Chapter 112 : The Liar

"Damn, what is Pierce doing? Why did he suddenly give me a bunch of documents to deal with?"

At the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., Maria Hill, the acting Director, was irritably processing documents. The secretary next to her glanced at her mobile phone and suddenly drew her gun at Hill. Hill was shocked, but she didn't have time to escape.

At this moment, a book was thrown from the side, and the secretary's gun was directly smashed away. Then, a female agent rushed over and knocked the female secretary to the ground.

Hill breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the female agent suspiciously. The fighting style just now looked familiar.

The female agent kicked the fallen female secretary unconscious, then turned her head and shouted at Hill, "Hill, hurry up and leave with me, the HYDRA is active again."

"You are... Natasha?"

Hearing the other party's voice, Hill was stunned for a moment, and then asked again: "Wait, didn't you go to Asgard? Also, what happened to the HYDRA, hasn't the HYDRA been eliminated by us?"

"Unfortunately no, not only were they not eliminated, they became stronger."

The female agent, that is, Natasha, who was lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., said. At this moment, a group of agents rushed in from outside. When they saw that Hill was not dead, they immediately shot her and Natasha with their guns.

Natasha and Hill immediately hid behind the table, and Hill shouted, "Although I don't know what's going on, you're not alone, are you?"

"Of course not!" Natasha said.

The next moment, a team of agents rushed in and shot at the Hydra agents, but after the Hydra agents were shot, they did not die but turned into lizardmen.

"Kill them, kill Hill."

Deputy Captain Jack Rollins roared angrily and rushed towards Hill and the agents with a group of Lizardmen.

"What a pity, we got your information yesterday."

The leader of that team of agents was Carter's niece, Sharon Carter, who sneered and took out a green grenade from her waist and threw it at the Lizardmen.

With a bang, the green grenade exploded in the air, and the green mist filled the surroundings. As soon as Rollins and the others came into contact with the green mist, they immediately returned to their original shape in pain.

"Kill them."

Natasha immediately stood up and shot, showing no mercy, as did Sharon and others.

Hill frowned and shouted: "What are you doing? They are also agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"No, they are HYDRA agents. Steve Rogers, the acting Director of the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau gave the order to kill without mercy."

Natasha said coldly: "We have made a mistake once, and we can't make it again."

"S.W.O.R.D. Bureau? What's going on here?"

Hill was going mad, HYDRA and S.W.O.R.D., is this still her S.H.I.E.L.D.?

"I'll explain it to you later."

Natasha controlled the steel armors hidden nearby and said, "The most urgent task is to stop HYDRA from launching the Helicarrier. They are going to kill all their enemies and rule the world."


Hill felt that her outlook on life had been overturned, and she shouted a little broken: "I knew that I shouldn't have taken over as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Natasha walked into the Black Widow (Her armor) and said, "Hill, we will take you to the broadcast room, and you will command the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to fight against the HYDRA agents."

"Well, although your S.W.O.R.D. doesn't sound like a good thing, the HYDRA is the priority now."

Hill took a deep breath and nodded. At this moment, the Winter Soldier rushed in with a group of HYDRA agents and shot at the crowd.

Sharon and the others hurriedly ducked behind the barrier to fight back. Natasha raised her hand, and a missile blasted toward the leading Winter Soldier.

Winter Soldier immediately turned into a white lizardman, and then raised his hand to spray a large amount of ice, and the missile fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this, Sharon immediately threw the antidote grenade again, but this time, the antidote failed.

A HYDRA agent sneered: "Sorry, our captain is an elite lizardman."

Winter Soldier didn't talk so much. He rushed straight to Natasha and punched her with his metal arm. Natasha hurried to dodge but was swept away by Winter Soldier's tail and slammed into the wall with a bang.

"This guy is much stronger than what the captain said."

Natasha scolded, hugged the rushing Winter Soldier, and flew out, while shouting to Sharon, "Sharon, take Hill away."

"Okay, thanks to my rich aunt."

Sharon immediately used her watch to control the glider to fly to the window, and then started the machine gun to fire at the HYDRA agents frantically.

"Hill, let's go."

Sharon immediately jumped on the glider with Hill and flew straight to the broadcast room. As for the other agents, they stayed to deal with the HYDRAs.

