Chapter 117 : Ten Rings

Hearing Mordo's question, everyone looked at Ancient One. They also wanted to know the answer to this question.

"Because he released ten spells in an instant."

Ancient One tapped the void with one finger, and the previous picture was played back at a slow speed. Everyone could see that the ten space portals did not appear at the same time, but appeared one after another with slight differences.

"The Blood God can release ten spells in an instant?"

Everyone was shocked. The mage apprentice Strange in the corner touched his chin and said, "In game terms, he has ten times the spellcasting expertise. Wow, the boss is too strong."

Everyone turned to look at Strange, frowning a little, why are he and Doom here? Isn't this a meeting that only senior mages can attend?

Mordo asked Strange, "Is the Blood God your boss?"

"Yes, I worked in the hospital he opened. After my hand was injured, I went to him and asked him to install a pair of mechanical hands for me."

Strange nodded and said with trembling hands: "The boss looked very shocked at the time. In the end, he didn't agree to my request, but gave me Sanctum's information."

Ancient One silently brews tea, thinking, Doctor Strange with a robotic arm, why does it sound so exciting?

Doom glanced at Strange and said, "A mechanical hand? I think you should install one, which can improve your combat effectiveness."

Strange trembled and regretted saying this. Kamar-Taj is good for everything, strong magic, fast internet, and free electricity, the only bad thing is Doom, this bastard always beats him, in the name of training.

That is to say, he couldn't beat Doom, an iron-faced bastard, otherwise Strange would let him know why the flowers were so red.

Doom ignored Strange. He turned to Ancient One and asked, "Master, why didn't the Blood God's portal interfere with each other? Also, why was his portal so big in the first place? Logically speaking, it wasn't supposed to get this bigger?"

"Because that's not a portal."

Ancient One said: "The principle of the portal is to connect two points by cutting the space. Blood God only cuts the space and does not connect the points, so his spells will not interfere with each other. Therefore, his spells are so big.

This move should be called space cutting, not space portal. "

Doom suddenly realized: "So that's the case. I didn't expect the Blood God to be a magic genius."

"He modified spells at will? He's really audacious and he doesn't know how to live or die."

Mordo was very dissatisfied and said: "Master, I suggest that you forbid the Blood God from using magic, otherwise it will surely bring disaster in the future."

Many mages nodded: "Yes, magic is very dangerous and cannot be modified at will."

Doom sneered and asked, "If magic can't be modified at will, where does Kamar-Taj's magic come from?"

"Of course, it was created by Master."

Mordo looked at Doom and said, "I know what you mean, but the master is the Sorcerer Supreme and can ensure that magic will not cause any accidents. Others have no such ability.

When Kamar-Taj was first built, there were several disasters caused by the modification of spells, so the seniors repeatedly warned that spells should not be easily modified. These historical books are there, you can take a look. "

"A few disasters scared you off? If ordinary people are as cowardly as you are, it will still be the Middle Ages, and there won't even be electricity."

Doom said disdainfully: "For hundreds of years, Kamar-Taj has not innovated or improved at all, and has been living on the Master's legacy. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Everyone was furious: "Doom, what did you say?"

"To be honest." Doom stood up and said, "In the beginning, I thought that Master had been in charge of Kamar-Taj for hundreds of years because she loved power, just like those emperors in the mortal world."

"What did you say?"

Hearing Doom slandering Ancient One, everyone couldn't help it. They stood up and shouted. Ancient One waved her hand and said, "Doom, you continue."

"Yes, Master."

Doom nodded and continued: "However, after several months of contact, I have discovered that not only does Master not love power, but also looks forward to retirement every day. Unfortunately, her apprentices are all trash, and none of them can take on major responsibilities.

Therefore, she can only use some bad means to prolong her life and continue to protect the world as the Sorcerer Supreme. "

Kaecilius asked angrily, "You call me trash?"

"I'm not targeting you, I'm saying that everyone here is trash."

Doom didn't hesitate to ridicule the group, and everyone was furious. If Ancient One was not still there, they would all be practicing martial arts on Doom.

Strange couldn't help but back away, and he now regretted sitting with Doom.

He knew that Doom was crazy, but he didn't know that Doom was so daring that he mocked the senior mages of Kamar-Taj, was he not afraid of being beaten to death in the middle of the night?

"Am I wrong? If you weren't trash, Master would have retired and enjoyed her life long ago."

Doom said arrogantly: "You are the kind of trash who doesn't know you are trash. You all act arrogant and self-righteous every day, but you don't know. Without Master's protection, you are nothing."

Ancient One finally spoke, and said, "Enough, Doom, you go out first."

"Yes, Master."

Doom didn't object, he turned to Strange and said, "Let's go."

