Chapter 118 : End of Battle

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Sharon looked at the huge Black Spider, turned her head, and asked Spider-Man who had just gotten helped out by Melinda, "Spider-Man, can you also become a big spider?"

Spider-Man shook his head: "I don't have this ability, and it's too ugly to look like this."

"Ugly? Spider-Man, you know? I can only maintain this form for ten minutes. After ten minutes, I will die. Since I was created, I have been a tool, a tool for fighting."

Black Spider burst out laughing, and it shouted hideously: "Even if I didn't become like this, I can only live for three years, Spider-Man, why did you lose your blood? Without your blood, I wouldn't have been born at all."

Spider-Man finally understood why the Black Spider hated him so much. He felt a little guilty and apologized weakly: "I'm sorry."

Without letting the Black Spider continue, Pierce shouted: "Don't waste time, you only have ten minutes, hurry up and kill Shou-Lao, and then kill all the other superheroes."


Black Spider couldn't disobey Pierce's order and immediately teleported to the front of the Dragon, opening its mouth and spewing a large amount of venom at it.

The Dragon spewed out the fire, and all the venom was burnt to ashes. Immediately afterward, the Dragon waved its tail and smashed hard at the Black Spider.

Black Spider teleported behind Shou-Lao, and its eight legs stabbed toward Shou-Lao's back like eight sharp blades. Each sharp blade shone with a faint blue light, which represented severe poison.

Shou-Lao didn't evade, and directly let the eight legs of the Black Spider pierce his back. Then, while locking the eight legs of the Black Spider with his body, he controlled the Dragon fire to gather on his back and frantically burned the Black Spider.

Shou-Lao is not flesh and blood, there is no vital point at all, and it is not afraid of poison.

Black Spider was shocked and wanted to teleport, but because his eight legs were locked, he couldn't escape at all. He gritted his teeth, spit venom to dissolve his eight legs, and then teleported away from the flames.

Shou-Lao looked at the Black Spider that reappeared in the distance and quickly regenerated, and sneered: "Not bad, quite decisive."

"I will kill you. Only in this way can I prove that I have been here."

Black Spider roared, and Shou-Lao snorted coldly: "The idea is good, but do you have the strength?"

"Of course I have."

Black Spider glared at the Dragon, and the eight eyes fired lasers at the same time, and the Dragon spewed out flames against the Black Spider.

At the same time, Tony and others rushed to another Helicarrier, frantically destroying the facilities above, and the HYDRA tried their best to counterattack.

"No, if it goes on like this, the Helicarrier will be demolished by Tony and the others sooner or later."

Pierce gritted his teeth and went to turn on the assembled machine. As he pressed the button, the machine was running at full power, and the ice light kept flashing inside the machine, and a chill spread out, making people shiver.

Pierce took the remote control and quickly fled the room. Then, he instructed the Black Spider through the communicator: "Bring the Dragon into the command room, the freezing machine has been activated."


Black Spider nodded, pretended to lose, and stopped firing the laser, then teleported and escaped from the fire.

Immediately afterward, the Black Spider quickly fled to the command room, Shou-Lao glanced at it contemptuously and lowered his head to shoot a fireball at the Winter Soldier below.


Winter Soldier was directly blown away, and Steve shouted a little distressedly: "Dragon God, that's Bucky, my friend."

Shou-Lao sneered: "Take him quickly, and Ms. Carter is jealous."

"I'm not narrow-minded!" Carter said with a smile as she fired the Shock-web at Winter Soldier.

"Then why have you kept Sharon from seeing Steve?"

Shou-Lao sneered, Carter was a little embarrassed, and then rolled her eyes at Shou-Lao. Isn't that just a joke you said at that time?

When Sharon nearby heard this, she couldn't help blinking her eyes. She had long noticed that her aunt kept her from getting close to Captain America, and now she finally confirmed it, but, Why?

Seeing that Shou-Lao didn't follow him, but chatted there. Black Spider was going crazy.

The script is wrong. Shouldn't Shou-Lao chase after him, and then be trapped by the machine?

