Chapter 119 : Gains and Tasks

"President, did the Vice President betray the country?"

"Unfortunately, the Vice President betrayed the United States. He colluded with the terrorist Mandarin, intending to subvert the country's power."

"This is a shocking thing, but, President, to deal with Vice President alone, it's not necessary for you to use such a shocking plan, right? Many people on the Internet are questioning that you are deceiving the public."

"A Vice President alone, naturally not. But this time I have to deal with not only the Vice President but also the HYDRA!"

"HYDRA? The HYDRA from World War II? Haven't they been wiped out?"

"Not only have they not been eliminated, but they have also become very powerful, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. has been turned into a Snake Shield by them."


On the third day after the war, President Ellis, as promised, introduced the ins and outs of the two wars in the 'Trish Talk'. After listening, the audience was shocked. The Vice President colluded with terrorists to kidnap the President, isn't that too appalling?

As for the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. was Snake Shield, the audience was not too shocked. On the one hand, S.H.I.E.L.D. has nothing to do with most people, and on the other hand, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a very bad reputation.

"I felt that S.H.I.E.L.D. was not a good thing early on. They were HYDRA, and I wasn't surprised at all."

This is the idea of ​​many viewers. They even doubted whether the aliens were deliberately introduced by S.H.I.E.L.D. and asked the government to investigate them.

In any case, S.H.I.E.L.D. is doomed, and neither the government nor the people want to let it go.

At the same time, the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau led by Steve Rogers officially entered the world stage, which was generally welcomed by the public. After all, Steve is the super idol they have admired since childhood.

This is also the reason why Steve is in charge.

In contrast, the governments of all countries except the United States are very suspicious of the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau. Steve has been holding meetings with the governments of various countries these days. Even he is exhausted.

"I can spend the whole day fighting the enemy, but I don't want to spend a minute in this kind of meeting."

Steve complained to Bert on the phone: "Bert, can you change the Director? I think Coulson is good. His hair looks like a Director."

'Are you being fair to Coulson?' Bert complained: "If It's not good, you promote Coulson to be the deputy Director, and let him go to the meeting instead of you."

"This can be done." Steve was overjoyed, he thought of something, and said, "By the way, Hill..."

Bert knew what Steve was going to say, and shook his head: "Hill can't do it, the traces of Fury on her mind are too heavy, and the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau does not need to be killed by paranoia."

Steve sighed and said, "Well, by the way, Hill wanted to meet Fury."

Bert said: "When I'm done with these few days, I'll take her to see Fury. I happen to have a job to give him."

Steve was stunned: "Work? Didn't you say he was going to retire?"

"If he wants to retire, I'd be happy to let him go, but do you think he'll really retire?" Bert sneered: "That's a natural agent. The life of an ordinary person is no different from death to him."

"Okay, I'll go with you then, don't talk anymore, there's another meeting, I regret taking over the position of Director."

Steve sighed and hung up the phone. Bert shook his head and focused on the Ten Rings in front of him.

These Ten Rings, now without their owner, are very calm, like ten ornaments. Bert thought about it and put the lightning ring on his finger.

After the ring was put on, it immediately lit up, and then, a force spread from the ring to Bert's soul, Bert did not stop it, The power wrapped around the left middle finger of his soul and turned into a ring.

"Soul binding? That alien civilization is not only a technological civilization but also a magical civilization, just like Asgard."

Bert narrowed his eyes slightly, but unfortunately Mandarin was dead, otherwise, he could bring back the alien spaceship and study it slowly.

Then, Bert put on the other nine rings, looking at the rings on his hands, he laughed dumbly, like a nouveau riche.

Bert's thoughts moved, his fingers turned into blood, and Ten Rings sank into them. When the fingers recovered, all the rings disappeared.

"In addition to the Ten Rings, this time there are many other gains."

Bert silently counted, the first is the corpse of the Feilong Dragon, which is undoubtedly a big gain, not to mention the other, the blood alone can improve Bert's strength a lot.

In addition, Elixir, Dragon meat, Dragon heart... these are all very useful, and Dr. Stern can't wait to study them.

