Chapter 113 : Reinforcements

Seeing the arrival of the military vehicle, General Ross was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted: "You are finally here, hurry up and let the Criminal Special Forces join the battle."

Hearing General Ross's order, the technicians at the rear immediately activated the chips in the prisoners' brains. The prisoners roared in unison, their bodies rapidly deformed, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of small Abominations appeared in everyone's sight.

That's right, these prisoners have all turned into small Abominations. The military has never stopped researching Abomination, and the Criminal Special Forces are the result.

The reason why the military reinstated General Ross is because of his special achievements in the study of Abomination.

However, these small Abominations are not perfect, and they can use them now, relying entirely on the electronic chips in their heads - copying the electronic biological brain technology of the Oscorp.

Not to mention these, after the prisoners transformed, they rushed to the battlefield immediately. With their participation, the superheroes finally took a sigh of relief, but only a sigh of relief, and the whole situation was still suppressed.

"Desperately struggling, now, I'll let you know what despair is."

Mandarin smiled disdainfully, opened the container on the freighter, and more than 20 green flying dragons about the size of an ostrich flew out of the container.

That's right, green flying dragons, flew into the sky and breathed flames downwards, the port instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and a large number of Abominations were burned alive.

Although the small Abominations can heal themselves, it is far inferior to the real Abomination.

"Flying Dragon? Is this a fantasy movie?"

Tony turned and shot at a flying dragon. The blood of the flying dragon shot straight out. It was furious and spit flames at Tony. Tony hurriedly fled.

At this moment, another flame sprayed from the side, and Tony dodged again. He turned his head and saw a man with a dragon tattoo looking at him with hatred.

Dr. Killian roared: "Tony Stark, I've come to seek revenge on you."

Tony mocked: "I'm sorry, who are you? Do I know you?"

"You will know me, because, you will die at my hands!"

Killian was furious, mounted a flying dragon, and charged at Tony, an unmanned battle armor just came to attack him, and was directly cut in half by his hand.

Tony gasped. It seems that this is the boss, that guy said before.

'The question is, who is he? Why does he have a grudge against me?

"Flying Dragon? Isn't Mandarin a terrorist? Why does he have such high technology and such terrifying monsters?"

The high-level officials were stunned, and the strength of the Mandarin far exceeded their imagination.

At the New York City Hall, Mayor George said to the Vice President who came here in person: "Vice President, I think it's time for the Blood God to take action."

Everyone besides them was silent, no matter whether they were compromisers or hardliners, they all knew clearly that at this time, only the Blood God could save the overall situation.

The Vice President was silent for a while, then took out his mobile phone and called the Blood God. Who knew that the one who answered the phone was Lilith, the Blood God's assistant?

"Blood God is practicing magic in seclusion, and he doesn't see any visitors. If you have something important, I suggest you come to him in person."

Lilith finished speaking expressionlessly, then hung up the phone directly.

Everyone's faces were quite ugly. The Vice President took a deep breath and said, "Since the Blood God wants me to see him, then I will go to him in person, Mayor George, you come with me."


Mayor George smiled bitterly. It seemed that the Blood God wanted to slap the Vice President in the face.

'Damn Blood God, you will die at the hands of Mandarin.'

Cursing endlessly in his mind, Vice President took everyone to the Blood God Manor. Then, he let the large army wait outside, and walked into the villa with Mayor George and a few Secret Service agents.

As soon as he entered the villa, the Vice President realized that it was not good, because President Ellis, who should have been caught by the Mandarin, was sitting there smiling.

Vice President wanted to escape, but the Secret Service agents all pointed their guns at him, Mayor George was stunned, and asked Bert, "Mr. Wang, what's going on?"

Bert said lightly: "It's nothing, it's just that the Vice President colluded with terrorists."

Mayor George was stunned: "This is nothing?"

"It's nothing compared to the current situation."

President Ellis shook his head, and he sneered at the Vice President: "Are you surprised to see me here?"

