Chapter 120 : New Plan

Fury took the pager, looked at Bert with one eye, and asked, "You actually gave this back to me, are you not afraid that I will call her back?"

"What if she came back?" Bert said lightly: "Do you think she will be my opponent?"

Bert's words made Fury silent for a while. To be honest, he didn't have much confidence. Captain Marvel was indeed strong, but Blood God was stronger.

Not to mention, behind the Blood God, there is the Ancient One that even the Demons fears.

Fury took a deep breath and asked, "How long do I have to prepare?"

"One month."

Bert said: "You can leave here now, but don't think about doing anything. S.H.I.E.L.D. must be destroyed."

"I know." Fury sighed, and he asked Bert: "Blood God, let me ask you for the last time, have you never thought of ruling the earth?"

"What's the difference between me now and ruling the earth? Is there anything I can't do?"

Bert sneered: "Two years ago, I still needed to worry about you, but now, who is qualified enough to make me worry?"

Everyone was silent. With the current strength and power of the Blood God, even the military, who had always been tough, had to be careful in front of him.

Hill said a little unhappily: "You can't get me."

Bert said, "One hundred kilograms of Vibranium."

Hill was stunned, and then asked, "When and where?"

Steve and Fury glanced at Hill speechlessly, can't you pretend you don't care? Hill was embarrassed because he had given too much.

Bert stood up and said, "Okay, I've said all I need to say. Fury, focus on finding out information about Thanos, this bastard is very dangerous."

"I know." Fury nodded and said, "Also, I'll tell Coulson all the locations of Earth's safe houses."

"You certainly won't tell him all."

Bert smiled and turned to leave with Steve, Fury shrugged, of course, he have to leave some trump cards.

Outside, Steve was silent for a while, and said to Bert, "Bert, I want Bucky to go to the universe with Fury."

Bert asked, "Why? Because of Tony?"

"Yeah." Steve sighed and said, "Tony said he would not kill Bucky, but Bucky should never appear in front of him."

"It's hard for Tony. If it were me, I wouldn't care whether the other party was controlled or not."

Bert shook his head and asked, "Has the Winter Soldier returned to normal?"

Steve said: "His memory has been restored, but there's still some abnormality. The attending doctor said that only Wakanda can completely solve this problem."

Bert smiled and said, "Okay, I'll ask Erik, you can take him to Wakanda for inspection."


Steve was very grateful, suddenly thought of something, and sighed: "After solving Bucky's matter, I can also concentrate on dealing with the rest of HYDRAs. I didn't expect that there are so many HYDRAs. If this goes on, I can't even think about retirement."

Bert asked: "It seems that there is a big discovery?"

"We captured Pierce's confidant Jasper Sitwell. According to him, there are several leaders in HYDRA, and the one who snatched the Scepter in the chaos before should be one of them."

Steve and Bert walked out of the prison while talking and found Natasha waiting for them at the door.

Seeing Bert coming out, Natasha immediately stepped forward and said, "Blood God, I want the Extremis Virus."


Bert instantly understood Natasha's thoughts, and said, "Extremis Virus can indeed make up for what you are missing, but it is still unknown whether people can have children after the implantation."

"It's okay, Tony is researching the antidote to the Extremis Virus. I'll inject the Extremis Virus first, and heal myself, then use the antidote. At that time, I will become a normal woman."

Natasha said excitedly, Bert was speechless.

"Okay, I'll give you the perfect version of the Extremis Virus."

Bert said: "The condition is to help verify whether people can have children or not after injecting the virus."


Steve and Natasha looked at Bert at the same time with contempt. They didn't expect him to be such a person.

"Hey, what's with the look? I'm just taking some things to research."

Bert said angrily: "Besides, people with high temperatures can't do that kind of thing at all, right? When they get excited, the temperature rises, and, it's gone."

"It seems to be true." Both Steve and Natasha couldn't help laughing, and Natasha said, "Blood God, thank you."

"You're welcome, We used to be a friend anyway."

Bert smiled, and Natasha asked, "Isn't it counted now?"

Bert pretended to think for a while, and said, "Now you don't seem to be able to reach up to me."

