Chapter 125 : Crushing

Mercury looked at Countess Bathory and asked, "You bought your mask from the Blood God Group, right? How much did it cost?"

Countess Bathory was a little embarrassed, and she snorted coldly: "After today, the European Vampires will have a lot of UV protection masks."

"It's too early to dream, and I hope your clothes are bulletproof."

Mercury smiled disdainfully, and twenty unmanned battle armors flew out of the surrounding buildings, each with two Gatling guns on it.

Immediately afterward, forty Gatling machine guns were activated at the same time, shooting at the Vampires with a dense array of bullets, and half the street was covered, like a rain of bullets.

These bullets, all silver-plated were extremely lethal, and in an instant, dozens of Vampires were smashed into tatters and turned into ashes.

The remaining Vampires hurriedly hid under the car and nearby buildings, the bullets were too dense, like a metal storm, and even Elite Vampires could not resist.

"So many unmanned armors?"

Only Countess Bathory didn't hide. She waved her rapier to block the bullets, and in a panic, she ordered through the Bluetooth headset: "Carry, come in quickly."

"Okay, Countess."

Cary immediately rushed into the Blood world with ten Armed helicopters, and then fired fiercely at the unmanned combat armor with the airborne machine gun.

These helicopters were outside before, and the reason why Mercury and the others didn't notice it was because of the cover of the blood-colored cloak.

The unmanned armor's attack was interrupted by the helicopters, and the Vampires took the opportunity to rush over, Counter attacked with rifles and bazookas, and the war officially broke out.

"Armed helicopter? It seems that the European Vampires' head is not completely rigid. Unfortunately, your weapons are too backward."

Mercury smiled disdainfully, pressed the button, and hundreds of spinning knives flew out from the surrounding buildings, attacking the Vampires with a fierce spinning sound.

These rotating flying knives have been upgraded and possessed extremely high intelligence. They are like living creatures, the vampires could hide from one, but couldn't hide from a group, and died tragically one after another.

At the same time, five unmanned battle armors flew into the sky and launched missiles at the helicopters.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

All five helicopters were shot, fell to the ground with black smoke, and then exploded.

"No, our weapons and technology are far inferior to theirs."

Countess Bathory gritted her teeth, held a magic rapier, and rushed toward Mercury like a phantom. It was obvious that she wanted to capture the head first.

"Frog at the bottom of the well, I'll let you know now how big the gap between you and us is."

Mercury smiled disdainfully and greeted her with a Katana. The next moment, the two met. The magic rapier and the Katana collided one after another in the air at an astonishing speed. In just a few seconds, they clashed dozens of times.

"Isn't she just over a hundred years old? She's as fast as me?"

Failing to take down the opponent, Countess Bathory was extremely shocked. She gritted her teeth and used a secret technique to divide her body into ten and attacked Mercury from different directions.

Mercury was not afraid, she blocked all the attacks of Countess Bathory.

Countess Bathory returned without success, and her body became one. Mercury seized the opportunity and slashed at Countess Bathory's neck with her sword.

"She's not as fast as me, she's faster than me."

Countess Bathory was shocked and hurriedly retreated. Mercury immediately chased after her.

"By the way, didn't I come to fight the boss?"

Blade sighed, pulled out the Silversword and the Vibraium sword, and shouted: "Kill these Vampires."


The Ten guards and a group of Elites did not talk nonsense and directly followed Blade into the battlefield. In just one round, more than a dozen Vampires died in their hands.

"How can they be so strong?"

The European Vampires were shocked. They could understand that Blade was strong. Why were the top ten guards and ordinary Elites so strong? The strength of the Blood God's subordinates is a full notch higher than their European Vampires.

"Blood God has spent an unknown amount of money on us. Of course, we are better than you."

The Elites sneered and besieged the Vampires with the unmanned battle armors and the spinning flying knives.


Seeing that the situation was one-sided, Countess Bathory was anxious. She knew that she could not delay any longer, otherwise, it would be useless even if she killed Mercury.

The problem is that Mercury is too strong, let alone Countess Bathory, it is difficult to even protect herself.

