Chapter 86 : Shou-Lao Appears

"Damn Loki, Damn Coulson!"

Rumlow, who was 'cured', scolded repeatedly, but luckily he didn't reveal his identity, otherwise, HYDRA would be in danger. He flew up and said, "I'll go down and help!"

Damon also said: "I'll go down with you! The threat of Hell monsters is much greater than that of aliens!"

After the two left, Wind Demon said to Absorbing Man: "Carl Creel, there are two ways, one, continue to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a prisoner, and the other, I will hire you on behalf of my boss, and you will work for him!"

Absorbing Man rebelliously asked: "Who is your boss?"

"Chairman of Oscorp and Blood God Group, the richest man in America!"

Wind Demon said: "These are your only choices.!"

"The richest man in America?"

Absorbing Man's eyes brightened, he asked, "Can he help me get all kinds of rare materials?"

Wind Demon said: "Of course, he can, Vibranium for example, he has it!"

"That's great, I'll follow him!"

Absorbing Man nodded, he thought of something, turned to look at Tony, and said with contempt, "Following him is better than following someone who can't even afford Vibranium!"

Tony almost vomited blood, can't I afford Vibranium, it only means there is no place to buy Vibranium, okay?

Does this count as being shot while lying down?

Tony scolded: "Those with low IQs, hurry up and don't affect our performance!"

Wind Demon cut a sound, rolled up Absorbing Man, and flew down, there is an urgent need for them at the Gate of Hell!

Because of Mephisto's calculations, the Gate of Hell is much larger than the space vortex in the sky, which leads to the number of Hell monsters far exceeding the Chitaruis!

Although the Hulk and the others are fighting hard, but because the number is too small, only a part of it is contained. Many monsters have rushed into Manhattan, and some citizens who have not had time to escape have unfortunately become food for the monsters!


Hulk roared and smashed at the minotaur in front of him. The minotaur resisted with his fists. With a bang, the ground under their feet burst!

Minotaur laughed and fought with the Hulk. He didn't fall behind at all. He was the commander of Mephisto!

Electro blasted an eight-legged monster with a super-electromagnetic cannon, and said while panting, "These monsters are much harder to deal with than aliens!"

Damon waved the chain of flames to set all the monsters on fire, and shouted: "We have to deal with it, Manhattan can only rely on us now!"

Natasha drove the Black Widow armor to harvest the life of the monster, and shouted through the communicator: "The portal must be closed as soon as possible, Tony, have you guys done it?"

"No, Dr. Selvig said, to stop the device, we must use the Scepter!"

Tony said irritably: "The Scepter disappeared with the previous monster, and now I don't know where it is!"

Steve asked, "Is there no other way? Like, destroy the Stark Tower?"

"Why do you all want to destroy my Stark Building? Did it provoke you?"

Tony shouted unhappily, Ivan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and bombed the platform on the roof of the Stark Building directly, bang bang, the platform broke and fell towards the bottom!

But to everyone's disappointment, the portal instrument floated in the air and was completely unaffected!

Ivan shook his head: "It doesn't seem to work."

"I said before that it can't be done, can you use your brain before you blow up?"

Tony groaned, grabbing Dr. Selvig just in time to keep him from falling.

"Practice brings true knowledge! Unfortunately, the firepower is not enough, otherwise, I will directly bomb the Stark Industries!"

As Ivan flew into the sky, he said, "Thor can't stop it, I'll go up and help!"

Tony sent Dr. Selvig to the bar and followed him. What did he think of and asked, "By the way, what happened to your Oscorp, only ten unmanned armors?"

"You still have the nerve to ask?"

Ivan said angrily: "Who blew up the battle armor manufacturing base so that those unmanned battle armors couldn't fly out?"

Tony was a little embarrassed when he remembered what happened before. He snorted coldly: "Who made your defense so bad?"

Ivan snorted coldly: "Although your mouth is hard, Bert will settle the account with you. By the way, you have killed several pilots before. When the war is over, the military will not let you go!"

Tony had a headache. He said, "I was being controlled. The one who is being controlled is not responsible for anything!"

"Hope the military and Bert will accept your explanation!"

While bickering, the two joined forces to fight against the Chitauris, but as more and more biochemical soldiers and Leviathan beasts poured in, the situation gradually began to get bad!


