Chapter 87 : Sweep the Hell Monsters

Danny was taken aback by the old lady's words and asked, "Who are you?"

At this time, a few little raging crows happened to run towards this side, and a soldier hurriedly shouted: "Old lady, be careful, monsters are coming!"


The old lady turned her head to look at the little raging crows, stretched out her hand, pinched it in the air, and several little raging crows exploded directly and died tragically on the spot!

The soldiers were stunned, this old lady has special abilities.


Danny was taken aback, the other party's Chi was very strong, even stronger than him!

"Danny Rand, consider my advice!"

Madame Gao glanced at Danny and said nothing more. Then, she turned to look at the commander and said, "The Boss has allowed me to come out and let me do my part for Manhattan. Let me help you guard this place together!"

"That's great, old lady, Thank you!"

The commander is overjoyed, the more superpowers, the better. What did he think of? He called the headquarters and said, "Transfer all the superheroes to the front line, don't let them help people in the back, they are needed more here now!"

Chief George nodded: "Okay, I'll let Spider-Man and the others go there!"

'Are you telling me to give up the title of Iron Fist? That compared to the one in the sky, I'm nothing!'

Danny was a little confused. At this time, he noticed Colleen Wing behind Madame Gao, his eyes lit up, and he stepped forward and asked: "Do you remember me? We met on the street when you were posting an Admissions advertisement!"

"I don't recognize you!"

Colleen said coldly: "Also, now is the time to fight, please don't leave your post without permission!"

Danny was stunned and wanted to say something, but saw Colleen staring at the Dragon in the sky, her eyes full of admiration and love!

Danny knew that the other party already belonged to him, and what was even worse was that he would never catch up with that person in his entire life.

Seeing Danny in a daze, Coulson hurriedly pulled him back and said, "Danny, now is not the time to strike up a conversation!"

"I see!"

Danny said in a low mood, perhaps, from the beginning, he shouldn't have left Kun-lun behind and returned to New York!

Leaving this aside for a while, after swallowing the Fire Crow, Shou-Lao's gaze locked on the pattern above the gate of Hell, where there were ten distinctive skeletons.

The other skeletons on the gate of Hell were not identical, only these ten, they looked almost the same, and their bodies are very square, like a table!

"No wonder I can't get out no matter how I run. It turns out that there are ten Labyrinth demons, Mephisto, you look down on me too much, right?"

The Dragon snorted coldly, and a mouthful of Dragon fire spit out above the gate of Hell. The ten Labyrinth demons wanted to escape, but it was too late, and they turned to ashes on the spot.

Immediately afterward, the void twisted, and Bert appeared in front of the gate of Hell!

"Mephisto, you pissed me off!"

Bert turned his neck, his body flashed with fire, a set of cool scarlet armor appeared on him, and the cloak behind him fluttered in the wind, like a burning flame!

Immediately afterward, Bert's spear stabbed and retracted, dozens of holes appeared in the chain monster that was fighting against Damon, and the chain monster turned into ashes with thick disbelief!


Damon shouted, and the whole person relaxed, with Bert present, everything is not a problem!

"Damon, go and demonize the giant beast in the sky. It is half-biological and half-mechanical. You should be able to demonize it."

Bert said: "Tony, Ivan, and others, you focus on dealing with the Chitauris. Leave the Hell monsters to me, I will solve it."


Everyone nodded and didn't talk nonsense. If Bert said that he could solve it, it would be solved.

When everyone flew into the sky, Bert turned into a fire and quickly moved around the city like a shadow. Wherever he passed, all the monsters were drained of blood and turned into ashes.

"What just happened?"

A beauty who was about to die at the mouth of the monster looked at the monster that stopped in front of her and suddenly turned into ashes with a stunned expression. At this time, she noticed the distant flame and hurriedly shouted: "Thank you, I am Skye. I will repay you!"

Skye shook her head, she thought of something and sighed secretly: "I don't know where Coulson went, and he doesn't answer the phone. I always feel that the people around me often have accidents."

On the street, in the building, at the subway gate... With a flash of fire, the monsters disappeared quickly. In less than ten minutes, all the monsters that ran out before were eliminated, and the new monsters that came out of the gate of Hell, just when they appeared, they were burned to ashes by Dragon fire.