At this moment, with a bang, Countess Bathory's magic rapier was cut off by the Mercury Katana.

"You know, my sword is worth hundreds of millions of dollars."

Mercury smiled disdainfully and slashed toward Countess Bathory with the sword incessantly. With no weapon, Countess Bathory became more unmatched and was almost slashed by Mercury several times.

"Little devil, don't be arrogant, I am the first generation of Vampires."

Countess Bathory was extremely angry, and a large number of blood arrows burst out from her whole body and shot the Mercury intensively. This is her trump card. Although every time she uses it, it will hurt her vitality, no opponent has ever been able to stop her move.

"Is that so?"

Mercury smiled disdainfully, opened her mouth wide, and a huge flame spurted out of her mouth, instantly vaporizing all the blood arrows.

Not only that, but the rest of the flames slammed into Countess Bathory. Countess Bathory was burned and screamed. Taking this opportunity, Mercury's Katana was cut out like cold lightning and instantly slashed Countess Bathory across the neck.

Countess Bathory turned to ashes, and she shouted in disbelief: "Why? Why are you so strong?"

"Because I drink dragon blood for breakfast every day, old fossil, times have changed."

Mercury said lightly, Bert is not a stingy person, and he distributed a lot of dragon blood to other Vampires. Not only her but Blade's strength has also improved a lot.

"Flame? This crazy woman was injected with the Extremis virus?"

When Blade saw the flames, he smacked his tongue. At this moment, Bert's ten guards suddenly opened their mouths and breathed fire at the same time, setting a building and the Vampires on fire.

"A bunch of lunatics."

Blade couldn't help cursing, it seems that he has to work hard to improve his strength, A Vampire hunter can't be weaker than other vampires.

"I'm not reconciled."

With a last desperate roar, Countess Bathory was completely wiped out. Then, the blood in the sky disappeared, and a blood-colored cloak flew down from the sky and draped over Mercury.

Mercury stood on the roof and laughed: "From now on, this is Mercury's blood-colored cloak."

A group of Vampire Elites shouted in unison: "The President is mighty! Congratulations to the President!"

"Countess Bathory was killed by Mercury?"

The European Vampires were in turmoil. That was Countess Bathory, the first generation of Vampire was beheaded by Mercury, a Vampire who was only over a hundred years old.

Moreover, she was beheaded in a short time, and Countess Bathory couldn't even escape. This is too amazing, right?


No idea who shouted, all the Vampires fled around like headless flies. Seeing this, Mercury immediately led the crowd to hunt down the Vampires, and a large number of Vampires were turned to ashes in the bullets.

At this moment, a black light suddenly lit up on some Elders of the European Vampires and then disappeared.

Mercury said angrily: "Demon teleportation? What is James doing, why didn't he detect the information of the Demons in advance?"

Blade said: "Only the Elders escaped, which means that only the Elder vampires know about this matter. It's normal that James didn't detect it."

"Fuck." Mercury cursed and shouted, "Kill them all, leave none of them."


Everyone agreed in unison, and the Vampires were so frightened that their guts were torn apart. One of the patriarchs knelt and shouted in shock, "I surrender, I am willing to give all the family wealth to the Blood God, and abide by the rules of the Blood God."

"We surrender too."

The other Vampires also knelt one after another, and everyone turned to look at Mercury, waiting for her decision.

Mercury hesitated, she looked at Blade, Blade shrugged, and said, "You decide, although I think they are worthless."

"I only need half the captives."

Mercury said in a cold voice, the Vampires were stunned, and a moment later, a civil war broke out, and European Vampires fought each other fiercely, ignoring that they were comrades before.

"It's ugly."

Blade was very disdainful, he said: "I thought you would kill them all."

Mercury said: "I thought about it, but this time a huge amount of money has been used, and I need to make up for the loss. These people can help us swallow the wealth of the European Vampire clans."

Blade said: "That's true. Let me state in advance, I will keep an eye on these people. If they break the law, I will not show mercy."

Mercury said: "No need to show mercy, all are treated equally."

"That's good."

