Chapter 97 : New King of Wakanda

T'Challa didn't talk more, holding the shield, stabbed Erik's shoulder with the sword, Erik blocked T'Challa's long sword with a machete, and then swept his left leg, T'Challa fell into the water!

"Your intent is too obvious!" Erik said.

He has 10% of Bert's soul power, and his sense of power far exceeds that of ordinary people.

T'Challa didn't give up, got up, and continued to fight. Erik snorted coldly and attacked him fiercely. In just a few rounds, T'Challa's shield was knocked into the water by Erik.

Erik yelled, "You know what? I've been preparing for this battle my whole life!"

"I don't care, I just want to protect Wakanda!"

T'Challa yelled and attacked again. Erik blocked a few times and found that his opponent's strength is growing!

"That old guy cheated!"

Erik scolded angrily and attacked with all his strength, the attacks were extremely fierce, and T'Challa kept retreating.

Seeing this, T'Chaka above couldn't help but sigh. Although he knew that T'Challa was not Erik's opponent, he didn't expect that the gap would be so big!

Fortunately, he had already made preparations. The antidote Zuri gave T'Challa was incomplete. As the battle progressed, T'Challa would gradually restore the power of the Black Panther!

Mortals can't beat Erik, but Black Panther certainly can!

'Erik hates us to the core and will try to torture T'Challa. T'Challa has enough time to regain his strength!'

T'Chaka thought to himself, at this moment, Erik knocked T'Challa into the water, then put the machete across his neck, and shouted: "Surrender, otherwise die!"

T'Chaka almost fell, what about torture? Why did it end suddenly?


T'Chaka scolded and squeezed the bead in his hand, which means that the action has begun!

"Blood God, I'm sorry."

Shuri gritted her teeth, pressed the button, and the stone behind Bert turned into a sophisticated instrument out of thin air. Then, a powerful sound wave enveloped Bert, making him unable to move!

This instrument is somewhat similar in function to the sonic cannon but more powerful!

This is not over yet. Four Royal Talon Fighters appeared in the sky out of thin air, and they fired energy cannons toward Bert's position, booming red, a lot of flames and black smoke emerged from the position of the Blood God, and the whole mountain was shaking!

Everyone ran out in panic, what was going on?


T'Chaka was overjoyed, even the Blood God couldn't stop the bombardment of the energy cannon!


T'Challa shouted in disbelief, and Erik sneered: "Your family is shameless!"

T'Challa was speechless. Couldn't help but ask Erik, "Aren't you worried about your master?"

"A mere energy cannon, you want to stop him with that?" Erik sneered: "You should start thinking about, how to calm his anger?"

Before Erik could finish speaking, Bert's figure appeared beside the sonic instrument.

Immediately afterward, Bert turned into a Bloody shadow and rushed toward T'Chaka!

"Stop him!"

T'Chaka was furious, quickly equipped the black panther helmet, and shouted, Okoye immediately led the Dora Milaje to raise the spear and shoot frantically at the rushing Bert!

Unfortunately, all these energy shots were easily avoided by Bert. With a big wave of his hand, all the Guards flew backward screaming.

T'Chaka wanted to run, but with a flash of blood, Bert came to him, grabbed him by the neck, and lifted him high!

T'Chaka immediately grabbed Bert's arm with his claws, Bert snorted coldly and slammed him into the ground with a loud bang.

Next, Bert stepped on T'Chaka's chest and forcibly took off his hood — at present, Princess Shuri has not yet developed a nano panther suit!

"King T'Chaka, you pissed me off!"

Looking at T'Chaka who was still struggling, Bert said coldly, "Since you want to die, and you Wakanda want to die, then I will fulfill your wish!"


T'Challa and Shuri hurriedly shouted, Bert ignored it, and at this moment, Erik also shouted: "Master, please wait!"

Bert turned his head and asked, "Erik, do you want to kill him yourself?"

Erik said: "Master, I am the new King of Wakanda, please leave this matter to me!"

T'Challa knelt on one knee toward Erik and said loudly, "Erik, as long as you let Baba go, I am willing to honor you as King!"

