Chapter 136 : Dracula

Hearing Raina's words, Jiaying smiled and said, "Maximus would like to have your assistance."

"No, Maximus is not the King of the Inhumans."

Raina shook her head, Jiaying was stunned, and she asked, "Could it be that you want to assist Black Bolt?"

"No, Black Bolt is also not the King of the Inhumans."

Raina shook her head and said enthusiastically: "There is only one King of Inhumans. Although she is not yet an Inhuman, she will eventually become the King."

"She is not an Inhuman now?" Jiaying frowned and asked, "Raina, who is the real King of Inhumans?"

Raina made a joke: "You'll know soon."

"We'll talk about it then." Jiaying glanced at Raina and asked again, "Raina, what are humans going to do next?"

"They want to catch Gordon." Raina said: "Tony Stark's quantum jammer will be completed in three days."

"Quantum jammers? These scientists are troublesome."

Jiaying thought for a while and said, "Raina, you go back to rest first. If you sense any new future, tell me immediately."


Rena nodded, she thought of something, and said with a smile: "By the way, your daughter's ability is very powerful."

Jiaying asked happily: "Really?"

"Yes, and she won't turn into a monster like me."

Raina smiled and turned to leave. Jiaying stood there, looking a little dazed, but after a while, she turned back to her original indifference.

In the past, her daughter was the treasure she cared about most, but unfortunately, it is no longer the case.

Jiaying let out a sigh of relief and took out the communicator to contact Maximus. After hearing what she said, Maximus shouted in disbelief: "That is impossible, Auran and the others are the best Inhuman nobles, how could it be possible? Failed? Surrendered to the other side?"

"The fact is right in front of you, Your Majesty, as I said, the Blood God is very powerful, even stronger than Black Bolt."

Jiaying said: "Don't act rashly, I will find a way to solve him."

Maxims snorted coldly: "If I can't do it, what can you do?"

"This may not be the case. There is an old saying in the East that If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles"

Jiaying said: "Blood God is very strong, but he has a fatal weakness, he likes women too much, we can use beautiful women to assassinate him. The only problem is that I lack the means to kill with one blow. Blood God is not that easy to kill. "

"You don't have me."

Maximus was overjoyed, he said: "There is an Inhuman in Attilan that can secrete deadly venom. Seeing blood seals his throat, there is no cure."

Jiaying was overjoyed: "Really? Blood God is not an ordinary powerhouse."

"Of course it's true. If you're worried, we can purify that venom." Maximus said: "However, that Inhuman is very ugly."

Jiaying's eyes flashed and she said, "No problem, we already have someone besides the Blood God."

"That's good, I'll get the venom and hidden weapons and pass them on to you as soon as possible. After you receive them, do it right away."

Maximus said: "Blood God must die, otherwise our plan will never succeed."

"I know."

Jiaying nodded, she thought of something, and asked, "By the way, does Auran know your plan?"

"Don't worry, she doesn't know. The details of this plan are known only to me and the Kree fleet." Maximus said.

"That's good." Jiaying nodded, and when Maximus cut off contact, she called Gordon and said, "It's time for me to meet Skye."

Gordon said: "Jiaying, isn't it too dangerous to meet at this time? Let's use video chat?"

"The video doesn't show sincerity. Their quantum jammer has not been completed, so there should be no problem." Jiaying said: "When Skye is out, take her to Australia to meet me."

"Okay, then I will transfer a few more times."

Gordon nodded, hesitated, and said, "Jiaying, why don't we change it to someone else? Assassinating the Blood God, whether she fails or not, Skye may die."

"She is the best candidate, Blood God will not doubt her, other people, the Blood God will be vigilant."

Jiaying said: "This is her responsibility. Every Inhuman should devote their life to the Inhumans."

"Ok." Gordon sighed and turned away.

In the villa, Skye, who had just returned, asked angrily, "Did you already know that the world's most wanted criminal is my mother?"

The most wanted criminal in the world in Skye's mouth is Jiaying - she wants to enslave all human beings, and she also calls human beings gorillas that have not evolved.