"Natasha is actually at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters? It seems that Steve and the others were aware of the existence of HYDRA before, but unfortunately, there are too few of them."

Pierce couldn't help sneering when he received the news. HYDRA had already captured the control room, and the remaining two Helicarriers would be launched soon. At that time, the world would belong to their HYDRA.

At the same time, good news came from all over the world. A large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were wiped out by HYDRA agents. The blue dots representing the S.H.I.E.L.D. base on the map was turning into red dots one by one.


On the transport plane, Clairvoyant, John Garrett was explaining to his adopted son Grant ward: "Blood God wants that stone. In any case, we have to capture the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and get that stone."

ward asked, "What should I do if I encounter a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?"

Garrett said in a cold voice, "Order them to help us. Those who are unwilling to help will be dealt with as HYDRAs."

ward nodded: "Understood."

"Okay, let's go down."

Garrett nodded and directed the transport plane to drop towards the Helicarrier below.


Let's move forward a little bit, seeing so many lizardmen jumping out, everyone is very shocked, just at this moment, the Helicarrier crashed to the ground, the whole port was shaking, and countless dust rose into the sky.

"It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. has a serious problem."

General Ross was thinking when a missile suddenly flew out of the fog in the port.

After the missile flew out, it scattered in the air and turned into many small missiles and fell towards the barracks. Iron Man was stunned: "Jericho missile?"

While shooting at the small missile, War Machine shouted dissatisfiedly: "Tony, your Stark Industries is selling arms to terrorists again?"

"The Stark Industries's weapons department has long since closed."

Tony said angrily: "I only produced two Jericho missiles, one was used for demonstration to the military, and the other was bought by the military. Jarvis, investigate the trace of the Jericho missile."

"Damn it, immediately lift off the unmanned battle armors and stop them."

General Ross hurriedly ordered the unmanned battle armor to be launched into the air to intercept, and the superheroes also shot.

Bang bang bang...

All the Jericho missiles were stopped.

But this was just the beginning. A large number of missiles flew out of the fog again, each of which was a high-grade product previously produced by Stark Industries, and fell toward the military camp like a meteor shower.

Unmanned armors and superheroes tried their best to intercept, but there were too many missiles, and many of them fell into the barracks and exploded.

For a time, American soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

"Damn it, push our missile vehicles out to fight them, and also, notify the air force base and send bombers to bomb the port."

General Ross shouted angrily, and at this moment, a large number of missiles flew out of the fog again, as if their missiles didn't cost money.

Under the terrifying firepower of the Mandarin, General Ross suffered heavy losses and had to order a retreat, leaving only unmanned armors and superheroes to fight.

"Damn terrorists!"

General Ross gritted his teeth angrily. Unwilling to fail, he picked up the phone and shouted, "Bring the Criminal Special Forces over here, I'm going to kill those bastards."

The man on the opposite side said hesitantly, "General, the special force has not finished their research..."

General Ross roared: "I said, bring it here immediately."

In the sky, War Machine angrily said to Tony: "Tony, these missiles are all produced by your Stark Industries, what are you doing?"

Tony ignored War Machine because Jarvis has already investigated the Jericho missile trail.

"The Jericho missile was first purchased by the American military, and then the military sold it to a rich country in the Middle East at a higher price."

"The big dog owners in the Middle East?"

Tony was stunned for a moment, and then he figured out everything. It turned out that it was not only the terrorists who were fighting against him but also the oil tyrants in the Middle East.

This group of oil tycoons in the Middle East is not willing to be eliminated by the times, so they support terrorists to get rid of him, the representative of new energy. In short, this is a desperate counterattack by traditional energy companies.

"It's no wonder that the terrorists attacked me the first time. It's no wonder that Mandarin is doing things so smoothly in the country. Plus Mandarin has so many weapons. It turns out that those big dogs are supporting him."

Tony gritted his teeth with hatred. He was not a greedy person. To develop new energy, he once handed olive branches to the local tyrants and invited them to develop together.

As a result, those bastards not only didn't want it, but they also planned to get rid of themselves and put an end to the new energy source.

"After this incident, I won't spare you."

