Chapter 139 : Truth


Hearing Ancient One's question, Erik nodded and asked, "Master, have I been tricked by Dracula? The main body is completely out of contact now."

"He didn't cheat you, he just didn't expect you to have divine blood."

Ancient One explained the matter again, and then said: "Whether you become a God or not, it is up to you to choose, I will not interfere."

Erik touched his chin and asked, "Master, after I become a God, will you slap me to death?"

Ancient One said with a smile: "Don't worry, I can drive you away at most because I can't kill you. After you become the True God of the Vampires, unless all the vampires die, you will never die."

"It's no different from now."

Erik didn't care, he said, "I'll wake up the main body in a while, there are still so many beautiful women out there, becoming a god, is just a waste."

'Can't you pursue a little higher?'

Ancient One was speechless, she asked: "Have you thought about it? There is only one chance to become a God. If you give up this time, you will never become a God again. God is not only immortal but also has great authority and power. "

"Master, it's not the first day you know me. How could I abandon myself for power?"

Erik smiled and said, "That's not the way I want to go. From start to finish."

"I read you right."

Ancient One laughed, and she said, "If you don't stop it, after ten days, you will become a god. During this process, your body will keep changing, and your consciousness will learn a lot of rules.

When to wake up, you decide for yourself, but you have to pay attention, the later you wake up, the more difficult it is to wake up. "

Erik immediately said: "Is that so, it must be the tenth day to wake up."

Ancient One asked, "Aren't you afraid that you won't wake up?"

Erik said: "Why can't I wake up? On the tenth day, I called a group of beauties to come to the desert to sing and dance to ensure the body wakes up."

Ancient One was speechless again, is it really good for you to say that about your body?

Seeing Ancient One's expression, Erik said a little embarrassedly: "Master, I'm sorry."

"I don't care about that, I just didn't expect you to be so creative." Ancient One shook her head: "You figure it out yourself, Your life is your own."

Erik said: "Master, don't worry, if it's not possible, I'll sacrifice myself to forcibly wake him up."

Ancient One said: "You can know what you have in mind."

Erik remembered one thing and said to Ancient One: "By the way, Master, help me contact Mercury, tell her my decision, and let her not make any big fuss, it's unnecessary."

Mercury doesn't know about Erik. In fact, In the entire world, only a few know about this, Ancient One, Panther Goddess, and the former kings of Wakanda.

Erik's clone, there is no need to have a connection with the Vampires.


Ancient One nodded and said: "In addition, I will help you cover up the vision of the desert. As for the rest, you can do it yourself."

"Thank you, Master."

Erik nodded and ended the communication. Ancient One looked at the beads and couldn't help but smile. This is indeed more suitable for her than a mobile phone, Bert deliberately made it look like Buddha beads.

Ancient One shook her head, waved her hand, and the sky over the Egyptian desert returned to normal, no longer as bloody as before.

Then, Ancient One called Mercury and told her about Blood God's situation.

"Master Ancient One, I know, I will follow the instructions of Blood God and will not let anyone go there."

Mercury replied respectfully, Ancient One nodded and ended the communication.

"I should have guessed that, with the character of Bert, how could he be willing to give up himself to become a god? Forget it, anyway, with the Blood God here, Vampires will prosper, and it doesn't matter whether he becomes True God or not."

Mercury shook her head, called Lilith, and asked her to send back most of the unmanned battle armors to the New York base.

Mercury said: "Tell others that the Oscorp is experimenting with the unmanned combat armors. In addition, sell the unmanned armors that are about to be eliminated, to the military at a high price."


Lilith didn't ask any further questions, just nodded in agreement.

Then, Mercury called Carter again: "If anyone asks what the Blood God is doing, tell them that the Blood God is dealing with Dracula. In addition, within ten days, the Blood God has no time to intervene. If there is anything, let the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau takes care of it."

Carter asked: "Dealing with Dracula? Need help from superheroes?"

Mercury said: "No need, Blood God can deal with it by himself. No one is allowed to enter the Egyptian desert unless they have my consent."

"The order of Blood God?"

"Yes, The order of Blood God."