Bert asked lazily, "Have you met her?"

"When I was out to buy crabs, the Eyeless Man suddenly appeared and took me to an unknown place."

Skye nodded: "Then, the world's most wanted criminal came out and said she was my mother. To be honest, I didn't believe it at first, and I didn't want to consider it.

Later, she told me a lot about how we got separated, how humans treated her, and my real name, Daisy Johnson.

Although I don't want to admit it, she should be my mother, Mr. Wang, my heart is in a mess right now."

Bert poured Skye a glass of wine, shook his head, and said, "At least, from now on, you are not an orphan."

"Finding my loved ones was my biggest dream, but I'm not happy at all right now."

Skye took a sip of wine and said, "Mr. Wang, can you help me find someone?"

Bert asked, "Whitehall?"

"How do you know?"

Skye gritted her teeth: "It was he who dissected Jiaying. If it wasn't for him, our family would never have been separated, and Jiaying would not have become what she is now."

"Ghost Rider has killed Whitehall."

Bert briefly said the original incident, and Skye said bitterly: "He deserves it, it's cheap for him."

"He deserves it." Bert asked: "Jiaying is looking for you at this time, surely there is something for you to do, right?

Skye said depressedly: "Yes, she wants me to seduce you."

Bert smiled and said, "Seduce me? Am I that hungry?"

"What did you say?" Skye glared at him, Bert waved his hand and said, "You didn't agree."

"Of course, I didn't say yes." Skye snorted coldly: "I also had a big fight with her because of her behavior, and finally broke up."

Thinking of something, Skye said a little disappointedly: "This is not the family reunion I imagined."

Bert touched his chin and said, "I think you should promise Jiaying."


Skye was stunned for a moment, then hugged the pillow, and said vigilantly, "Are you finally going to lay a spell on me?"

Bert asked suspiciously: "Why do I feel that you are a little excited?"

"Where is it?" Skye looked away with a guilty conscience. She didn't like Bert, but Bert picked up girls every day, and he didn't care about her at all. "I'm not excited!"

Bert said: "I'm not interested in playing tricks on you, and I asked you to agree to Jiaying because of business."

Skye was disappointed: "What's the matter?"

"You said you weren't excited just now?"

Bert complained: "If you are really interested in me, I will suffer a little and satisfy you. With my current physique, I should be able to handle it."

"Fuck off."

Skye threw the pillow at Bert, Bert caught it, and then said: "Speaking of business, I don't want you to agree to Jiaying all at once, but to soften slowly, so that Jiaying will keep persuading you."

"Keep persuading me?" Skye blinked and asked, "You want to lure her out?"

"That's right."

Bert nodded: "In addition, although Tony can develop a quantum jammer, this guy is born with the property of being slapped in the face. I think his plan may not be successful, so we need a backup plan."

"Mr. Stark will kill you when he hears this."

Skye complained, and Bert said: "You will know in the future, that guy is destined to be beaten in the face, just like his battle armor."

"Really?" Skye looked suspicious, she asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Bert said: "If I guessed correctly, Jiaying's purpose for you to seduce me should be to kill me."

Skye frowned: "Kill you, how can I kill you?"

"Of course, you can't kill me."

Bert smiled and said, "But I will pretend to be killed by you, when the time comes, the Eyeless Man will save you and return to the place where the Inhumans gather."

Skye's eyes lit up: "In this way, we only need to do something with me, and we can know where the gathering place is."

"Exactly." Bert said: "If Tony fails, we will use this plan."

"Okay." Skye didn't object. She hesitated for a while and asked, "Mr. Wang, can you not kill Jiaying? She is quite pitiful."

Bert said: "I won't kill her, but she will go to jail."

"That's enough."

Skye breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, Bert's cell phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the text on it and said excitedly, "Finally found it."

Skye asked, "Mr. Wang, what did you find?"

"Found a fatal hazard."

Bert didn't say much, got up, and opened the portal to leave, Skye leaned over and saw that the opposite was a desert.

"Finally found, we finally found Dracula."

