Chapter 140 : Awakening

"This poison is so poisonous that even Bert may not be able to stop it."

Tony shook his head, switched the screen, and saw a red dot stop in a certain area in Southeast Asia.

"Finally found it."

Tony was overjoyed, turned his head to Steve, and said, "Director, it's your turn."


S.W.O.R.D. Bureau Chief, Steve nodded and shouted to everyone, "Everyone, get ready to go."

"Yes, Chief."

Hawkeye Barton, Black Widow Natasha, Daredevil, Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Dr. Reed, The Thing, Absorbing Man, Wind Demon, Earth Demon, Black Panther, and Coulson and other agents all nodded.

To deal with the Inhumans, the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau went all out this time. Not only did the Director personally go into battle, but he also invited a lot of foreign aid.

"Excuse me, please rescue Medusa."

Black Bolt typed, with Medusa around, he could not take part in the action, otherwise, he would only be used by Jiaying.

"Don't worry, leave it to us."

Steve nodded and set off with everyone.

Inhuman Kingdom think tank Karnak said solemnly to Black Bolt: "Your Majesty, the strength of human beings is stronger than I imagined."

"You don't need to worry about this, because worrying is useless." Black Bolt typed: "Blood God alone is enough to easily destroy the entire Inhuman kingdom."

The general of the Inhuman Kingdom, Gorgon with a pair of hooves asked in disbelief, "Is that Blood God really that strong?"

"Stronger than you think." Black Bolt typed: "By the way, you still haven't found Crystal and Lockjaw?"

Crystal is Medusa's younger sister and can control the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, while Lockjaw is a massive dog weighing more than 200 kilograms, and has an ability similar to Gordon's - teleportation.

The reason why Black Bolt and Medusa were able to escape from the moon was because of Crystal and Lockjaw, but after that, they lost contact and could not be found.

"S.W.O.R.D. has never found any trace of them."

Karnak said: "I suspect that when Lockjaw went back to pick up Crystal, he was caught by Maximus."

Black Bolt typed: "That would be troublesome, hm, let's save Medusa first."

Karnak nodded: "Hope them all the best."

Egyptian desert, Dracula looked at bikini beauties everywhere, drooling all over his beard.

Dracula wiped his saliva and sighed, "Women in this era are well-developed, right?"

Lilith scolded angrily and reminded: "Don't leave this temporary house, or I won't be able to keep you."

"Don't worry, I don't want to kill myself. There is an assassin staring at me under the house all the time. Her killing intent is very serious."

Dracula shrugged and said, "Speaking of which, what are you guys doing? Why did you invite so many beautiful women here? Also, holding a desert bikini contest?"

"Blood God likes it." Lilith said: "In this way, he can wake up."

"What, you want to wake him up?"

Dracula was stunned, and he hurriedly said: "How can this work? Once he wakes up, he will not be a True God."

"This is his order, he doesn't want to be a God."

Lilith said: "Dracula, will this method work? Can he perceive what's going outside now?"

"Don't want to be a God? This guy didn't get kicked by a donkey in the head, right?"

Dracula muttered, Lilith glared at him and shouted, "Haven't you had enough, you never change?"

"It's been thousands of years, and it can't be changed."

Dracula shrugged and said, "Bert can sense the situation outside, but he will ignore it instinctively because he is immersed in the mystery of the rules.

Theoretically, as long as the outside stimulus is strong enough, Bert will be awakened. "

Dracula looked at the bikini beauties below and said, "Now let's see how much this guy likes bikini beauties."

"As much as you like it, the reason why he wanted to become a Blood God was to go to the beach to see bikini beauties."

Lilith said: "What's more, there are thousands of bikini beauties here."

"It's depraved."

Dracula shook his head. He thought of something, and said slyly: "Daughter, maybe you should also go to the beauty pageant, maybe you will be favored by the Blood God, then I will be the father-in-law of the Blood God."

Lilith roared: "Go away."

"Lots of beauties."

Peter Parker peeked around, covered his nose, and said, "Don't look, Don't look, I shouldn't do this to Gwen."

Electro sneered: "You don't like women, so why pretend, who doesn't know, Harry is your true love?"