"Okay, I'll obey."

Carter nodded, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Blood God is fine. Since Blood God is fine, then the world will be fine.

A few hours later, Mercury and Lilith reached the desert at the same time, which has been blocked by the Egyptian army, and only the Vampires can enter.

Yes, the President of Egypt agreed to the request of the Vampires. On the one hand, he could not offend the Blood God, and on the other hand, Carter promised to provide a lot of investment.

Lilith, who was always expressionless, cursed as soon as she saw Dracula: "Why do you want to wake up? Can't you let the Vampires live for a few years?"

"You think I want to wake up, I slept well, and a bunch of grandchildren came to pit me, I'm also very depressed, okay?"

Dracula's voice was louder than Lilith's: "Do you think it's easy for me? I have kneeled twice today to survive."

"When did you ever care about that?" Lilith sneered: "Don't you kneel whenever you see a strong being?"

Dracula said angrily: "Hey, save me some face, I'm your father."


Everyone was stunned, Lilith was actually Dracula's daughter?

Mercury immediately checked Lilith's information, and then asked: "Lilith, what's going on? That's not what's written in your information."

"That information was falsified." Lilith sighed and said, "Although I am very reluctant to have such a father, unfortunately, he is my father."

Dracula said angrily: "Lilith, what are you talking about? Am I embarrassing you?"

Lilith snorted coldly, "Very, very much."

"Miss Lilith, you misunderstood Mr. Dracula, he didn't turn blind eye to the vampire, he..."

Spider-Man saw this and wanted to tell the 'truth', but Lilith interrupted him and said, "Did he tell you that in order to save the Vampires, he took the initiative to go to Kamar-Taj to be cannon fodder for a hundred years?"

Spider-Man was stunned: "Yeah, hey, Miss Lilith, do you know about this?"

"Of course I know, Little Spider, I tell you, he made it up."

Lilith scolded: "Back then, when Ancient One swept the world, this old guy wanted to escape to other dimensions, but before he left, Ancient One came to the door. He was so frightened that he knelt down on the spot and begged her to let him go. After begging, he also said that the Vampires were at the disposal of Ancient One."


Everyone was stunned, this was completely different from what Dracula said before.

Dracula defended: "I didn't lie. I did go to Kamar-Taj to be cannon fodder for a hundred years. It is because of my sacrifice that the Vampires can continue to survive on earth."

"You really put gold on your face. Ancient One never planned to destroy the Vampires. You will always be the only one she wants to destroy."

Lilith sneered: "Later when Ancient One found out that she couldn't kill you, she brought you back to Kamar-Taj to serve for a hundred years. As a result, you deserted one after another. In a rage, Ancient One directly used you as cannon fodder.

The reason why you have died more than 10,000 times is because of you. "

Dracula became angry: "Exposing your father's secrets like this. Are you my daughter?"

"Are you like a father?"

Lilith sneered: "Afterwards, you not only brazenly boasted that you saved the Vampires but also scolded Ancient One for not being able to marry, causing Kamar-Taj to come down the mountain to trouble you again. When you received the news, you were so scared that you hid and fell into a long slumber, and left me alone at Kamar-Taj.

If it weren't for the kindness of Ancient One, I would have died countless times."

"I knew early on that Ancient One would not kill you."

Dracula defended, Lilith sneered, and everyone looked at Dracula silently. They all thought he was a big hero, but he turned out to be a scum, or rather, a vampire scum.

"I'm so naive."

Spider-Man broke down a bit. He admired Dracula before, but he didn't expect him to be such a person.

Electro wanted to spit on his face, and so did the vampires. Erik, who was far away in Wakanda, couldn't help but pat his forehead. He was deceived by that old guy?

What kind of good things can be created by the Darkhold?

Dracula's face was flushed, and he wanted to leave. But Mercury blocked, and sneered: "I don't care what happens to you father and daughter, neither of you is allowed to leave until the Blood God wakes up."

"I didn't plan to leave."

Dracula shrugged, he asked Lilith in a low voice, "Daughter, have you ever had an affair with the Blood God? If so, am I not the Blood God's father-in-law?"