Pierce was also shocked, and he shouted to the Black Spider: "Hurry up and bring him in, we don't have much time."

"I know, but how? My spider web can't bind it."

Black Spider thought for a while and teleported, suddenly appeared behind Spider-Man, and then shot a web to catch him.

Then, Black Spider brought the struggling Spider-Man and flew toward the command room. He was confident that this time the Dragon will follow.

"You're pretty smart." Shou-Lao smiled and said to the Black Spider: "Forget it, let's stop playing, look into my eyes."

Black Spider looked into Shou-Lao's eyes subconsciously. The next moment, he couldn't help but recall his short life, then his soul burned in a raging fire.

Although the Black Spider was born not long ago, his sins are also not small. His existence itself is a sin.

"Is there such a move? Well, I can finally be freed. The only pity is that I didn't even live to my first birthday, and I haven't eaten pizza yet."

Black Spider sighed, and its huge body fell towards the bottom.

Trapped in the web, Spider-Man, whose web launcher was damaged, shouted, "Hey, somebody help me. I'm going to fall to my death."

Seeing this, Sharon quickly controlled the glider to catch Spider-Man. Spider-Man lay on the glider and breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help feeling a little sad when he saw the Black Spider's body!

If he hadn't lost his blood, the Black Spider would never have been born, and he was the one who was sorry for the Black Spider.

"How could this be? Why did my Black Spider die suddenly? It's impossible!"

Dr. Lizard, who was running away, saw this scene and shouted in disbelief. He couldn't accept this result at all, because he didn't even know how the Black Spider died.

That was his greatest masterpiece!

"The Penance Stare, that Dragon actually has Penance Stare, how is that possible?"

Pierce guessed the cause of Black Spider's death, but he also couldn't understand why did the Shou-Lao have The Penance Stare ability of the Ghost Rider? This makes absolutely no sense.


Pierce quickly accepted the reality. He took a deep breath and fled to the basement. As long as he didn't die, he had a chance to make a comeback.

Shou-Lao glanced at the office building, flew away from the Helicarrier, and shouted to Tony at the same time: "Tony, go and take your revenge, leave the Helicarrier to me."

"Okay, thank you, Bert."

Tony was overjoyed and immediately flew towards the office building. After a while, he blocked Pierce who was fleeing into the underground garage.

Tony raised his hand at Pierce and said hatefully, "Pierce, pay for my parent's lives."

"Kill me?"

Pierce raised the remote control in his hand and sneered: "Do you know how many people will die if I press this button?"

Tony sneered: "You trying to scare me?"

"I'm not. There is a freezing machine in the command room. Once activated, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. building will be frozen."

Pierce said: "This was originally used to deal with the Blood God, but neither he nor the Dragon God took the bait."

Tony frowned: "How can it be so powerful?"

"Because there is a lot of frost giant cores in it." Pierce said: "The ice power of the Frost Giant is all in the core."

Tony scolded: "Don't forget, there are also your HYDRAs in the building."

"It is their honor to sacrifice for me."

Pierce sneered, and he shouted: "Iron Man, let me go, otherwise, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the vampire police in the office building will be buried with me."

"You are despicable."

Tony snorted coldly, the back of his left hand lit up with red light, then he raised his left hand and waved towards Pierce, and the red laser flashed. Pierce along with the remote were all divided into two!

"This was reserved for you, Alexander Pierce. Go to hell."

Tony gritted his teeth and said, Pierce fell to the ground with strong disbelief, his body was divided in two, he barely opened his mouth, and said the last sentence of his life: "HAIL HYDRA."

"Death is not a pity."

Tony snorted, the whole person relaxed, and the bloody revenge was finally settled.

Tony thought for a while, and said on the communication channel, "I killed Pierce, I'm sorry, I know I should keep him for information, but I really can't help it."

The communication channel was silent at first, and then there was a burst of cheers: "Good job, that bastard should have died long ago"

"Well done." Steve also praised, but he was a little worried in his heart. Will Tony let Bucky go with such a big hatred?

"Winter Soldier?"

Tony frowned a little, then remembered the pilots who died in his hands, and the killing intent in his heart suddenly diminished.

