Chapter 143 : Inhumans Plan

"That's true."

Hearing Steve's words, Tony nodded. He thought of something and said "I don't know if that guy Bert has figured it out. Without him, let alone attacking the Inhuman Kingdom, we can't even go to the moon."

Steve laughed: "That's not something that Tony Stark would say."

"Did I just say something? I didn't say anything." Tony shrugged and said, "Steve, I'll leave the rest to you. I'll go back and prepare for the battle on the moon."

Steve nodded: "Well, I'll have Coulson come over immediately to register the information and deal with the prisoners."

Tony flew up and complained: "Are you the director or Coulson the director? Coulson only has a few hairs left on his head."

"When he loses all his hair, I will promote him to Director."

Steve laughed, and Coulson's helpless voice came from the communicator: "Director, I can hear it."

Everyone laughed, the battle at the Afterlife came to an end, and S.W.O.R.D. had a complete victory. Except for Jiaying and the others who escaped, all the other Inhumans were captured.

Egyptian desert, after listening to the report from Earth Demon and the others, Bert frowned slightly: "Why did Lockjaw and Crystal help Maximus? Could it be?"

Thinking of that possibility, Bert snorted, called Stephanie, and said, "Your god, maybe he's back."

"I only have one God now, and that is you, Blood God." Stephanie replied. She had already told Bert everything long ago.

Bert laughed: "I like that."

After explaining to Stephanie, Bert summoned his projection (New Clone) and instructed: "Go to the space station, it is good to have a Clone, I don't have to fly there by myself."

The clone gave Bert a middle finger, and he disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was already in the sky. Then, he turned into blood and rose into the sky.

The current Bert can teleport directly at a short distance.

The Moon, At Inhuman kingdom Attilan, Jiaying couldn't wait to ask Maximus: "Your Majesty, have your plans been completed?"

Maximus sighed and said, "Unfortunately, it's not finished yet."

Jiaying frowned and asked, "It's not finished yet? Your Majesty, what exactly is your plan?"

Maximus hesitated for a moment and said, "It's very simple, fix Attilan, Drive it to Earth to drop Terrigen Bomb, forcing humans to surrender."

Jiaying thought for a while, then nodded and said, "The method is good, but Your Majesty, why don't you just borrow a spaceship from the Kree?"

Maximus was depressed: "You think I don't want to, they won't let me borrow it."

Jiaying puzzled: "Why?"

At this moment, a partially mechanized Kree walked in and said, "Because there is a strong man on Earth that we can't afford to offend."

Maximus introduced: "This is the general under Ronan the Accuser, Korath the Pursuer."

Jiaying turned to Korath, and then asked, "Are you talking about the Blood God?"

"I don't know who the Blood God is. I'm talking about Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers. Back then, Ronan led a fleet to attack the earth and was defeated by her alone."

Korath said: "So, I can't take action, otherwise, that crazy woman will come after us to avenge the earth."

"There is still such a strong person on earth?"

Jiaying was very shocked. She thought about it and persuaded: "When we conquer the earth, there will be a lot of strong people. At that time, there is no need to be afraid of that Carol Danvers."

Maximus also said: "Yes, I can assure you that Black Bolt is enough to fight that Captain Marvel."

Korath hesitated, shook his head, and said, "I'm sorry, before coming, Ronan gave me clear instructions that I was not allowed to fight, this time the main force can only be your Inhumans, and my mission is to monitor the earth. "

Jiaying puzzled: "Monitor?"

"You don't need to know about this. In short, the Krees will not take action."

Korath shook his head, and turned to leave, Jiaying's eyes flashed, and she said to Maximus: "Your Majesty, Superheroes are terrifying in terms of strength and wisdom."

"Don't worry, I'm not completely unprepared, come with me."

Maximus smiled and took Jiaying to the secret room, where a man with an octopus face was locked. When he saw Jiaying, he said happily, "Hello, my compatriot."

