Chapter 127 : Fate of Grand Duke


Hearing the words of Damaskinos, Bert smiled slightly and asked with great interest, "The one in the general control room is your Clone?"

Damaskinos' expression changed slightly and asked, "How did you find out?"

"That's my father's treasure, Clone puppet of Damaskinos."

Nyssa looked at Damaskinos with a complicated look and took the initiative to say that she couldn't understand why her father hid everything from her.

"It looks like there will be an extra trophy tonight."

Bert's eyes lit up, he was always interested in avatars.

"Blood God, you can't stop the Reaper Virus." Damaskinos shouted: "Even if you can stop it, your men can't stop it."

"Old guy, don't provoke discord. With Blood God here, we won't suffer any harm at all."

Han Bing said disdainfully, and the other guards nodded. Bert asked, "Damaskinos, your daughter is also in this research room."

"What's the problem? I know you won't let us father and daughter go."

Damaskinos said to Nyssa, "Nyssa, today we, father and daughter, will live and die together."

Nyssa was greatly moved: "Father."

"Wow, I was so moved by what you said."

Bert said mockingly: "Damaskinos If you care so much about your children, why did you use your son as an experiment?"


Nyssa was shocked, and then shook her head: "That is impossible, my father is not that kind of person, and I have no brothers at all."

Bert pointed at the screen and sneered: "That Reaper is the elder brother you have never met, Damaskinos, am I right?"

Damaskinos looked at Bert in disbelief and asked, "Blood God, how did you know about this?"

"Because I'm the Blood God."

Bert smiled, and Nyssa angrily asked Damaskinos, "Father, how can you do this?"

Damaskinos shouted: "Why not? Everything I do is for the sake of Vampires."

"What a high-sounding excuse. I've seen people like you a lot, you keep saying everything is for the sake of the country, for the race, and in fact, it's all for yourself."

Bert sneered: "The last person who said this in front of me was General Ross. Do you know what happened to him? Life imprisonment for Treason."

Damaskinos roared: "Blood God, stop talking nonsense, let me go, or we will die together."

"Today, I will let you know what despair is."

Bert raised his hand, and the Reaper in the secret laboratory disappeared directly, he was taken into the Mirror Space.

That's right, in the Mirror Space, Bert can do it too.

Seeing the Reaper suddenly disappear, Damaskinos was shocked, and he asked in a rage, "Blood God, what did you do?"

"You don't even know what I did, how dare you threaten me?"

Bert looked disdainful, and his figure suddenly disappeared. The next second, he reappeared along with the Clone of Damaskinos.

"The intellect of this Clone is quite ordinary. To be honest, I am very disappointed."

Bert squeezed the Clone's head with a big hand, the Clone screamed and disappeared into blood, leaving only a blood-colored puppet in its place.

"You are so powerful?"

Damaskinos was completely shocked. He knew that the Blood God was very strong, but he never thought that the Blood God would be so strong, that he had no power to resist him.

"Blood God, let me go, I can surrender to you, yes, I can dedicate Nyssa to you, she is my best daughter, excellent in every aspect."

Damaskinos knelt and begged in a low voice, he did not want to die, he had lived for countless years, and he would continue to live.


Nyssa was extremely disappointed. Was this the father she had adored since she was a child? To survive, he sacrificed his daughter to the Blood God.

Damaskinos asked angrily, "Do you want to watch me die?"

In Desperate, Nyssa knelt to Bert and said, "Blood God, I am willing to trade myself for my father's life, father, from now on, I will no longer be your daughter."

Bert smiled and said, "A ruthless father has raised a loving and righteous daughter."

"Blood God, let me go." Damaskinos shouted: "I can tell you a critical piece of information."

"I know what you want to say."

Bert glanced at Damaskinos, then turned to Nyssa and said, "I like filial children. Since that's the case, I will give Damaskinos a chance."

Damaskinos was overjoyed: "Thank you Blood God."

Nyssa smiled bitterly: "Thank you Blood God, I will be yours from now on."

"Don't rush to thank you, it's just an opportunity."

Bert waved his hand gently, and Damaskinos disappeared. Nyssa was stunned: "Blood God, where is my father?"


Bert swiped his hand, and the situation in the Mirror Space appeared in everyone's sight - the Great Duke Damaskinos and the Reaper were standing face to face.

Reaper Chad Norma grinned and said to Damaskinos with a smile: "Father, I dreamed of this day, and today, I finally got my wish."

Damaskinos exclaimed: "How could this be? Why did you regain your senses?"

"Of course, I helped him recover." Bert said: "I said, I will give you a chance, as long as you can leave this space alive, I will let you go."

Damaskinos shouted in rage, "No, Blood God, you can't do this."

Bert sneered: "I'm sorry, I can, maybe, you can try to empathize with the Reaper with the emotion of father and son."

Han Bing and the others laughed, and Nyssa frowned, "Blood God."

"You have nothing to do with him. From now on, you are mine." Bert said without doubt: "As for the Damaskinos, leave it to your brother."

Nyssa was silent and then sighed.

"Father, accept your son's gift."

Reaper smiled grimly and rushed towards Damaskinos, who growled: "Do you think I will lose to you? I am the first generation of Vampire."

The battle between the father and son broke out in an instant. Damaskinos was not as old as he appeared to be, and he fought with Reaper. Reaper was very angry about it and attacked desperately.

"I said earlier, you were playing with fire."

Looking at the battle in the Mirror Space, the person in charge sighed. If Damaskinos hadn't fed so many vampires to the Reaper, he would have easily passed this level.

While watching the battle, Bert asked the person in charge, "How far has the study of the Perfect Vampire reached?"

