Chapter 137 : Sacrifice

A Vampire asked curiously: "Does the Ancestor also want to pee?"

"It might be necessary, whether it's the Ancestor or the Blood God."

A group of Vampires chatted in a low voice, and they were in a good mood, but as time went by, they gradually realized that something was wrong. The Ancestor has been urinating for too long, right?

A Vampire speculated: "Could it be because he has been holding back for hundreds of years?"

"He hasn't had anything to drink for hundreds of years, something happened."

Vampires quickly got up and went to the back to check, but they couldn't find Dracula at all, only found a path leading to the outside.

The Vampires looked at each other in dismay. They followed the path to leave the mausoleum and found a few footprints on the sand. Two of them were very deep. Someone must have jumped up forcefully, or, flown up.

The Vampires were stunned, and one Vampire couldn't help but ask: "The Ancestor ran away?"

"It doesn't make sense, didn't the Ancestor say that he can easily kill the Blood God in seconds? Why did he run?"

The Vampires were confused and a little crazy at the same time - they spent so much effort and cost to find Dracula, they thought he could help them solve the Blood God, but he ran away. What the hell is this?

The Vampires expressed that they were very devastated!

At this time, Harry, who flew into the sky, found the Vampires and asked in astonishment, "What's the situation, Where is Dracula?"

A Vampire pointed to the footprints ahead and said, "Dracula ran away."


Harry almost fell from the sky. Dracula, who he had high hopes for, actually ran away? What kind of joke is this?

Didn't Mephisto say that Dracula could kill the Blood God in seconds?

"Chase after him, we must find Dracula."

Harry gritted his teeth and quickly chased in the direction of the footprints. The Vampires looked at each other and followed. No matter what, they had to find Dracula and ask for clarification.

"Chase them."

Electro saw this and immediately chased after him with Spider-man and others.

After a while, everyone found Dracula and also the Blood God.

Looking at the Blood God who stood there quietly, but gave off an incomparably heavy feeling, the Vampire's legs were weak, and they collapsed to the ground weakly, their hearts filled with panic.

Bert ignored those Vampires, he asked Dracula: "The Ancestor of the Vampire, Dracula?"

Dracula also asked: "Blood God, Bert Wang?"

Bert said with a smile on his face: "It's me, I finally found you. After swallowing your blood, I will have no more flaws."

"You deliberately let those idiots find me?" Dracula instantly understood, and he cursed in his heart, this group of grandchildren came to pit him.

Bert nodded and said, "Yes, Dracula, your blood has made me a Blood God. If I absorb all your blood, I don't know what will happen?"

Dracula said; "It's not very good, the reason why you can become a Blood God is not because of my blood, but because of the concept I put in the Blood God altar."

Bert was stunned: "Concept, what is that?"

At this moment, Harry shouted: "Dracula, hurry up and take back the blood on the Blood God, so you can kill him instantly."

"If that method works, do you think I won't use it?"

Dracula turned his head and said with a look of contempt, "That bastard has been in the Mirror Space from the very beginning. Take back the blood, my ass?"

"Mirror Space?"

Harry was confused and didn't know what it was, but Bert asked curiously, "You know about the Mirror Space?"

"Of course, I know." Dracula snorted coldly: "I had lived in Kamar-Taj for about a hundred years, what spell is there in Kamar-Taj have I never seen?"

"You lived in Kamar-Taj for a hundred years?" Bert was stunned, he asked, "What is your relationship with Master Ancient One?"

"The relationship of cannon fodder."

Dracula said: "Hundreds of years ago, Ancient One swept the world, and the demons either got out of the way or killed by her. For the survival of the Vampires, I bravely went to Kamar-Taj and begged her, hoping that she would open up. Let go of the Vampire."

Bert was a little surprised: "Is that why you went to Kamar-Taj?"

"Yes, that woman Ancient One was so ruthless. She slapped me to death as soon as we met, but she didn't expect that I would be immortal and would be resurrected right away, and then she killed me again..."

Dracula said: "The cycle went on and on, she killed me over a hundred times in various ways, and didn't stop until she was sure she couldn't kill me.