Blade nodded, he thought of something, and asked: "Grand Duke Damaskinos didn't send anyone to participate in this battle, what are we going to do with him?"

Mercury said, "Blood God will deal with him personally."

Blade said: "Then he is really unfortunate."

It didn't take long for the Vampires' civil war to end, and the victors fell to their knees, offering their fortunes and allegiance to Mercury.

European Vampire Clans, basically finished, Mercury won a big victory.

"Very well, Mercury did not disappoint me."

Bert nodded with satisfaction. Now, let's see what the devils want to do.


"Mercury alone is so terrifying, isn't the Blood God even more terrifying, what should we do?"

The Vampire executives who escaped gathered together and shouted in panic. A family owner suggested: "Let's go to Grand Duke Damaskinos for justice."

"Looking for him? He's a coward. Even his castle is closed."

Another owner sneered: "I guess he's scared of the Blood God."

"No way?"

All the Vampires were stunned, even Grand Duke Damaskinos was frightened like that, so what should they do?

"Why don't we surrender? Blood God doesn't necessarily mean to kill us, but we are not allowed to drink living blood in the future."

An Elder couldn't help but said: "Actually, the blood of Hope is very drinkable."


All the Vampiress looked at him, and said coldly: "Have you ever drank the blood of Hope?"

"Don't get me wrong." He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I was just curious, I'm not a spy."

"Better not."

All the Vampiress snorted coldly, and a patriarch said, "What kind of Vampires are we if we can't suck the blood of living people? If you want to surrender, you do. I will never surrender. Us European Vampires are orthodox."

Many Vampiress nodded, and some said: "If we don't surrender, we can only flee to other continents."

All the Vampiress were silent, and they were unwilling to flee like this.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "There is another way, that is, kill the Blood God."

All the Vampires were stunned for a moment, turned their heads in the direction of the voice, and saw a handsome young man striding in this direction.

A Vampire shouted, "Who are you and how do you know we're here?"

"I am the representative of the Lord of Hell."

Harry Osborn said: "As for why I'm here, of course, it's because of the teleportation amulet given to you by the Lords of Hell."

A Vampire snorted coldly: "I knew the devil was not so kind, what do you want to do with us?"

"Don't make it so harsh, the lords have the same wish as you, that is, kill the Blood God."

Harry said, "That's why the lords sent you the teleportation amulet."

Vampires looked at each other, and one Vampire asked: "How to kill the Blood God? We can't even fight Mercury."

"You can't fight, but someone can, that's your ancestor, Dracula."

Harry said: "As long as you find him, you can easily kill the Blood God."


The eyes of all the Vampires lit up, this is indeed a good method, one Vampire frowned and asked: "The problem is, we don't know where Dracula is."

Harry said: "He is your ancestor, you might have some clues, right?"

"There are some clues."

Vampires nodded, and a Clan head said: "According to rumors, Dracula should be sleeping in some ancient tomb."

Harry smiled and said, "It's enough to have clues, the Lord of Hell will help you find Dracula as soon as possible."

Vampires gritted their teeth and said, "Okay, let's go find Dracula, let him do justice, and kill that damn Blood God."

"Very good."

Harry nodded with satisfaction, and the next step was to deal with the Blood God.

Harry looked up at the sky and thought to himself, 'My strength is far from enough. Fortunately, Peter is coming to Europe soon.'


After listening to James' report, Bert sneered: "That is to say, those Devils want to use Dracula to kill me? It's not creative."

James said worriedly: "Blood God, Dracula is a great threat to you."

Bert asked, "Why do you all think Dracula can kill me, am I so weak?"

James reminded: "Blood God, your blood comes from Dracula."

"Dracula's blood is only part of my power." Bert said lightly: "I have other powers in me. Besides, my blood is my blood, not Dracula's blood."

After a pause, Bert said, "Don't talk about this, let that patriarch continues to be an undercover agent. If Dracula is born, I want to know as soon as possible."

"Yes, Blood God."

James nodded, and he went on to report: "Blood God, during this time, Grand Duke Damaskinos has been secretly catching Vampires."