"I am the King, this time, I won!"

Erik said loudly: "Milaje Guards, as the new King, I order you to retreat!"

Okoye and others hesitated. At this moment, an elder roared: "Go back, do you want to destroy traditions like T'Chaka?"

Another elder also shouted angrily: "T'Chaka, you are guilty!"

Okoye sighed and led the Dora Milaje to retreat. The elder of the merchant tribe said to Erik: "N'Jadaka, you will handle this!"

"Okay!" Erik nodded and shouted to Bert, "Master!"

Bert snorted, grabbed T'Chaka, and threw him at Erik's feet. Erik looked at T'Chaka and said slowly, "I've hated you since I was a child. To be honest, I hate you more now. I'd love to kill you, but I can't, because I'm the King and I should focus on Wakanda!"

T'Chaka looked at Erik in surprise, he was completely different from the murderer in the data!

"T'Chaka, you murdered your brother, destroyed traditions, and committed several major crimes. Now, in the name of the King of Wakanda, I will expel you from Wakanda!"

Erik shouted: "You will be completely removed from Wakanda, and you will never be able to return to Wakanda!"

Both T'Challa and Shuri breathed a sigh of relief, this was the lightest punishment!

T'Chaka got up, looked at Erik with complicated eyes, and lowered his head: "It was my fault, I am willing to accept the punishment!"

"N'Jadaka, you are a benevolent King, and Wakanda is lucky to have you!"

The elders were also very satisfied, and they saluted: "Your Majesty the King!"

"Your Majesty the King!"

Okoye led the Milaje Guards to kneel in front of Erik, the Dora Milaje, only to serve the King!

Erik raised his machete high and shouted, "Wakanda Forever!"

This is a phrase in English, but for some reason, when they heard this sentence, all Wakanda people felt their blood boil and couldn't help shouting: "Wakanda Forever!"

Since then, Wakanda has changed!


In the palace, T'Challa and Shuri came to say goodbye: "Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness, we will leave with Baba!"

"I didn't expel you!" Erik said: "T'Challa, Shuri, I hope you stay, Wakanda needs you!"

To be precise, Shuri is a super genius. Most of the reason why Bert showed mercy to T'Chaka is because of Shuri!

T'Challa hesitated, then shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I need to take care of Baba!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Erik waved his hand and said, "We will soon have peace talks with the United States. At that time, Wakanda will set up an embassy in New York. I want you to be an ambassador. On the other hand, help other black people!"

"New York Ambassador?"

T'Challa's eyes lit up, he likes New York very much!

T'Challa nodded: "Your Majesty, I am willing to accept this position!"

"Shuri, how about you?"

Erik turned his head to look at Shuri and said, "Wakanda can't improve without you, when it comes to technical exchanges, You are compared to Tony Stark and Ivan Vanko!"

"Tony Stark, Ivan Vanko?"

Shuri's eyes brightened, and she immediately said: "Your Majesty, I am willing to stay and continue to develop technology!"

Shuri said proudly: "I'm currently researching the nano panther suit. When that time comes, the panther suit will no longer have the disadvantage of a helmet!"

"Continue your research!"

Erik nodded and said to T'Challa: "By the way, T'Challa, I license you to take Heart-Shaped Herb. New York is too dangerous for ordinary people!"

T'Challa asked hesitantly, "Is that bad?"

"It's not bad, times have changed, and many things have to be changed!"

Erik said: "The next goal of Wakanda is to become the sixth permanent member of the United Nations. Only in this way can we help black people better!"

"Sixth member? Your Majesty, this is a good idea!"

T'Challa breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Erik did not intend to start a war.

Erik said: "It's not easy, but I'll try to do it!"

"We will support you!"

T'Challa nodded respectfully, and said to Erik: "Your Majesty, I want to see the Blood God and apologize to him!"

"Master is resting in the back, you can see him at any time."

Erik said: "Don't worry, he is not angry, I promised to compensate him with Vibranium. Speaking of which, T'Challa, you have more than 10,000 tons of Vibranium? And you keep them in the warehouse all the time?"

