Chapter 103 : Project Insight

The American government was very troubled at this time. To avoid the impact of the scientific system, it took them several days to finally come up with an explanation.

It was the same Aliens who invaded the earth last time. They were unwilling to yield after their last defeat. They used the Space station and the Cosmic storm to open the quantum portal and transmit a huge Biochemical Beast to the earth.

This Biochemical Beast contains a special virus and it used the virus to control New Yorkers. Fortunately, the superheroes joined forces to kill the Biochemical Beast.

As for why major cities are attacked, it is because Aliens want to attract the attention of humans, lest humans discover their plots.

In short, everything is done by Aliens.

As soon as this explanation came out, there was an uproar around the world. Do you think we're stupid? Bullshit Biochemical virus, if it were a virus, New York City would have been blocked long ago.

The dissatisfied people joined the protest one after another, and the momentum was even greater than before.

Officials turned a deaf ear to these protests, whether you believe it or not, we already gave an explanation.

"If the Beast knows that it has become a Biochemical Beast, it will come back to life, and then die of anger."

Bert looked at the nonsense press spokesman and couldn't help shaking his head. At this time, Lilith said: "Blood God, someone applied to the New York City government to establish a Dragon God Cult, and many people responded."

"Everyone is not stupid. The resurgence of faith is inevitable, and the Vatican is probably going to die of joy."

Bert thought for a while and said, "The Oscorp will lead the Dragon God Cult, uh, but that's all, I have no interest in becoming a God."

Lilith asked, "Isn't it good to be a God? Many people want to be Gods."

"What's the difference between me and God now?"

Bert shrugged. At this time, President Ellis called. He expressed his thanks first, and then asked, "Blood God, will this kind of thing continue to happen?"

"In the short term, probably not anymore." Bert said: "No one can say for sure in the long run."

"United States is really full of disasters."

President Ellis sighed, and then said tentatively: "By the way, Blood God, this time nothing serious happened thanks to Kamar-Taj, I want to thank them in person."

"They're not worldly people and don't care about worldly things."

Bert said: "President Ellis, it's better not to disturb them as much as possible."

"It's a pity."

President Ellis smiled and hung up the phone, Bert shook his head, and human beings began to be dishonest again. If I guessed correctly, 'Project Insight' will start soon.

At this moment, a figure emerged from the dark corner, and Bert said angrily, "Can't you come through the gate? Why do you have to sneak in?"

Elektra, who was carrying a large bag, said, "I'm an assassin. Where have you seen an assassin walk through the door?"

Bert said: "Mercury, the first assassin of the Vampire clan, walks through the gate of Oscorp Building every day."

Elektra was speechless. She threw the big bag in her hand on Bert's table and said, "This is the Darkhold you want. Besides, I have killed all those monsters, and there is no one left."

Bert didn't answer, because his attention was all drawn to the package. He untied the package as quickly as possible, and then touched the cold cover of the Darkhold with a fascinating face as if he had finally found his home.

Vampires are born from the Darkhold.

'Should I open it and take a look?'

Bert hesitated. At this moment, the words on the cover of the Darkhold suddenly lit up with a faint light, and Bert seemed to hear someone calling him to open the book.

"Open it, and you can become a God, and you can have everything you want."

This voice, like the whisper of a Devil, made Bert touch the corner of the Darkhold. At this moment, he suddenly woke up, snorted coldly, and slapped the Darkhold away with his palm.

Bert let out a breath and said, "Lilith, bring the instrument and seal the Darkhold."


Lilith and Elektra were a little surprised. Bert leaned back on the chair and said, "How many of those who owned the Darkhold will end well? Even Doom almost died."

Lilith shook her head, took out the Vibranium instrument, and sealed the Darkhold with it.

"It's a waste."

Elektra said, "Master, can you give me some Vibranium? I want to make a dagger."

Bert asked, "A little?"

Elektra hurriedly said, "A little is enough."

