Chapter 144 : Preparation

"President, it's not good. Six 100-meter-long spaceships are flying from the moon to the earth. They are coming over so openly. It's obvious that the visitors are not good."

In the White House, a military general reported anxiously, and President Ellis said lightly: "Don't worry, I'll make a call first."

After that, President Ellis picked up the phone and started dialing. Everyone looked at him nervously. The safety of the earth was all tied to this call.

"Mr. Wang... Then I can rest assured. Well, I will inform other countries, Kree and Inhumans, then they must pay the price."

President Ellis nodded again and again. After a while, he put down the phone and said to everyone, "Blood God said that he will take care of those six spaceships."

"Very good."

The crowd cheered, and they breathed a sigh of relief. With the Blood God present, everything is not a problem.

"Okay, contact Wakanda and the other four major countries. When the Blood God finishes the spaceship, we will attack the moon."

President Ellis clapped his hands and said, "General, are our troops ready?"

The military representative immediately said loudly: "War lizards, five battle armors, thirty unmanned battle armors, and two hundred Weaker Abominations, all ready to go."

President Ellis nodded and said: "Very good, let the TV broadcast the expedition ceremony for a while."

A staff member asked: "President, where is the expedition ceremony held?"

"In the square in front of the White House, Blood God will send the troops from other countries and Wakanda ships."

President Ellis said: "This is the first time humans have engaged in space warfare, and there must be no mistakes."

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes."

At this moment, the TV in front of President Ellis suddenly became blurry, and everyone was stunned. Isn't this scene too familiar?

The next moment, the picture was restored, and a sullen face appeared on the TV and said to everyone: "Hello, people on Earth, I am your neighbor, Maximus, the king of the Inhuman Kingdom on the Moon.

I am here, officially declaring war on the earth, the earth has an hour to surrender, if not, I will launch Terrigen Bombs and destroy all human beings. "


The audience in front of the TV was dumbfounded, what's the situation? Is this a prank, or real?

At this moment, the picture changed, and six hundred-meter-long spaceships appeared on the screen, and below the spaceships was the earth.

Immediately afterward, the description of the obelisk began to appear on the TV - ordinary people will petrify when they touch it, and only Inhumans can be safe.

"To show you what you're dealing with, I decided to drop a Terrigen Bomb at a city on Earth. At that time, all human beings except the Inhumans will be petrified."

Maximus appeared again, and he said coldly: "Governments of all countries, keep your eyes open, and then surrender obediently."


The people of New York cursed in unison. Needless to say, if something bad happens, it must be in New York.

People in other cities were calm because they thought the target of the missile was definitely gonna be New York.

Maximus continued: "I choose, Los Angeles, Missile, Launch."

Accompanied by the voice of Maximus, a special missile was launched from the spacecraft, with a long tail blasting toward Los Angeles!

"Sure enough, it's our New York again, eh, wait, Los Angeles?"

The people of New York and Los Angeles were shocked, why not New York, but Los Angeles?

This is unscientific.

"Los Angeles? Fuck, Pepper's still in the villa."

Tony was shocked and quickly controlled the unmanned armor to escape with Pepper. At the same time, the citizens of Los Angeles fled the city frantically.

"How could it be possible to escape in time? Just wait for this to be recorded in the annals of history. At that time, I will deeply mourn you."

On Attilan, Maximus said with a smile while holding a glass of wine.

Just when Maximus was proud. A hundred-meter-long fiery red dragon rose into the sky along with a roar that shook the whole city, opened its mouth, and swallowed the falling missile.

The citizens of Los Angeles were stunned for a moment and then cheered loudly. The dragon of New York came to protect them in Los Angeles.

It is conceivable that in the future, many Los Angeles people will join the Dragon God Cult.


Maximus shouted in disbelief: "How is this possible, didn't the dragon appear only in New York and Washington?"

That's why Maximus didn't choose New York.

Jiaying shouted: "Your Majesty, the Blood God may have returned. Wipe out the human race."

Maximus gritted his teeth and shouted to Korath next to him: "Korath, let those spaceships launch all Terrigen Bombs."

