Chapter 126 : Arriving at Duke's Castle

'Secretly arresting vampires? It should be to improve the strength of the Reapers. That's good. It can be handy.'

Bert's eyes flickered slightly, and he said to James: "I see, James, next, I will let Mercury send people to hunt down those escaped Vampires, and the Demons will definitely send reinforcements to keep them.

At that time, you track down those reinforcements, find out the forces behind them, and then, when the net is closed, catch them all. "

James nodded and said, "Blood God, I will investigate everything."

"Very good."

Bert nodded and ended the call. Then, he called Mercury and explained his arrangement again.

"I see. No wonder James didn't inform me about the demon amulet in advance."

Mercury suddenly realized, she said: "Blood God, I know what to do. Next, I will pretend to hunt them down so that they can find Dracula."

"It's not pretending, you have to send people to hunt them down with all your strength. Only in this way can the power of the Demons be forced out."

Bert said: "You don't have to worry about anything, the Demons are not that weak, they will keep those Vampires, uh, to avoid too much loss for our people, you put a bounty on the black market, and ask the mercenaries to help, anyway, they want money, not life."

Mercury nodded: "Understood."

"In addition to chasing down the fugitives, you and Blade have to spread the new order to Europe as quickly as possible."

Bert ordered: "This is very important. Once it is completed, Europe will be included in our sphere of influence."

"I know."

Mercury said: "With the cooperation of those Vampire clans who surrendered, it will be completed soon."

"Very good."

Bert thought of something and said, "By the way, let the ten guards go to Romania to wait for me, and I will go deal with Damaskinos."

Summoning the ten guards is not to let them fight, but to put on a show, the dignified Blood God can't go alone, although he alone is enough to slaughter the Grand Duke.

Mercury said: "Blood God, Blade, and I can do this for you."

"I have to exercise once in a while."

Bert said: "In addition, I am very interested in the genetic research of the Grand Duke. So there is no need to say more, you just do it."

"Yes, Blood God."

Mercury nodded. She thought of one thing and said, "By the way, Blood God, excluding losses, this time we can at least earn..."

"Tell me when the statistics are over. For me now, money is just a number."

Bert said indifferently, since he became the richest man on earth, he has not been so keen on money, anyway, he will never use it up in this life.

Making money now is just a habit.


Mercury didn't say much and ended the holographic projection, she has a lot of things to do.


Late at night, in Romania, at Grand Duke Damaskinos Castle, Nyssa stood on the tower, looking at the bright moon, and couldn't help sighing.

Nyssa knew that the Blood God was strong, but she didn't expect that even the Blood God's subordinates were so strong. The European Vampires were as weak as a child in front of them.

Nyssa doesn't care about European Vampires, but if the nest is overwhelmed, how can there be any eggs? European Vampires were defeated, can the Grand Duke survive alone?

At this moment, a guard rushed over and told Nyssa, "Your Highness, a private plane has landed nearby. According to the comparison, it seems to be the private plane of the Blood God."

"What, the Blood God's private jet? Did Blood God come in person? Or did his subordinates come to make trouble?"

Nyssa was shocked, and she hurriedly said: "Everyone, raise the alert, I will notify father immediately."

"It's not necessary, I'm here, whether you raise your guard or not, it's the same."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from outside the castle. Nyssa turned her head and saw an evil-looking young man walking slowly from a distance leading ten sturdy men.

Although the young man looked no different from an ordinary human on the surface, as he advanced, Nyssa felt that he was getting bigger and bigger, almost as high as the sky, making her almost breathless.

Even Nyssa was like this, let alone the other vampires, who collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

Bert waved his hand, and the castle gate burst open with a bang. Then, with a gesture of his hand, Nyssa flew down and landed beside him.

Nyssa was horrified, Blood God's power was completely beyond her imagination, and she was afraid that all the Vampires in the castle would not be enough for him to fight with one hand.

Nyssa reluctantly stopped and asked angrily, "Blood God, we didn't offend you, why do you want to kill us all?"

