Chapter 142 : Retreat

Seeing that the unmanned battle armors all stopped, the little girl was very dissatisfied, and told Tony: "Go and kill them."

"Kill them."

Tony nodded sluggishly. When everyone saw this, not only were they not afraid, but they were gearing up one by one.

Absorbing Man shouted: "Tony Stark is under control, if you want to beat him, hurry up, there won't be another chance after this village."

"Coming right away."

Everyone shouted, Dr. Reed was speechless, he looked at the Human Torch flying towards Tony, and shouted: "Tony is your boss."

"Which employee doesn't want to beat up their boss?"

Human Torch laughed, just when everyone was about to start, Tony's wristband suddenly lit up with electricity, Tony twitched all over and smoke came out of his head.

Tony woke up and scolded: "Friday, lower the current next time."

Having learned the lesson from last time, Tony specially installed a smart system in the wristband. As long as he is controlled for more than one minute, the wristband will perform electric shock therapy on him.

Friday said: "I couldn't wake you up if the current is too low. This was your instruction."

Tony turned to look at the little girl: "Do you want to control me?"

Just when Tony was about to bully the little girl, a very fast woman rushed out of the room and threw a fist at Tony. Seeing this, the steel armor immediately fired a repulsor cannon at the woman.

Boom, Tony, and the woman were knocked out at the same time.

"Iron Man was sent flying again!"

Everyone laughed, Tony gritted his teeth angrily, how do these bastards look like comrades-in-arms?

Steve explained: "Just kidding. Everyone be careful, don't be careless with any Inhuman, Tony is an example."


Everyone nodded and concentrated on dealing with these Inhumans. At the same time, the unmanned battle armor restarted and continued to shoot at the defensive cover.

"The situation is not good. If this continues, it won't be long before we lose the battle."

Jiaying's face was quite ugly. What made her depressed was that many Inhumans chose to watch instead of fighting, otherwise, the situation would not be so bad.

At the same time, Raina was taking Skye, Natasha, and the others to the prison. On the way, Earth Demon kept peeking at Raina, Raina asked dissatisfiedly: "I know my appearance is ugly, but can't you be more polite?"

"No, you misunderstood. I received a call from the boss before, and he asked me to protect you." Earth Demon hurriedly explained: "The boss said that you are very important. You are the key to whether Inhumans can integrate into human society."

Raina suddenly realized, she said, "That's it, thank your boss for me, don't worry, I won't die, my mission hasn't been completed yet."

Natasha asked in surprise: "How important is she? Blood God made a phone call? Hey, wait, isn't the Blood God dealing with Dracula?"

"She is very important. When Inhumans awaken, their abilities are uncontrollable. If they are not careful, they will cause a catastrophe. At that time, humans will become repulsive and even hate Inhumans." Earth Demon explained: "Raina can prevent this from happening."

"That's true."

Everyone suddenly realized that, and they made up their minds to protect Raina.

Raina likes this feeling of being valued. Grandma is right, she is different, and her existence is of great significance to the world.

Soon, everyone arrived at the prison. There were more than ten guards here. One guard looked at Susan and Natasha who were invisible, and sneered: "Come out, I have already discovered you."

"I hate your abilities."

Natasha and Susan appeared, and the Demon was still hiding in the ground.

A tall female Inhuman shouted at Raina: "Raina, you betrayed the Inhumans?"

Raina said: "I'm saving the Inhumans, Alisha, you have to help me."

"Don't even think about it."

Alisha's eyes turned white, and three of her own came out one after another behind her. This was her ability, Cloning herself.

Natasha praised: "With this ability, it must be easy for you to find a boyfriend."

Susan also praised: "This ability is really good. If I have this ability, I will set up a clone to go to work and play games at home every day."

"Let's do it, finish them."

Alisha shouted, and a group of Inhumans stepped forward to prepare for battle. At this moment, four Alisha suddenly attacked the Inhumans around them at the same time, knocking them to the ground.

Raina shouted: "Alisha is one of us, let's take care of them."

Natasha and Susan immediately started shooting, Skye also drew a gun and shot, she asked curiously: "You instigated her?"

"No, this is her destiny, she will become a superhero in the future."

Raina said: "Blood God will inject her with the Extremis virus, and she will become the guardian of New York and Inhumans."

"Extremis virus?" Natasha knocked out an Inhuman and asked curiously, "Will her clone inherit her abilities?"