Korath frowned, and just as he was about to give an order, the captain of the spaceship suddenly shouted, "Someone appeared in front of us."

Everyone turned their heads in astonishment and saw a man with blood all over his body, floating in front of the six spaceships.

Compared to the spaceships, this person was very small, but when she saw this person, Jiaying shouted in despair: "No, the Blood God is back."

"Fire the cannon and kill him."

Maximus shouted frantically, and Korath was shocked, what happened to these two people, to give such a big reaction?

Korath didn't think much about it, and gave the order directly: "Fire."


The six spaceships were about to fire when Bert stretched out his hand and lifted it gently. At the same time, all the Kree people in the spaceships felt that the blood in their bodies became uncontrollable and flowed in their bodies at an astonishing speed.

Immediately afterward, the violent blood rushed out of Kree's mouth and gathered into a blue blood sphere in the air.

bang bang bang..., All the Kree people in the six ships fell to the ground and died.

Blood God's special magic - Blood Control!


Bert smiled disdainfully, waved his hand, and all the six spaceships disappeared.

Looking at the screen that suddenly went black, whether it was Maximus, Jiaying, or Korath, they all felt like falling into an ice cellar.

Jiaying and Maximus knew that the Blood God was very strong, but they never thought that it would be so strong. Saying, 'He solved six spaceships easily' was an understatement, this was more like crushing six ants.

"There are still humans as powerful as Carol on Earth."

Korath swallowed and said, "Maximus, we will leave the solar system immediately and come back in the future."

"I'm not going, I'm the king of the Inhuman kingdom, and I'm going to defend Attilan."

Maximus said grimly: "What about the Blood God? I don't believe he can fight the Inhumans in the city."

Jiaying also shouted: "That's right, I'll fight him."

Korath sighed helplessly, and said, "Okay, I'll start the main ship and fight to the death."

Maximus glanced at Korath and said, "I'll send someone with you."

Korath snorted and turned to leave. Maximus took a deep breath and said slowly, "Jiaying, gather the people and prepare for a decisive battle."

Jiaying nodded and said, "Yes, King."

"Very good."

Seeing that the six spaceships were all resolved by the Blood God, the governments of various countries cheered, and sure enough, the Blood God was as reliable as ever.

The staff reminded: "President, you should prepare your speech."


President Ellis nodded. At this moment, a military general came over and said, "President, those spaceships..."

The president gave the general a speechless look. You tell me to be on guard against the Blood God every day, but as soon as it was beneficial, you immediately jumped out to ask for it. How thick-skinned are you?

"When I meet the Blood God, I will ask."

President Ellis said, and then he got up and went to the press conference.

"I want to tell everyone a piece of good news. The six spaceships of the Kree Empire and the Inhuman Kingdom have all been resolved."

President Ellis said with a smile: "That is, the planet is safe."

"Very good!"

The reporters cheered, and one reporter asked suspiciously, "Mr. President, have you really solved it? That's a spaceship!"

"I can tell you with certainty that it has been resolved."

President Ellis didn't say much, and moved directly to the next topic: "The Kree Empire and the Inhuman Kingdom invaded the earth for no reason and intended to destroy human beings. It is an unforgivable sin.

Here, on behalf of the United Nations, I officially declare war on the Inhuman Kingdom. "

The reporters were stunned when they heard this, and one reporter asked inexplicably, "Mr. President, what's the point of declaring war on the Inhuman Kingdom? We can't beat them?"

President Ellis said: "Who said we can't beat them? Our superheroes and troops are preparing to land on the moon to attack the kingdom of Inhumans."

The reporters and the audience in front of the TV were in an uproar. The reporters kept asking: "Mr. President, is what you said true? Are we going to land on the moon to attack the kingdom of Inhumans?"

"Impossible, how can we have such technology? "

"Wakanda has such technology." President Ellis said: "Half an hour later, the expedition ceremony will be held in the White House Square. Wakanda and the five major countries will send their troops."

After finishing speaking, President Ellis turned and left, and the White House spokesperson came out and said, "If you are interested, you can wait at the gate of the White House. The expedition ceremony will begin soon."