"I only want to kill Grand Duke Damaskinos. As for you, I won't kill you."

Bert said with a smile, having said that, Nyssa is indeed the heroine of 'Blade II', she is really beautiful.

However, in this world, Blade is not so lucky, after all, the heroine of the first part is not dead yet.

Bert secretly complained: 'By the way, does Blade have the ability to keep a woman alive? Both movies heroines died.'

Nyssa gritted her teeth, "I will not betray my father."

"No, you will."

Bert smiled slightly and walked into the castle with Nyssa in his arms. Everywhere he passed, all the guards fell to their knees, as if welcoming their God.

This is not a spell, purely because these vampires can't bear Bert's aura. For them, Bert is a higher-level creature than them.

"Blood God is getting stronger."

The ten guards were amazed, the current Blood God looked like a god.

At the main hall, Grand Duke Damaskinos hurriedly rushed out with a group of vampires. When he saw Bert who was holding Nyssa in his arms, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted, "Blood God, what do you mean by this? I have already given in. You still want to kill us all?"

"Not bad. You know that I pay attention to reputation, and you want to use morality to oppress me."

Bert smiled and said, "Since you want a reason, then I'll give you a reason, come out."

Hearing Bert's order, a Chinese vampire came out from behind Grand Duke and saluted Bert: "Blood God."

Damaskinos face changed and shouted, "Han Bing, you are the undercover agent of the Blood God?"

Han Bing did not deny it, he smiled and said, "Yes, under the orders of the Blood God and my cousin Snowman."

Han Bing was Snowman's cousin, and Bert arranged for him to be under the command of Grand Duke Damaskinos more than a year ago to monitor him.

Since Bert knew the plot of "Blade II", how could he ignore Damaskinos?

"Han Bing is the subordinate of the Blood God?"

Nyssa, who was leaning against Bert's arms, looked shocked. It seemed that Blood God had started plotting against her father a long time ago.


Damaskinos looked quite ugly, and he winked behind him, and several vampires rushed toward Han Bing at the same time.

"Kill them."

Bert waved his hand, and three of the ten guards rushed out. With just a few moves, they beheaded all the so-called vampires under Grand Duke Damaskinos.

Bert said lightly: "Grand Duke Damaskinos, you sent someone to secretly capture vampires. I discovered this by accident, so I came to the door to ask about the crime. Are you satisfied with this reason?"

Nyssa shouted, "How could my father secretly capture vampires? Blood God, you are slandering."

"I never slander, be good, and keep watching. It won't take long for you to know that your father is completely different from what you imagined."

Bert smiled slightly, Damaskinos knew that he was not the opponent of Blood God, so he turned and ran away.

"It's not over yet, Grand Duke, where do you want to go?"

Bert grabbed the air, and directly pulled the Grand Duke back. Then, the nails on his fingers turned into a bloody light and flew into the Grand Duke. Damaskinos immediately felt most of his strength has disappeared.

Damaskinos gritted his teeth and knelt on one knee, and said to Bert: "Blood God, I surrender."

Nyssa shouted in shock, "Father!"

"No hurry."

Bert smiled and asked Hang Bing, "Hang Bing, where is the research room?"

Han Bing said: "It's underground, but I haven't gone in. This old guy is very cautious. I only know the location."

Damaskinos' complexion changed dramatically, 'Blood God knew about the laboratory? How is that possible, I didn't even tell my daughter!'

Nyssa asked in confusion, "What laboratory?"

Bert smiled and said: "You will know when you go, Hang Bing, lead the way, you two, take Grand Duke with you."

"Blood God, this way."

Han Bing immediately stepped forward to lead the way, and the group quickly came to the door of the underground research room. Bert said to the Grand Duke: "You don't need me to open the door, do you?"

Nyssa couldn't help asking, "Father, what exactly is this place?"

Damaskinos ignored Nyssa, he hesitated, and put his palm on the door, the door opened with a bang, and an advanced genetic research laboratory appeared in front of everyone.