The Tauren (Minotaur) who fought against Hulk was also easily resolved by Bert. Hulk was very dissatisfied and bared his teeth at Bert!

Bert glanced at Hulk lightly, and Hulk instantly admitted his cowardice and jumped on the glider to deal with the Chitauri people in the sky.

Bert stopped at the Hell's Gate, stood there with his spear, and waved to the inside: "Come out, you come out! I haven't killed enough!"

The gate of Hell was dead silent, no monsters came out, what a joke, they are monsters, not idiots, they knew if they come out, they will die. They are not that stupid!

"A bunch of rubbish, Mephisto, your monsters are just like you, they're all rubbish!"

Bert laughed. Everyone who saw this scene was amazed. They knew that the Blood God was powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful that monsters would not dare to come out from Hell.

'What a mighty force this is!' Absorbing Man exclaimed: "No wonder Tony Stark is so afraid of him, this thigh must be hugged!"

"With the Blood God, we can rest assured!"

President Ellis laughed, and he said to Senator Stern: "Call Congressman Malick and ask him to veto the Council's plan to drop a nuclear bomb. With the Blood God, there is no need for the nuclear bomb, that's Manhattan!"

'You also shouted to throw nuclear bombs before, didn't you?'

Senator Stern secretly complained, got up, and went out to call Congressman Malick. He pretended to talk for a while, and then quietly asked: "Why are you against dropping the nuclear bomb? Wouldn't it be better to blow up all those freaks?"

"Are you sure that a nuclear bomb can kill the Blood God?" Congressman Malick sneered: "If he's not dead, do you think he'll let the guy who threw a nuke on his head go?"

"Certainly not!"

Senator Stern smiled awkwardly and said, "Malick, will he affect our plan?"

"Don't worry!"

Congressman Malick put down the phone and sneered. Dropping a nuclear bomb, What a joke? If Oscorp is gone, who will help him build the spaceship? Who will help him bring his God back?


Thinking of Bert's performance before, Congressman Malick's eyes flickered slightly, and then he returned to the council's video conference!

Congressman Malick solemnly said to the other four Chiefs: "America will never allow anyone to bomb Manhattan with a nuclear bomb!"

Seeing this, the other Chiefs could only give up this wonderful plan. Nick Fury secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned. The Blood God is getting stronger and stronger. If one day he wants to rule mankind, how could S.H.I.E.L.D. stop him?

In Wakanda, the King and the elders looked at the extremely mighty figure, frowning. They are not afraid of America, but this Blood God, it's troublesome!

Prince T'Challa has a look of admiration, and the thoughts in his mind can be described in one sentence - Man, it should be like this!

In the mirror space, Ancient One asked Mephisto with a smile on her face: "Mr. Mephisto, who is accurate and good at everything, why don't you continue to use your methods? If this continues, the morale of Hell will be gone! "

Mephisto's face was black. He gritted his teeth and asked, "What happened to that Dragon? Why did the Blood God suddenly summon a Dragon?"

Ancient One said, "Blood God, isn't it normal to have a Dragon?"

'This is normal?' Mephisto snorted coldly, he calculated everything, but he didn't count the Dragon, but now is not the time to admit defeat!

"As long as the Scepter is still in my hand, I will not lose!"

Mephisto turned the Scepter toward the outside, and the gate of Hell shrank rapidly. At the same time, the Wormhole in the sky suddenly became larger. The Chitauris were overjoyed and immediately sent more troops to attack the earth!

Mephisto said: "Let the Chitauris be a wave of cannon fodder first, and wait until I solve you, then I'll deal with the Blood God slowly!"

"If you came here in real form, you might be able to win against me with the help of the Mind Gem, but let's forget about that, with just your projection!" Ancient One shook her head.

"If you were in your prime, I really can't deal with you, but Ancient One, do you think I didn't find out? You are entangled in other things, and now you don't even have half of your strength!"

Mephisto sneered: "That's why you focus on cultivating the Blood God and let him take your responsibilities, isn't it?"

Ancient One said lightly, "Maybe!"

"Then let me see how much skill you have now!"

Mephisto waved his Scepter towards Ancient One. The battle between the Hell Demon and the Sorcerer Supreme officially began!

Outside Hell's gate. Bert looked at the gate of Hell that became smaller and frowned, what the hell happened?