Seeing this man, Jiaying was stunned for a moment, then she backed away in fright, and shouted in shock, "Hive! Your Majesty, why is he here?"

This man is impressively the first generation of Inhuman - Hive, which is the God that HYDRA has always believed in.

Thousands of years ago, Hive was first transformed by the Kree and became the first of Inhumans. Later, humans and Inhumans could not stand his brutal rule and used Kree Monolith to banish him to Maveth.

Hive has been there for thousands of years, and now, he is finally back.

Maximus said: "Of course, I brought him back. With him, we don't need to worry about Black Bolt ."

Jiaying shouted: "Are you crazy? Hive is the mortal enemy of all Inhumans, and he can control Inhumans."

"I know, Crystal and Lockjaw are under his control, otherwise they wouldn't follow my orders to save you." Maximus said with a smile: "Don't worry, his body is densely packed with liquid bombs. As long as I give it a thought, those bombs will explode. At that time, even he will die."

Hive said coldly, "Despicable humans."

Maximus was instantly furious, and he shouted: "I'm an Inhuman, not a human."

Although Maximus is Black Bolt's younger brother and a member of the royal family, he does not have superpowers - Terrigen's mutation failed.

In Attilan, these kinds of non-superhuman beings are called inferior Inhumans.

This is also the reason why Maximus has always hated Black Bolt - Two brothers, one has the strongest superpower, and the other has nothing. Is that fair?

Jiaying was a little surprised, she thought that Maximus had a powerful superpower.

"Is it fun to deceive yourself? No matter how many times you pass through the Mist of Terrigen, you won't become an Inhuman." Hive sneered: "Maximus, you are just a lowly human."

"Believe it or not I'll kill you right away. You bunch of parasite."

Maximus scolded through gritted teeth. The Hive is composed of a group of parasites, and he needs to live on human corpses to survive.

"You won't kill me, if you kill me, who will help you control Black Bolt?"

Hive sneered: "Human, don't give me a chance, otherwise, I will let you know what will happen to the enslaved King of Inhumans."

"Don't worry, I will never give you a chance, stay honest, and I will let you out when needed."

Maximus snorted and turned to leave, Jiaying hurriedly followed, she didn't want to stay there for another second.

Outside, Maximus turned his head and asked Jiaying coldly, "Do you think I am a human or an Inhuman?"

"Of course, you are an Inhuman, as long as there is an Inhuman gene, it is an Inhuman."

Jiaying said with certainty: "Your Majesty, with your wisdom, it doesn't matter whether you have superpowers or not."

"It would be great if everyone else in Attilan was as wise as you."

Maximus sighed and said: "Because I don't have superpowers, I've been scorned a lot, many people are calling me the shame of the royal family behind my back, and people keep trying to drive me to the Mine.

The reason why I grabbed Black Bolt's throne is not that I was greedy for power, I just want to tell everyone that even without superpowers, I can be a King, even better than Black Bolt. "

"I agree with that." Jiaying said: "However, Your Majesty, it is still too dangerous to bring the Hive back. He is the mortal enemy of the Inhumans."

"We need him."

Maximus said: "Without him, we can't fight Black Bolt and the others. Don't worry, I will kill him immediately when the overall situation is settled."

"That's the only way to go." Jiaying sighed, and she asked curiously, "Your Majesty, why is the Hive still alive?"

"Because an organization has been sending people to Maveth."

Maximus sneered: "That organization is called HYDRA, they worship the Hive as a God, but they don't know that it is just a group of disgusting parasites."


Jiaying was stunned and immediately said: "Your Majesty, HYDRA is very powerful among humans. We can use the Hive to make them usable for us."

"That's good."

Maximus nodded, it didn't take long for Hive to contact Gideon Malick - after Hive parasitized others, it would obtain the memory of the other party, so he could contact HYDRA.

Malick paid homage to the Hive on the screen: "My God, welcome back."

Hive said coldly: "Get up, and tell me the information about the earth in detail."


