Chapter 102 : Lizard Dragon

Frank's words made everyone burst into laughter, and Electro said, "He's cleaning up monsters in Los Angeles, and he doesn't have time to come here."

Ivan sneered: "It's better if that guy doesn't come. What else will he do besides dragging his feet?"

"Who holds back who? That monster has not been eliminated, maybe I will have to deal with it later."

Tony's voice came from a nearby speaker, he said: "The monsters in Los Angeles have been cleaned up, Whoever it is, open that unscientific portal."

Everyone laughed, but no one paid any attention to him, focused on cleaning up the monsters, and Tony yelled in anger, these bastards!

In the Mirror Space, Bert looked at the Beast riddled with holes, and sneered, "It was a good fight just now, wasn't it?"

Beast glanced at Bert contemptuously, and shouted to the sky: "Ancient One, what do you mean by sending a little doll to deal with me?"

"To deal with you, this little doll is enough."

Bert snorted coldly and turned into a ray of blood that rushed into Beast's body through the wound. Beast smiled disdainfully, controlling the blood in front of him and turning it into a vortex, waiting for Bert to throw himself into the trap.

At this moment, Bert stopped suddenly, took out a small thing from his arms, and threw it in the blood.

After doing this, Bert turned and ran back at the fastest speed, as if something terrible would happen soon.

Before the Beast could figure out what Bert was doing, the object he dropped before suddenly became bigger, and then the object exploded, white light filled the sky, and the entire Mirror Space was shaking violently.


Looking at the mushroom cloud rising in front of him, Bert couldn't help but whistle. He wanted to throw a nuclear bomb for a long time, and today he finally got his wish.

That's right, what Bert threw into the Beast's body was a nuclear bomb, which was kindly provided by S.H.I.E.L.D.

The power of the nuclear bomb was huge, and most of the Beast's body was annihilated on the spot, and the rest was torn apart and sputtered to the side.

Ancient One, who was repairing the defense net, couldn't help but glance at the Mirror Space, this brat is too fat, right? Actually, used a nuclear bomb in the Mirror Space?

Good that this Mirror Space was arranged by Ancient One herself, if it was anyone else, it would have been collapsed by a nuclear bomb long ago.

"Blood God, I won't let you go."

After being hit hard by this, Beast still didn't die, and the remaining flesh and blood roared wildly. Bert sneered, his body burned with raging fire: "It's not that you won't let me go, but I won't let you go."

After finishing speaking, Bert set the flesh and blood of the Beast on fire. Although Beast resisted with all his might, in his current state, he couldn't stop Bert's dragon fire at all.

It didn't take long for the Beast to be completely burned to death by Bert. His soul rose to the sky and roared at Bert: "Vampire, I curse you, and curse you to die."

At this moment, a golden magic circle descended from the sky, wrapping the soul of the Beast, and the Beast roared, "Ancient One!"

Bert sneered: "What are you shouting? No one invited you to come to Earth. Since you dare to come, be prepared to die here."

Ancient One nodded.

Before being sealed, Beast used his last strength and shouted, "I was just passing by."

Bert and Ancient One couldn't help laughing, the golden circle quickly shrank, turned into a golden stone, and fell to the ground! Completely slammed into the street!

Let's push the time back a little, In Mephisto's hell, a group of Demons stared at Mephisto, Mephisto said angrily: "You want me to surrender to a human?"

A Demon squeezed his fist and made a crackling sound. Then, he said with a grim expression: "You have two choices, one is to submit now, and the other is to submit after being beaten by us, you choose."

Another Demon said: "Mephisto, choose quickly, Beast won't last long."

"You bastards, I Mephisto, will be afraid of you?"

Mephisto yelled, and when everyone thought he was going to strike, he suddenly took out a soul crystal and said, "Take it, I don't care about you as much."

There were boos all around, Mephisto was thick-skinned, and pretended he didn't hear it. He gritted his teeth and looked at the void, shouting: "Doom, next time, we will have some fun."

Doom snorted coldly, and said to the Demons: "Check, is that my mother's soul?"

"It is indeed your mother's soul."

A Demon checked the soul crystal and said, "Doom, as long as you continue to bombard the New York Sanctum, we will give you the soul crystal immediately."

"I can't trust you."

Doom said: "You give me back my mother's soul first, and I can swear that if I don't continue to bombard the New York Sanctum by then, I will be forever in hell."