After thinking about it, Bert waved the Vibranium spear and quickly slashed the gate of Hell, but as expected, even the Vibranium spear could not destroy the gate of Hell.

"I hate this broken door!"

Bert scolded and waved away the Dragon behind him. The Dragon is indeed very powerful, but it consumes too much, so it must be used sparingly!

The disappearance of the Dragon's soul made many people feel lost as if they have lost their support!

In the sky, while dealing with the Chitauri, Tony asked Bert with a communicator: "Bert, where is the Scepter? Only the Scepter can close the portal!"

"Wait a minute, Mephisto is not as easy to deal with as Loki!"

Bert shook his head and said, "Hey, it would be great if the opponent was Loki! I can easily crush him no matter what he does!"

Loki, who was hiding in the dark, gritted his teeth secretly.

At this moment, a circle of sparks appeared in front of Bert, and then Wong came out in a hurry and said, "Blood God, the master asked me to tell you, she will give you the Scepter as soon as possible, And you should guard the Hell's Gate, don't leave quickly!"

Bert asked, "Why?"

Wong said: "There may be Mephisto's backhand in the gate of Hell. You must keep an eye on it until it closes!"

"I see!"

Bert nodded immediately, Ancient One can foresee the future, if she said that there is a backhand, then there must be a backhand!

In addition, I just swallowed the blood of so many monsters, which was just digested — it has been proved by experiments that swallowing monsters can also increase the number of lives. Bert wouldn't waste that, so he added tens of thousands of lives!

Seeing that Wong was in a hurry to leave, Bert asked, "Wong, why don't you show up to help?"

"There's no time. The defense net of the three major temples is full of loopholes due to the impact of the Tesseract. Now there are Hell monsters and other exotic monsters in many places on the earth, and we are trying our best to solve them!"

Wong said, "Damn Mephisto, he's looking for trouble!"

"I see!"

Bert nodded, grabbed Wong, and said, "Don't rush to go, pick up three people for me, it will be less than a minute!"


Wong hesitated a bit, but Bert said, "This is not a worldly thing, this is fighting against aliens and Hell monsters!"

Wong gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay, I'll pick them up!"

Bert asked Frank to open the video, and Wong opened the portal according to the scene in the video!

Looking at the aperture in front of him, Frank was a little confused. Bert walked through the aperture and shouted, "Frank, come in quickly, there is no time to waste now!"


When he saw Bert, Frank was determined, and immediately rushed into the aperture with War Abomination, followed by War Machine!

"Blood God, I'm leaving first!"

Wong returned to his aperture, and when he turned his hand, both apertures disappeared at the same time.

Frank asked in shock: "Bert, what kind of technology is this, isn't it awesome? It sent us back to New York in one fell swoop!"

"It's magic!"

Bert pointed to the sky and said, "No time for nonsense, you three hurry up, we've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"We also waited a long time!"

Frank didn't waste more time and soared into the sky with War Abomination and War Machine. Joining the fray!

"This is unscientific!"

Tony shouted to Ivan: "Madman, what happened just now? Why did Frank and the others suddenly appear in New York? A few seconds ago, they were still in the Atlantic!"

"That's magic, turtle!"

Ivan sneered, led a Leviathan beast to rush towards War Abomination, and shouted excitedly: "Hack him, Abomination."

War Abomination roared, and an axe slammed into Leviathan's neck. The indestructible Vibranium axe directly slashed Leviathan's neck in half, It screamed and fell!


The fallen Leviathan directly smashed several shops into ruins!

"Well done, Abomination!"

Ivan laughed, and at this moment, three Leviathan beasts swam out of the sky. Ivan scolded and hurried up to contain them!

"Hulk, attack!"

Hulk jumped on the back of a Leviathan excitedly and smashed it for a while. The Leviathan beast wailed and fell. Even with its thick skin, it couldn't stop Hulk's fist.

"I never thought that I'd fight aliens in Manhattan! Isn't this scope of work for a personal bodyguard too big?"

While shooting frantically with the Vulcan cannon, Frank scolded: "A bunch of pussies, come on, try my Vulcan cannon!"

"Frank, it's sexist!"

As Natasha spoke, she used a dagger to kill two Chitauri soldiers, and then controlled the airship to ram it toward the other airships!