Chapter 111 : Lightning

"There is a sense in the blood? It should be the owner of the Alien blood (Hope Serum)."

Hearing Elektra's report, Bert narrowed his eyes slightly, he thought for a while, and instructed: "Elektra, keep monitoring and wait for the order."

"Yes, Master."

Elektra agreed, Waiting, is a required course for an assassin.

Putting down the phone, Bert touched his chin: "Ten Rings? I don't know what kind of abilities they have?"

At this moment, the phone rang, and Mercury called: "General Ross came to Oscorp to ask for War Abomination and unmanned battle armors. His attitude was a bit arrogant, making people want to beat him."

"Give him the War Abomination and some unmanned battle armors, which were originally made by the military at their expense."

Bert smiled and said, "But don't let them enter the experimental base. If they want to force themselves in, just do it."

Mercury nodded: "Understood."

Bert put down the phone and couldn't help shaking his head. General Ross was unlucky. After finally getting back into service, he got on the bad boat of the Vice President.

"You will never have the chance to be Secretary of State in your life."

Bert smiled and took out a pager to send a message. After a while, a message came back: "Received."

Putting away the pager, Bert walked outside the balcony, now, waiting for the War to break out.


"Damn Oscorp, when I take power, I will never let you go."

General Ross scolded and left the Oscorp. Those vampires were so arrogant that they dared to threaten him with guns.

Fortunately, the War Abomination and the unmanned battle armor have been obtained, and General Ross took them to the front line of the port as quickly as possible, where a temporary command headquarters has been established.


A soldier came over and reported: "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier has set off and is expected to arrive here in three hours."

General Ross asked, "Very well, what about the superheroes?"

The soldier replied: "They're still investigating the port, but it's not going well. Whether it's the unmanned battle armor or a drone, it will be destroyed as soon as it enters the fog. Also, the superhero named Wind Demon tried to blow away the fog but failed. "

"It's troublesome."

General Ross said: "Let Iron Man, Rhodes, Steve, and the head of the Watchmen Company come over for a meeting."

"Yes, General."

The soldiers immediately went to carry out the order, and soon, Iron Man, Steve, War Machine Rhodes, and Electro arrived. General Ross, said rudely: "Tony Stark, Steve, Electro, next, You must follow my command."

Tony Stark frowned, and Electro said coldly: "We will follow your command, but if there is a problem with your order, we have the right to refuse. In addition, the military is fully responsible for the losses caused during the period of following the order. ."

Tony glanced at Electro enviously. He wanted such a privilege.

General Ross said angrily, "You want to disobey?"

Electro was not afraid, he said: "This is a privilege given to us by President Ellis. Unless the new President cancels it, this privilege will remain in effect. In addition, the Watchmen Company has a large number of disclaimers. If necessary, I can read them to you."

General Ross stared at Electro, even though Electro would be afraid of him, he sneered.

Seeing this, War Machine hurriedly settled the situation: "I believe that there will be no problem with General Ross' order."

"Of course."

General Ross snorted coldly, projected the situation of the port, and said, "The S.H.I.E.L.D. carrier will arrive in three hours. At that time, we will launch a direct attack."

"Strike? What about the President and the hostages in the port?"

Tony asked, "Mayor George has calculated that with the addition of cargo ships at the port, there are about 2,000 hostages in the hands of the Mandarin."

Steve also said: "I think the hostages should be the main ones."

"The President will not be easily killed. As for the hostages, I don't care so much now. It is more important to eliminate the Mandarin and protect the interests of the United States."

General Ross said lightly that he didn't care about the life and death of the President at all, or that it would be better if the President died so that the Vice President could take office.

'President Ellis has given the Blood God so many privileges, it's nothing short of a traitor. Fortunately, the Mandarin captured him.'

General Ross thought to himself: 'The Vice President is the future of America!'

Both Tony and Steve frowned. Tony wanted to say something, but the War machine grabbed him and whispered, "No way, America can't give in."

Tony and Steve could only sigh, and Electro sneered, he knew that General Ross would do this.