In addition to Feilong, from the Mandarin's side, Bert also harvested the perfect version of the Extremis Virus.

That's right, the perfect version, A.I.M's original Extremis virus plus the Dragon's blood of the Feilong Dragon, is the perfect version of Extremis virus.

There is no doubt about the power of the Extremis virus. With it, the strength of Humans and Vampires will be greatly improved.

In addition, on the Mandarin side, Bert also gained a lot of money - the group of dog owners pooled money to compensate Bert and Iron Man to survive.

This matter is mainly operated by Iron Man. With his character, he will make the big dogs bleed, and Bert will just wait for the money.

Although Bert is already the richest man on earth, no one says no to more money - this time, the compensation will be at least tens of billions.

Compared to Mandarin, the harvest from the HYDRA side is relatively small. Simply put, there are three, Dr. Lizard, the Teleportation Stone, and the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau.

Needless to say, Dr. Lizard, this guy can even study clones. He is a genius. With him in his hands, Bert can obtain a lot of high technology, or in other words, black technology.

It is worth mentioning that the corpse of the Black Spider is also in Bert's hands, and it may be copied in the future.

As for the teleportation stone, it is the stone that Clairvoyant (John Garrett) took Ward to grab. There are two in total, and the other is in the hands of Gideon Malick.

//** Teleportation stone is the Kree Monolith. The Kree Monolith was an ancient Kree construct that could transport certain individuals or objects to Maveth. **//

The function of the Monolith is very simple. It teleports to the planet where the Inhuman Hive is located. Thousands of years ago, the Hive was exiled by this stone.

Let's put this away first, the Inhuman race will be resolved sooner or later, not only on Earth but also on the Moon.

Compared with the previous two, the harvest of S.W.O.R.D. Bureau is more meaningful. In the future, there will be no flies flying around.

"Through the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau, my power is several times greater than before."

Bert smiled slightly. After the count was completed, he stood up, drew a circle with one hand, and went to the underground of the Blood God Manor.

"Dr. Lizard." Bert looked at the arrogant Dr. Lizard and said with a smile, "We finally meet."

"Blood God, is this your attitude towards talents?"

Dr. Lizard touched his head and said dissatisfiedly: "If you want me to work, you must respect me. A person like me can't please you like a pug."

"No, you're wrong, I'm not going to make you work for me." Bert said, "I just want your knowledge and technology."

"Isn't it the same?"

Dr. Lizard said: "Blood God, as long as you provide me with enough funds and materials, no matter what you want, I can help you create it."

Bert said lightly: "It's different. If I want your knowledge and skills, I don't need your service, I just need to control you."

"Control me? This is a waste of money."

Dr. Lizard said loudly: "Puppets can't create new things, you can only control me, you can only get my previous technology."

"This is enough."

Bert increased the output of the Purple Man virus and said: "People like you are too dangerous, I can't let you research at will, otherwise, you will sooner or later make a big disaster. Cloning technology, an improved version of lizard serum, and Black Spider, these are enough."

Dr. Lizard said disdainfully: "I didn't expect the Blood God to be as pedantic as others. With my help, you can unify the world at any time and turn all human beings into slaves."

"Why do I want slaves? You said it yourself, puppets are uncreative. What I need is a living world, not a lifeless Middle Ages."

Bert smiled disdainfully. Dr. Lizard wanted to say something but suddenly sensed something was wrong. He exclaimed in surprise, "You put a virus around?"

"Maybe, well, shut up now."

Bert said, Dr. Lizard opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word and looked at Bert in horror.

Even Lizardmen can be controlled with the Purple Man virus, but it takes a long time.

"Tell me about all the technologies in detail."

Bert turned on the camera and instructed Dr. Lizard. Although Dr. Lizard was reluctant, he could only obediently tell about his various research.

Bert nodded with satisfaction. After verifying these technologies, he can send Dr. Lizard to hell. This guy is too dangerous to stay alive for too long.

"Speaking of which, what's your name?"

Bert thought of something and asked. Dr. Lizard was overjoyed. Just as he was about to tell his name, Bert waved: "Needless to say, on your tombstone, I'll write Dr. Lizard."