"Yes, she alone is equal to four people." Raina said: "Also, if the clone dies, she will not die, but it will be a little painful."

"That is to say, her clones can explode freely?" Natasha was quite surprised, this Alisha and the Extremis Virus are a perfect match.

"Yes, she will be the pride of Inhumans."

Raina nodded, and everyone was amazed. The Inhumans with technology can make a difference.

Soon, all the Inhuman guards outside were knocked down, everyone rushed into the prison, and saw three Inhumans holding Medusa and hiding in the prison.

Seeing Natasha and the others, the Inhuman Lincoln pointed his hand at Medusa and shouted, "Don't come here, or I will kill her."

It is worth mentioning that there was another person in the cell, a slovenly man who looked crazy. He was very excited when he saw Skye come in.

This man was Skye's father, Calvin Johnson, also known as Lunatic.

Raina said: "Lincoln, you are not a bad person, stop doing bad things with Jiaying."

"I don't know if Jiaying did the right thing." Lincoln said resolutely: "But when I was at the lowest point in my life, it was Jiaying who helped me get back on my feet. No matter what she did, I would support her."

Everyone winked at each other, and at this moment, Jiaying's voice suddenly sounded from the radio: "Black Bolt, I know you can hear me, I don't care where you are. Immediately destroy everything around you, otherwise, I will kill Medusa, you only have ten seconds."

In the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau base, Black Bolt frowned, not knowing what to do.

In the cell, while Lincoln and the others were attracted by Jiaying's voice, Calvin suddenly rushed out and knocked Lincoln away.

Earth Demon took the opportunity to emerge from the ground and sank with Medusa.

Another Inhuman was about to stomp when he was shot by Natasha's stun gun and fell with convulsions all over his body.

The last Inhuman was blocked by Susan's defensive cover, unable to stop Earth Demon.

Jiaying shouted in shock and anger: "Calvin, even you betrayed me? You said that you will protect me for the rest of your life."

Calvin roared while beating Lincoln: "I did say it, but you are no longer who you used to be. You used our baby to assassinate the Blood God?"

Skye was a little embarrassed, the baby in Calvin's mouth was her.

"Nothing would've happened to her, Gordon has been protecting her."

Jiaying said angrily: "Do you know that by doing this, our daughter will become another human experiment?"

Calvin opened his hands and shouted a little frantically: "No, our daughter, Daisy, will become the king of Inhumans in the future."

"The king of Inhumans?"

Everyone present was shocked except Raina. Jiaying was taken aback for a moment, and then she asked, "Raina, the king of Inhumans you mentioned earlier is Daisy?"

Skye pointed at herself dumbfounded: "I am the king of Inhumans? This joke is not funny at all."

Raina nodded and said excitedly: "That's right, Daisy is the future king of Inhumans, she will lead Inhumans to completely integrate into human society and become a part of humanity."

"My daughter is the king of Inhumans?" Jiaying was a little shaken, but quickly calmed down and shouted: "Humans are not trustworthy."

"The current human beings are indeed not trustworthy, but human beings will soon enter the interstellar era. At that time, the Inhumans will not only not be rejected, but will also be favored and supported by the federal government."

Raina said: "Jiaying, you are wrong, admit defeat."

"No. I am right, I won't admit defeat, even if the enemy is my daughter."

Jiaying shouted, and then she turned off the communication and slammed her fist on the table, full of resentment.

Why don't even my husband and daughter understand me?

While Jiaying and the others were talking, Natasha and Susan took down all three Inhumans. Natasha smiled at Skye and teased: "Your Majesty, do you want me to bow to you?"

Skye said angrily: "Natasha, stop kidding, I'm not the king of Inhumans."

"Daughter, that is your destiny." Calvin came over and said, "I'll do my best to help you, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm your father, Calvin Johnson, I used to be a doctor..."

Calvin looked very nervous and somewhat at a loss, Skye couldn't help laughing, she knew that this man loved her very much.

The rescued Medusa said to Raina: "I am very grateful that you saved me, but Black Bolt is the king of the Inhumans."

"I checked Jiaying's family tree, and Jiaying has royal blood, which means that she and Skye are both members of the royal family."

Raina said without giving up: "According to the rules of the Inhuman Royal Family, the strongest is the King, and Skye's power will be stronger than that of Black Bolt."

