Chapter 107 : Researching the Tesseract again

The next day, Blood God Manor.

Thor, the God of Thunder, who flew over with Jane, looked at the people in the manor with big bags and small bags, and asked in amazement, "So many people?"

"When they heard that they could go to Asgard, everyone flocked here."

Bert smiled and said, "Thor, besides being guests, they will help you suppress the rebellion together."

"That's right, Thor, let's drink and fight together."

Ivan laughed and said: "I am the team leader this time. In addition to the War Lizard, I also brought 30 unmanned armors, which will help you."

"Hulk will help too."

Dr. Banner smiled and said, in addition to these two, others such as Punisher, Hell Sisters, Yinsen, Black Widow, Iron Fist(Danny), and Black Panther will also go.

"Thank you for your help."

Thor was overjoyed, and others aside, War Lizard(Kingpin version) and Hulk are quite powerful, only a little worse than him.

Bert glanced at Jane and asked, "Thor, are you going to take Jane with you?"

Thor nodded: "Yes, she has always wanted to go to Asgard, and this time I happened to take her with me."

Bert said: "Then you have to protect her and don't let her be bullied."

Thor didn't understand what Bert meant, and said carelessly: "Don't worry, no one in Asgard will bully her."


Bert didn't say much, he said to everyone: "Okay everyone, take what you should take and prepare to go."


Everyone nodded. In addition to superheroes, there was also special personnel from the government, the military, and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bert said to Stephanie Malick, "Stephanie, don't be nervous, it's just like going on a trip,"

Stephanie nodded and said, "I remember all the words you taught me."

Bert nodded with satisfaction: "Excellent."

When everyone was ready, Thor nodded to Bert and shouted, "Heimdall."

A colorful light fell, and everyone disappeared. Bert smiled at the remaining people: "Today's events may be recorded in the history books."


Pierce, who came here especially, asked Bert, "Mr. Wang, can we not contact them?"

Bert shook his head and said, "It's too far to get in touch. However, with Thor helping them, there won't be any problems. After three months, they will be back."

"That's good, when the time comes, we'll meet them together."

Pierce said with a smile on his face, and thought - 'well, greet them with guns.'

"That's for sure."

Bert smiled. He knew exactly what Pierce was planning, because he attached a drop of blood to him, a long time ago - when he shook hands.

As long as Bert and Pierce were not far away, he could receive the information from that drop of blood, so Bert knew that Pierce was planning for Project Insight and that Dr. Lizard was under his command.

But Bert did not deal with them in advance. On the one hand, being too omniscient is not a good thing for him. Humans won't thank him, instead will be more vigilant against him.

On the other hand, superheroes need to be upgraded. Bert doesn't want to fight the final boss, while the superheroes are still at the novice level.

In addition, Bert also wanted to receive Dr. Lizard's research results - free things are the most fragrant.

After talking to Bert, Pierce walked over to Tony and said, "Mr. Stark, I thought you would go with them?"

"Believe me, no one wants to see Asgard more than I do."

Tony sighed, he said: "But I want to make money, there is a bastard who is desperately throwing money into the space station. He even threw hundreds of kilograms of Vibranium into it. To have the same control as him, I can only throw money along with him, To be honest, I've never worked so hard to make money in my life."

"It's a pity that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been short of money recently, otherwise they would invest together with you."

Pierce sighed, not because of the space station, but because Tony didn't go with them. Iron Man was a huge threat to Project Insight.

Tony looked disgusted: "Forget it. I heard that there was an agent strike recently. The agent went on strike."

"The agents were dissatisfied with Hill's removal of the travel allowance."

Pierce sighed, nodded to Bert and Tony, and turned away.

After Pierce left, Bert smiled at Tony: "You're good at acting, I couldn't see that you want to kill him at all."

"In half a month, Project Insight will be launched. At that time, I will kill him with my own hands."

Tony snorted and asked Bert, "Can Frank and the others come back on time?"


Bert nodded and said, "Ivan's quantum communication has achieved a little success. Although it is not yet capable of sending voice and video, it is not a big problem to transmit a few words."