T'Challa, Prince of Wakanda was watching the battle in Manhattan with a group of elders via satellite. Prince T'Challa, who had just been recalled, couldn't help but said, "I think we should send troops to support America!"

An elder said very disappointedly: "Send troops to support the United States? Did you forget that they are preparing to invade us?"

The other elders also looked at T'Challa with dissatisfaction. T'Challa said bravely: "Helping at this time, not only can morality stand on our side, but also take the opportunity to show our strength and eliminate the scourge of war!"

"Joke, Wakanda doesn't have the tradition of being slapped on the left cheek and showing the right cheek!"

"Yes, Wakanda will not help the enemy!"

"When America's Fifth Fleet launches an attack, they will naturally know our strength!"

"Even if we help America, they won't stop invading us, T'Challa, you are so naive!"

The elders were unanimous in disapproval. T'Chaka coughed and said, "Keep watching, that's America's business, and it has nothing to do with us!"

The elders nodded one after another, and T'Challa couldn't help but sigh. In this case, the war would be unavoidable!


"Time is on my side!"

In the mirror space, Mephisto said proudly: "You are restrained by me, the Blood God is trapped by the Labyrinth demon, without you, humans can't stop the Hell monsters and the Chitauris, and it won't be long before Manhattan will be in ruins, and this is just the beginning!"

Ancient One said with an unchanged expression: "I have confidence in the Blood god! The labyrinth demon can't stop him.!"

"The Labyrinth demon can't stop him?"

Mephisto laughed: "Of course, a labyrinth demon can't stop him, but I have sent ten labyrinth demons, Ancient One, I, Mephisto, will not fall in the same pit twice! "

"Ten labyrinth demons?"

Ancient One was a little surprised, and then shook her head: "So what? Even ten labyrinth demons can't stop him!"

"You have that much confidence in him?"

Mephisto snorted coldly, and he said, "If that's the case, I'll give you another big gift! Today, I have everything ready. Even if humans send nuclear bombs, I can stop them!"

Accompanied by Mephisto's voice, a huge fire rushed out from the Gate of Hell, even Damon was startled and quickly retreated!

The fire flew up and kept expanding, and the surrounding office buildings quickly burned. In the blink of an eye, there were several huge torches in Manhattan, which was amazing!

Immediately afterward, the fire spread its wings in the air, and it was a huge Hell Fire Crow. It laughed loudly, and a large number of small fire Crows flew out of its wings, croaking and flying in all directions.

While flying, these little Crows fired small fireballs downward, and the fireballs bombarded the buildings and streets like grenades!

In just a short period, the surroundings were plunged into a sea of ​​fire!

"Can't let these Crows go, stop them!"

Damon was shocked and hurriedly flew into the sky. At this moment, a chain suddenly wrapped around his feet, pulled him down from the sky, and hit the ground with a bang!

What attacked Damon was a monster covered in chains, and it said hideously: "Ghost Rider, Lord Mephisto told me to say hello to you!"

While speaking, the chain monster controlled more than a dozen spiked chains to stab Damon fiercely. Damon shouted, fired a missile at the chain monster, then turned over and cut off the chain that was entangled in his feet with a sword.

When Damon fought the chain monster, the Peacemaker, Black Widow, Steve, and other flying superheroes flew into the sky, and Ivan and Tony rushed to help!

These little fire Crows are just like bombers. If they go to the dock area or the bridge area, the consequences will be disastrous!

"The sky belongs to me!"

The Hellfire Crow swung its wings vigorously, and the flaming feathers and arrows were densely packed, shooting the superheroes flying into the sky overwhelmingly.

The superheroes hurriedly evaded and counterattacked, but the rockets were so dense that even they were beaten so badly that they even had to retreat to the ground!

The monsters rushed over immediately and entangled everyone so that they could not stop those little Crows!

Without the obstruction of superheroes, Little Fire Crows bombed all across Manhattan. In just a short period, half of Manhattan fell into a sea of ​​fire. I don't know how many innocent citizens were killed and burned!

To make matters worse, a group of little fire Crows found a large number of humans in the dock area and flew over excitedly!

Seeing this, Danny Rand, who was working with the police and soldiers to stop the monsters and buy time for the citizens to escape, shouted in despair, "It's over!"