Medusa sneered: "Absurd, how could someone be stronger than Black Bolt? Black Bolt is invincible."

Natasha sneered: "Your invincible Black Bolt was defeated by the Blood God some time ago. And that too in a second."

Medusa was shocked: "Black Bolt was instantly defeated by Blood God? How is that possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. After Skye becomes an Inhuman, her superpower can even destroy the earth." Raina said enthusiastically: "She is the natural king of Inhumans."

"Destroy the Earth?"

The crowd exclaimed, Skye looked confused, I, Skye, can destroy the earth?

"Skye, fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone, otherwise, that braised egg will monitor you 24 hours a day, even if you go to the toilet."

Natasha smiled and said, "As for now, you don't have to worry, the Blood God can solve anything."

Skye was stunned for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief and said, "With Mr. Wang here, I don't have to worry about anything."

Medusa blinked, Who exactly is that Blood God, and why are Skye and the others so convinced of him?

Leaving aside the discussion here, Jiaying looked at the battle outside, her heart sank, and if this goes on, it won't be long before they will be defeated

The Inhuman Eli, who released the protective shield said with difficulty: "Jiaying, I can't hold it anymore."

"Damn it, now, I can only use that."

Jiaying gritted her teeth, took out a bunch of Terrigen crystals from the drawer, and then poured these crystals into a special apparatus.

When the instrument indicated that the preparation was complete, Jiaying started the instrument. The instrument vibrated violently, and a large amount of gas emerged from it, spreading in all directions.

"Eli put away the shield."

Jiaying ordered, Eli breathed a sigh of relief, immediately retracted her ability, and hid under a specially made table with Jiaying.

Without the shield, Terrigen mist spreads to the battlefield immediately. Once those superheroes come into contact with Terrigen mist, they will be petrified and will die.

"I hope there are Inhumans among you."

Jiaying sneered while holding the monitor. At this moment, accompanied by gusts of wind, all the Terrigen mist rose into the sky and gathered into a big ball in the air.

Jiaying looked at the tablet and shouted incredulously, "How could this happen?"

"Jiaying, do you think we didn't guess you would use this trick?"

Tony controlled the steel armor and flew into the place, sneering: "The Wind Demon has been waiting for you to release the Terrigen Crystal."

Jiaying crawled out from under the table and shouted angrily: "Damn, you damn humans, we Inhumans will never give in."

"It's as if we are villains, Jiaying, you are the villain."

Tony sneered, he raised his weapons to subdue Jiaying, just at this moment, several figures and a big dog appeared out of thin air.

Tony was startled and hurriedly aimed his weapons at the person who came. Seeing this, the female Crystal immediately pushed Tony into the air.

With the push, the air turned into cannonballs and bombarded Tony heavily. Tony was blasted out directly, and he slid several meters on the ground before stopping.

Dr. Reed said with a smile: "Tony, you were shot for the second time today."

Tony didn't have time to joke, he flew up and shouted: "Be careful, their reinforcements are here."


Everyone was stunned for a moment and hurriedly looked at the place, just in time to see Jiaying and a group of people walking out of there.

Jiaying shouted: "Everyone, fall back."

When the Inhumans heard the words, they gave up fighting their opponents and stepped back. Steve hurriedly shouted: "Stop them, they want to escape."


The superheroes immediately intercepted. Seeing this, Crystal pushed forward with both hands, and several flames appeared out of thin air, blasting toward the superheroes.

The superheroes hurriedly avoided it, Human Torch stepped forward to block the flame, and then laughed at Crystal: "What a hot little beauty, I like it."

Crystal gave Human Torch a cold look, raised her right hand, and several water balls appeared out of nowhere, shooting at Human Torch one after another. Human Torch was startled and hurriedly fled back.

At the same time, other Inhumans also started shooting, and the superheroes were intercepted, unable to prevent those Inhumans from returning to Jiaying.

Jiaying glanced at the unconscious Gordon and said to Steve, "Steve Rogers, we will be back."

Steve said: "Ma'am, you don't need to come back, I will take the initiative to find you."

Jiaying snorted, and turned her head to look at the big dog Lockjaw, Lockjaw nodded humanely, activated the teleportation ability, and brought everyone back to the moon.


Tony sighed, but Steve didn't care, he said, "It's okay, our next stop is the moon anyway."