"Quantum communication?"

Tony was a little unhappy. He said, "Is the stuff that lunatic researched reliable? Won't go wrong at the critical moment, right?"

"Although he works and drinks vodka every day, although his work style is extremely rough, and although his factory is on fire every ten and a half days, he should still be reliable."

'I guess' Bert shrugged and said, "By the way, I'm going to be busy studying magic during this time. It's not a big deal. Don't look for me."

"I don't need you this time, I'll take care of HYDRA myself."

Tony said arrogantly, and Bert smiled and said, "Didn't you notice? Every time you talk like this, you end up getting slapped in the face?"

Tony's face twitched, and then he said, "It's not this time."

"It sure looks like it will."

Bert thought for a while, asked Lilith to take out a cloak from the room, and said, "Pierce may attack you. This is Wakanda's energy cloak, you keep it."

Tony's eyes brightened: "Wakanda's energy cloak? Bert, can you even get this?"

Bert said: "Don't do research, this is the most basic respect. Also, this cloak costs 100 million US dollars. Why are you looking at me like that? It's cheaper for you, and I won't sell it to others, even for a billion dollars."

"One hundred million is one hundred million, you really are a vampire."

Tony snorted coldly and took the cloak. He also knew that this cloak could not be bought with money.

At this moment, Tony's cell phone rang, and it was Pepper: "Tony, Steve's illegitimate son burned half the street to catch a robber, come back quickly to solve this, God, the stock price is going up, and down again."

After speaking, Pepper didn't give Tony a chance to speak and hung up the phone, obviously quite angry.

"That guy is troublesome."

Tony has a headache, no wonder Bert doesn't care about the Human Torch jumping ship at all, that guy is a problem child, and Stark Industries has lost a lot of money because of him in the past few months.

"I'll go first, uh, thanks for the cloak."

Leaving a word of thanks, Tony left in a hurry, and Bert shook his head and went to the Cube Research Lab under the Blood God Manor.

That's right, and there are two main researchers in the Cube Research Laboratory, one is an old acquaintance Dr. Selvig, and the other is Dr. Reed.

"Mr. Wang, do you want to study the Tesseract?"

Dr. Selvig frowned and asked, "The last time S.H.I.E.L.D. studied it, it attracted Loki and the Chitauri."

"Don't worry, I'm here this time."

Bert raised his hand, and a glowing iron box, which is the Tesseract's container, appeared out of thin air: "I asked Ancient One to make a shell out of Uru Metal and Vibranium. No one else can control the Tesseract except me."

"That's good."

Dr. Selvig breathed a sigh of relief, and Dr. Reed asked excitedly: "This is the Tesseract? I can't wait to start working on it."

"No hurry, let me declare in advance that the Tesseract will not be placed here in the future, it will always follow me."

Bert said: "That is to say, if you want to study, you must wait for me to come over."

Dr. Reed frowned a little, but Dr. Selvig nodded: "This is good and safe, I don't want to be controlled again."

Bert said: "Let's talk about the goals first, there are two goals in the research of the Tesseract, one is a small goal and the other is a big goal.

The small goal is very simple, which is to draw out the energy of Tesseract and make it usable.

The big goal is the Bifrost Bridge. "

Both Dr. Selvig and Dr. Reed were stunned: "Bifrost Bridge? Like in Asgard's Bifrost Bridge?"

Bert nodded: "Yes, Asgard's Bifrost Bridge, Ivan will quietly collect data on the Bifrost Bridge in Asgard."

"This is..." Dr. Reed's eyes widened, and he asked, "When can we start research?"

"You can start now, during this time, I will stay here!" Bert said.

Bert had learned a lot about space magic before, and now that he has the Tesseract, it is natural to completely master this space magic.

During the interval of research, Bert secretly found Dr. Reed and handed over a top-secret document of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Captain Marvel, Project Pegasus, Light-Speed Engine..."

Reed asked in surprise: "How can the Tesseract create such a superpower?"

"The mysteries of the Tesseract are endless."

Bert said: "If we can crack the secret of the birth of Captain Marvel, then humans will no longer have to fear aliens."