In front of so many Demons, he promised, this oath will take effect. The Demons looked at each other and sent the soul crystal to the Earth dimension - the soul crystal is very small and will not be intercepted.

Doom got the soul crystal and looked at his sleeping mother Cynthia inside. At this time, the Demons urged impatiently: "Doom, change your target quickly."


Doom didn't talk much, canceled the magic circle, and the beam of light continued to blast towards the New York Sanctum, but what angered all the Demons was that the beam of light became extremely small, and it was estimated that it could only hit mosquitoes.

The Demons were furious: "Doom, are you kidding us?"

"It's none of my business, the cosmic storm has stopped, and the energy in the instrument has run out."

Doom said lightly, what a joke, if he shattered the defense net, he will be the first one to die. Mephisto and the Demons would never let him go.

"Doom, we won't let you go."

The Demons roared furiously, it was nothing for the plan to be unsuccessful, it wasn't the first time, but they couldn't accept being played by Doom!

There is no doubt that Doom will be the man who will be paid full attention to by the Demons.

Doom smiled disdainfully, the Demons, it was nothing more than that, he, Doom, was the most powerful.

At this moment, a phantom appeared behind Doom out of thin air. Then, the phantom stabbed the dagger in his hand into Doom's back. The hard armor was as weak as paper in front of the dagger.

Doom screamed, he turned his head slowly, and found that it was Cynthia, his mother who stabbed him!

"How so?"

Doom slowly fell to the ground with resentment and unwillingness, Cynthia suddenly woke up, screamed, and threw the dagger in her hand to support Doom, but her hands slid past Doom!


When Doom fell to the ground, Mephisto's laughter sounded: "Doom, is it fun to be killed by your mother? By the way, your mother was controlled before, but she will not forgive herself, Next, she will suffer for the rest of her life."

"Mephisto, well done."

The Demons also saw this scene, and they all laughed. Mephisto deserves to be the most cunning Demon king in Hell. It wasn't easy, and he did tricks in Cynthia's soul in advance.

Mephisto sneered, a mere mortal dared to plot against the Demons, who gave you the courage?

Doom smiled bitterly. He wanted to raise his hand to touch his mother's face, but just halfway up, his hand fell weakly. Cynthia was crying, and her heart was full of despair and remorse.

Mephisto's figure appeared on the space station. He was about to take away the souls of the two of them. At this moment, a portal appeared out of thin air, and then, Bert, who was wearing battle armor, came out.

When Bert saw Mephisto, he yelled, "Mephisto, why is it you again?"

"You think I want to come?"

Mephisto moved toward Cynthia at top speed, but a spear slashed him, splitting him in half.

"Blood God, we're not finished!"

Mephisto cursed at Bert, and his body quickly dissipated.

"One day, I will go to Hell, to find you to settle accounts."

Bert snorted coldly, then he walked to Doom and said to Cynthia, "I can save him, but he will become a vampire, are you willing?"

Cynthia hesitated for a while, and at this moment, Ancient One's voice suddenly sounded: "He has a curse on him, only the Heart-Shaped Herb can save him."

Bert took off Doom's helmet and fed the precious Heart-Shaped Herb into his mouth.

Doom's aura that was about to disappear immediately became stable, but his injuries were still serious.

Ancient One instructed: "Bring Doom and the others back, by the way, bring back that dagger too, it is a cursed dagger, it is very dangerous."

Bert looked at the Fantastic Four on the ground and asked, "Do you want these four too?"

Ancient One smiled and said, "These four, I think it's better to send them to the hospital."

"That's true."

Bert smiled, picked up the dagger, and said to Cynthia, "Do you know Ancient One? She is the only one who can save your son."

Cynthia said gratefully: "I know, thank you, and thank you Ancient One."

"You're welcome!"

Bert shrugged, picked up Doom, and left the space station through the portal, followed by Cynthia.

Opposite the portal was not the embassy, ​​but the Mirror Space, where Ancient One and Wong are waiting for him.

Ancient One motioned to Wong to take Doom, and then smiled at Bert: "Blood God, we meet again."

Bert handed the dagger and Doom to Wong, then bowed respectfully to Ancient One and asked, "Should I call you Master or Ancient One?"

Wong on the side was shocked, Ancient One smiled and said, "It's not the time yet, by the way, these two are for you."