"I'm not going."

Strange waved his hands, is he going to leave with Doom? He still has to live in Kamar-Taj in the future.

Doom didn't care about what Strange thought, he dragged him outside. The group of guys inside were all useless, only this kid still has some talent, which can be cultivated a little.

"Ancient One's kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain, and I will train a Sorcerer Supreme to repay her."

Doom thought to himself, he Doom, will pay back the favor, even if the other party is a Sorcerer Supreme and a Blood God, it is the same.

Looking at Doom's back, Mordo and others gritted their teeth, and only Kaecilius' eyes flashed: "Prolong life using a bad method? Is this the secret of Master's ability to live for hundreds of years?"

Thinking of something, Kaecilius suddenly felt a deep jealousy in his heart. He had been with Ancient One for decades but couldn't discover her secret. Doom had only been here for a few months, and he saw through everything.

'With Doom here, how can I take over as Sorcerer Supreme?' Kaecilius frowned deeply: 'If I can't become Sorcerer Supreme, how can I live forever?'

Everyone has their demons, and Kaecilius' demon is his fear of death. The thought of dying makes him tremble.

He doesn't want to die!

"Okay, let's continue watching the battle."

Ancient One glanced at Kaecilius and said to everyone, everyone nodded, but they were still thinking about the previous things in their minds.

Doom's words did make them very angry. But after calming down and thinking about it carefully, what Doom said doesn't seem to be completely unreasonable. Ancient One is not a person who loves the position of power, so why has she not given up the position of the Sorcerer Supreme?

Are they really trash?


In the New York Harbor, Mandarin couldn't bear it anymore. He flew into the sky and shouted to Bert, "Blood God, where is Feilong Dragon?"

"Feilong Dragon? That's not a good name."

Bert also flew up, and he said to Mandarin, "How is the quality of the meat, and how long does it take to cook?"

"How could I know?" Mandarin reacted and asked in astonishment, "You want to eat it?"

"Dragon meat, who doesn't want to eat it?" Bert said, "I will share it with you, do you want it?"

"Go to hell!"

Mandarin roared and raised his left hand, the Lightning ring on his middle finger lit up, and a huge bolt of lightning slammed at Bert.

"It's you who will die."

Bert snorted coldly, opened a portal in front of him, and all the lightning flew into the portal. Then, a portal appeared behind the Mandarin, and a bolt of lightning bombed him.

Although Mandarin sensed the situation behind him, he did not move. The next moment, all the lightning was blocked by an invisible barrier and dissipated in the air.

Bert said: "There is something around you. If I guess correctly, you are waiting for me to hit you myself, right?"

"Yes, your speed is famous all over the world." Mandarin said, "It's just that I didn't expect you to be proficient in magic."

"I know more things."

Bert smiled slightly, made a few similar movements with his hands, and then pushed forward hard, and a lifelike 100-meter-long Blood-colored Dragon roared out, with the sound of the Dragon roaring fiercely towards the Mandarin.

"You summoned the Shou-Lao."

Mandarin was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and raised his right hand, the Vortex Beam Ring on his middle finger activated, and a huge tornado appeared out of thin air, sweeping toward the blood-colored Dragon.

Bert drew a circle with one hand, and a portal appeared in front of the blood-colored Dragon, it flew in immediately, and appeared in front of the Mandarin.

Immediately afterward, Shou-Lao waved his claws and quickly attacked the air barrier. The air barrier was constantly vibrating, and there were cracks everywhere.

"So spiritual, it is a Dragon."

Mandarin snorted, the Ice Blast Ring on his left little finger lit up, and a huge chill enveloped the blood-colored Dragon.

A touch of contempt appeared on the blood-colored Dragon's face, raging flames burned on his body, and all the cold air was instantly evaporated.

Mandarin raised his hand and planned to use another ring. At this moment, his eyes met the eyes of Shou-Lao, and he couldn't help but recall his life in his mind.

The Penance Stare.

In this life, Mandarin had innumerable sins, and his soul quickly burned. At this moment, Ten Rings lit up together, preventing the Dragon fire from burning the soul of Mandarin.

Mandarin was jolted and suddenly woke up, but before he could do anything, ten spatial apertures contracted, instantly cutting his barrier and body into eleven pieces.

Shou-Lao immediately opened his mouth and swallowed the two palms of Mandarin. The Ten Rings struggled frantically, trying to escape from Shou-Lao's body.

At the same time, under the power of the Ten Rings, Mandarin's body was reassembled, and as long as the Ten Rings returned to his body, he would be resurrected immediately.

"It's quite powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, can it still be as powerful as the space stone?"

