Chapter 106 : Invitation

"Bert, here I come."

Thor, the God of Thunder, came out of the colorful light with a laugh. Bert looked at the burned grass and said angrily, "Can't you change the place? Tidying up the grass is troublesome, okay?"

Thor was a little embarrassed. He took out the Tesseract and said, "Bert, I will return your Tesseract."

"This is good!"

Bert was overjoyed, he had been waiting for the Tesseract for a long time - without the Tesseract, the space magic he had learned during this time would not be able to be used at all.

Bert took the Tesseract and said, "Thor, stay for dinner, Jane is in the next state, and I will send someone to pick her up."

Thor was a little moved, and then shook his head: "No, I'm going back to suppress the rebellion, and I'll talk about it next time."

Bert was surprised: "It's not so short of time, is it?"

"Odin's order, he won't let me stay too long."

Thor shook his head, he was about to leave, when he heard the movement, Mindy trotted over with Lina, Mindy looked at the Hammer in Thor's hand, and asked excitedly: "Is that the Hammer of Thor? Can I pick it up?"

"Little girl, you can't handle this Hammer."

Thor threw the Hammer and smiled: "This is Mjølnir, the Hammer of the King, only the King of Asgard and the future King can hold it."

"In other words, I can become a King by picking up a Hammer?" Mindy's eyes brightened, and she said coquettishly, "Brother Thor, let me try it."

Thor laughed. He put the Hammer on the table beside him and said, "Okay, let's give it a try."

Mindy immediately grabbed the handle of the Hammer, but no matter how hard she tried, the Hammer would not move at all. Bert shook his head and asked Thor, "Thor, the first thing you do when you wake up every day is check whether you can take the Hammer or not, right?"

Thor was puzzled: "Why should I take the Hammer as soon as I wake up?"

Bert asked, "If you don't take it, how do you know that the Hammer still recognizes you?"

"I am Thor, the Prince of Asgard, how could the Hammer not recognize me?"

Thor said arrogantly: "Little girl, don't try, you can't take it."

"Broken Hammer."

Mindy, who was sweating all over, cursed. She felt that she couldn't make a fool of herself, and said to Lina, "Lina, this Hammer is good, you can use it to smash walnuts."

"Walnuts are delicious."

Lina's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she immediately walked toward the Hammer. Thor smiled and said, "Little girl, this Hammer is not for smashing walnuts, I'll ..."

Thor was so shocked, almost cursed. Mjølnir was picked up by Lina, who brandished the Hammer and shouted, "Smash the walnut, smash the walnut."

Thor couldn't help rubbing his eyes. Did he see it wrong, the Hammer was picked up by a little girl who wanted to smash walnuts.?

Mjølnir, where is your dignity? What about your pride?

Bert and Mindy were also stunned, and Mindy said incredulously: "Brother Thor, what's going on, why can Lina pick up the Hammer? Didn't you say that only the King and future King of Asgard can hold it? How can she do it?"

"Hey, is Lina the illegitimate daughter of Odin? "

"What? She's my sister?" Thor was stunned. He didn't expect Odin to have an illegitimate daughter on Earth.

"Don't talk nonsense, Lina is not Asgardian."

Bert glared at Mindy angrily, and he was also very puzzled, why Lina could hold Thor's Hammer? Is it because of a pure heart?

Thor reacted, and hurriedly came to Lina's side and asked, "Little girl, can you give me the Hammer back?"

Lina shook her head: "No, I'm going to smash walnuts with it."

'If you smashed walnuts, Mjølnir would cry.'

Thor became impatient and said, "I'll buy you walnuts, and you give me back the Hammer."


Lina was overjoyed, and immediately returned the Hammer to Thor, saying, "Remember to buy me walnuts, I want ten pounds."

"No problem, I'll buy you a ton."

Taking the Hammer back, Thor was overjoyed, and Bert was speechless. The dignified Mjølnir was only worth a carload of walnuts.

Mindy scolded: "Stupid if you become the Queen of Asgard, you will have as many walnuts as you want."

Lina asked, "What is the Queen of Asgard, can I eat it?"

"Queen of Asgard?"

Little Hela on the side blinked, walked over, and asked, "Can I become the Queen of Asgard by picking up a Hammer?"