Daredevil yelled unwillingly, but he couldn't do anything at all, because he couldn't fly!

Even superheroes are like this, not to mention ordinary people. Many soldiers are frantically shooting into the sky, but it is useless at all, and the range is not enough!

"Hahaha, blow up this place, I like this place, and in the future, it will be mine!"

The Hellfire Crow laughed in the air, the breath of death, the breath of the soul, it was so intoxicating!

At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly resounded throughout Manhattan: "Yours? Have you asked me?"

With this sound, a thousand-meter-long fiery red dragon appeared out of thin air over Manhattan. It was just a phantom at first, but it solidified immediately, like a real dragon soaring in the sky!

Immediately afterward, the fiery red dragon flapped its wings almost covering the sky, and uttered a dragon roar that shook the entire Manhattan.

The sky is the territory of the dragon!

The danger in the dock area is instantly lifted!


Unlike the last time when others couldn't see the dragon, this time, everyone saw the dragon appear with their own eyes. They were shocked and inexplicable. In the world, there is such a noble, sacred, and powerful dragon?

Some native Manhattanites looked at the dragon in the sky and, for some unknown reason, suddenly burst into tears of joy, as if they had seen their relatives who had been protecting them.

"Where did this dragon come from?"

Tony was shocked for a while, Ivan glanced at Shou-Lao, pointed to the badge of the Oscorp, and asked, "Don't you think it looks very similar to this?"

"Is this what Bert summoned?"

Tony was stunned, that guy is too terrifying, can such a dragon be summoned?

"I am the king of the sky!"

Seeing that his subordinates did not dare to lift into the air, the Hellfire Crow was so angry that he immediately rushed towards the dragon. Before the Crow arrived, the dense fireballs had already whistled!

"In front of me, who gave you the courage to be king?"

Shou-Lao smiled disdainfully and swept over with a tail, and whether it was the fireball or the fire Crow, all were swept away.

The Hellfire Crow slammed into a building, almost breaking it. It flapped its wings and flew up, shouting in disbelief, "How can you be so powerful?"

"How can the power that Manhattan has accumulated over thousands of years not be strong?"

Shou-Lao didn't bother to answer the Hellfire Crow at all. It opened its mouth and sucked hard, and the surrounding flames poured into his mouth.

Then, the dragon spewed an overwhelming dragon fire towards the Gate of Hell below, and the monsters near the Gate of Hell instantly disappeared- they were directly burned to ashes by the dragon fire!

However, there is no damage to the Gate of Hell. It does not know what material it is made of, and it is not afraid of dragon fire at all!

"Be careful, don't burn us!"

Natasha hurriedly retreated, and the Hulk and Tauren(Minotaur), Damon and the chain monsters were also hurriedly moved from the battlefield, that guy in the sky is too dangerous!

Shou-Lao's dragon eyes stared at the Gate of Hell, searching for the location of the labyrinth demon: "It didn't burn out, where is the body of the labyrinth demon? Maybe it's not in this world, that would be troublesome!"

Seeing Shou-Lao completely ignoring him, the Fire Crow was furious and turned into a huge fireball and slammed into the Shou-Lao. Shou-Lao snorted coldly, and his mouth suddenly became larger, as if swallowing the heaven and earth, he swallowed the Hellfire Crow.!

After a while, Shou-Lao spit out a ball of fire and said, "Crispy, chicken flavor!"

Seeing the Hellfire Crow being swallowed directly, the monsters were terrified and quickly fled to the area away from the Dragon. Those little fire Crows on the ground were also like chickens, madly fleeing!

"This dragon is too strong, isn't it? I didn't expect such a strong thing in Manhattan!"

Coulson exclaimed: "This time, we are safe!"

"Iron Fist, he is Iron Fist!"

Danny smiled wryly, the other party was stronger than last time!

"Iron Fist? Iron Fist like you?"

Coulson was stunned, and he asked, "Danny, isn't that impossible? the gap between you and him is similar to the gap between heaven and earth!"

"Although it is unbelievable, he is indeed the same Iron Fist as me!"

Danny said bitterly: "Even if there are a hundred of me, I can't beat one of him!"

At this time, an old lady and a young woman came over tremblingly with a cane, she said as she walked, "If I were you, I would give up the identity of the Iron Fist, in front of him, you are not qualified to be the Iron Fist!"