Natasha directly gave Bert a middle finger. Steve thought of something and asked Bert: "Bert, If the Extremis Virus works so well, I want to apply for a batch. In the battle a few days ago, Many agents of the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau was seriously injured, some even disabled."

Bert nodded and said, "Yes, but the perfect version of the Extremis Virus has some special materials added. Tony may not be able to detoxify it. The ordinary Extremis virus is easy to explode. Let's study it first."


Steve nodded, and Natasha said, "I can't wait any longer, I'll inject now, I trust Tony."


Bert smiled, then he and the two left and returned to the underground of the Blood God Manor.

After reading the information given by Bert, Reed asked in amazement, "You mean to use clones for experiments?"

"Yes, using clones for enhanced experiments."

Bert nodded, and he said, "I will remove the brains of clones. They will not have any consciousness from the beginning."

Reed thought for a while and agreed: "This is fine, but it will take time and money to complete this project. "

"Money is not a problem. I am the richest man on earth. As for time, the sooner the better." Bert said "The planet is becoming more and more dangerous,"

"I'm feeling it too."

Reed sighed and said, "I will start the experiment as soon as possible, by the way, that Dr. Lizard..."

Bert said: "I know what you mean, but he can't stay alive. His evil wisdom is very dangerous."

"Oh well."

Reed felt a little regretful, Dr. Lizard was a real genius, and even he had to admire the creativity of the black spider.

After dealing with this matter, Bert returned to the manor. When Mindy saw him, she immediately shouted excitedly, "Master, it's game time."

"You used to be a superhero, but now you've become an internet addict girl?"

Bert said angrily, Mindy dragged him to the game room, and said at the same time, "Isn't it because you asked me to play games with Hai?"

Soon, the two came to the large game room, where Lina and Hai were waiting early in the morning. When they saw Bert coming in, they immediately shouted excitedly, "Master, start the game."

"You guys."

Bert shook his head and started the holographic projection game, and the surrounding area immediately turned into a prairie, as if it were real, and he could even sense the breeze and smell the grass.

"let's start."

Bert clicked in the air, and a cartoon gun appeared in the hands of the three of them. Then, a large number of cute monsters appeared around, and the three of them immediately shot at the monsters happily with their guns.

Bert watched quietly. This game is a derivative of the holographic projection training space, which is quite popular among apprentices.

'Hella has been smiling more recently. It seems that my plan is very effective.'

Bert smiled, picked up the gun, and joined the battle. The three of them immediately cheered. With the help of Master, they would be able to defeat that damn parrot boss.

Everything that happened here fell into the eyes of the crow Hugin, and it passed it back to Asgard, and Odin became angrier: 'Didn't he say that he needs to teach Hela well, why does he take her to play games every day? What's so fun about rubbish games?'

Hugin sneered: "GodKing, are you jealous?"

Odin said angrily: "I'm jealous of him? I am a dignified king, why would I be jealous of him?"

Hugin said: "Of course, GodKing, because you also want to play with Princess Hela, right?"

Odin denied it directly, he said angrily: "Nonsense, when did you become so courageous, you even dared to mock me?"

Hugin said arrogantly: "I am Princess Hela's pet now, not yours. I am not afraid of you."

'I'll take care of you when you come back.'

Odin said angrily: "Keep your eyes on Hela, don't look at that bastard who spoiled my daughter."

"Princess Hela will protect me." Hugin laughed and shifted her 'eyes' to Little Hela.

Looking at the smiling Hela on the screen, Odin couldn't help sighing. Hugin was right. He wanted to play with Hela. He had not seen such a Hela for thousands of years.

"I'm sorry Hela. I shouldn't have let you inherit the throne of death, and I shouldn't have trained you desperately to help me conquer the world."

Not sure if it's because he's getting old or not. Odin is getting more and more sentimental now. At this time, footsteps came from outside, and Odin hurriedly dissipated the light curtain.

Frigga pushed open the door and walked in. She looked at Odin and asked inexplicably, "Odin, why are you hiding in the study every day recently?"

Odin said, "What do you mean by hiding? I am studying."


