacked Loki and the others.

Loki opened his hand and did not stop it at all. The next moment missiles passed through him and rumbled against the wall!

"A bunch of idiots!"

Loki's voice came from a distance, and everyone turned their heads to see him fleeing away on a flying motorcycle!

"How cunning!"

Ivan was about to chase when Tony shouted, "Don't waste your time, go and wake up Dr. Selvig, and let's study how to close the portal together!"

"Don't give orders, you traitor."

Ivan sneered, turned, and flew towards Dr. Selvig.

While dealing with the Absorbing Man, Tony said with contempt: "You are just a coward. When I was attacked, you ran away!"

Ivan sneered: "It is good that I didn't make up for it. Huh, blaming me., Blame yourself for being too weak."

Soon, Dr. Selvig was awakened by Ivan. The Peacemaker and Absorbing Man were also restrained by Damon and Wind demon, successfully cured by physical therapy!