Then, I explained my purpose, and she promised to let the Vampires go, but on the condition that I would serve Kamar-Taj for a hundred years.

I agreed. I thought it was just fighting and killing, but who knows, Ancient One is super cruel and directly used me as cannon fodder.

The curse of life, I carry it, the big dissociation ray, I carry it, the finger of death, I carry it, the Doomsday Forbidden Curse, I carry it as well, the Devil explodes, there is no doubt that I still carry it...

Do you know how many times I died in the 100 years of Kamar-Taj? Let me tell you, at least 10,000 times, I have tried every way of dying, and when I died, I became numb, dug a hole, and buried myself, but Ancient One dug me out the next day and made me continue to be cannon fodder. "

Dracula sighed, his whole body was extremely depressed, and he was a little gray.

All the people present were silent. This Dracula is sad. He has died tens of thousands of times. If it were them, they would have collapsed long ago.

Bert touched the cold sweat on his forehead. Was Master so cruel back then?

Bert sighed secretly: 'It seems that the blood river's ability is not safe. If I meet someone stronger than me, even if I don't die, I will only be as sad as Dracula.'

"You think this is the end? Let me tell you, it only got worse."

Dracula sighed again and continued: "After a hundred years, Ancient One kept her promise and let me go down the mountain, but my daughter said that I didn't care about the Vampires and wanted to break away from the father-daughter relationship with me.

I don't care about Vampires. I don't care about the Vampire? The Vampire has long been wiped out by Ancient One, okay? I paid so much, but I was misunderstood by my daughter. In desperation, I went to the Egyptian desert and found a tomb at random to fall asleep to make up for my wounded heart.

I didn't expect that just after I slept for a few hundred years, a group of grandchildren came to dig my tomb and asked me to deal with the Blood God. Please, is that Blood God someone I can deal with? I can't keep up with his speed at all, okay? Not to mention, he also has dragon fire and learned magic!

What can I do, of course, run, but it turns out that everything was a game, a game to hunt and kill me."

Speaking of this, Dracula laughed, but it was extremely desolate, and the people who watched it were sad.

The group of Vampires who were sad and angry before has all calmed down. Compared to Dracula, what happened to them is a fart?

Bert pinched his eyebrows, he found himself a little embarrassed to attack Dracula.

This old guy is so unlucky.

Harry thought of something, took out a dagger from his arms, and shouted to Dracula: "Dracula, don't worry, I have a void-breaking dagger given by Mephisto, which can break through the space, let's work together. Kill the Blood God."

"Kill your head, get out of the way, I want to surrender, and kill you myself."

Dracula yelled, 'I managed to create a tragic atmosphere, making the Blood God feel embarrassed to kill me. What are you yelling at, if you angered the Blood God, can you stop him?'

Harry was stunned, he never thought that things would turn out like this, let alone him, those Hell lords who were secretly paying attention were also dumbfounded.

A group of Hell lords roared: "Mephisto, is this your plan?"

"I didn't expect Dracula to be so cowardly. He should have been frightened by Ancient One." Mephisto was also very depressed, he said: "Don't worry, I still have another trick."

After saying that, Mephisto's mind moved, and the short-legged spider behind Harry suddenly came to life, absorbing the power from Harry crazily.


Harry let out a shrill scream, turned back into a human form in the air, and fell to the ground, then his body became shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his hair quickly turned white.


Spider-Man was shocked and wanted to check Harry's condition, but was pulled back by Electro. Now the situation is unknown, and he should not move lightly.

Soon, Harry became like a mummified corpse, and the short-legged spider, full of magic, looked very terrifying.

Immediately afterward, the spider picked up the dagger, turned into a black light, and flew toward Dracula, and at the same time, Mephisto's voice sounded in its mouth: "Hahaha, Blood God, did you think I wouldn't count this situation? I told you, all I want is Dracula to show up... hey, what, mirror space?"

Mephisto was so arrogant, but he found that he couldn't fly to Dracula's side no matter how he tries - in the eyes of outsiders, he has been circling beside Dracula.

Bert said with contempt: "Mephisto, did you think I wouldn't count this situation?"

Mephisto gritted his teeth: "Blood God!"