"About half of it. Now it's stuck at a level and can't break through." The person in charge said: "Grand Duke said that the blood of the ancestors is needed."

"The blood of the ancestors?"

Bert's eyes flashed and said: "Collect all the information and prepare to transfer. I have arranged a new laboratory for you in the Oscorp. I am also researching the Perfect Vampires. The difference is that I am a regular researcher. So, unlike you, it is legal."

The person in charge was a little embarrassed. He asked curiously, "Blood God, how far have you researched?"

Bert said, "Let Dr. Connors tell you."

"Dr. Connors, who developed the lizard serum?"

The person in charge was a little shocked, and he said excitedly: "Working with him, I will be able to break through the level and create a Perfect Vampire."

"You'll see him in a moment." Bert nodded and ordered, "Let's clean up, Han Bing, help."

"Okay." Han Bing and the others nodded.

The person in charge asked in surprise: "In a moment? Dr. Connors is also in Europe?"

Bert didn't answer and concentrated on watching the battle in the Mirror Space. It didn't take long for Damaskinos and Reaper to decide the winner.

Perish together.

"Father, let's die together."

Reaper who bit the neck of Damaskinos laughed, Damaskinos covered the blood-spurting wound and fell in disbelief - virus infection.

"How could I die here? I have to create the Perfect Vampire, I have to surpass Dracula, I have to conquer the world..."

With endless unwillingness, Damaskinos closed his eyes forever, and Reaper's laughter stopped abruptly, declaring his death.

Nyssa couldn't help falling into Bert's arms and began to cry. Bert hugged her and threw out dragon fire, which burned Damaskinos and Reaper to ashes.

After all, Nyssa was not an ordinary woman, and she quickly returned to normal. She left Bert's embrace, wiped away her tears, and saluted with determination: "Grand Duke Nyssa greets Blood God."

"Very well, you stay in Europe to help Mercury."

Bert nodded with satisfaction. Nyssa's ability is very good. If there is no problem with loyalty, she will be in charge of the European branch of the Vampire in the future - in the future, not now, there must be a few years of inspection period.

This position Bert was originally reserved for Lilith, but Lilith did not want to be the president, and she cared too much about Dracula, Bert was a little worried.

It's not that Bert has not investigated Lilith's information. But if there is no problem, Mercury would not have recommended her to him.

"There are only too few talents in the Vampires who can stand on their own."

Bert shook his head. Long life had corrupted many Vampires.

After a while, the research room was cleaned up, and Bert drew a circle with one hand and opened a portal to the Oscorp.

The person in charge's eyes almost fell: "This is unscientific, this is quantum teleportation technology?"

"Unscientific, quantum mechanics? Go in, Dr. Connors is waiting for you."

Bert smiled, the person in charge smiled awkwardly, and couldn't wait to go to the Oscorp.

"With the experimental results of Damaskinos, the progress of the Perfect Vampire will be greatly improved."

Bert thought to himself. Most of the reason he came here this time was for these research results, and the other half was for Nyssa.

"European Vampires are done, and the rest is the chase."

Blood God came to Romania in person, and the news of the killing of Damaskinos quickly spread throughout Europe. Vampires were trembling with fear. Countless vampires ran to the Vampire police station overnight to line up for registration, lest they would be killed by the Blood God if they were too late.

Those fleeing vampires were also frightened, but instead of giving up looking for Dracula, they were more active, because they only had this road left to go, and Blood God would not let them go.

Of course, Blood God would not let these fugitives go, he kept sending people to hunt them down, including vampires and human mercenaries. In just a few days, half of the fugitives died.

This is all thanks to the help of the Hell lords, otherwise, they would have been wiped out long ago.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Hell lords rushed to send more reinforcements. These fugitives could not die until Dracula was found.

Harry also tried his best to hire mercenaries directly with Norman's heritage to protect the fugitives. However, the effect was not good. After all, his money was completely incomparable with that of Blood God.

'I must become the spider king of Hell as soon as possible, otherwise, I can't keep these Vampires at all. Damn, where is Dracula? After looking for several places in a row, he's not there at all!' Harry gritted his teeth secretly,

At this time, his butler Nels came over and reminded him: "Master, don't forget about Peter Parker's flight tomorrow morning. "

"How could I forget? He is my only friend." Harry laughed and said.

The next morning, he drove his sports car to pick up Peter in person. The two of them were a little awkward at first. After all, they hadn't seen each other for many years, but they were always good friends. In just a few words, they found past feelings.

Harry looked at Gwen and smiled at Peter, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that you, a nerd, could have such a good girlfriend."

"Also, You would never have guessed that her father was the mayor."

Peter said smugly, Gwen said angrily, "Aren't you afraid of him the most? Now you're showing him off?"

Peter was a little embarrassed. He hurriedly changed the subject and said to Harry, "Harry, thank you for inviting me to Europe."

"You are very welcome."

Harry said: "By the way, I heard that you are working at the Oscorp now?"

"Yes, as an Assistant researcher."

Peter smiled and said, "Harry, you don't have to worry about Oscorp. Mr. Wang has developed it to a great extent. Uncle Norman will be very happy."

Harry's face twitched, and he said stiffly, "That's good."

Gwen noticed Harry's gaffe, but didn't take it to heart - Oscorp was Harry's family business after all.

Harry quickly returned to normal and said with a smile: "Let's go back and talk about it, I bought a big house in London and I'll show you around."

Peter said happily: "Okay, let me see if your taste has changed, right? Do you still like teddy bears the most?"

"That's my five-year-old hobby, okay?"

Harry said speechlessly, and soon, the group got into Harry's sports car and headed to Harry's big house.