In a desert in Egypt, a group of tattered vampires cried with joy in a mausoleum. They spent so much effort and so many people died. But they finally found Dracula, the Ancestor of Vampires.

Harry looked at the quaint sarcophagus in front of him and asked suspiciously, "It's here? You're not mistaken, right? Vampires always likes luxury, but this place is so simple that it doesn't seem like a burial ground."

A vampire said: "Yes, we sensed that Dracula was in the sarcophagus, and we don't know why it is so simple."

Harry said: "It's fine if it's Dracula, wake him up quickly, the pursuers might be coming soon. "


Vampires did not waste time, they cut their wrists one after another and sprinkled blood on the sarcophagus.

As soon as the blood fell on the sarcophagus, it disappeared immediately, leaving no trace. The vampires knew that it was Dracula who was sucking their blood to wake up, and they became more excited and could finally take revenge.

At this moment, the vampire who was looking out for the wind suddenly shouted: "The pursuers are here, it's the Electro."

"Damn, I'll stop them, you wake up Dracula quickly."

Harry scolded, and took the reinforcements sent by Hell to go out to intercept Electro and the others.

Under the moonlight, Spider-Man shouted to Harry tirelessly: "Harry, if you don't turn back, it's too late."

"Aren't you tired of saying this whenever you find me?"

Harry said impatiently: "Spider-Man, I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, you won't have a chance to run after a while."

"Who are you scaring? Harry Osborn, die for me."

Electro snorted coldly, raised his hand, and blasted electricity toward Harry. Harry jumped high and turned into an eight-legged humanoid Spider King in the air. Then, he opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of venom at Electro and Spider-Man.

"Harry, you didn't spit before." Spider-Man sighed and started fighting with Harry again.

When the mercenaries saw this, they carried their guns and fired at the reinforcements from hell. The reinforcements from Hell immediately hid behind the dunes to fight back, and the fierce battle broke out again.

"Hurry up, hurry up..."

In the mausoleum, the vampires kept praying. At this moment, their blood suddenly stopped flowing. The vampires were overjoyed and knelt at the sarcophagus.

The sarcophagus suddenly stood up, and then, the coffin board opened, and an ancient, decayed, low voice sounded: "Why did you wake me up?"

Vampires paid their respects: "The great ancestor of Vampires, Dracula, please save your people."

"Save you?"

Dracula was stunned for a moment, then scolded angrily: "Didn't Ancient One promise that she would not kill vampires? Could it be that the old woman who couldn't marry broke her promise?"

All the Vampires were stunned, what does this have to do with Ancient One?

'The ancestor is still very powerful, and he dares to scold Ancient One for not marrying.'

A vampire was very determined, and said to Dracula: "Ancestor, this has nothing to do with the Sorcerer Supreme, it is a Vampire who betrayed us, and he helped humans slaughter us."

"It turned out to be just a traitor of the Vampires."

The middle-aged Dracula dressed as a classic vampire floated out of the coffin and said with a proud face: "Small thing, tell me his information."

A vampire said: "Yes, his name is Blood God..."

Dracula asked dissatisfiedly: "God of blood? He is bold, he dares to call himself a god, does he think I don't exist?"

Vampires nodded: "That's right. That guy doesn't understand dignity at all, Ancestor, you must destroy him."

Dracula snorted coldly: "It's still up to you, continue to introduce."

"Yes, Ancestor."

The vampires explained Bert's information in detail and showed his video to Dracula.

'Damn, is this guy still a vampire? How did he become so fierce?'

Dracula, who didn't care much before, saw the video of Bert slaughtering monsters, and his eyeballs almost fell. This junior is too cruel, right?

The Vampires didn't notice Dracula's expression was wrong, and one of them added: "By the way, I heard that the Blood God has something to do with Kamar-Taj, and he knows some magic."

'Are you kidding me?' Dracula secretly swallowed his saliva, and then said with a look of disdain: "I can even enter and exit Kamar-Taj freely, what is mere magic? You wait here, I'll go to the back to pee."

"Yes, Ancestor."

The vampires were overjoyed and sent Dracula to pee.