Although the White House spokesperson often lied, this time, he did not. Half an hour later, the military of the five major countries and the superheroes all appeared in the White House Square.

The five major countries sent not many troops this time, only more than a thousand people in total, but each of them was a real elite - Enhanced Soldiers, little abominations, power armors, mechanical exoskeletons, Inhumans, and so on.

This coalition is the core strength of the Five Major Countries!

"So many high techs, so many enhanced people, so many superheroes?"

The reporters and the audience were in an uproar, the five major countries were playing for real this time.

In other words, are they really going to land on the moon to attack the Inhuman Kingdom?

A reporter said excitedly: "At this historic moment, mankind is about to engage in the first space war."

Different from other reporters, a host appeared directly in the middle of the expedition ceremony. She took the microphone and said to the audience: "Hello everyone, I'm Trish Walker, this time, I will go to the moon with the army to conduct interviews and filming... …"

"It's Trish Walker again."

Countless media cursed, how strong is this woman's backing, she can even get in on this occasion.

Trish thought, 'what about that, even the president has to smile at me, okay?'

A reporter shouted outside: "Mr. President, where's Wakanda? Haven't they come yet?"

"They've already arrived."

President Ellis pointed to the top, everyone looked up, but only saw a blue sky and white clouds. At this moment, a huge spaceship appeared out of thin air and slowly landed on the White House Square.

The crowd exclaimed: "Wow, isn't this stealth ability too strong?"

Then, the spaceship opened, and King Erickof Wakanda walked out with Dora Milajes and said to President Ellis and the four holographic projections: "Wakanda is here to join the alliance."


President Ellis nodded and said, "I am here to nominate Wakanda for the sixth permanent seat."

The four holographic projections said at the same time: "We agree."


The audience was in an uproar, this is shocking news, the five major countries are about to become the six major countries.

"Thank you." Eric said: "Wakanda will guard the earth with you."

"Down with invaders and defend the earth."

All the soldiers shouted in unison, and President Ellis and others nodded in satisfaction and began to deliver speeches.

Inside the spaceship, Jessica yawned and said, "Why do they have to give a speech before going to battle, aren't they tired?"

Electro asked: "Did you drink again last night?"

Jessica said: "How do I know that I'm going to hit the moon today? I hope I won't spit it out in a while."

Everyone was speechless, Spider-Man walked up to Bert who was reading a book, and asked nervously: "Mr. Wang, I wanted to ask you, can Harry recover?"

Bert stared at the book and said without raising his head: "Yes, it's easy, but only if the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau agrees, I will help him recover."

Spider-Man said happily: "No problem. Harry killed all mercenaries, so he intends to disperse his family's wealth to compensate them. At that time, the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau will treat him lightly."

"We'll discuss it later!" Bert said.

Spider-Man did not dare to disturb him. After thanking him, he turned around and left.

Spider-Man thought to himself: "I feel that Mr. Wang is a lot more indifferent."

At this moment, Steve walked in with a group of superheroes. He glanced around, walked to Bert, and said with a smile, "Bert, long time no see."

Bert still didn't look up, and said lightly, "It won't be long."

Steve was a little surprised, why was Bert so indifferent?

Tony, who came over, took a few glances at Bert and said dissatisfiedly: "Bert, at such an important time, you actually sent a clone over?"


Everyone was stunned, Bert finally raised his head and asked curiously, "How do you know that I'm just a clone?"

"Because you don't have much popularity." Tony said: "Hurry up and call your body, this is not the time to joke."

"Tony." Steve motioned to Tony to take it easy, and he asked, "Bert, is Dracula's matter still unfinished?"

"No, Dracula has already been solved."

Bert shook his head, and stretched out his hand to open a space portal, everyone looked inside and found that someone was wearing floral pants and playing volleyball with a group of bikini beauties, He was so happy.

Clone Bert said blankly, "That's why he didn't come."

At this moment, the main body Bert sensed something, glanced at the sky, and then pointed his middle finger to close the space portal.