Tony gritted his teeth and shouted on the communication channel: "Don't wait, we will enter the fog and start a full-scale War with the Mandarin."


All the superheroes nodded, and General Ross suddenly shouted: "Wait, the Air Force fighters will arrive soon, let them bomb it first."

Tony said: "I don't think it's useful, let them retreat, so as not to sacrifice in vain."

"Whether it is useful or not, it is not up to you to make the decision."

General Ross snorted coldly. It didn't take long for five fighter planes to fly from a distance, preparing to carry out the bombing plan.

At this moment, a missile flew out of the fog and exploded in the air. A powerful pulsed beam swept the surroundings. All five fighter planes malfunctioned and fell to the bottom.

'It's EMP again.' Tony thought angrily and said, "I said it earlier, it's useless."


General Ross gritted his teeth, what the hell, even terrorists have better equipment than their military?

At this moment, the fog that enveloped the port suddenly dissipated, and the real situation of the port appeared in everyone's sight.

They saw the President of the United States, tied in the middle of the two towers, and the "Mandarin" was standing high on one of the towers.

At the same time, the American TV signal was hijacked again. When the audience saw President Ellis who was tied there, they couldn't help but exclaim. That Mandarin, does he plan to publicly execute the President?

Two lights shone on Mandarin and 'President Ellis', Mandarin shouted: "I taught you two lessons, the first, Superheroes can't protect you, and the second, the President of the United States Can't protect you.

Now, I'm going to give you one last lesson in advance, that is, God, can't protect you! "


The audience was stunned, and immediately reacted, Mandarin should be talking about the Dragon God!

'This Mandarin, actually wants to slaughter the gods?'

Bert tutted his tongue in admiration: "You came after me? Mandarin, you gave me a surprise."

President Ellis looked at the double tied in the air on the TV, and couldn't help but be glad that it wasn't him. He asked Bert, "Blood God, when are you going to take action?"

Bert said lightly: "No hurry, let them fight for a while."

At the port, General Ross shouted: "Everyone set out, save the President, and destroy the Mandarin."

"Come on, we have no choice." Iron Man took a deep breath and led the crowd to rush up!

Mandarin smiled disdainfully and waved his hand. Hundreds of Extremis Soldiers with Wings flew out of the surrounding freighters, flapping their wings and rushing toward the superheroes.

"Launch the missile."

Tony immediately ordered, but there are not many unmanned armors that launched missiles. This is not because they don't obey Tony's order, but because most missiles have already been fired before - intercepting the opponent's missiles.

Without missiles, ordinary bullets can't stop Extremis Soldiers. They rushed over quickly and fought with the superheroes.

Because of the disadvantage in numbers, the superheroes fell to the bottom as soon as they met, and several unmanned battle armors were destroyed.

Fortunately, Ghost Rider, Electro, War Abomination, and others are more powerful, and they can maintain the situation.

"Let's go."

Seeing the War between the military and the Mandarin, Rumlow immediately planned to take HYDRA's people to escape from there. At this moment, Pierce's projection suddenly appeared in front of Rumlow and ordered, "Destroy the superheroes."

After that, Pierce's phantom disappeared directly.

Rumlow was stunned, why did Pierce's phantom suddenly appear here, and there is no holographic projection instrument here?

Although there were many doubts, Rumlow thought about it and led the HYDRA agents back to join the battlefield - the HYDRA had strict rules.

On the freighter, Mandarin touched the 'The Liar' ring worn on the left ring finger and smiled disdainfully at HYDRA.

"A bunch of idiots."

Seeing HYDRA join the battlefield, Tony sneered and smashed antidote grenades one after another downward. As the green mist filled the air, those lizardmen quickly turned back to ordinary people.


Rumlow cursed and drove the Peacemaker to attack Iron Man. At this moment, his battle armor suddenly lost control and flew toward Manhattan.

Seeing the HYDRA collapse in an instant, Mandarin looked a little ugly. It was a waste of his time. At this moment, more than a dozen military vehicles drove over, and then a large number of strong men in prison uniforms with sluggish faces got out of the vehicles.


Mento-Intensifier Ring, aka The Liar. This ring magnifies the Mandarin's psionic energies, allowing him to mentally manipulate the thoughts and actions of others. Used it here to fool Rumlow.