Bert waved: "You are my Bodyguard. How can a little bit be enough? I'll give you ten kilograms of Vibranium, and you can make it yourself."

"Ten kilograms?"

Elektra was stunned. This is hundreds of millions of dollars. More importantly, there is no place to buy Vibranium, even if you have this much money.

This new master is arrogant.

'What will happen if I were to tell you that I am the King of Wakanda?'

Bert smiled slightly, took out the phone, and called Wong, and soon, a portal appeared.

Wong looked at the book wrapped in Vibranium on the table, and asked in amazement, "Is this the Darkhold?"

"Yes, you help me give it to Ancient One." Bert said: "By the way, Wong, how is the reconstruction of the New York Sanctum, do you need my help?"

"No, it's almost done."

Wong picked up the Darkhold and said, "Building a house with magic is very fast. The real trouble is rebuilding the magic circle, which requires a lot of time and effort."

"I can't help you with that." Bert asked, "By the way, how is Doom?"

Speaking of this, Wong's expression was a little weird, and he said, "Doom has been accepted as an apprentice by Ancient One."


Bert was stunned. Doctor Doom takes Ancient One as his teacher. The plot change is too great, isn't it?

"There are also many people who can't accept this at Kamar-Taj, after all, the New York Sanctum was blown up by Doom."

Wong sighed: "However, no one can change Sorcerer Supreme's decision."

"Master must have her ideas!" Bert shook his head and said, "Wong, I will visit you when I have time."

"Welcome, I will treat you well then." Wong nodded and left through the portal.

"Doom became a disciple of the Ancient One, what about Doctor Strange?"

Bert touched his chin, and at this moment, James called and said, "Blood God, Stephen Strange, who we are focusing on, had a car accident. He was seriously injured and his hands were destroyed."

Bert became more and more astonished. Isn't this a coincidence? As soon as I thought of Doctor Strange, He had an accident, and the timing of the car accident was many years earlier than in the movie!

Bert thought for a while, then explained, "Keep observing him, don't worry about the rest."


At S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Alexander Pierce, in a meeting with the five members of the World Security Council.

Congressman Malick praised: "S.H.I.E.L.D. has done a good job this time, saving many cities."

"This is what we are supposed to do."

Pierce said humbly: "Members of the board, it is far from enough to remedy the incident. We should prevent it from happening in advance. I implore you to allocate enough funds to restart 'Project Insight'."

A director asked: "Can your Helicarriers stop the extraterritorial Demons?"

"This is not possible, but we can't always rely on Blood God and Kamar-Taj, right?"

Pierce said: "We know almost nothing about Kamar-Taj, and the Blood God, he is a Vampire after all."

"Your argument sounds familiar." A female director sneered: "I remember, Nick Fury talks like this in every meeting."

"That Nick Fury who stole two-thirds of our money?"

Another one said: "Has he not been shot yet? Compared to the Blood God, I think he is less trustworthy."

Pierce's face was a little ugly. These people were referring to him and scolding Fury. It seemed that the rumors were true, and they wanted him to step down as well.

Two-thirds of the funds have been embezzled, and just firing the Director is not enough to quell the anger of the council.

Seeing this, Congressman Malick hurriedly made a round: "Let's try to build an Helicarrier first, at least it can deal with ordinary monsters."

The directors looked at each other and nodded, "Yes, but we will send commissioners to monitor the use of funds."

Pierce took a deep breath and said, "Okay!"

Then, except for Congressman Malick, all the other directors were offline. Pierce turned on the anti-listening system and asked, "Are you going to dismiss me?"

"I will try to delay it as much as possible, about half a year."

Malick said: "It's not that I'm not helping you, but you and Nick Fury were greedy."

'Who would've thought Nick Fury would be this greedy? I thought I was the only one.'

Pierce was also helpless. He said: "One Helicarrier is not enough, at least three, you help me cover, I will pay to build it myself, anyway, more than half of it has been built."