T'Challa smiled bitterly: "This is the tradition of Wakanda!"


Erik shook his head, motioning T'Challa and Shuri to go to the back!

After a while, Bert, who had dealt with T'Challa and Shuri, walked in and said, "Everything is going well, Wakanda is ours."

Erik said: "My personality has changed so much that T'Chaka will doubt it!"

"Then let him be suspicious, the big deal is the DNA test!"

Bert sneered. He touched his chin and asked, "Speaking of which, am I the richest man in Marvel now?"

"It must be counted on earth, that's more than 10,000 tons of Vibranium!"

Erik said, "However, we still have one more level to pass, Panther Goddess Bast!"

"She has never appeared, there should be no problem!"

Bert thought for a while and said, "However, just in case, you still don't consume Heart-Shaped Herbs!"

Erik nodded: "Okay. Anyway, there are many other ways to improve the strength!"


The next day, Erik 'consumed' the Heart-Shaped Herb. Bert came to watch it in person just in case.

"It should be fine."

Just when Bert was thinking like this, his soul suddenly flew away from his body uncontrollably, and then the surroundings changed, from the house to the prairie!

Bert looked confused, he said, "Did I make a mistake, I didn't drink the Heart-Shaped Herb?"

"In Wakanda, I can take anyone's soul, because Wakanda is my domain!"

An elegant Black Panther appeared in front of Bert, and said slowly, she is the Goddess of Wakanda, The Panther Goddess, Bast!

Bert asked cautiously, "Are you here to deal with me?"

"If I wanted to deal with you, I would have done it already, why would I have to wait until now?"

Bast said: "However, Blood God, you are really brave, you dare to occupy the magpie's nest and turn Erik into a clone to occupy the throne of Wakanda?"

"It's all about the big picture!"

Bert said: "Panther Goddess, I have done very restraint, everything is done according to your tradition, as for Erik, I believe that the fake Erik is ten thousand times better than the real one. , will only make Wakanda better!"

"You are indeed very restrained, even T'Chaka is not dead!"

Bast didn't deny it, she said: "If it wasn't so, I wouldn't stand by, hum, if you dared to kill in Wakanda, even if you're with the Ancient One, I won't let you walk out alive of Wakanda!"

Bert asked curiously, "Do you know the Ancient One?"

Bast lay lazily on the grass and said, "Of course, I know. She planned to drive me away back then, but I didn't want to leave, so she could only give up!"

Bert was amazed: "Is it still possible?"

"Of course!"

Bast seemed very proud, but she didn't specifically say why she didn't go. She yawned and said, "No nonsense, I allow you to be the King of Wakanda, but I have a few conditions!"

Bert stretched out his hand and said, "Please speak!"

"First, this throne, you must return it to the descendants of T'Chaka in the future!" Bast said: "That is to say, you can't pass the throne to your's or Erik's descendants!"

"Yes, Erik will have no descendants!"

Bert directly agreed, what descendants do the clones want?

"Secondly, save some of the Vibranium, don't think that if you are the King, Vibranium is all yours." Bast said: "A few tons can be negotiated, more will not work! "

Bert was speechless. The Wakanda people, from Panther Goddess to commoners, were all misers. He said, "Don't worry, I won't use too much. My goal at the beginning was to make T'Chaka sell it to the outside world every year. At the least Hundreds of kilograms of Vibranium!"

This time it was Bast's turn to be speechless. It was only a hundred kilograms. Even if it was sold for decades, it would be a drop in the bucket for Wakanda!

"It's a shame that he lost his throne!"

Bast shook her head: "I won't say more about the rest. You are with the Ancient One, and you do things in a measured way. The last condition is to settle the anger of the previous Kings of Wakanda!"

Bert was stunned: "The anger of the previous Kings?"

"Yes, you stole the throne from their descendants, and naturally you have to pass their level!"

Accompanied by this voice, hundreds of Black Panthers in Black Panther suits appeared in front of Bert at the same time, these are the previous Kings of Wakanda!