"What are you doing? Hurry up and catch him, he is fake, the Blood God found someone to disguise President."

Vice President pointed at President Ellis and yelled at the agents, who sneered: "Do you think we can't even tell if the President is real or not?"

"Even if he is real, why do you arrest me?" Vice President asked loudly, "President Ellis, what evidence do you have for calling me a traitor?"

"Of course there is. The information on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier was sent to the Mandarin by you, right?"

President Ellis sneered: "The agent who helped you pass the information has been arrested by us. Also, your daughter was injected with A.I.M's Extremis virus. These are all evidence."

Seeing that the situation was over, Vice President collapsed on the ground, he thought of something, and shouted: "Mr. Mandarin will not let you go."

"It's the Blood God who won't let Mandarin go."

President Ellis smiled disdainfully and said, "Take him to the dungeon and ask for information on the Mandarin. He committed treason, and I allow you to use special means."

"Yes Sir."

Several agents dragged the Vice President away immediately, and President Ellis turned to Bert and asked, "Blood God, shall we deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Mandarin first?"

Bert stood up and said, "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s matter will be handed over to those superheroes, President Ellis, prepare a televised speech, the American citizens need you."

Bert has already taken back control of the TV station. How can Mandarin's technology be compared with Oscorp's?

President Ellis said, "I would love to serve the American citizens, Mayor George, come along."

"Yes, Sir."

Mayor George immediately agreed. Although he didn't know what was going on, he was right to follow the Blood God.

Bert drew a portal of a blue circle with his hand and said, "Ms. Carter, come with me."

Carter walked to Bert and asked, "I didn't expect that you even know magic now, but why is yours blue?"

"The energy is different."

Bert took Carter into the aperture, opposite the battlefield of the port. As soon as he entered, he smelled a strong smell of gunpowder smoke.

"It's a little hot."

Bert said through the communicator: "Iron Man, the agents from S.H.I.E.L.D., and Spider-Man are all here, ready to open a copy of Hydra."

While dodging Killian's attack, Tony shouted: "Bert, you're finally here, hurry up and help me get rid of these guys, especially this bastard who stalks me. Did I rob his wife or something?"

"What you did to him was more extreme than robbing his wife. You let him wait for you on the rooftop for nothing."

Bert sneered and said, at this time, hundreds of unmanned battle armors flew from the sky to join the battle!

These unmanned armors are Oscorp's private armor, and their performance is stronger than the military armors taken away by General Ross before.

With the help of these unmanned armors, things are finally starting to improve.

General Ross roared: "Blood God, you have such a strong force, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Bert blinked and asked inexplicably, "You haven't been arrested yet?"

"Arrest me? I am the General of the United States, the commander appointed by the Vice President, who dares to arrest me?"

General Ross said arrogantly. At this moment, several Secret Service agents came over and said, "General Ross, you are suspected of treason. We are ordered by the President to formally arrest you."

General Ross was stunned for a moment, and then asked inexplicably: "Treason? Wait, wasn't the President kidnapped by the Mandarin?"

"Of course you want him to be taken away by the Mandarin. We have solid evidence that you intended to blow up the President."

An Agent sneered and stepped forward to handcuff General Ross. General Ross was furious and shouted to the soldiers beside him: "Take them down for me, they intend to rebel."

At this time, a white-haired General came over and said in a cold voice, "I'm sorry, General Ross, you have been released from command. Next, I will take command here."


General Ross was stunned. When the agents saw this, they immediately pulled him toward the car behind.

"I've done a good job for the military, I've shed blood for the country, you can't do this to me, I want to see the Vice President, I want to see the Vice President."

While struggling, General Ross shouted, and the agent sneered, "Don't worry, you'll see the Vice President right away, in jail."

"The Vice President was also arrested?"

General Ross instantly understood that he was being implicated by the Vice President. He was extremely depressed and couldn't help shouting, "I don't know the vice president well."

"Didn't you want to see him just now?"