Malick nodded, introduced the situation on Earth in detail, and then said: "My God, your biggest enemy is the Blood God. Fortunately, he is dealing with Dracula at this time, and he can't be away right now."

"No wonder I didn't see the Blood God this time."

Jiaying suddenly realized, if the Blood God was there at that time, it would be impossible for them to escape from the earth.

"Blood God? I don't know what it means. Only I am worthy of being called a God." Hive said coldly: "Activate the power of your HYDRA and wait for my order."

"Yes, my God."

Malick responded, and then the communication ended.

Malick struggled to get up, and Stephanie beside him smiled: "Father, if you believe in the Blood God, at least you don't have to kneel. Blood God hates when others kneel."

Malick scolded: "HYDRA has believed in Hive for thousands of years, and it is impossible to just give up."

"The Hive is just a bunch of disgusting parasites."

Stephanie came over and helped Malick sit down and said, "Father, he is not worthy of our worship. He and the Inhumans will never succeed."

Malick waved his hand and said, "No hurry, look again."

Stephanie was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that her father was not a devout believer of the Hive, he was just betting on both sides.

If the Hive wins, then with this credit, Malick will be able to rise to the top and become the ruler of the new world.

If the Blood God wins and Stephanie is there. Malick can switch sides at any time.

Stephanie exclaimed: "Father, you are really cunning, I always thought you were very religious."

Malick said with a smile: "The Malick family is only devoted to the strong."

Stephanie said frantically: "Father, Blood God is the real powerhouse, and the Hive can't even match his finger."

Malick said: "Blood God is indeed strong, but Inhumans are also not weak, wait and see, daughter, as the head of the family, we can't bet easily."

"Then let's wait and see."

Stephanie sneered secretly, Blood God has returned, whether it is the Hive or the Inhumans, as many come and will many die.

On the moon, Jiaying couldn't wait to say to Maximus: "Your Majesty, we should start the plan while the Blood God is busy."

Maximus said helplessly: "I think so too. The problem is that Attilan has not been repaired."

Jiaying said: "We don't need Attilan, we can directly use the fleet of the Kree Empire."

"Korath won't agree..." Maximus reacted and asked in shock, "Uh, Jiaying, you're not going to attack Korath, are you?"

"Your Majesty, we can't miss this opportunity. When the Blood God returns, even if there is a Hive, we may not be his opponent."

Jiaying said coldly, "As long as we win this battle, Korath and Ronan behind him will forgive us."

Maximus asked: "What if they don't forgive?"

Jiaying said: "Then destroy them and take control of the earth, do we still need to be afraid of the Kree Empire? We Inhumans are the strongest."

Maximus hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth: "Okay, let's fight, everything is for the Inhumans."

In the study, Korath, who was unable to move under the control of the Inhuman, roared: "Maximus, you dare to attack me? Ronan will not let you go."

"He will reward me for capturing the earth for him."

Maximus shrugged and said, "Korath, I forced you, you don't need to take any responsibility."

Korath was stunned for a moment, then he understood what Maximus meant. He thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Carol won't believe it. With her character, she will definitely retaliate wildly."

"It doesn't matter whether she believes it or not. The important thing is that you have no choice, don't you?"

Jiaying said: "Korath, don't force us to control your brain, it will cause permanent damage to you."

Korath gave Jiaying a cold look and said, "I will obey your orders."

"Very well, let's load the ships with Terrigen bombs and head to Earth."

Maximus nodded and said: "In addition, hijack the communication on the earth, I want to talk to my future Inhumans."

"Okay, I hope you can succeed, otherwise, Ronan will not let you go."

Korath picked up the communicator and began to give orders, Maximus said confidently; "I will not fail. Unless human beings want to be exterminated."

"Let's do it, we have the initiative on this battle."

Jiaying said with a grim look: "If It's really impossible, the big deal is to exterminate the human race."

"Destroy the human race?"

Korath was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, these two guys are both lunatics.