Reed thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's not that easy, I don't have any information on the Light-Speed Engine."

"First study how to strengthen the human body with the Tesseract."

Bert said, "I will help you find the experimenter."

Reed hurriedly shook his head when he heard the words: "Mr. Wang, I won't do anything that hurts the world."

"Neither do I."

Bert said angrily: "You will know someday, Reed, everything is to protect the earth."

Reed hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay, I will help with the research, but I can't guarantee anything."

"Very good."

Bert nodded with satisfaction. If he can absorb the energy from Space Stone to strengthen himself, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds. Although he is already very strong, he doesn't mind being stronger.

As for whether Reed can study it, let's put it this way. If Reed can't figure it out, then nobody else can, because Reed is the smartest human in Marvel.

Bert spent so much time on Reed just for his wisdom.


In Asgard, Odin looked at the group of earthlings, and his brows jumped, he asked Thor to find the vampire, but the vampire did not come, but a group of other earthlings came, what is this?

Thor didn't notice Odin's dissatisfaction. He took Jane to Odin carelessly and introduced, "Father, this is my girlfriend Jane."


Odin became angrier, how could an ordinary earth woman be worthy of the Prince of Asgard?

However, now that there are so many people, Odin did not show his anger. He took a deep breath and said: "You entertain your friends first, by the way, which of them is more familiar with the Blood God? I have something to ask. "

Seeing Odin ignore her completely, Jane was quite disappointed. She said, "Your Majesty Odin, Stephanie is the female companion of the Blood God. If you have anything, you can ask her."


Odin immediately sent someone to bring Stephanie over, and then took her to the palace to speak alone.

Looking at Odin's back, Jane said bitterly, "It seems your father doesn't like me."

"He's just too busy."

Thor said indifferently: "I will take you to see my mother, she will definitely like you."


Jane sighed secretly, it seems that wanting to be with Thor is not that simple.

In the palace, Odin asked Stephanie, "I heard that the Blood God has two apprentices, is that true?"

"He has three apprentices."

Stephanie was a little nervous, but she said slowly: "They should be Mindy, Lina, and Hai."

Odin asked, "Hai?"

"Well, Hai, her origin is mysterious. Not only did she lose her memory, but she also appeared in the Blood God's Manor out of thin air."

Stephanie said: "Also, she seems to be very interested in killing, always thinking that killing can settle everything."

"It's her!"

Odin sighed secretly, he was thinking about what to do, Stephanie said: "Bert has been teaching the history of the Earth to her recently. He wants to teach her well, let her know that she can't rule a country only by the threat of death."

Odin was stunned for a moment, and then asked urgently, "Can the Blood God teach her well?"

"I don't know either, but as a master, you can't watch your apprentice go down the wrong path and do nothing, right?"

Stephanie said: "If you do it, you may or may not succeed, but if you don't do it, you will never succeed."

Odin was silent. This is the case for being a master. As a father, does he want to kill his daughter?

'Let's give it a try, maybe he can teach her well.'

After a moment, Odin said, "Asgard welcomes you, and I will let Thor treat you well."

"Thank you, God-King."

Stephanie breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't know what was going on, the mission Bert had given should have been completed.

After Stephanie left, Odin called the crow Hugin again: "You go to Earth to be Little Hela's pet. If Hela shows signs of recovering her memory, report to me immediately."

"Yes, GodKing."

Hugin nodded: "Princess Hela liked me very much when she was a child, and she should take me as a pet."

Thinking of Hela's childhood, Odin couldn't help sighing. Hela was naive and romantic, but he ruined everything to unify the Nine Realms.

Maybe this is an opportunity.


"Can't you spare me some snacks?"

At the police station, Tony came to pick up the Human Torch who had been detained for three days. Johnny said dissatisfiedly: "Why should I be detained for three days? I was catching criminals."

Tony called his security supervisor, Happy, who immediately came over to help him push the reporters away. At this moment, a man rushed in front of them, pulling off his clothes, covered with grenades, and shouting hideously: "Iron Man, Greetings from our lord."