Chapter 98 : S.W.O.R.D.

These hundreds of former Kings looked at Bert with rather unkind eyes. Bert shrugged and asked Bast: "Wakanda people will come to you after they die. The population of your place, uh, Or in other words, why hasn't it exploded yet?"

Bast was speechless, she yawned again, and said, "You better deal with these late Kings first!"

Bert asked the former Kings, "How can I quell your anger?"

An old King said: "It's very simple, defeat us!"

Bert pointed to the previous Kings and asked, "You, that is to say, you will all fight together?"


The first King said: "If you win us, you can take the Wakanda throne, but if you lose, you and Erik must leave Wakanda!"


Bert did not object, he said: "Although I am weak now, it should not be difficult to win against you all!"

All the former Kings snorted coldly, but Bast laughed: "Blood God, I like your arrogance, in my name, the arena is here!"

With Bast's voice, a giant arena appeared out of thin air. Immediately afterward, the bodies of Bert and the previous Kings quickly solidified, as if they were real!

"In the arena, everything is the same as reality!" Bast said.

"Same? That's easier!"

Bert smiled, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of a former King, reaching out to grab his hood, but to his astonishment, the other's hood could not be taken off!

The former King kicked Bert with one kick, but only hit the phantom. Bert said to Bast in dissatisfaction, "Isn't it the same? Why can't it be taken down?"

"It's the same!"

A former King said: "However, the black panther suits on us are specially made and sealed together, and only with special equipment can it be taken off."

"You Wakanda, you like to cheat!"

Bert said angrily: "Forget it, since you want to play, I will play with you!"

"Then let's have fun!"

Hundreds of black panthers rushed over in unison, they were invulnerable, and with so many people, there was no reason why they couldn't defeat a weak Blood God!

Bert sneered, and with a sway of his body, he brought a black panther into the sky. Then, he activated his secret technique: Shake 'em left and right!

In one second, the black panther has shaken hundreds of times. When Bert let him go, he fell to the ground and vomited wildly. The problem was that he was wearing a mask, and this mask could not be taken off!

So, the poor black panther was stunned by his vomit!

"Sure enough, let's continue!"

Bert said with a smile on his face, all the black panthers took a step back together, it was nothing to be knocked down, but it was too disgusting to be fainted by their vomit, right? Thinking about it makes them vomit!

Bert was about to take another shot when one of the former Kings raised his hand and said, "The Blood God is really powerful, I admire it, and I believe that Wakanda will flourish in your hands, so I'll leave!"

After speaking, hundreds of Kings disappeared, and Bert was speechless. These guys are too good at the wind, right?

Bert shouted: "What happened to the anger? What about Wakanda forever?"

"Don't shout, they didn't have much opinion at first, they just wanted to come out and play!"

Bast said: "But you kid, are interesting. You can think of such tricks!"

Bert smiled and said, "I've always been smart!"

"Sometimes, being smart isn't enough!"

Bast looked straight and said: "Blood God, to drive away the demon gods, Ancient One used extremely cruel methods. The bodies of gods and demons even piled up into mountains. She is here, and so no one dares to take revenge, but if she is not there, those demon gods will wash the earth with blood."

Bert frowned: "What do you mean?"

Bast said: "I'm trying to prepare you, the Ancient One can't protect the earth after a few years!"

"There is nothing wrong with protecting the earth, I have been doing it!" Bert asked in amazement, "But shouldn't the next Sorcerer Supreme deal with those demon gods?"

Bast smiled, did not speak, and directly sent Bert's soul back to his body!

Bert said angrily: "Again? Can you big guys stop saying only half and keep the other half to yourself?"

A group of waiters who were planting flowers looked at Bert in amazement, Bert said angrily: "Erik, get up, the Heart-Shaped Herb you just drank is not enough, drink it again!"

"Oh, then get me another cup!"

Erik stood up straight from the ground and said, the group of waiters was stunned, can this still be refilled?

Under Erik's strong request, the waiters did so, and then Erik drank it again!

'Trouble, there are more dangers in this world than I imagined!' Bert frowned, why is it so difficult to be a God in peace?

'Should I orchestrate a car accident and send Stephen Strange to Kamar-Taj in advance?'

Bert's thoughts moved. Doctor Strange or Stephen Strange is currently working for him in his hospital. To be honest, this guy is a bit annoying - his temper is too arrogant, and he is somewhat similar to Tony Stark at the beginning!