"Let's talk later."

Tony shook his head and flew towards the command room, where there was still a problem to be solved.

In the command room, Tony fumbled a few times and turned off the machine easily. He was about to destroy this thing when there was a sudden rumbling and an explosion occurred outside, but it was Shou-Lao's tail that smashed the Helicarrier into two pieces.

"Bert is getting stronger and stronger. Even if all the superheroes joined forces, they are still not his opponent."

There was a sudden worry in Tony's heart - this worry is not for Bert, but for all super strong people.

After thinking about it, Tony decided to keep this machine, it might come in handy at a critical time.

In the base, Dr. Lizard smashed the tablet in his hand bitterly, none of the two trump cards worked.

At this time, the front exit arrived, and Dr. Lizard said, "Let's go, let's find the next one. Next time, I will design a more powerful work and kill both the Blood God and the Dragon god."

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "I'm sorry, you have no next time."

Accompanied by this sound, a large number of unmanned battle armors flew out from the side, aiming the machine gun at Dr. Lizard and the guards.

Dr. Lizard immediately raised his hands and said rudely, "Who are you? I can cooperate with you."

Seeing that Dr. Lizard chose to surrender, the guards also put down their guns and raised their hands very wisely.

Mercury walked out with a long sword and said coldly, "Who do you think I am?"

"Mercury, President of Oscorp? Are you with the Blood God?"

Dr. Lizard felt bad, he hurriedly said: "I believe that even the Blood God needs my wisdom, and I can help him design a lot of things."

Mercury came over and said lightly, "Don't worry, the Blood God told me to capture you alive."

"That's good." Dr. Lizard breathed a sigh of relief and said, "President Mercury, hello, my name is..."

Bang, Mercury knocked Dr. Lizard unconscious with the handle of the sword, and she laughed, "Who is interested in knowing your name?"

Then, Mercury glanced at the guards and said coldly, "Kill them."


The guards exclaimed, and the next moment, gunshots sounded, and all the guards fell to the ground.

Mercury took out her mobile phone and dialed Bert, and said, "Blood God, we captured Dr. Lizard."

Bert nodded with satisfaction, and ordered: "Very good, bring Dr. Lizard and all the useful things back to our base, in addition, destroy the corpses and traces."

"Yes, Blood God."

Mercury put down the phone and immediately began to do so.

On the New York battlefield, the Extremis Soldiers were eliminated one after another. At this moment, a black light flashed in front of Bert, Elektra held the head of the Feilong Dragon and said to Bert: "Master, Please accept it with a smile. "

Looking at the unrepentant Feilong Dragon, Bert nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Very good, keep this for me as a decoration, hey, Elektra, do you feel that you have become stronger?"

"I swallowed the soul of the Feilong Dragon with the power of the Beast."

Elektra said excitedly, "I've only digested a little bit now, and when it's all digested, I will become much stronger."

Bert frowned: "Devouring the soul? Will there be any sequelae?"

"This ability, of course, will have sequelae. In short, I will become more bloodthirsty and cruel. However, my soul is in the hands of the master, and the master can stop me at any time." Elektra said.

Her eyes were full of heat, and she planned to use this method to continue to improve her strength in the future.

Bert thought for a while and said, "In the future, unless I send you out, you must always follow me."

"Yes, Master."

Elektra nodded without hesitation, Bert drew a circle with one hand and sent the faucet back to the laboratory. Then, he took out his mobile phone and called President Ellis: "President, the governments of various countries have begun to attack the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is it over?"

President Ellis replied: "It has already begun. Anyone who does not surrender will be dealt with as HYDRA, and will be killed."

"Very well, Pierce has been executed, and the Helicarriers have been destroyed. President, you can almost hold a press conference."

Bert smiled and said, "I believe that your approval rating will rise."

"Without you, the Blood God, I would have already died at the hands of Mandarin."

President Ellis said; "Blood God, when I retire in the future, I will join the Dragon God Church."

Bert's eyes flickered: "President Ellis may become the last president of the United States. If we want to enter the interstellar era, the earth must be unified and peacefully unified."