Lilith was so angry that she almost vomited blood, she sneered: "If I say no, are you going to pack me up and give me to Blood God?"

"Am I that kind of person?" Dracula called out, and he said, "I can introduce you at most."

Lilith drew her sword and chased Dracula through the desert. Mercury frowned and motioned for Electro to follow them.

"The ancestor of the vampire is this kind of thing? What a shame for the Vampires. After the Blood God wakes up, he will dig a hole and bury him."

Mercury was speechless, then shook her head and controlled the unmanned battle armor to block the surrounding area to protect the safety of the Blood God.

As for the other people in the desert, none of them are allowed to leave, so as not to leak the news.

In the next few days, there will be drones to detect and even sneak into the desert. Mercury will not be merciful. Whether it is drones or infiltrators, they will all be destroyed, even the corpses will not be left.

Although the governments of various countries are very annoyed, they do not dare to confront the Vampires head-on, they can only pretend that it never happened.

After several years of development of the Blood God, the Vampires are no longer the Vampires of before.

Seven days later, in a villa, Skye asked in amazement, "Do you want to use Mr. Wang's backup plan?"

"Is there any way, the previous plans have all failed?" Tony said unhappily, "I wanted to lure Jiaying out, but they just threw an alien communicator over."

"Are you too embarrassed to say that?"

Natasha said with contempt: "You kept saying that the signal of the communicator can be tracked, but after three days of research, you didn't even find a fart, and almost broke the alien communicator."

"That's an alien technology, do you think it is so easy to study?" Tony was a little embarrassed, he said: "Besides, didn't I successfully develop a quantum jammer?"

"The quantum jammer has indeed been researched. The problem is that the Eyeless man has not appeared."

Coulson sighed: "Even if he appears, he will disappear at once, and we have no chance to block him at all."

Tony became more unhappy when he heard the words. At that time, he promised to catch the Eyeless man, but he couldn't even catch a single hair of his.

Tony said: "Anyway, now I can only try Bert's bad idea."

Skye asked: "The question is, Mr. Wang, is not here, who am I going to kill?"

Tony said: "This is easy, just find the Water Demon to disguise."

Coulson asked: "Will he be willing to help? I heard that he is an otaku who guards the base all day and does not go out."

"Yes, just add money. Those three demons are all open to money. I heard that they were afraid of being poor before."

Speaking of this, Tony felt unhappy for a while, why wasn't he the one who encountered the three demons? He also can make money, although not as much as Bert.

Skye asked again: "Mr. Wang is not here, aren't you afraid that something will go wrong?"

"What could go wrong?"

Tony snorted coldly: "We will get rid of the Inhumans problem, so that some people can't say that we rely on Blood God for everything all day long."

"What's the problem with relying on Blood God? He is super reliable." Natasha didn't care.

Tony said, "If we depend on him, what else do we need to do? Skye, it's not too late, we'll take action in the two days, is there any problem?"

Skye hesitated, then gritted her teeth: "No problem."


Two days later, 'Bert', whose body quickly turned green, roared at Skye: "You put poison needles on the ring?"

"How could this happen?"

Skye shouted in panic: "Mr. Wang, I just wanted to put you to sleep, I didn't want to kill you, Jiaying lied to me."

"I'll kill you."

'Bert' shouted, but just as he took a step forward, the green venom spread all over his body, he let out a shrill scream, and the whole person turned into a ball of green water, corroding the ground into a big pit.

Skye was horrified and shouted, "Gordon."

Energy lightning appeared, Gordon looked at the green water and the big pit on the ground, overjoyed, took Skye's hand, and disappeared.

After the two disappeared, Mindy, who heard the movement, rushed over. Seeing that the situation was not right, she immediately picked up the phone and called someone in panic: "Aunt Mercury, something happened."

"The little girl's acting is good. Compared to that, Skye's acting is a bit exaggerated."

Tony stood in front of the screen and said with a smile, and Natasha said proudly: "Mindy's acting skills were learned from me, of course, it's not bad, speaking of which, thanks to the effect of the poison we simulated in advance, otherwise it would have been impossible to hide from the Inhumans. "