Immediately, Bert shook his head, and it was better to let everything take its course.

After a while, Erik got up from the ground again. He jumped twice and said, "It feels pretty good! The Heart-Shaped Herb has not only improved my physique but also greatly increased my spirit!"

Bert smiled and said, "That's good, Your Majesty, it's time for you to prepare for your enthronement ceremony!"


In a certain room in Wakanda, the former King T'Chaka sighed after listening to a waiter's report: "The Panther Goddess acknowledged Erik!"

T'Challa said: "This is normal. Erik is not only powerful but also kind. The Panther Goddess will acknowledge him!"

T'Chaka glanced at T'Challa but didn't speak. Erik's character was different from the one in the data. Either the data was wrong, or Erik was controlled by the Blood God!

That's why T'Chaka paid special attention to Erik when he has consuming Heart-Shaped Herb. If Erik was controlled by the Blood God, the Panther Goddess will find out!

'It seems that Erik is fine, forget it, the situation is not bad now!'

T'Chaka shook his head and said to T'Challa: "I'm going to the United States with you. It's not so easy to be an Ambassador, especially in the case of Wakanda!"

T'Challa was overjoyed: "Great, Baba!"


A few days later, on behalf of the United States, Bert officially signed a contract with King Erik of Wakanda - the two sides formed an Alien Resistance Alliance, cooperate, and fight against invading Aliens together!

In addition, Wakanda also promised to export at least 100 kilograms of Vibranium every year!

In short, everyone was happy. As for those prisoners and warships, they will be returned to the United States in secret, and neither side will admit this war ever happened.

Bert asked, "President Ellis, are you satisfied with the contract I made?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied!"

President Ellis smiled from ear to ear. This contract not only solves the big problem from before but also allied them with the United States to deal with aliens. It can't be better!

"Blood God, about the space station, the military has approved it, but they require a certain degree of supervision!"

President Ellis reciprocated and said: "S.H.I.E.L.D. originally wanted to supervise, but I rejected them. What else can those moths do except corruption?"

"Don't worry about S.H.I.E.L.D., the purpose of the space station is to guard against aliens, and it has nothing to do with the inner dealings of the earth!"

Bert said: "President Ellis, it is a pleasure to cooperate, and I will support your re-election as much as possible!"

"Then, thank you Blood God!"

President Ellis smiled brightly. With the wealth of the Blood God and the influence of superheroes, he has great hope for his next re-election!

After the communication ended, Bert stretched his back, and the trip to Wakanda came to a successful conclusion. Although the harvest was not much, it was barely acceptable - the position of the King of Wakanda!

Bert said: "This is not too much? With the help of Wakanda, the Vampires are completely stable!"

Erik sneered and asked: "By the way, about the black people, how much should I help?"

Bert said: "Everything is based on regularity.!"

"I understand!"

Erik nodded, and he said, "Go away with your five hundred kilograms of Vibranium, Wakanda people don't like me walking too close to you!"

Bert gave Erik a middle finger and explained: "Other things are easy to say, don't kill people, otherwise it will be very troublesome! Also, study hard, and don't waste your time, those books given by Ancient One are super Incomprehensible!"

The new King of Wakanda scolded rudely: "Go away!"


Looking at the flaming skull that was getting closer, Whitehall, one of the HYDRA leaders, shouted, "What the hell is this? Don't come near me!"

"Whitehall, or Reinhardt. He is the Ghost Rider. His unique ability is The Penance Stare, which can see people's memories of a lifetime!"

Carter sneered: "If that person is evil, his soul will be burned by the fire of hell!"

"I don't need to look at his memory to know that he is sinful!"

Damon sneered, he resisted the urge to burn Whitehall, and said to Carter: "Ms. Carter, please hurry up, the guy in me wants to burn him very much!"

Carter said to Whitehall: "Whitehall, this is your last chance, confess, or turn to ashes?"

Whitehall glanced at Carter, and sneered: "Carter, Do you think you can scare me with a burning skull? What kind of Penance Stare, I don't believe it at all!"

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome!"

Damon couldn't wait to get close to Whitehall and shouted, "Look into my eyes!"

"Wait!" Carter tried to stop it, but Whitehall's eyes met Damon's.

Carter sighed helplessly. Fortunately, at least she can know who the leader of HYDRA is inside S.H.I.E.L.D.!