The agents sneered and pushed General Ross into the car.

"Blood God, General Ross has been released from command. Next, I will cooperate with you to fight. If you have anything, you can tell me."

General White Hair said to Bert through the communicator, Bert nodded and said, "Very good, let the Navy and Air Force prepare to save people."

The white-haired General didn't ask anything, and simply agreed: "Okay, Blood God."

"Bert, hurry up, or we won't be able to retreat at all."

Tony shouted in the communication channel: Bert shook his head and said, "Tony, you are still too weak, you can't even deal with such a small character."

"Small character? I don't think Dr. Killian would agree with you." Tony said.

He had already found information about Killian, but he still couldn't remember how he offended the other party.

"Of course, it's just a small role."

Bert took out the pager and typed in the text: "Come back. Coordinates, New York port."

The next moment, a colorful beam of light fell from the sky, and then, Hulk, Iron Fist, Black Panther, Punisher, Hell Sisters, and the huge War Lizard and a Big armor appeared at the same time.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Ivan in the Hulkbuster armor laughed. He flew up and slashed down with an axe. The dragon's neck was directly divided in two, and it fell to the ground with a wailing cry.

Tony asked in surprise: "Crazy, are you wearing a large armor?"

"Yes, this is the Hulkbuster armor designed by Dr. Banner and me. Wear another armor on top of the original armor, Sissy. Compared with this, you are a small toothpick."

Ivan was crisscrossing in the air, and those flying dragons were not his opponents at all, and he hacked them to death one after another.


Tony cursed, why did his idea crash with Ivan's again? What's even worse is that every time he is ahead, this time, he will be blamed for plagiarism again.

"Hulk hate Hulkbuster."

Hulk glared at the Hulkbuster armor, jumped up and grabbed an Extremis Soldier, and smashed him hard at the other Extremis Soldier. With a bang, the two Extremis Soldiers died at the same time.

Punisher, Black Panther, and others also joined the battlefield immediately. Only Danny Rand was a little confused. He was staying well in Asgard. Why was he suddenly pulled back to participate in the war?

It is worth mentioning that Thor didn't come, not because he didn't want to come, but because Bert didn't let him come. This is a matter of the earth, and the people of the earth can solve it.

Seeing the change in the battle situation, Mandarin frowned a little, but he still didn't intend to take action, he just sent the reserve team out.

Mandarin pays attention to the momentum, whoever moves first will be at a disadvantage.

After killing a few flying dragons, Ivan flew toward Tony in the Hulkbuster armor. He looked at Killian, who was chasing Tony, and sneered: "Are you too weak? You can't even take care of such a small character."

Tony led Killian in Ivan's direction and said, "Be careful, that guy can break the armor with his bare hands."

"Do you think my battle armor is as papery as yours?"

Ivan smiled disdainfully, raised his hand, and fired a repulsor cannon at Killian. Killian controlled the flying dragon to avoid it, and then, together with the flying dragon, spewed flames toward the conqueror's armor.

The shield behind Ivan flew up by itself, blocking the flames in front of him, Tony's eyes lit up: "Automatic defense shield?"

"You think too much, I'm just remote controlling the shield."

Ivan said unhappily, knowing that in terms of intelligent systems, he is far inferior to Tony.

What else Tony wanted to say, Bert shouted: "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., hurry up and gather, the situation at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. is very bad."


Tony and the others immediately flew toward Bert, and Killian roared from behind: "Tony Stark, don't run away, our account has not been settled yet."

"Sounds like you've always given up on people, don't you?" Ivan said: "Hey, wait, you like men? Then why are you with Pepper?"

"You are the one who likes men. I don't know who he is at all."

Tony said angrily, what happened that night was a great shame to Killian, but to Tony, it was just a common prank, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Tony Stark's brain is not used to remembering these, he only remembers technology and beautiful woman.

Spider-Man also raised his hand and said, "I am a Superhero of the Watchmen Company, although it is only a temporary contract."