General Ross glanced at Electro and said, "When the Helicarrier comes, you go to the Helicarrier to stand by and cooperate with the Helicarrier to fight."

Electro shook his head: "I refuse."

General Ross said angrily: "Electro, are you provoking me? This is a very reasonable order."

"This is unreasonable. Blood God said that the Helicarrier has no defensive cover, and there is an 80% chance that it will fall!" said Electro.

General Ross said: "The Helicarrier has been upgraded and will not drop again."

"It still doesn't have a defensive cover!" said Electro.

General Ross was in a hurry, and Tony quickly said: "Electro, you stay back to protect the headquarters, Mandarin may send people to raid here, and Rhodes and the others will go to the Helicarrier."

Electro did not refuse this time: "Ok."

General Ross glared at Electro angrily and said, "Okay, during the battle, if anyone dares to cheat and play tricks, don't blame me for being rude."

"Superheroes are never afraid of battle ."

Electro left a sentence, turned around, and went out to gather superheroes, that is, the Sin Buster, Absorbing Man, Wind Demon, and others.

Looking at Electro's back, General Ross snorted. These superheroes are too unruly. When he takes power, he must find a way to control them and make them obey the military's orders.

General Ross is now smug, as long as he wins this War, he has a bright future!

Outside the barracks, Electro reiterated General Ross' decision, and Damon sneered: "A general who can even sacrifice his soldiers to capture the Hulk, it is normal to make such a decision."

"I hate the military, and I hate General Ross even more."

Power Man, who was once arrested by the military for human experimentation, said irritably, "Electro, what shall we do next? Those hostages are innocent."

Electro smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang will solve everything, we just need to obey the order."

When everyone heard the words, they breathed a sigh of relief. With Mr. Wang there, everything was not a problem.

Three hours passed in a flash, the Helicarrier flew from the sky, and Iron Man and the others flew up immediately.

Alexander Pierce agreed to Iron Man's request to board the ship, but only on the deck. He said: "Tony, please forgive me, the interior of the Helicarrier is not suitable for opening."

Tony nodded and said, "No problem, Minister Pierce, These hot guys will explode, your Helicarrier doesn't have a shield, so be careful. "

Pierce frowned, always feeling that Tony was a little weird, and he had heard the words of the Blood God.

"Don't worry, with the firepower of the Helicarrier, there is no chance for them (Extremis Soldiers) to approach."

Pierce said a word, interrupted the communication, and then said to the Peacemaker Rumlow: "Rumlow if anything happens to me, you will take command."

Rumlow glanced at Pierce's holographic projection and asked inexplicably, "Sir, why do you use the holographic projection to command?"

"I always feel something is wrong, and it is more convenient for me to stay at the headquarters."

Pierce said: "Anyway, the mothership is full of our people, and no one knows my real situation."

Rumlow immediately said: "Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra!"

Pierce smiled complacently, and it won't be long before the whole world will belong to their HYDRA.

On the deck of the Helicarrier, Human Torch looked up at the sky covered in lightning storms, thunderbolts everywhere, and frowned: "Mr. Stark, I have an ominous hunch that this Helicarrier might fall."

"It's a little weird, Jarvis. Are there any thunderstorms in New York tonight?"

Tony asked, and Jarvis replied, "Sir, there's no rain in New York tonight, and this thundercloud is only around the port."

"Magic means, or technological means?"

Tony frowned, he thought about it, and said to War Machine and Steve, "Let's leave the mothership and defend around."

War Machine nodded, and then asked, "Okay, do you want to notify S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"No, they should be prepared!" Tony said

He wished to have an accident on the Helicarrier, but the only pity was that Pierce didn't come in person - how could this bastard be able to hide from him, Tony Stark?

In Blood God Manor. Bert, President Ellis, Carter, and Lilith were watching the live broadcast of the port. Unlike the military, they could see the situation in the port - Elektra put a camera.

On the screen, a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes stood on the deck and pointed the green ring on his left middle finger at the sky.

Bert said: "It seems that this ring can not only release lightning but also summon lightning."

Carter asked, "Blood God, is this magical power or technological power?"

"I do not know either."