Peter glared at Electro: "Nonsense, Harry and I are just good friends."

Electro sneered: "Are you sure? When Harry was about to die, you were so sad that you almost fainted."

Peter was about to answer when a cold voice suddenly came from beside him: "Are you jealous of us? A guy without friends."

"Harry, why did you come out? You are still very weak."

Peter hurried over to support the frail white-haired Harry, Harry said, "Don't worry, I can't die, I have to atone for myself."

"You still want atonement?"

Electro snorted, turned to leave, and Peter said to Harry, "Harry, I will plead with Mr. Wang."

"It doesn't matter, being able to survive is already enough for me."

Harry waved his hand. He looked at the bikini beauties around him and said, "Peter, I'll teach you to pick up girls. Don't you want to be a chick magnet?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Peter was shy and angry, said, "I already have Gwen, she treats me very well, and I can't betray her."

"Don't worry, no one will know."

Harry laughed and said, although he is weak now, his temperament is much brighter.

After walking on the edge of life and death, Harry completely looked away. Now, he just wants to make up for Peter, a close friend.

Peter said, "Even if no one knows, I can't do it. Besides, these beauties belong to Mr. Wang."

Harry said, "How can he handle so much by himself?"


Inside Wonderful world, Bert felt a little annoyed. He wanted to study the rules seriously, but for some reason, there were always voices around him, but he couldn't hear the specific voice.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that this knowledge is precious?"

Bert cursed irritably. At this moment, the surrounding voices suddenly became louder, and he could vaguely hear what the voice was saying: "Bikini beauties, bikini beauties..."

"What happened to the bikini beauties? Well, bikini beauties, thousands of bikini beauties? Where, where?"

Bert cursed at first, then reacted and asked with bright eyes, the next moment, his consciousness was awakened and he was about to leave the wonderful world.

The rules of the Vampires in the wonderful world are transformed into a throne to call Bert. As long as he sits on it, he will become the True God of the Vampires, with eternal life and stalwart power.

"The reason why I want power is for better enjoyment."

Bert shook his head and said to the throne: "If I give up my self and my pleasure for the sake of power, wouldn't that be putting the cart before the horse? Thank you for your hospitality, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Bert's consciousness left the wonderful world directly, and immediately, his body stopped transforming.

Becoming a True God - Failed.

Bert sighed softly, this kind of opportunity will only happen only once in a lifetime, and it will never happen again.

However, Bert didn't regret it, he wanted to be a warm person rather than a cold god.

"Before the divinity completely disappears, hurry up and get some treasure."

In the river of blood, the treasure-cloned puppet floated up, and then the puppet melted away, leaving only a red dot floating in the air.

Bert injected a lot of blood and the power of space into the red dot, and the red dot quickly swelled and turned into a small Bert.

After a while, Little Bert opened his eyes, nodded to Bert's soul, and disappeared into the river of blood.

The cloned puppet was successfully refined into a projection by Bert.

Only Gods can have projections, not all Gods. Even if they are as strong as Ancient One, there will be no projections. The reason why Bert can refine it is that he still has undissipated divinity.

In addition, during this transformation, Bert absorbed the power of space stone, which is one of the reasons why the projection can be successfully refined.

This projection is connected to Bert which can ignore a large distance. At the same time, Bert can transmit his power to the clone at any time, but it can only be up to half.

"With this projection, many things will be convenient in the future, for example, interstellar travel."

Bert thought to himself, after coming to Marvel, how can you not go to Interstellar? I don't know if I can handle those alien beauties.

Although he did not become a God, this time Bert's harvest was huge.

First of all, he obtained part of the concept of the True God of the Vampires, and the ability of the Blood God has been greatly improved. From now on, as long as there are vampires in the world, he will not die.

Secondly, he completely absorbed the divine blood of the 'Beast', and his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Third, successfully absorbed the power of space stone and became another 'Captain Marvel'.With this, Bert can always absorb the power of space stone in the future, that is to say, he will keep getting stronger until the space stone is completely absorbed by him.

Fourth, Bert mastered the rules of a lot of Space and Blood.