Dr. Lizard was indignant, you bastards are going too far, I just want to say my name!


A few days later, in a prison of S.W.O.R.D. Bureau, Bert looked at Nick Fury who came out, and said with a smile: "It seems that the food here is good, Fury, you are getting fat."

"Nothing to do, of course, I'll get fat."

Fury glanced at Bert and the three of them, sat down, and asked, "Are you here to execute me?"

"To execute you, do I have to wait until now?" Bert said angrily, "I'm here to give you a mission."

"Send me on a mission? Blood God, I didn't surrender to you." Fury snorted coldly: "I will not work for you in this life."

"If you don't work, you will retire completely."

Bert didn't care either. He said, "I will install an electronic chip on your body. If you have any changes, I will immediately arrest you and lock you until death."

"Blood God, you are wrong."

Hill said dissatisfiedly, Fury was relieved, someone still understood him. At this time, Hill added: "You should let him hand over the embezzled money first. He is the biggest embezzler in American history."

Fury looked at Hill speechlessly, and Hill scolded: "What are you looking at? Do you know how I have lived for more than half a year? Since I took over as Director, I haven't slept well for a day, and even my hair is about to fall out."

Fury was embarrassed. Bert and Steve looked at each other and wanted to laugh a little. Sure enough, baldness is the standard for the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Wait, now I'm the Director?"

Steve thought of something and immediately touched his hair nervously. Will the super soldier serum prevent hair loss?

Fury thought for a while, then turned to Bert and asked, "What task are you going to give me?"

Bert asked, "Do you plan to take the mission?"

Fury said: "I just asked, and I didn't say I would take it."

Bert said: "It's a very simple task, to explore the universe and obtain information."

"Explore the universe and get information?"

Hill, Steve, and Fury all looked at Bert in astonishment. They never thought that Bert would give Fury such a task.

"Yes, about the Mad Titan Thanos, I believe you know that he will never let Earth go, we must find out his information."

Bert nodded and said, "In addition, human beings will enter the interstellar age within ten years. I want to find out the situation of the universe in advance, lest human beings go out and get their heads smashed."

"I agree with your idea."

When it comes to business, Fury no longer has a temper. He asked: "However, we don't even have a Spaceship now, how can I carry out this mission?"

Bert said: "Go to Asgard, I asked Thor, Asgard has a starport, many cosmic people trade there, and with your ability to deceive, Nick Fury, it's not difficult to get a spaceship."

"Should I say thank you for your compliment?" Fury snorted, he thought about it, and asked, "How many people can I take?"

Bert said, "Hill will follow you. For the others, you can recruit as many as you like, and bring as many as you can."

Hill said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, when did I promise to go with him?"

Bert looked at Hill and asked, "If you don't leave, you can only be an ordinary person in this life. Are you willing?"

Hill was silent, she thought for a while, and said to Fury: "It's okay if you want me to leave with you, but I have to manage the account, even if it is a penny, it will be under my control."

"Okay, I'll take you to embezzle together and build safe houses all over the universe."

Fury said happily, Steve covered his face, this bastard is unrepentant, Hill also sighed, she deeply doubted whether her decision was wrong.

Then Fury asked Bert again: "You have to support me with a supply of materials, including Vibranium."

"I'll give you a small amount of Vibranium."

Bert said: "In addition, I will give you battle armor, an Extremis virus, a human body strengthening agent, and a lizard serum."

Everyone was a little surprised, the Blood God is so generous? Money may not be able to buy these things.

"The information of the universe is very important." Bert said, "Nick Fury, make sure you figure it out."

"I understand."

Fury nodded, and he said, "I will try to get the information you want, but not for you, but for the Earth."

"That's natural."

Bert thought of something, threw the pager back to Fury, and said, "This is for you, Ivan modified it, it can not only send messages to that person but also to me."



Following its introduction in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Maveth was also introduced in the Mainstream Comic Universe. In the comics, Maveth is a dead planet reclaimed by the Chitauri, to obtain the Phoenix Force Bomb that was sealed in the vault of its former emperor.