Bert shook his head. He looked at the man with black hair fluttering on the screen, and wanted to dub him a voice - 'The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand.'

"It's quite similar."

Bert couldn't help but smile, and President Ellis asked worriedly: "Blood God, this Mandarin looks quite powerful."

Bert smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as he still belongs to the category of human beings, he is not my opponent."

"That's good."

President Ellis breathed a sigh of relief. Tonight's victory or defeat, and who will rule the United States depends on the Blood God.


"Prepare to attack!"

The Helicarrier drove out of the fog, and Pierce ordered: "Don't worry about anything, just bombard it directly. If there is any problem, the military will take the blame."


Everyone was about to start shooting, and at this moment, the thunderbolts in the sky suddenly gathered above the Helicarrier, and then all the bolts of lightning fell in unison, slamming on the Helicarrier densely.

Boom boom boom!

The Helicarrier was hit hard in an instant, a large number of facilities exploded, causing heavy casualties, and what was worse, the entire system was destroyed, the four engines were shut down at the same time, and the Helicarrier fell at an astonishing speed.

As for Pierce's holographic projection, it naturally disappeared on the spot.

Tony and the others escaped because they were not on the mothership. Human Torch exclaimed, "So exaggerated?"

"It's a bit of an exaggeration. If this is what Mandarin made, then we're in big trouble."

Tony also sucked in a breath. He looked at the falling Helicarrier, shook his head, and said, "Sure enough, it fell again, Jarvis, write it down, don't use large flying equipment until there is no defense cover."

Jarvis said: "Noted."

"It fell like that?" General Ross, who was still waiting to see the great power of the Helicarrier, scolded: "Is S.H.I.E.L.D. here to be funny?"

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Council, as well as the top executives in the United States, were also stunned. The Helicarrier that they spent so much money on didn't even let out a fart, and just fell like this?

"Damn, what should I do?"

In the falling Helicarrier, Rumlow frowned and hesitated - should I let everyone turn into lizardmen to escape?

If he did, everyone can survive, but the existence of the HYDRA will be known to everyone.

Do not change, except for him Rumlow, everyone else will die.

Without waiting for Rumlow to make a decision, the others decided first — under the threat of death, many people instinctively turned into lizardmen.

It is worth mentioning that the Hydra agents are injected with an improved version of the lizard serum, and they do not regard themselves as lizard man, but they must inject medicine every once in a while, otherwise, they will become the same as Kingpin and those people.

Seeing this, Rumlow immediately shouted: "Those who can become lizardmen, all change to lizardmen, and then jump with the others."

Someone objected: "Captain, this will reveal the existence of HYDRA."

"As of now, I don't care so much. Listen to my order and act immediately."

Rumlow shouted, and everyone complied, and soon, a group of lizardmen jumped from the Helicarrier holding ordinary people.

"What is that?"

General Ross, senior government officials, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. directors all saw those lizardmen and were greatly shocked. The directors called Pierce and Hill one after another, but they couldn't get through.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Pierce interrupted the network of the entire headquarters and then slammed the table off in hatred, Damn Mandarin, Damn Rumlow.

"As of now, it can only be launched by force, Hail Hydra!"

Pierce took out a special communicator and pressed it hard.

With Pierce's action, all Hydra's phones rang, and then the S.H.I.E.L.D. pattern on their phones disappeared, replaced by Hydra's skull.

"Hail Hydra!"

All Hydra knew that the action started, they immediately pulled out the pistols around their waists, shot their colleagues who had been bragging about drinking together before, and then controlled the surroundings at the fastest speed.

After pressing the special communicator, Pierce took out a special mobile phone (he didn't break the Hydra's private network), and instructed the Hydras in the headquarters: "Capture the headquarters, let the remaining two Helicarriers lift off, and the other, kill Maria Hill."


The Hydras agreed excitedly, and after waiting for so long, they finally appeared today.

After instructing his subordinates, Pierce thought for a while, and called Dr. Lizard: "Bring all your masterpieces to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters."


Electro-Blast Ring, aka Lightning (worn on the left middle finger): This ring allows the Mandarin to project blasts of Electrical Energy.