"Pierce, don't be in such a hurry, I think it's better to bring our God back first." Malick persuaded: "With the help of Wakanda, Oscorp will be able to make a Spaceship in a few years."

"I'm running out of time, I'm going to finish the insight plan before I'm fired."

Pierce said firmly, as he was not interested in the so-called God at all — HYDRA was also divided into factions.

Malick sighed: "With the Blood God and Kamar-Taj, can Project Insight succeed?"

"I have a way to deal with the Blood God. As for Kamar-Taj, they don't care who rules this world."

Pierce said: "Rest assured, I will work with the Oscorp."

"Since that's the case, I won't say anything more. I'll give you a cover, but you can handle the funds yourself."

Malick left a sentence and went offline, Pierce snorted, picked up the phone, and called Baron Strucker, another big boss of HYDRA: "After 'Project Insight' starts, I will give you the Scepter, but you have to provide me some money first.

Not now, Hill is watching very closely, and can only give it to you after the plan is completed. Don't worry, I told you, and I will give it to you. "

After getting the answer, Pierce nodded with satisfaction, and then he started to contact others: "Baroness, I want to borrow some money from you... When I succeed, I will pay you back tenfold."

"Banker, I have a lucrative investment..."

"Chief, my plan is about to start. You can become the ruler of this world with just a little money!"


Pierce dropped the phone after a full hour of phone calls. In addition to fatigue, there was a deep joy on his face. He got enough money.

"When the Project Insight begins, the world will receive its greatest gift, Order, the order of the HYDRA."

Pierce looked frantic, he thought about it and went to the secret base, where the bald Dr. Lizard was admiring his masterpiece in front of the cultivation tank, and he succeeded, just like before.

That's right, Dr. Lizard got mixed up with HYDRA, which is why S.H.I.E.L.D. and the police haven't been able to find him.

"Doctor, we don't have much time." Pierce asked Dr. Lizard, "Have you finished your research?"

"Most of it is done."

Dr. Lizard said: "Only this one is in front of me. It's still a little short. However, I have solved the most difficult part. In another month, I will be able to complete him."

"That's great."

Pierce was overjoyed. He looked at the figure in the cultivation tank and couldn't help asking, "Can your research deal with the Blood God?"

"Of course, It can, otherwise what do I study them for?"

Dr. Lizard said angrily: "I have prepared two trump cards for the Blood God, each of which is enough to kill him."

Thinking of something, Dr. Lizard added: "The premise is that he can't be in New York. I can't think of a way to solve that dragon."

"That's good, don't worry, we will transfer the Blood God out of New York by then."

Pierce nodded with satisfaction, without the Blood God, who else can stop the HYDRA from ruling the world?


A week later, Spider-Man, who was patrolling in Brooklyn, suddenly received a communication from the police: "Spider-Man, there is a Stone Man on Cranberry Street, we need your help."

"Come on, stone man, is this an adjective?"

Spider-Man immediately swung towards Cranberry Street. When he arrived at the scene of the incident, he was stunned, because the troublemaker was really a stone man - the whole body was composed of stones, wearing pants and a cape.

The stone man was shouting something under a house at the moment, and Spider-Man stepped forward and asked loudly: "Hey, buddy, are you an earthling or an Alien?"

"Go away, it's none of your business."

The Stone Man turned his head and scolded in dissatisfaction. Spider-Man said: "This is not good. You broke the ground and scared the people around you. I hope you can go to the police station with me."

At this moment, on the balcony of the apartment, a woman ran out and shouted in horror, "Spider-Man, save me, I don't know the monster below."

The Stone Man hurriedly shouted, "My dear, I'm Ben, don't you know me? I'm your fiancé, Ben."

The woman scolded: "You are a monster, get out of here quickly."

The Stone Man was sad and angry and wanted to rush into the house to explain to his fiancee, but Spider-Man hurriedly shot a spider web to trap him.