In the past, Bert could only be regarded as a good mage, but now, he is a magic master second only to Ancient One.

After Bert has completely digested the income this time, he can even create space magic and blood magic by himself.

"Now, even if I meet a real God or Demon, I will have the power to fight."

Bert smiled slightly. In addition to the above four significant gains, this time there are two special gains - projection and self-sublimation.

Self-sublimation refers to the transformation of the nature of life. The current Bert is a half-vampire and half-God, with a certain amount of divine power, but it is only effective against vampires.

In addition, after sublimation, Dracula can no longer control his blood, because his life quality is higher than that of the opponent.

"The harvest is not small, I have to retreat for a while when I go back."

Bert slowly gathered the river of blood and said to Mercury with his mind: "Mercury, I'm awake."

"Blood God."

Mercury breathed a sigh of relief. She thought of something and asked, "Blood God, don't you regret it?"

"With so many bikini beauties gathered, how can I regret it?" Bert laughed,

Bert shook his head and turned back into a human form. Then, he appeared in Dracula's room out of thin air and asked Dracula, who was drooling outside, "Aren't they pretty?"

"Pretty, Very pretty, in my time, women would not dare to dress like this."

Dracula nodded, and Bert smiled: "It's useless to drool because they are all mine. Hahaha."

"You're not afraid of dying." Dracula turned his head angrily, then he was taken aback: "Are you awake?"

Bert walked to the window, admired the beauty, and said, "Yes, thank you."

"You don't blame me, I was going to give you a photo of Lilith's swimsuit to apologize to you "

Dracula said with a smile, Bert was speechless, are you Lilith's father?

Lilith came over while gritting her teeth and said, "If you dare to take pictures, I'll kill you. Anyway, it's not like I haven't killed you before."

Bert smiled and said, "I've known you for so long, but this is the first time I've seen you so expressive."

Lilith bowed her head and apologized: "Blood God, I'm sorry, I concealed my identity before."

"It's okay, I know that you have no ill will towards me."

Bert waved his hand and asked, "Lilith, why did you approach me disguised as an assistant?"

"On the one hand, it is for the Vampires, and on the other hand, it is because of the concept in you."

Lilith said frankly: "Your concept should have belonged to me. I wanted to know what abilities I will gain after I get the concept."

"Blood River ability." Bert smiled and said, "You are still willing to continue to be my assistant?"

Lilith was stunned: "You will still let me continue to be your assistant?"

"What's the problem? You didn't make any mistakes."Bert said: "I am very satisfied with your working ability."

"Happy to serve you, Blood God."

Lilith nodded without any hesitation, "However, I'm only an assistant, not a president. I can't be a president, I'm too tired."

Bert thought for a while and said, "Is that so, let Felicia (Black Cat) take over that position, and I will find time to turn her into a vampire."

Dracula's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he rubbed his hands together and said excitedly: "Don't bother, I can help you with the president. I have thousands of years of experience in ruling the Vampires."

Lilith snorted coldly: "Are you not ashamed, if you become the president, the group will go bankrupt sooner or later."

"Dracula, you should study for a while first. The modern world is completely different from hundreds of years ago."

Bert said: "Go to a university, I will help you get your identity and student status."

"Go to school? Okay, you are the Blood God, if you say go to school, I'll go to school ."Dracula said weakly.

He has already lived for a long time, does he still has to go to school? If it spreads out, people will laugh to death!

Dracula's eyes rolled: 'I still have to find a way to become Blood God's father-in-law, otherwise how can I enjoy life?'

Lilith kicked Dracula hard, 'although I don't know what this old bastard was thinking, but it was not a good thing.'

Dracula jumped and glared at Lilith, is there a daughter like you?

Lilith turned to stare at Dracula, is there a father like you?

Bert laughed dumbly and said, "Lilith, give me the schedule and list of this conference."

Lilith smiled, the Blood God was still the same Blood God, he didn't change at all.

Bert smiled and said, "Lilith, I didn't expect you to smile so beautifully. You should smile more in the future."

"My job doesn't include smiling."

Lilith's face turned cold, and she turned to go out to get the documents.

Bert shrugged, still the same, but Dracula's eyes lit up as if there was a show.