"Grand Duke!"

The person in charge of the laboratory was just about to come to greet the Grand Duke, but when he saw Bert and others, he was stunned for a moment. 'What's the situation?'

Bert smiled and said, "Don't worry, you are a talent, I will keep you, and the same goes for the other people in this lab."

The person in charge breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and immediately said, "I'd be happy to work for you, Blood God."

Damaskinos looked at the person in charge with cold eyes, and the person in charge was embarrassed and didn't dare to look at him.

Bert asked, "What is your research laboratory doing?"

The person in charge hesitated for a while and replied, "We're researching the perfect vampire. Who is, Not afraid of the sun, Not afraid of garlic, and Not afraid of silver products."

"Perfect Vampire?"

Bert said: "Grand Duke, you have a great idea."

"Of course, I have, Blood God, your path to peaceful coexistence with humans is wrong."

Damaskinos said: "When humans have enough strength, they will find a way to destroy us. We must act first and turn them all into food."

Bert asked with great interest: "How to change? Don't you know the strength of human beings?"

"As long as the Perfect Vampire is successfully researched, none of this is a problem."

Damaskinos said: "The high-level human beings are extremely greedy, and they will be happy to become immortal, a Perfect Vampire with no weaknesses. With their help, turning humans into food couldn't be easier.

Blood God, this is the correct path for the Vampire. "

"So that's what you thought."

Bert laughed dumbly. Damaskinos' thinking was a bit similar to his, but their goals were completely different. He shook his head and said, "It's boring."

His life-long belief was despised by him, and Damaskinos was furious. He shouted: "Blood God, what are you talking about? I am saving the Vampires. If I don't do this, the Vampires will be destroyed by human hands. "

"There are many villains who want to destroy human beings, but they have never succeeded. If you do this, the only result is to be destroyed by human beings."

Bert said: "The future of the Vampire is under my control. Not only will they not be destroyed, but they will become stronger."

"Blood God, you are wrong, I am right."

Damaskinos roared, and the next moment, the door of the research room slammed shut.

Immediately afterward, the screen on the wall of the research room showed a picture of a secret laboratory — a middle-aged man with no hair and eyebrows, who looked somewhat similar to Damaskinos, was sitting on the ground with a dull face, covered in Blood, gnawing on vampires.

Seeing this middle-aged man who was eating vampires, all the other vampires except Bert felt a chill in their hearts, as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

The person in charge hurriedly shouted: "Blood God, this is a failed experiment, we call him the Reaper, he can devour and infect vampires."

"Swallow and infect vampires?"

Everyone was stunned, and Damaskinos shouted: "Yes, he is the nemesis of all vampires. If he can devour enough vampires, even you, Blood God is not his opponent."

Damaskinos felt a great hatred in his heart, but unfortunately, Blood God came too early.

Bert asked: "If? That is to say, he is not my opponent now, then what are you doing with so many things?"

"He is indeed not your opponent now."

Grand Duke did not deny it, he said: "But he is full of viruses, as long as he explodes, the virus will spread throughout the laboratory. Even you Blood God, if you are eroded by the virus, it will not end well. "

The people in the research room changed their expressions when they heard the words, but Han Bing and the top ten guards sneered, Han Bing even complained: "That's it?"

With the strength of the Blood God, how could he be threatened by this means? That is the invincible Blood God!

Bert looked at the Reaper in the surveillance camera with great interest and asked, "Will he listen to you like that?"

"Of course, I put an electronic chip in his head."

Damaskinos said: "He will do whatever I ask him to do, otherwise why would I keep him?"

'It turned out to be my fault.'

Bert was speechless. Since he used the electronic biological brain to control the War Abomination, others have imitated this idea wildly, the military has imitated it, and Dr. Lizard has imitated it (this is why the Black Spider will listen to Pierce's orders), and now it is the turn of Grand Duke Damaskinos.

At this time, Damaskinos added: "Don't think about killing me to stop all this, even if I die, I can still control the Reaper's explosion."