After a while, Damon raised his head and threw Whitehall's body away: "What a scumbag, for the sake of longevity, he dissected a woman alive!"

"This is HYDRA!"

Carter shook her head and asked impatiently, "Damon, who is that leader of HYDRA?"

Damon said: "Alexander Pierce, he is the head of the HYDRA you are looking for!"

"It's him!"

Carter couldn't help but sigh, she thought for a while, and said to Damon, "Damon, you change back first, it always feels like you want to burn me too."


Damon nodded and changed from the skull to its original shape. He gasped and apologized: "I'm sorry, Ms. Carter, your sins are a little heavy!"

"My hands are already dyed red!"

Carter didn't care, she reached out to Damon and said, "Damon, thank you for your help!"

"Small matter, if you need it, come to me at any time, HYDRA should not exist!"

Damon and Carter shook hands, and turned to leave, Carter picked up the phone and called Tony and Steve!

"It's not that guy, Unbelievable!"

In the room, Tony shook his head and said, "Why do you think that guy is not a villain? Which good person would run into other people's houses in the middle of the night, without turning on the lights, to scare people?"

"It turns out that Nick Fury is not a HYDRA, the real HYDRA leader is Alexander Pierce!"

Carter smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I didn't expect it, you know? Pierce once rejected the Nobel Peace Prize!"

Steve said, "Pierce has a high position, and there is no actual evidence. We can't touch him!"

Tony's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking of something, Carter hurriedly said: "Tony, calm down, I don't want you to change your profession from a superhero to a supervillain!"

Tony took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, I have my senses, Aunt Carter, what should we do next?"

"According to the original plan, we will introduce the elites of S.H.I.E.L.D. into our S.W.O.R.D. Bureau, and at the same time collect evidence secretly and wait for the opportunity!"

Carter said: "In addition, I will go and talk with Fury, If we want to deal with Pierce, Fury is very important!"

"It's okay to talk, but Fury can't join the S.W.O.R.D.!"

Tony said: "This is not only Bert's opinion but also my opinion. The S.W.O.R.D. does not need a highly paranoid person.!"

Steve couldn't help shaking his head. Although Fury is not HYDRA, who would like to be his colleague in this kind of situation?

"Don't worry, Fury will retire after this last battle."

Carter laughed, and Steve suggested: "Coulson is good, I think he can join the S.W.O.R.D. !"

"It can be considered, in short, any new member must be approved by all three of us before joining!"

Carter nodded, and then she went to Nick Fury and told him what they had found!

"From the time you gave me the ledger, I knew that Pierce was the leader of HYDRA!"

Fury smiled bitterly. In just a few days, he seemed to be aged ten years more. He looked at Carter with one eye and said, "I can help you, but only if you keep S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"You're not helping me, you're helping yourself!" Carter said: "S.H.I.E.L.D. must be destroyed, Nick Fury, will you do this last job?"

"Ms. Carter, without S.H.I.E.L.D., who will deal with aliens like Blood God?"

Fury asked loudly: "Blood God is getting stronger and stronger, don't you see it? It won't be long before he will become the biggest threat to mankind!"

"He won't. Because he is already the ruler of this world, why should he turn against himself?"

Carter said: "The biggest difference between the S.W.O.R.D. and the S.H.I.E.L.D. is that the S.W.O.R.D. advocates compatibility and great tolerance!"


Fury wanted to refute, but Carter waved: "I'm not interested in arguing with you, Fury, if you don't want to, I won't force, when everything is over, I will let you go!"

Fury was silent for a while and said weakly: "I will help you. Pierce has been preparing the 'Insight Plan' for the past few years. This should be HYDRA's plan to rule the world. You can start from there!"

Carter's eyes lit up: "Insight plan? Be specific!"

After listening to Fury's introduction, Carter couldn't help cursing: "Put a gun at everyone's head? Nick Fury, you are no different from HYDRA!"


In New York, the recently renovated Blood God Building, Bert smiled at Victor Doom who came in: "Dr. Doom, you are welcome!"

Von Doom Industries, Chairman Victor Doom and Bert shook hands and said excitedly: "Mr. Wang, you are finally back in New York, I am waiting for your news every day!"

'It's a pity you're not a woman, otherwise, I'd be very happy!'

Bert smiled and said, "Dr. Doom, sit down, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"