Bert sneered and covered Shou-Lao with the power of the space stone, all the Ten Rings were trapped inside and could not escape.

Because the power was cut off, Mandarin's corpses spread out again and fell towards the bottom. The Dragon spewed out the fire, burning the body and the soul of Mandarin to ashes.

Sensing that Mandarin was dead, Ten Rings completely quieted down.

"Mandarin, you are very strong, but unfortunately, I am stronger."

Bert said lightly, if it was a few months ago, Mandarin might really be able to fight him, but now, Mandarin is far from his opponent.

Demon's blood, Space stone, Elixir, Bert's strength has been advancing by leaps and bounds.


Ancient One nodded with satisfaction, Bert did not let her down, but it was not enough, he still needed to be stronger.

"Mandarin is dead? Such a powerful Mandarin actually died?"

Seeing that Mandarin was dead, Extremis Soldiers were terrified to the extreme and fled in all directions, even Dr. Killian did the same.

They lost this war completely.

At this moment, an electric whip whistled and entangled Dr. Killian's body firmly. Ivan raised his axe and sneered: "You want to escape, have you asked me?"

Dr. Killian shouted: "Leave me alone, I can help you deal with Tony Stark."

"I need your help to deal with that sissy? Also, are you worthy?" Ivan smiled disdainfully, and with an axe, Dr. Killian's head shattered like a watermelon.

This time, Dr. Killian failed to resurrect and died completely.

"Ivan, you lead the team to hunt down these Extremis Soldiers, don't let any of them go."

Bert commanded: "Max, you take the superheroes to rescue the hostages, and the navy is ready by the side."


Ivan and Electro nodded at the same time, the war has ended, and only the final touch is left.

Bert thought for a while and drew a small circle with his finger. The opposite of the circle was the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Through this circle, Bert sensed the situation over there, and when he saw the Helicarrier lift off again, he couldn't help shaking his head. It seemed that they still had to rely on him.

"In that case, let's go shopping, just to see the ultimate masterpiece of Dr. Lizard."

Bert expanded the circle, and the Dragon swooped down from the sky and shuttled to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Then, Shou-Lao unceremoniously smashed an Helicarrier and then soared freely in the air.

"There is something wrong with the length of this Dragon."

After the initial panic, Pierce quickly discovered the difference between the original Shou-Lao. He said excitedly: "This Shou-Lao is not a complete body, we still have a chance, Black Spider-Man, transform immediately, kill that Shou-Lao, and protect the Helicarrier."

"As you wish."

Black Spider-Man shouted, his entire body swelled and deformed wildly. A few seconds later, an eight-legged giant black spider full of malice and madness appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, in the mysterious base, Dr. Lizard looked at the giant black spider that appeared on the screen, and laughed: "My strongest masterpiece has finally appeared, what about the Dragon? My black spider will defeat it."


Rings used by the Mandarin...

Vortex Beam Ring, aka Spin (worn on the right middle finger): The ring causes the air to move about at high speed in a vortex. The vortex can be used as an offensive weapon, as a means of levitating objects, or as a means of propelling the ring's wearer through the air.

Black Light Ring, aka Nightbringer (worn on the right little finger): This Ring allows the Mandarin to create an area of darkness, presumably using Darkforce energy to do so. Used it to cover the port, so nobody could know what happened on the port.

Mento-Intensifier Ring, aka The Liar (worn on the left ring finger): This ring magnifies the Mandarin's psionic energies, allowing him to mentally manipulate the thoughts and actions of others.

Electro-Blast Ring, aka Lightning (worn on the left middle finger): This ring allows the Mandarin to project blasts of Electrical Energy.

Ice Blast Ring, aka Zero (worn on the left little finger): This ring allows the Mandarin to project waves of up intense cold and ice, including trapping foes in ice blocks and sheaths.

Other Rings...

Matter-Rearranger Ring, aka Remaker (worn on the right thumb): This Ring allows the Mandarin to manipulate the atomic and molecular structures of matter. However, it cannot transmute elements or affect objects encased in force or energy fields.

Impact Beam Ring, aka Influence (worn on the right index finger): This Ring allows the Mandarin to generate and project various beams of concussive force.

Disintegration Beam Ring, aka Spectral (worn on the right ring finger): This ring allows the Mandarin to project a beam of energy capable of destroying the bonds between the atoms and molecules, causing inanimate objects to disintegrate. This ring must recharge for 20 minutes after each use.

White Light Ring, aka Daimonic (worn on the left thumb): This ring allows the Mandarin to generate and manipulate various forms of electromagnetic energy.

Flame-Blast Ring, aka Incandescence (worn on the left index finger): This ring allows the Mandarin to project blasts of infrared to produce flame or ignite combustible materials.