"That was an accident just now."

Thor didn't learn from his mistake. He put the Hammer on the table again and said, "Only the King of Asgard can pick up this Hammer."


Little Hela held the Mjølnir, and Thor said: "Of course it is true, you won't be able to pick it up, I will ..."

Thor cursed for real this time because Mjølnir is picked up again.

As Little Hela picked up the Mjølnir, some images flashed through her mind. She subconsciously held Mjølnir high and shouted, "I am the Queen of Asgard!"

With Little Hela's sudden shout, the sky suddenly darkened, giving people an ominous feeling.

In Asgard, Odin stood up abruptly and looked at the Earth in disbelief: "What's the matter, why does the breath of Hela appear on the Earth?"

Odin immediately ordered: "Heimdall, look at the Earth immediately and look for Hela's breath."

"Yes, Allfather."

Heimdall immediately looked at the Earth but found that New York was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything. The other places were not affected, and there was no breath of Hela.

"New York? It should be Ancient One who blocked it."

Odin's face was extremely ugly, he thought for a while, summoned the crow Hugin, and let it go to the Earth to check the seal.

In the Blood God Manor, everyone looked at the little Hela under the black clouds, dumbfounded, and Mindy said angrily: "Thor, what's going on, why can Lina and Hai hold the Hammer, I can't. Are you bullying me?"

"How could I know?"

Thor is going crazy, you are the mighty hammer, Mjølnir. Can you not be so casual, and let everyone lift you?

Looking at little Hela with fluttering black hair and obvious dark circles under her eyes, a thought suddenly popped into Bert's mind, and he was shocked.

'She looks a bit similar, but why did she turn into a child and come to my house? Could it be that I have a child with Hela in the future, and then the child came back through time to meet her father?'

Bert thought about it, but little Hela didn't care about anything. She waved the Hammer excitedly and kept shouting: "I am the Queen of Asgard, I am the Queen of Asgard..."

Thor hurriedly said: "Little girl, there is something wrong with the Hammer, you should return it to me first, it is very dangerous."

Little Hela said dissatisfiedly: "You said the Hammer is yours, if you call, will it come to you?"


Thor laughed immediately after hearing this and opened his big hand towards the Hammer. Under normal circumstances, the Hammer would immediately fly back to his hand, but this time, the Hammer didn't move.

"Your move is very interesting."

Little Hela blinked, and suddenly threw the Mjølnir aside, then opened her hand, and the Mjølnir flew back into her hand with a whoosh.

"It's Fun!"

Little Hela became very playful, kept throwing Thor's Hammer out, and then took it back again. Thor was dumbfounded. He had a feeling of being cheated. His childhood sweetheart Hammer, ran away with others.

'Could this little girl be Odin's illegitimate daughter? Uh, Why am I thinking that again?'

'Fuck, she's related to Hela.' Bert swallowed and felt a pain in his head. He said to Little Hela: "Hai, stop playing, return the Hammer to Thor, Mindy was joking with you, which country will rely on the Hammer to determine the Heir?"

"That's right, if there is such a country, it will die sooner or later."

Little Hela thought about it too, and threw Mjølnir to Thor, as if throwing a piece of garbage, Thor quickly caught it, fearing that it would be snatched away.

As the Hammer changed hands, the black clouds in the sky quickly dissipated. Bert looked up and narrowed his eyes.

"Bert, I'm going back first, and I'll see you when I'm free, Heimdall."

Thor hurriedly shouted to the sky, if he stayed any longer, he would collapse.

The colorful light flashed, and Thor disappeared. Although Heimdall couldn't see New York, he could still hear Thor's call.

Bert looked at the scorched grass and pointed his middle finger to the sky.

Lina also cursed at the sky: "Badman, where's the walnut you promised me?"

Mindy looked contemptuous: "Even Thor deceives children."

"Thor's reputation is completely stinky."

Bert laughed dumbly. He looked at Little Hela and said, "Hai, go back and do your homework."


Little Hela honestly went back to do her homework. She was still very interested in those histories, but she completely disagreed with those conclusions.

What contradictions are not contradictory, the only reason for the collapse of those empires is that there are not enough deaths.

Bert stepped aside, picked up the phone, and called Ancient One: "Master, something has happened."