"Silly Lord, the Blood God has set up a space labyrinth beside me from the very beginning. Why do you think I dare not resist?"

Dracula said disdainfully: "This guy's space magic is quite brilliant."

"Shut up, Blood God, do you think this can stop me?"

Mephisto roared and swung the void-breaking dagger to tear apart the space, but to his astonishment, behind the space labyrinth, there was still another space labyrinth, and he was trapped again.

As for the void-breaking dagger, after using it once, it has dissipated in the air.

Dracula became more and more contemptuous: "I said that you are a fool. That guy has set up eighteen space labyrinths around me. Unless he wants to, no one can come near me."

"Blood God!"

Mephisto was going crazy, the Blood God is not only getting stronger but his wisdom and experience are also rapidly improving.

If this goes on like this, he will really become the next Ancient One.

At the same time, Spider-Man ran to Harry desperately. Harry was weak and only had his last breath. He smiled miserably at Spider-Man: "The deal with the devil really didn't end well, Peter, I'm sorry."

"Harry, don't say that, maybe, my blood might be of use to you."

Spider-Man was anxious. At this time, he thought of something, and hurriedly cut his wrist and fed the blood to Harry. Harry was both grateful and guilty. He knew how much Peter valued his blood.

Leaving aside the good friends, Spider-Man and Harry. Looking at the spider in the space labyrinth, Bert gently squeezed his right hand, the space labyrinth squeezed wildly towards the spider, the spider let out a shrill scream and was almost squeezed into meat sauce.

"Dracula, I know you still have cards, come and join me." Mephisto shouted: "If you and I join forces, killing the Blood God is easy."

Bert snorted and increased his strength. Instant killing is easy now, This time if Mephisto is not taught a big lesson, how can he be called the Blood God?

Dracula said with a look of contempt: "Mephisto, do you think I'm as stupid as you? How can the Blood God be as easy to kill as you said?"

Mephisto shouted while resisting the pressure of the space: "His blood comes from you, I can use your blood to curse, no matter how strong the Blood God is, he will be dead."

Dracula snorted: "Don't think I don't understand the curse, this curse will definitely cost my life."

Mephisto said angrily: "What are you afraid of, you won't die?"

"I won't die, but that doesn't mean I want to die. I've died more than 10,000 times, and I don't want to die again." Dracula said: "Mephisto, be cool and don't affect my surrender, the atmosphere just now is gone."

Everyone present was speechless. How cowardly is this Dracula?

Bert frowned a little. He was embarrassed to kill Dracula like this, especially since he had made great contributions to the vampires.

Bert said: "Well, Dracula, why don't you try, maybe you can really kill me?"

Everyone became more speechless, this is too weird, right? To persuade others to harm you?

"No, absolutely no, I surrender, I surrender unconditionally." Dracula shook his head again, do you think I don't know your mind? Humph, I'm not that stupid.

Today, even if God himself came, I would only surrender.

Mephisto was going crazy: "Why are you Vampires so weird?"

"Aren't there more weirdos in your hell? When did Vampires become weird?"

Bert snorted, and then he tried hard, the spider exploded directly, leaving only a cloud of blood and a black crystal floating in the air, and then, Mephisto's voice came out of the blood: "Blood God, this time, you won, but I'll be back."

"You think you are the Terminator, coming back every day?"

Bert sneered: "Mephisto, Today, I will leave you with some unforgettable memories."

Mephisto disdain: "Just you?"

"No, there's me too!"

A phantom appeared out of thin air, but it was the Hell prince Blackheart. He looked at the blood and said excitedly: "Mephisto, we meet again."


Mephisto was stunned for a moment, then said angrily: "You cheating son, are you colluding with them again?"

"What's wrong with that, it's only right and proper for your son to cheat."

Blackheart snorted coldly, he opened his mouth, and a cloud of original blood mixed with spells blurted out, merging with Mephisto's blood.

"You want to curse me with blood?"

Mephisto was angry, he shouted to the sky: "Ancient One, your apprentice colluded with Hell monsters, you won't come out and take care of it?"

Ancient One's voice sounded faint: "I also colluded before, what's the problem?"

Everyone was silent, this answer is very good and powerful.