Frigga looked suspicious. At this moment, she found that Odin's eyes seemed to be a little red, and she became even more astonished. What the hell is this old guy doing?

Odin hurriedly changed the topic: "Of course, it's true, by the way, what do you want from me?"

Frigga said, "I want to talk to you about Thor's girlfriend Jane. She's a good girl. You shouldn't be so indifferent to her."

"How many years can she live? Thor goes out for a trip, and she dies of old age."

Odin said: "I don't agree with Thor staying with her, and letting her stay here is already my biggest concession."

Frigga tried but failed to persuade Odin, so she could only leave helplessly.

As soon as the door closed, Odin immediately started watching the live broadcast again. Looking at Hela who was happy, he couldn't help but let out a smirk like an old father. Frigga was stunned when she saw the smirk, then shook her head, it must be an illusion, How could the Godking smirk like that?

Only Thor could smirk like that.

In Blood God Manor, after the game, the three of them were exhausted. Bert turned off the holographic projection and said, "Mindy, Lina, you will go back to school tomorrow to apply for leave. I will take you to travel around the world."


Mindy was overjoyed, she didn't want to go to school for a long time, and Lina asked blankly, "Is there any delicious food around the world?"

Bert said: "Of course there is, I guarantee you can't stop eating."

Lina said excitedly, "That's great, I'm going."

Little Hela looked at Bert eagerly, obviously wanting to go, but when Bert looked over, she immediately looked away, pretending to not care.

Bert said: "Hai, you also come with me, just in time to teach you history on the spot."

"Okay, I'll go with you too."

Little Hela acted like she looked reluctant, watching this both Odin and Bert wanted to laugh.

Traveling around the world is not an idea that Bert suddenly came up with. He had such a plan since he learned about Space Portal.

If he wants to open the space portal, he must have a better understanding of the destination. Bert intends to travel around the world, so that no matter which country he wants to go to in the future, he can directly open a portal.

On the other hand, it's time to go to Europe and deal with that bunch of self-righteous vampires.

The Blood God is not only the God of North American Vampires but also the God of the whole Vampires on Earth.


In the Oscorp Building, Bert said to Mercury and Blade: "You two go to Europe first, Mercury, you go to buy the hospitals in Europe, buy as many as you can, and then control the blood bank so that it doesn't fall into the hands of vampires.

Blade, you take people to Europe to set up a Vampire police station. "

Mercury said, "If they don't drink blood, those vampires will rebel."

Bert said lightly: "How come there is no blood to drink? As long as they are willing to register with the Vampire police station, they can buy the cheap and delicious Blood of Hope."

Blade said with a smile: "Those vampires won't sit still, they will fight back."

"Then let them fight back, kill as many as they come, and I will equip you with the best weapons."

Bert said coldly: "Clean up the opponents, and the rest will naturally be obedient."

"I like this saying." Blade grinned, his mouth full of white teeth very dazzling.

"This time, we are not negotiating like in the past, we are conquering. There is only one way for those vampires to go, and that is to obey my rules and stop sucking human blood."

Bert said: "You go over there first, and I will come after a while."

"No problem, I will kill all the vampires who dare to make trouble." Blade said, still the same, his only expertise in this life is to kill vampires.

"Well, bring your troops over there, don't capsize in the gutter."

Bert said: "In addition, Duke Damaskinos has been studying vampire genes. When you face him, you must be very careful, and don't let him plot against him."


Both Blade and Mercury nodded. Mercury thought for a while and asked, "Is there any problem with the European government?"

"No, they all support my approach." Bert said: "They have long been dissatisfied with the smog of European Vampires."

Mercury nodded: "That's good."

Bert said: "In short, don't worry about anything, and turn Europe into North America at the fastest speed."

"Understood, hey, those vampires who escaped to Europe are probably going to be desperate." Blade said with a smile.

Bert smiled and said, "They can continue to flee, and then continue to despair."

"It seems that you are worthy of the name of Blood God."

Blade stood up and said, "I'll go back and sort it out and set off as soon as possible. By the way, is my pure Vibranium sword ready?"