Saying that Ancient One handed two crystals to Bert. One of them seemed to be made of fresh blood. It was the purified blood of the Beast, that is, the blood of the Demon, which could greatly increase Bert's strength.

The other crystal is a soul crystal, and there is a woman's figure in it.

Bert took the crystal and asked, "Is this Elektra's soul?"

"Yes, Elektra's soul was in the Beast's soul, and I just stripped her out."

Ancient One nodded, and she said, "This crystal is made with the power of the Beast. Before it is exhausted, Elektra will always be resurrected."

Bert shook his head: "I think it's better to send her on the road, she's not worth much."

"She used to be of little value, but now it's different." Ancient One smiled and then said: "Blood God, keep working hard, this world is more dangerous than you think."

Bert looked at Ancient One and asked at a super-fast speed: "Next, do you plan to send me out of the Mirror Space so that I won't have the opportunity to ask questions?"

Ancient One, who had just raised her hand, was a little embarrassed, then she waved her hand and drove Bert out of the Mirror Space.

"I knew it, you masters, can you be less tricky?"

Bert complained angrily. Ivan and the others gathered around and asked, "Bert, has that Demon been wiped out? Just now, all the monsters suddenly disappeared, and even the sky became bright again."

"Yes, the Beast of the HAND, has been resolved."

Bert nodded and said, "I'll deal with the rest. You go to the city to save people. New York is a crappy place. It's really easy to invite disaster."

"That's right."

Everyone said in unison, Bert shook his head and rushed to the embassy.

Inside the Wakanda embassy, ​​the mass on the ground had disappeared. Bert looked at the shadow in the corner and said, "Come out, I know you are there."

"Blood God!"

With a voice full of hatred, Elektra came over, Bert looked at her up and down, and asked in surprise, "You succeeded in fusion?"

"Yes, I succeeded in fusion. After dying more than a thousand times, I succeeded in fusion. This is all thanks to you, and I will repay you."

Elektra gritted her teeth and shouted, and then, her body began to swell and deform. In just a few seconds, she changed from a beautiful woman to a humanoid lizard dragon more than four meters tall!

That's right, a human-shaped lizard dragon. She has a dragon head and dragon wings, but her body is similar to a lizard, and there is a tail behind her. Looking at it, she looks a bit like a green half-dragon.

"Is this the mixed effect of Human Enhancement Serum, Hulk Serum, Lizard Serum, and Hope Serum?"

Bert was amazed. In this world, only Elektra can succeed. Except for her, no one can be resurrected so many times.

Elektra waved her hand casually, and the pillar was easily swept away like tofu. Then, she roared at Bert: "Blood God, I want you to die."

After roaring, Elektra rushed towards Bert with all her strength. Every step made a big hole in the ground. Bert slowly took out the soul crystal and said, "Change back."

Elektra immediately transformed back into a human form uncontrollably. She looked at the soul crystal and shouted in disbelief, "How come my soul is in your hands?"

"Because your God has been killed by me."

Bert said with a smile: "Kneel."

Although Elektra was unwilling, she could only kneel obediently, and she shouted in disbelief, "This is impossible, the Beast is invincible, how could it die by your hands?"

'If He is invincible, what is Ancient One?' Bert sneered disdainfully, he said, "I will be your master from now on, do you hear me?"

Elektra lowered her head unwillingly and said, "Yes, Master."

Bert thought of something and asked, "Can you fly?"

Elektra replied, "It should be possible."

"Very good." Bert narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the dragon head and dragon wings, the owner of that Alien blood that made Hope Serum should be a lizard dragon.

Bert thought to himself: 'Mandarin raised an alien dragon? Interesting. After I finish dealing with the HYDRA, I will have a good chat with him.'


The battle against the Demons came to an end, the Demons were defeated and returned, and the Beast fell on Earth, which was enough to keep them honest for a while.

Ancient One may have become weaker, but she can still protect the Earth - the whole thing, it is obvious that Ancient One is setting up the game.

This time, monsters appeared all over the world, and the loss was not small. There were parades in many countries, demanding an explanation from the government.

New York is naturally the same, this is not the first time, is there any end?

In a sense, what happened this time is more terrifying than the last time with aliens, because many people are out of control, and the people are eager to know the truth. Are those monsters aliens or Demons?