"First, you haven't officially apprenticed by me, second, there is no major event on Earth, and third, I want to make tea."

After finishing speaking, Ancient One directly hung up the phone, Bert rolled his eyes, and Ancient One was as concise as ever.

"Since Ancient One said it's fine, there shouldn't be a big problem."

Bert thought about it and passed the photo of Little Hela to the technical department so that they could analyze what Little Hela would look like when she grew up.


In Asgard, as soon as Thor came back, Heimdall and Odin were staring at him - he had the breath of Hela.

Odin asked in a deep voice, "Thor, where have you been, and who have you met?"

"I met your illegitimate daughter."

Thor said resentfully, Odin almost jumped up, How did Thor know about Hela? Wait, no, Hela is the eldest daughter, not some illegitimate daughter!

Odin said dissatisfiedly: "Where did I get an illegitimate daughter?"

Thor said angrily: "Why not? There are two, Odin, I misread you, I want to expose you to my mother!"

Odin shot down directly: "Nonsense, tell me in detail what happened."

"When did I talk nonsense? Those two little girls who can pick up Mjølnir must be your illegitimate daughters."

Thor recounted the matter dissatisfiedly, Odin and Heimdall looked at each other, two little girls, what's going on?

Heimdall asked: "Allfather, are they your illegitimate daughters?"

"Go away, where did I get illegitimate daughters, I only have one daughter in total..."

Odin stopped, and Thor shouted: "Odin, you admitted it, you have an illegitimate daughter, I'm going to tell mother."

"Get Out!"

Odin angrily smashed the brainless Thor into the air. At this time, Hugin flew back from the Earth and reported: "GodKing, the seal is fine, Hela is sleeping in the seal."

'Is there any problem with the seal? What the hell is going on? Hey, wait, the little girl with Hela's breath on her body?'

Odin suddenly thought of a possibility and said angrily, "Could it be that some bastard made my daughter pregnant?"

Heimdall reminded silently: "Allfather, Hela has been sealed for thousands of years."

"That's true."

Odin thought for a while, flew to Thor, and said, "Your friend has helped you a lot. Invite him to Asgard as a guest."

Those two little girls were both apprentices of the Blood God, so if he invited him up to ask, wouldn't everything be clear?

"It's long overdue to invite them here."

Thor heard the words and immediately forgot what happened before, and flew towards the Bifrost Bridge excitedly.

Looking at the reckless Thor, Odin couldn't help shaking his head. To avoid repeating the mistakes of Hela, he never taught Thor the emperor's art. Is this right or wrong?

Odin sighed secretly: "Hela, I am sorry."


"What, going to Asgard as a guest?"

Bert's complexion changed slightly. If it was before, he would definitely be willing to travel to Asgard, and maybe he could meet some alien beauties, but now, hehe, his brain is not broken.

Hela is his apprentice - the analysis of the technical department has been completed, and when Hela grows up, she will look like the Goddess of Death, Hela.

"Thor, I've been busy lately, so I don't have time to go."

Bert said: "However, I will not let you down on your kindness. Well, I will send Ivan and the others to go with you."

Although Thor was a little disappointed, he still nodded: "Alright, I like Ivan. He is not inferior to the warriors of Asgard in terms of drinking."

Bert said, "Okay, I'll convene, Thor, you can talk to Jane and leave tomorrow."

"That's fine too."

Thor's eyes lit up and immediately waved his Hammer and flew away. After a while, he flew back and asked embarrassedly, "Where is Jane? Also, give me another phone, the last one was broken."

Bert was speechless. With your IQ, it is not easy to live for thousands of years.

After sending Thor away, Bert tweeted: "Asgard Tour Group, led by Ivan, will leave tomorrow, places are limited, sign up as soon as possible."

Tony immediately tweeted: "Really? Count me in, but I want to be the leader."

"Go away, I'm the one leading the team. If you go over there like a sissy, you will only lose the face of the Earth."

Ivan said: "Bert, lend me your private jet, I'm going to Russia to buy the most authentic Vodka."

Trish said excitedly: "I want to go, I want to go, I want to go."

President Ellis also posted: "Blood God, can this delegation add a government official?"

Hill was not far behind: "Blood God, S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to be involved."